139 resultados para alternative splicing


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have a central role in the regulation of gene expression, which undergoes alternative splicing during embryonic stem cell (ES) cell differentiation. Alternative splicing gives rise to vast diversity over gene information, arousing public concerns in the last decade. In this chapter, we describe a strategy to detect HDAC7 alternative splicing and analyze its function on ES cell differentiation.


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have a central role in the regulation of gene expression. Here we investigated whether HDAC7 has an impact on embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells (SMCs). ES cells were seeded on collagen-IV-coated flasks and cultured in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor in differentiation medium to induce SMC differentiation. Western blots and double-immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that HDAC7 has a parallel expression pattern with SMC marker genes. In ex vivo culture of embryonic cells from SM22-LacZ transgenic mice, overexpression of HDAC7 significantly increased beta-galactosidase-positive cell numbers and enzyme activity, indicating its crucial role in SMC differentiation during embryonic development. We found that HDAC7 undergoes alternative splicing during ES cell differentiation. Platelet-derived growth factor enhanced ES cell differentiation into SMCs through upregulation of HDAC7 splicing. Further experiments revealed that HDAC7 splicing induced SMC differentiation through modulation of the SRF-myocardin complex. These findings suggest that HDAC7 splicing is important for SMC differentiation and vessel formation in embryonic development.


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Septins are an evolutionarily conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins that belong to the large superclass of P-loop GTPases. While originally discovered in yeast as cell division cycle mutants with cytokinesis defects, they are now known to have diverse cellular roles which include polarity determination, cytoskeletal reorganization, membrane dynamics, vesicle trafficking, and exocytosis. Septin proteins form homo- and hetero-oligomeric polymers which can assemble into higher-order filaments. They are also known to interact with components of the cytoskeleton, ie actin and tubulin. The precise role of GTP binding is not clear but a current model suggests that it is associated with conformational changes which alter binding to other proteins. There are at least 12 human septin genes, and although information on expression patterns is limited, most undergo complex alternative splicing with some degree of tissue specificity. Nevertheless, an increasing body of data implicates the septin family in the pathogenesis of diverse disease states including neoplasia, neurodegenerative conditions, and infections. Here the known biochemical properties of mammalian septins are reviewed in the light of the data from yeast and other model organisms. The data implicating septins in human disease are considered and a model linking these data is proposed. It is posited that septins can act as regulatable scaffolds where the stoichiometry of septin associations, modifications, GTP status, and the interactions with other proteins allow the regulation of key cellular processes including polarity determination. Derangements of such septin scaffolds thus explain the role of septins in disease states. Copyright © 2004 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.


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Schistosoma mansoni is responsible for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis that affects 210 million people in 76 countries. Here we present analysis of the 363 megabase nuclear genome of the blood fluke. It encodes at least 11,809 genes, with an unusual intron size distribution, and new families of micro-exon genes that undergo frequent alternative splicing. As the first sequenced flatworm, and a representative of the Lophotrochozoa, it offers insights into early events in the evolution of the animals, including the development of a body pattern with bilateral symmetry, and the development of tissues into organs. Our analysis has been informed by the need to find new drug targets. The deficits in lipid metabolism that make schistosomes dependent on the host are revealed, and the identification of membrane receptors, ion channels and more than 300 proteases provide new insights into the biology of the life cycle and new targets. Bioinformatics approaches have identified metabolic chokepoints, and a chemogenomic screen has pinpointed schistosome proteins for which existing drugs may be active. The information generated provides an invaluable resource for the research community to develop much needed new control tools for the treatment and eradication of this important and neglected disease.


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One important mechanism of membrane ion channels regulation involves their non-functional isoforms generated by alternative splicing. However, knowledge of such isoforms for the members of transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels remains quite limited. This study focuses on TRPM member, TRPM8, which functions as a cold receptor in sensory neurons, but is also expressed in tissues not exposed to ambient temperatures, as well as in cancer tissues. We report the cloning from prostate cancer cells of new short-splice variants of TRPM8, termed short TRPM8a (sM8a) and short TRPM8ß (sM8ß). Our results show that both variants are in a closed configuration with the C-terminal tail of the full-size TRPM8 chan-nel, resulting in stabilization of its closed state and thus reducing both its cold sensitivity and its activity. Our findings, therefore, uncover a new mode of the regulation of TRPM8 channel by its splice variants.


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Nicastrin (NCSTN) is a component of the ?-secretase complex and therefore potentially a candidate risk gene for Alzheimer's disease. Here, we have developed a novel functional genomics methodology to express common locus haplotypes to assess functional differences. DNA recombination was used to engineer 5 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) to each express a different haplotype of the NCSTN locus. Each NCSTN-BAC was delivered to knockout nicastrin (Ncstn(-/-)) cells and clonal NCSTN-BAC(+)/Ncstn(-/-) cell lines were created for functional analyses. We showed that all NCSTN-BAC haplotypes expressed nicastrin protein and rescued ?-secretase activity and amyloid beta (Aß) production in NCSTN-BAC(+)/Ncstn(-/-) lines. We then showed that genetic variation at the NCSTN locus affected alternative splicing in human postmortem brain tissue. However, there was no robust functional difference between clonal cell lines rescued by each of the 5 different haplotypes. Finally, there was no statistically significant association of NCSTN with disease risk in the 4 cohorts. We therefore conclude that it is unlikely that common variation at the NCSTN locus is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.


