188 resultados para TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS


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The effects of electron correlation and second-order terms on theoretical total cross sections of transfer ionization in collisions of the helium atom with fast H+, He2+ and Li3+ ions are studied and reported. The total cross sections are calculated using highly correlated wavefunctions with expansion of the transition amplitude in the Born series through the second order. The results of these calculations are in sensible agreement with experimental data.


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A FORTRAN 90 program is presented which calculates the total cross sections, and the electron energy spectra of the singly and doubly differential cross sections for the single target ionization of neutral atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon. The code is applicable for the case of both high and low Z projectile impact in fast ion-atom collisions. The theoretical models provided for the program user are based on two quantum mechanical approximations which have proved to be very successful in the study of ionization in ion-atom collisions. These are the continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) and continuum-distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state (CDW-EIS) approximations. The codes presented here extend previously published. codes for single ionization of. target hydrogen [Crothers and McCartney, Comput. Phys. Commun. 72 (1992) 288], target helium [Nesbitt, O'Rourke and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 114 (1998) 385] and target atoms ranging from lithium to neon [O'Rourke, McSherry and Crothers, Comput. Phys. Commun. 131 (2000) 129]. Cross sections for all of these target atoms may be obtained as limiting cases from the present code. Title of program: ARGON Catalogue identifier: ADSE Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/cpc/summaries/ADSE Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: none Computer for which the program is designed and others on which it is operable: Computers: Four by 200 MHz Pro Pentium Linux server, DEC Alpha 21164; Four by 400 MHz Pentium 2 Xeon 450 Linux server, IBM SP2 and SUN Enterprise 3500 Installations: Queen's University, Belfast Operating systems under which the program has been tested: Red-hat Linux 5.2, Digital UNIX Version 4.0d, AIX, Solaris SunOS 5.7 Compilers: PGI workstations, DEC CAMPUS Programming language used: FORTRAN 90 with MPI directives No. of bits in a word: 64, except on Linux servers 32 Number of processors used: any number Has the code been vectorized or parallelized? Parallelized using MPI No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 32 189 Distribution format: tar gzip file Keywords: Single ionization, cross sections, continuum-distorted-wave model, continuum- distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state model, target atoms, wave treatment Nature of physical problem: The code calculates total, and differential cross sections for the single ionization of target atoms ranging from hydrogen up to and including argon by both light and heavy ion impact. Method of solution: ARGON allows the user to calculate the cross sections using either the CDW or CDW-EIS [J. Phys. B 16 (1983) 3229] models within the wave treatment. Restrictions on the complexity of the program: Both the CDW and CDW-EIS models are two-state perturbative approximations. Typical running time: Times vary according to input data and number of processors. For one processor the test input data for double differential cross sections (40 points) took less than one second, whereas the test input for total cross sections (20 points) took 32 minutes. Unusual features of the program: none (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Simple electron capture processes are studied using an orthonormal two state continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) basis. The suitability of the basis set is tested by comparing predictions for total and differential cross sections with available experimental data. Overall good agreement is obtained and the authors conclude that a relatively small CDW basis set may be suitable to model a wide variety of low-energy collisions if the members of this extended set are astutely chosen.


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The eigenphase formulation of Blatt and Biedenharn is applied to fine-structure transitions in *P atoms colliding with ‘S perturbers. Consideration is given to the limit of weak spin-orbit interaction. If the eigenphases are equal to the phaseshifts for elastic scattering by the molecular potentials then the expression for the total cross section reduces to the expression derived in the elastic approximation. However, a numerical comparison for the Li(2p ’P) + He(’S) system shows that the elastic molecular phaseshifts are not good approximations to the eigenphases. Hence the elastic approximation cannot be reliable.


