62 resultados para Signatures of Selection


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Impulsively generated short-period fast magneto-acoustic wave trains, guided by solar and stellar coronal loops, are numerically modelled. In the developed stage of the evolution, the wave trains have a characteristic quasi-periodic signature. The quasi-periodicity results from the geometrical dispersion of the guided fast modes, determined by the transverse profile of the loop. A typical feature of the signature is a tadpole wavelet Spectrum: a narrow-spectrum tail precedes a broad-band head. The instantaneous period of the oscillations in the wave train decreases gradually with time. The period and the spectral amplitude evolution are shown to be determined by the steepness of the transverse density profile and the density contrast ratio in the loop. The propagating wave trains recently discovered with the Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System (SECIS) instrument are noted to have similar wavelet spectral features, which strengthens the interpretation of SECIS results as guided fast wave trains.


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We present near-infrared linear spectropolarimetry of a sample of persistent X-ray binaries, Sco X-1, Cyg X-2, and GRS 1915+105. The slopes of the spectra are shallower than what is expected from a standard steady state accretion disk, and can be explained if the near-infrared flux contains a contribution from an optically thin jet. For the neutron star systems, Sco X-1 and Cyg X-2, the polarization levels at 2.4 mu m are 1.3% +/- 0.10% and 5.4% +/- 0.7%, respectively, which is greater than the polarization level at 1.65 mu m. This cannot be explained by interstellar polarization or electron scattering in the anisotropic environment of the accretion flow. We propose that the most likely explanation is that this is the polarimetric signature of synchrotron emission arising from close to the base of the jets in these systems. In the black hole system GRS 1915+105 the observed polarization, although high (5.0% +/- 1.2% at 2.4 mu m), may be consistent with interstellar polarization. For Sco X-1 the position angle of the radio jet on the sky is approximately perpendicular to the near-infrared position angle (electric vector), suggesting that the magnetic field is aligned with the jet. These observations may be a first step toward probing the ordering, alignment, and variability of the outflow magnetic field in a region closer to the central accreting object than is observed in the radio band.


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We present near-infrared linear spectropolarimetry of a sample of persistent X-ray binaries, Sco X-1, Cyg X-2 and GRS 1915+105. For Sco X-1 and Cyg X-2, the polarization levels at 2.4 µm are 1.3+/-0.10% and 5.4+/-0.7%, respectively, which is greater than the polarization level at 1.65 µm. This cannot be explained by interstellar polarization or electron scattering in the anisotropic environment of the accretion flow. We propose that the most likely explanation is that this is the polarimetric signature of synchrotron emission arising from close to the base of the jet. For Sco X-1 the position angle of the radio jet on the sky is approximately perpendicular to the near-infrared position angle (electric vector), suggesting that the magnetic field is aligned with the jet. These observations may be a first step towards probing the ordering, alignment, and variability of the outflow magnetic field, in a region closer to the central accreting object than is observed in the radio band.


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In recent years, geophysical methods have been shown to be sensitive to microbial-induced mineralization processes. The spectral induced-polarization (SIP) method appears to be very promising for monitoring mineralization and microbial processes. With this work, we study the links of mineralization and SIP signals, in the absence of microbial activity. We recorded the SIP response during abiotic FeS precipitation. We show that the SIP signals are diagnostic of FeS mineralization and can be differentiated from SIP signals from biomineralization processes. More specifically, the imaginary conductivity shows almost linear dependence on the amount of FeS precipitating out of solution, above the threshold value 0.006 gr under our experimental conditions. This research has direct implications for the use of the SIP method as a monitoring and decision-making tool for sustainable remediation of metals in contaminated soils and groundwater.


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A goal of phylogeography is to relate patterns of genetic differentiation to potential historical geographic isolating events. Quaternary glaciations, particularly the one culminating in the Last Glacial Maximum ~21 ka (thousands of years ago), greatly affected the distributions and population sizes of temperate marine species as their ranges retreated southward to escape ice sheets. Traditional genetic models of glacial refugia and routes of recolonization include these predictions: low genetic diversity in formerly glaciated areas, with a small number of alleles/haplotypes dominating disproportionately large areas, and high diversity including "private" alleles in glacial refugia. In the Northern Hemisphere, low diversity in the north and high diversity in the south are expected. This simple model does not account for the possibility of populations surviving in relatively small northern periglacial refugia. If these periglacial populations experienced extreme bottlenecks, they could have the low genetic diversity expected in recolonized areas with no refugia, but should have more endemic diversity (private alleles) than recently recolonized areas. This review examines evidence of putative glacial refugia for eight benthic marine taxa in the temperate North Atlantic. All data sets were reanalyzed to allow direct comparisons between geographic patterns of genetic diversity and distribution of particular clades and haplotypes including private alleles. We contend that for marine organisms the genetic signatures of northern periglacial and southern refugia can be distinguished from one another. There is evidence for several periglacial refugia in northern latitudes, giving credence to recent climatic reconstructions with less extensive glaciation.


