368 resultados para Systematics


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The nonrecombinant, uniparentally inherited nature of organelle genomes
makes them useful tools for evolutionary studies. However, in plants, detecting
useful polymorphism at the population level is often difficult because of the
low level of substitutions in the chloroplast genome, and because of the slow
substitution rates and intramolecular recombination of mtDNA. Chloroplast
microsatellites represent potentially useful markers to circumvent this problem
and, to date, studies have demonstrated high levels of intraspecific variability.
Here,we discuss the use of these markers in ecological and evolutionary
studies of plants, as well as highlighting some of the potential problems
associated with such use.


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The photometric and spectroscopic properties of 26 well-observed Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) were analyzed with the aim of exploring SN Ia diversity. The sample includes (Branch) normal SNe, as well as extreme events such as SN 1991T and SN 1991bg, while the truly peculiar SNe Ia, SN 2000cx and SN 2002cx, are not included in our sample. A statistical treatment reveals the existence of three different groups. The first group (FAINT) consists of faint SNe Ia similar to SN 1991bg, with low expansion velocities and rapid evolution of Si II velocity. A second group consists of normal SNe Ia, also with high temporal velocity gradient (HVG), but with brighter mean absolute magnitude =-19.3 and higher expansion velocities than the FAINT SNe. The third group includes both normal and SN 1991T-like SNe Ia: these SNe populate a narrow strip in the Si II velocity evolution plot, with a low-velocity gradient (LVG), but have absolute magnitudes similar to HVGs. While the FAINT and HVG SNe Ia together seem to define a relation between R(Si II) and ���m15(B), the LVG SNe either do not conform to that relation or define a new, looser one. The R(Si II) premaximum evolution of HVGs is strikingly different from that of LVGs. We discuss the impact of this evidence on the understanding of SN Ia diversity, in terms of explosion mechanisms, degree of ejecta mixing, and ejecta-circumstellar material interaction.


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Morphological investigations identified 11 Ceramium Roth species, of the 18 previously reported from Brazil. Phylogenetic analyses of sequences of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene confirmed the presence of seven of these species. Three other species are reported from Brazil for the first time. Ceramium affine Setchell & Gardner and C. filicula Harvey ex Womersley were previously known only from the Pacific Ocean (Mexico and Australia, respectively). A new species, C. fujianum Barros-Barreto et Maggs sp. nov., is described here. Its general habit is similar to that of C. strictum sensu Harvey from Europe but it has one less periaxial cell than C. strictum; its cortical filament arrangement is closest to C. deslongchampsii Chauvin ex Duby, also from Europe, but whorled tetrasporangia partially covered by cortical cells differ strikingly from the naked protruding tetrasporangia of C. deslongchampsii. Ceramium species in which each periaxial cell cuts off transversely only a single basipetal cell formed a robust clade. The genus Ceramium as represented in Brazil is not monophyletic with respect to Centroceras Kutzing and Corallophila Weber-van Bosse; Ceramium nitens, which has axial cells completely covered by rounded cortical cells formed by acropetal and basipetal filaments, did not group with any Ceramium clade but was weakly allied to a species of Corallophila. All three Brazilian Centroceras sequences were attributed to a single species, C. clavulatum.


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The genus Asparagopsis was studied using 25 Falkenbergia tetrasporophyte strains collected worldwide. Plastid (cp) DNA RFLP revealed three groups of isolates, which differed in their small subunit rRNA gene sequences, temperature responses, and tetrasporophytic morphology (cell sizes). Strains from Australia, Chile, San Diego, and Atlantic and Mediterranean Europe were identifiable as A. armata Harvey, the gametophyte of which has distinctive barbed spines. This species is believed to be endemic to cold-temperate waters of Australia and New Zealand and was introduced into Europe in the 1920s. All isolates showed identical cpDNA RFLPs, consistent with a recent introduction from Australia. Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan, the type and only other recognized species, which lacks spines, is cosmopolitan in warm-temperate to tropical waters. Two clades differed morphologically and ecophysiologically and in the future could be recognized as sibling species or subspecies. A Pacific/Italian clade had 4-8degrees C lower survival minima and included a genetically distinct apomictic isolate from Western Australia that corresponded to the form of A. taxiformis originally described as A. sanfordiana Harvey. The second clade, from the Caribbean and the Canaries, is stenothermal (subtropical to tropical) with some ecotypic variation. The genus Asparagopsis consists of two or possibly three species, but a definitive taxonomic treatment of the two A. taxiformis clades requires study of field-collected gametophytes.


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The microfilamentous green alga Uronema curvatum is widely distributed along the western and eastern coasts of the north Atlantic Ocean where it typically grows on crustose red algae and on haptera of kelps in subtidal habitats. The placement of this marine species in a genus of freshwater Chlorophyceae had been questioned. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear-encoded small and large subunit rDNA sequences reveal that U. curvatum is closely related to the ulvophycean order Cladophorales, with which it shares a number of morphological features, including a siphonocladous level of organization and zoidangial development. The divergent phylogenetic position of U. curvatum, sister to the rest of the Cladophorales, along with a combination of distinctive morphological features, such as the absence of pyrenoids, the diminutive size of the unbranched filaments and the discoid holdfast, warrants the recognition of a separate genus, Okellya, within a new family of Cladophorales, Okellyaceae. The epiphytic Urospora microscopica from Norway, which has been allied with U. curvatum, is revealed as a member of the cladophoralean genus Chaetomorpha and is herein transferred to that genus as C. norvegica nom. nov.


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Contests between rivals placing similar value on the resource at stake are commonly won by the rival having greater 'resource holding potential' (RHP). Mutual assessment of RHP difference between rivals is usually expected as an economical means of resolution; weaker rivals can retreat when they detect their relative inferiority, thereby avoiding costly, futile persistence. Models of contest resolution that entail retreat decisions based on estimates of RHP difference predict that contest duration diminishes as RHP difference between rivals increases because the asymmetry is more readily detected. This prediction appears to have been fulfilled in contests of diverse taxa, generating widespread support for assessment of RHP differences in contests. But few studies have considered alternatives in which each rival simply persists in accord with its own RHP ('own RHP-dependent persistence'). In contests decided by own RHP-dependent persistence, in which costs accrue only through each rival's own actions, weaker rivals retreat first because they are inherently less persistent, and contest duration depends primarily on the weaker (losing) rival's RHP rather than RHP difference between the rivals. We show here that the analyses most commonly used to detect effects of RHP difference cannot discriminate between these alternatives. Because RHP difference between rivals tends to be correlated with RHP of the weaker rival in a pair, a negative relation between RHP difference and contest duration may be generated even when decisions of retreat are not based on estimated RHP difference. Many studies purporting to show a negative relation between RHP difference and contest duration may actually reflect an incidental association between weaker rival RHP and RHP difference. We suggest statistical and experimental approaches that may help to discriminate between effects of weaker rival RHP and true effects of RHP difference. We also discuss whether 'true' negative effects of RHP difference on contest duration always reflect retreat decisions based on estimated RHP differences. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.