18 resultados para Spatial interaction


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This paper will discuss the issues of spatial segregation in the divided city context,focusing on Belfast as a case study it will discuss, issues that limit the inclusivity of shared space in the city, the challenge of insular spatial patterns created by division, and the micro politics of everyday contact. It will argue the significance of creating everyday space to enable practical socio-spatial interaction between divided groups and propose that areas on community borders can be developed as active spaces accommodating services that the communities need, use, and want on an everyday basis, by doing so it offers a potential form valuable contact. It will report on an ongoing study which examines such sites located on community border and assesses their capacity to act as beneficial ‘spaces of engagement’ for communities set within divided context.


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We consider how three firms compete in a Salop location model and how cooperation in location choice by two of these firms affects the outcomes. We con- sider the classical case of linear transportation costs as a two-stage game in which the firms select first a location on a unit circle along which consumers are dispersed evenly, followed by the competitive selection of a price. Standard analysis restricts itself to purely competitive selection of location; instead, we focus on the situation in which two firms collectively decide about location, but price their products competitively after the location choice has been effectuated. We show that such partial coordination of location is beneficial to all firms, since it reduces the number of equilibria significantly and, thereby, the resulting coordination problem. Subsequently, we show that the case of quadratic transportation costs changes the main conclusions only marginally.


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We examine hypotheses for the neural basis of the profile of visual cognition in young children with Williams syndrome (WS). These are: (a) that it is a consequence of anomalies in sensory visual processing; (b) that it is a deficit of the dorsal relative to the ventral cortical stream; (c) that it reflects deficit of frontal function, in particular of fronto-parietal interaction; (d) that it is related to impaired function in the right hemisphere relative to the left. The tests reported here are particularly relevant to (b) and (c). They form part of a more extensive programme of investigating visual, visuospatial, and cognitive function in large group of children with WS children, aged 8 months to 15 years. To compare performance across tests, avoiding floor and ceiling effects, we have measured performance in children with WS in terms of the ‘age equivalence’ for typically developing children. In this paper the relation between dorsal and ventral function was tested by motion and form coherence thresholds respectively. We confirm the presence of a subgroup of children with WS who perform particularly poorly on the motion (dorsal) task. However, such performance is also characteristic of normally developingchildren up to 5 years: thus the WS performance may reflect an overall persisting immaturity of visuospatial processing which is particularly evident in the dorsal stream. Looking at the performance on the global coherence tasks of the entire WS group, we find that there is also a subgroup who have both high form and motion coherence thresholds, relative to the performance of children of the same chronological age and verbal age on the BPVS, suggesting a more general global processing deficit. Frontal function was tested by a counterpointing task, ability to retrieve a ball from a ‘detour box’, and the Stroop-like ‘day-night’ task, all of which require inhibition of a familiar response. When considered in relation to overall development as indexed by vocabulary, the day-night task shows little specific impairment, the detour box shows a significant delay relative to controls, and the counterpointing task shows a marked and persistent deficit in many children. We conclude that frontal control processes show most impairment in WS when they are associated with spatially directed responses, reflecting a deficit of fronto-parietal processing. However, children with WS may successfully reduce the effect of this impairment by verbally mediated strategies. On all these tasks we find a range of difficulties across individual children and a small subset of WS who show very good performance, equivalent to chronological age norms of typically developing children. Neurobiological models of visuo-spatial cognition in children with WS p.4 Overall, we conclude that children with WS have specific processing difficulties with tasks involving frontoparietal circuits within the spatial domain. However, some children with WS can achieve similar performance to typically developing children on some tasks involving the dorsal stream, although the strategies and processing may be different in the two groups.


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The multi-million-electron-volt proton beams accelerated during high-intensity laser-solid interactions have been used as a particle probe to investigate the electric charging of microscopic targets laser-irradiated at intensity similar to10(19) W cm(2). The charge-up, detected via the proton deflection with high temporal and spatial resolution, is due to the escape of energetic electrons generated during the interaction. The analysis of the data is supported by three- dimensional tracing of the proton trajectories. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Experimental evidence of plasma jets ejected from the rear side of thin solid targets irradiated by ultraintense (> 10(19) W cm(-2)) laser pulses is presented. The jets, detected by transverse interferometric measurements with high spatial and temporal resolutions, show collimated expansion lasting for several hundreds of picoseconds and have substantially steep density gradients at their periphery. The role played by radiation pressure of the laser in the jet formation process is highlighted analytically and by extensive two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations.