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DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) 3A and DNMT3B are both active de novo DNA methyltransferases required for development, whereas DNMT3L, which has no demonstrable methyltransferase activity, is required for methylation of imprinted genes in the oocyte. We show here that different mechanisms are used to restrict access by these proteins to their targets during germ cell development. Transcriptional control of the Dnmt3l promoter guarantees that message is low or absent except during periods of de novo activity. Use of an alternative promoter at the Dnmt3a locus produces the shorter Dnmt3a2 transcript in the germ line and postimplantation embryo only, whereas alternative splicing of the Dnmt3b transcript ensures that Dnmt3b1 is absent in the male prospermatogonia. Control of subcellular protein localization is a common theme for DNMT3A and DNMT3B, as proteins were seen in the nucleus only when methylation was occurring. These mechanisms converge to ensure that the only time that functional products from each locus are present in the germ cell nuclei is around embryonic day 17.5 in males and after birth in the growing oocytes in females.


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The splicing factor SF3B1 is the most frequently mutated gene in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and is strongly associated with the presence of ring sideroblasts (RS). We have performed a systematic analysis of cryptic splicing abnormalities from RNA sequencing data on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) of SF3B1-mutant MDS cases with RS. Aberrant splicing events in many downstream target genes were identified and cryptic 3' splice site usage was a frequent event in SF3B1-mutant MDS. The iron transporter ABCB7 is a well-recognized candidate gene showing marked downregulation in MDS with RS. Our analysis unveiled aberrant ABCB7 splicing, due to usage of an alternative 3' splice site in MDS patient samples, giving rise to a premature termination codon in the ABCB7 mRNA. Treatment of cultured SF3B1-mutant MDS erythroblasts and a CRISPR/Cas9-generated SF3B1-mutant cell line with the nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) inhibitor cycloheximide showed that the aberrantly spliced ABCB7 transcript is targeted by NMD. We describe cryptic splicing events in the HSCs of SF3B1-mutant MDS, and our data support a model in which NMD-induced downregulation of the iron exporter ABCB7 mRNA transcript resulting from aberrant splicing caused by mutant SF3B1 underlies the increased mitochondrial iron accumulation found in MDS patients with RS.Leukemia advance online publication, 17 June 2016; doi:10.1038/leu.2016.149.


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The Ov/Br septin gene, which is also a fusion partner of MLL in acute myeloid leukaemia, is a member of a family of novel GTP binding proteins that have been implicated in cytokinesis and exocytosis. In this study, we describe the genomic and transcriptional organization of this gene, detailing seventeen exons distributed over 240 kb of sequence. Extensive database analyses identified orthologous rodent cDNAs that corresponded to new, unidentified 5' splice variants of the Ov/Br septin gene, increasing the total number of such variants to six. We report that splicing events, occurring at non-canonical sites within the body of the 3' terminal exon, remove either 1801 bp or 1849 bp of non-coding sequence and facilitate access to a secondary open reading frame of 44 amino acids maintained near the end of the 3' UTR. These events constitute a novel coding arrangement and represent the first report of such a design being implemented by a eukaryotic gene. The various Ov/Br proteins either differ minimally at their amino and carboxy termini or are equivalent to truncated versions of larger isoforms. Northern analysis with an Ov/Br septin 3' UTR probe reveals three transcripts of 4.4, 4 and 3 kb, the latter being restricted to a sub-set of the tissues tested. Investigation of the identified Ov/Br septin isoforms by RT-PCR confirms a complex transcriptional pattern, with several isoforms showing tissue-specific distribution. To date, none of the other human septins have demonstrated such transcriptional complexity.


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Objective To present a first and second trimester Down syndrome screening strategy, whereby second-trimester marker determination is contingent on the first-trimester results. Unlike non-disclosure sequential screening (the Integrated test), which requires all women to have markers in both trimesters, this allows a large proportion of the women to complete screening in the first trimester. Methods Two first-trimester risk cut-offs defined three types of results: positive and referred for early diagnosis; negative with screening complete; and intermediate, needing second-trimester markers. Multivariate Gaussian modelling with Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate the false-positive rate for a fixed 85% detection rate. The false-positive rate was evaluated for various early detection rates and early test completion rates. Model parameters were taken from the SURUSS trial. Results Completion of screening in the first trimester for 75% of women resulted in a 30% early detection rate and a 55% second trimester detected rate (net 85%) with a false-positive rate only 0.1% above that achievable by the Integrated test. The screen-positive rate was 0.1% in the first trimester and 4.7% for those continuing to be tested in the second trimester. If the early detection rate were to be increased to 45% or the early completion rate were to be increased to 80%, there would be a further 0.1% increase in the false-positive rate. Conclusion Contingent screening can achieve results comparable with the Integrated test but with earlier completion of screening for most women. Both strategies need to be evaluated in large-scale prospective studies particularly in relation to psychological impact and practicability.