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X-ray emission from a comet was observed for the first time in 1996. One of the mechanisms believed to be contributing to this surprisingly strong emission is the interaction of highly charged solar wind ions with cometary gases. Reported herein are total absolute charge-exchange and normalized line-emission (X-ray) cross sections for collisions of high-charge state (+3 to +10) C, N, O, and Ne ions with the cometary species H2O and CO2. It is found that in several cases the double charge-exchange cross sections can be large, and in the case of C3+ they are equal to those for single charge exchange. Present results are compared to cross section values used in recent comet models. The importance of applying accurate cross sections, including double charge exchange, to obtain absolute line-emission intensities is emphasized.


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Using two complementary experimental methods, we have measured partial (mass-resolved) cross-sections for dissociative electron attachment to the molecule trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF5CF3) at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K over a broad range of electron energies (E = 0.001-12 eV). The absolute scale for these cross-sections was obtained with reference to the thermal (T = 300 K) rate coefficient for anion formation (8.0(3) x 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1)). Below 1 eV, SF5- is the dominant product anion and formed through the lowest anion state which cuts the neutral SF5CF3 potential close to the S-C equilibrium distance. The highly resolved laser photoelectron attachment data exhibit a downward Wigner cusp at 86meV, indicating that the nu(4)(alpha(1)) vibrational mode is important for the primary attachment dynamics. Both SF5- and F- anions are formed with similar yields through the first excited resonance located near 3.6eV. Towards higher energies, the anions CF3-, SF4-, and SF3- are also produced. Summation of the partial cross-sections yields a total absolute cross-section for anion formation over the energy range 0.001-12 eV. This is used to calculate the dependence of the rate coefficient for dissociative electron attachment over a broad range of electron temperatures for the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K; good agreement is found between the calculated values and those obtained in a drift tube experiment. In addition to the experimental work, semiempirical R-matrix calculations have been Carried out for the energy dependence of the cross-section for SF5- formation. The experimental findings are semi-quantitatively recovered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reported are total, absolute charge-exchange cross sections for collisions of 3He(2+) ions with He and H-2. Measurements are reported at fixed energies between 0.33 and 4.67 keV/amu. Both the present results and earlier results of others are analyzed in terms of available experimental small-angle differential cross sections as a function of collision energy, and hence the geometry of the exit aperture of the gas-collision cells used by the various experimental groups. In addition, the effective length of gas-collision cells is studied using fluid dynamic and molecular flow simulations to address the density patterns near the cell entrance and exit apertures. When small acceptance-angle corrections were applied, the results of present and previous measurements for the single electron capture in these systems were brought into good accord in the relevant energy ranges. Taken in their entirety, the present data for 3He(2+) with He and H-2 lend themselves to new theoretical calculations of the multichannel charge-exchange cross sections.


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We have measured mass spectra for positive ions for low-energy electron impact on thymine using a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Using computer controlled data acquisition, mass spectra have been acquired for electron impact energies up to 100 eV in steps of 0.5 eV. Ion yield curves for most of the fragment ions have been determined by fitting groups of adjacent peaks in the mass spectra with sequences of normalized Gaussians. The ion yield curves have been normalized by comparing the sum of the ion yields to the average of calculated total ionization cross sections. Appearance energies have been determined. The nearly equal appearance energies of 83 u and 55 u observed in the present work strongly indicate that near threshold the 55 u ion is formed directly by the breakage of two bonds in the ring, rather than from a successive loss of HNCO and CO from the parent ion. Likewise 54 u is not formed by CO loss from 82 u. The appearance energies are in a number of cases consistent with the loss of one or more hydrogen atoms from a heavier fragment, but 70 u is not formed by hydrogen loss from 71 u.


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The transfer ionization process offers a unique opportunity to study radial and angular electron correlations in the helium atom. We report calculations for the multiple differential cross sections of the transfer ionization process p + He --> H + He++ + e(-). The results of these calculations demonstrate the strong sensitivity of the fully differential cross sections to fine details of electron correlation in the target atom. Specifically, angular electron correlation in the ground state of helium results in a broad peak in the electron emission spectra in the backward direction, relative to the incoming beam. Our model explains some of the key effects observed in measurements of multiple differential cross sections using the COLTRIMS technique.