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We simulate the localized surface plasmon resonances of an Au nanoparticle within tunnelling proximity of an Au substrate. The results demonstrate that the calculated resonance energies can be identified with those experimentally detected for light emission from the tip-sample junction of a scanning tunnelling microscope. Relative to the modes of an isolated nanoparticle these modes show significant red-shifting, extending further into the infrared with increasing radius, primarily due to a proximity-induced lowering of the effective bulk plasmon frequency. Spatial mapping of the field enhancement factor shows an oscillatory variation of the field, absent in the case of a dielectric substrate; also the degree of localization of the modes, and thus the resolution achievable electromagnetically, is shown to depend primarily on the nanoparticle radius, which is only weakly dependent on wavelength.


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Recently, the use of plasma optics to improve temporal pulse contrast has had a remarkable impact on the field of high- power laser-solid density interaction physics. Opening an avenue to previously unachievable plasma density gradients in the high intensity focus, this advance has enabled researchers to investigate new regimes of harmonic generation and ion acceleration. Until now, however, plasma optics for fundamental laser reflection have been used in the sub-relativistic intensity regime (10(15) - 10(16)Wcm(-2)) showing high reflectivity (similar to 70%) and good focusability. Therefore, the question remains as to whether plasma optics can be used for such applications in the relativistic intensity regime (> 10(18)Wcm(-2)). Previous studies of plasma mirrors (PMs) indicate that, for 40 fs laser pulses, the reflectivity fluctuates by an order of magnitude and that focusability of the beam is lost as the intensity is increased above 5 x 10(16)Wcm(-2). However, these experiments were performed using laser pulses with a contrast ratio of similar to 10(7) to generate the reflecting surface. Here, we present results for PM operation using high contrast laser pulses resulting in a new regime of operation - the high contrast plasma mirror (HCPM). In this regime, pulses with contrast ratio > 10(10) are used to form the PM surface at > 10(19)Wcm(-2), displaying excellent spatial filtering, reflected near- field beam profile of the fundamental beam and reflectivities of 60 +/- 5%. Efficient second harmonic generation is also observed with exceptional beam quality suggesting that this may be a route to achieving the highest focusable harmonic intensities. Plasma optics therefore offer the opportunity to manipulate ultra-intense laser beams both spatially and temporally. They also allow for ultrafast frequency up-shifting without detrimental effects due to group velocity dispersion (GVD) or reduced focusability which frequently occur when nonlinear crystals are used for frequency conversion.


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Understanding and predicting the dynamics of multispecies systems generally require estimates of interaction strength among species. Measuring interaction strength is difficult because of the large number of interactions in any natural system, long-term feedback, multiple pathways of effects between species pairs, and possible nonlinearities in interaction-strength functions. Presently, the few studies that extensively estimate interaction strength suggest that distributions of interaction strength tend to be skewed toward few strong and many weak interactions. Modeling studies indicate that such skewed patterns tend to promote system stability and arise during assembly of persistent communities. Methods for estimating interaction strength efficiently from traits of organisms, such as allometric relationships, show some promise. Methods for estimating community response to environmental perturbations without an estimate of interaction strength may also be of use. Spatial and temporal scale may affect patterns of interaction strength, but these effects require further investigation and new multispecies modeling frameworks. Future progress will be aided by development of long-term multispecies time series of natural communities, by experimental tests of different methods for estimating interaction strength, and by increased understanding of nonlinear functional forms.


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In this paper we study the influence of interventions on self-interactions in a spatial Prisoner's Dilemma on a two-dimensional grid with periodic boundary conditions and synchronous updating of the dynamics. We investigate two different types of self-interaction modifications. The first type (FSIP) is deterministic, effecting each self-interaction of a player by a constant factor, whereas the second type (PSIP) performs a probabilistic interventions. Both types of interventions lead to a reduction of the payoff of the players and, hence, represent inhibiting effects. We find that a constant but moderate reduction of self-interactions has a very beneficial effect on the evolution of cooperators in the population, whereas probabilistic interventions on self-interactions are in general counter productive for the coexistence of the two different strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The relationships among organisms and their surroundings can be of immense complexity. To describe and understand an ecosystem as a tangled bank, multiple ways of interaction and their effects have to be considered, such as predation, competition, mutualism and facilitation. Understanding the resulting interaction networks is a challenge in changing environments, e.g. to predict knock-on effects of invasive species and to understand how climate change impacts biodiversity. The elucidation of complex ecological systems with their interactions will benefit enormously from the development of new machine learning tools that aim to infer the structure of interaction networks from field data. In the present study, we propose a novel Bayesian regression and multiple changepoint model (BRAM) for reconstructing species interaction networks from observed species distributions. The model has been devised to allow robust inference in the presence of spatial autocorrelation and distributional heterogeneity. We have evaluated the model on simulated data that combines a trophic niche model with a stochastic population model on a 2-dimensional lattice, and we have compared the performance of our model with L1-penalized sparse regression (LASSO) and non-linear Bayesian networks with the BDe scoring scheme. In addition, we have applied our method to plant ground coverage data from the western shore of the Outer Hebrides with the objective to infer the ecological interactions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Knowledge about the diet of fish-eating predators is critical when evaluating conflicts with the fishing industry. Numerous primary studies have examined the diet of grey seals Halichoerus grypus and common seals Phoca vitulina in a bid to understand the ecology of these predators. However, studies of large-scale spatial and temporal variation in seal diet are limited. Therefore this review combines the results of seal diet studies published between 1980 and 2000 to examine how seal diet varies at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Our results revealed extensive spatial variation in gadiform, perciform and flatfish consumption, likely reflecting variation in prey availability. Flatfish and gadiform consumption varied between years, reflecting changes in fish assemblages as a consequence of factors such as varying fishing pressures, climate change and natural fluctuations in populations. Perciform and gadiform consumption varied seasonally: in addition there was a significant interaction between season and seal species, indicating that grey and common seals exhibited different patterns of seasonal variation in their consumption of Perciformes and Gadiformes. Multivariate analysis of grey seal diet revealed spatial variation at a much smaller scale, with different species dominating the diet in different areas. The existence of spatial and temporal variation in seal diet emphasizes that future assessments of the impact of seal populations should not be based on past or localized estimates of diet and highlights the need for up-to-date, site specific estimates of diet composition in the context of understanding and resolving seal/fisheries conflict. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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We tested whether the distribution of three common springtail species (Gressittacantha terranova, Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni and Friesea grisea) in Victoria Land (Antarctica) could be modelled as a function of latitude, longitude, altitude and distance from the sea.

Victoria Land, Ross Dependency, Antarctica.

Generalized linear models were constructed using species presence/absence data relative to geographical features (latitude, longitude, altitude, distance from sea) across the species' entire ranges. Model results were then integrated with the known phylogeography of each species and hypotheses were generated on the role of climate as a major driver of Antarctic springtail distribution.

Based on model selection using Akaike's information criterion, the species' distributions were: hump-shaped relative to longitude and monotonic with altitude for Gressittacantha terranova; hump-shaped relative to latitude and monotonic with altitude for Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni; and hump-shaped relative to longitude and monotonic with latitude, altitude and distance from the sea for Friesea grisea.

No single distributional pattern was shared by the three species. While distributions were partially a response to climatic spatial clines, the patterns observed strongly suggest that past geological events have influenced the observed distributions. Accordingly, present-day spatial patterns are likely to have arisen from the interaction of historical and environmental drivers. Future studies will need to integrate a range of spatial and temporal scales to further quantify their respective roles.


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Plant microtubules are intrinsically more dynamic than those from animals. We know little about the dynamics of the interaction of plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) with microtubules. Here, we have used tobacco and Arabidopsis MAPs with relative molecular mass 65 kDa (NtMAP65-1a and AtMAP65-1), to study their interaction with microtubules in vivo. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching we report that the turnover of both NtMAP65-1a and AtMAP65-1 bound to microtubules is four- to fivefold faster than microtubule treadmilling (13 seconds compared with 56 seconds, respectively) and that the replacement of NtMAP65-1a on microtubules is by random association rather than by translocation along microtubules. MAP65 will only bind polymerised microtubules and not its component tubulin dimers. The turnover of NtMAP65-1a and AtMAP65-1 on microtubules is similar in the interphase cortical array, the preprophase band and the phragmoplast, strongly suggesting that their role in these arrays is the same. NtMAP65-1a and AtMAP65-1 are not observed to bind microtubules in the metaphase spindle and their rate of recovery is consistent with their cytoplasmic localisation. In addition, the dramatic reappearance of NtMAP65-1a on microtubules at the spindle midzone in anaphase B suggests that NtMAP65-1a is controlled post-translationally. We conclude that the dynamic properties of these MAPs in vivo taken together with the fact that they have been shown not to effect microtubule polymerisation in vitro, makes them ideally suited to a role in crossbridging microtubules that need to retain spatial organisation in rapidly reorganising microtubule arrays.


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The term fatigue loads on the Oyster Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) is used to describe hydrostatic loads due to water surface elevation with quasi-static changes of state. Therefore a procedure to implement hydrostatic pressure distributions into finite element analysis of the structure is desired. Currently available experimental methods enable one to measure time variant water surface elevation at discrete locations either on or around the body of the scale model during tank tests. This paper discusses the development of a finite element analysis procedure to implement time variant, spatially distributed hydrostatic pressure derived from discretely measured water surface elevation. The developed method can process differently resolved (temporal and spatial) input data and approximate the elevation over the flap faces with user defined properties. The structural loads, namely the forces and moments on the body can then be investigated by post processing the numerical results. This method offers the possibility to process surface elevation or hydrostatic pressure data from computational fluid dynamics simulations and can thus be seen as a first step to a fluid-structure interaction model.