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We present mid-infrared (5.2-15.2 mu m) spectra of the Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) 2003hv and 2005df observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. These are the first observed mid-infrared spectra of thermonuclear supernovae, and show strong emission from fine-structure lines of Ni, Co, S, and Ar. The detection of Ni emission in SN 2005df 135 days after the explosion provides direct observational evidence of high-density nuclear burning forming a significant amount of stable Ni in a SN Ia. The SN 2005df Ar lines also exhibit a two-pronged emission profile, implying that the Ar emission deviates significantly from spherical symmetry. The spectrum of SN 2003hv also shows signs of asymmetry, exhibiting blueshifted [Co (III)], which matches the blueshift of [Fe (II)] lines in nearly coeval near-infrared spectra. Finally, local thermodynamic equilibrium abundance estimates for the yield of radioactive Ni-56 give M-56Ni approximate to 0.5 M-circle dot, for SN 2003hv, but only M-56Ni approximate to 0.13-0.22 M-circle dot for the apparently subluminous SN 2005df, supporting the notion that the luminosity of SNe Ia is primarily a function of the radioactive 56Ni yield. The observed emission-line profiles in the SN 2005df spectrum indicate a chemically stratified ejecta structure, which matches the predictions of delayed detonation (DD) models, but is entirely incompatible with current three-dimensional deflagration models. Furthermore, the degree that this layering persists to the innermost regions of the supernova is difficult to explain even in a DD scenario, where the innermost ejecta are still the product of deflagration burning. Thus, while these results are roughly consistent with a delayed detonation, it is clear that a key piece of physics is still missing from our understanding of the earliest phases of SN Ia explosions.


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Species introductions are considered one of the major drivers of biodiversity loss via ecological interactions and genetic admixture with local fauna. We examined two well-recognized fish species, native whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) and introduced vendace (Coregonus albula), as well as their morphological hybrids in a single lake to test for selection against hybrids and backcrosses in the wild. A representative random subsample of 693 individuals (27.8%) was taken from the total catch of coregonids. This subsample was examined with the aim to select c. 50 individuals of pure whitefish (n = 52), pure vendace (n = 55) and putative hybrid (n = 19) for genetic analyses. The subsequent microsatellites and mitochondrial (mt) DNA analyses provided compelling evidence of hybridization and introgression. Of the 126 fish examined, four were found to be F-1, 14 backcrosses to whitefish and seven backcrosses to vendace. The estimates of historical gene flow suggested higher rates from introduced vendace into native whitefish than vice versa, whereas estimates of contemporary gene flow were equal. Mitochondrial introgression was skewed, with 18 backcrosses having vendace mtDNA and only three with whitefish mtDNA. Hybrids and backcrosses had intermediate morphology and niche utilization compared with parental species. No evidence of selection against hybrids or backcrosses was apparent, as both hybrid and backcross growth rates and fecundities were high. Hybrids (F-1) were only detected in 2 year-classes, suggesting temporal variability in mating between vendace and whitefish. However, our data show that hybrids reached sexual maturity and reproduced actively, with backcrosses recorded from six consecutive year-classes, whereas no F-2 individuals were found. The results indicate widespread introgression, as 10.8% of coregonids were estimated to be backcrosses.


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We present a compilation of the geometry measures acquired using optical and IR spectroscopy and optical spectropolarimetry to probe the explosion geometry of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Polarization measurements are sensitive to asymmetries in the plane of the sky, whereas line profiles in nebular phase spectra are expected to trace asymmetries perpendicular to the plane of the sky. The combination of these two measures can overcome their respective projection effects, completely probing the structures of these events. For nine normal SNe Ia, we find that the polarization of Si II ?6355 at 5 days before maximum (p Si II ) is well correlated with its velocity evolution (\dot{v}_Si II), implying that \dot{v}_Si II is predominantly due to the asymmetry of the SNe. We find only a weak correlation between the polarization of Si II and the reported velocities (v neb) for peak emission of optical Fe II and Ni II lines in nebular spectra. Our sample is biased, with polarization measurements being only available for normal SNe that subsequently exhibited positive (i.e., redshifted) v neb. In unison these indicators are consistent with an explosion in which the outer layers are dominated by a spherical oxygen layer, mixed with an asymmetric distribution of intermediate-mass elements. The combination of spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric indicators suggests a single geometric configuration for normal SNe Ia, with some of the diversity of observed properties arising from orientation effects.


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Particle-in-cell simulations of relativistic, weakly magnetized collisionless shocks show that particles can gain energy by repeatedly crossing the shock front. This requires scattering off self-generated small length-scale magnetic fluctuations. The radiative signature of this first-order Fermi acceleration mechanism is important for models of both the prompt and afterglow emission in gamma-ray bursts and depends on the strength parameter a = lambda e/delta B/mc(2) of the fluctuations (lambda is the length scale and vertical bar delta B vertical bar is the magnitude of the fluctuations). For electrons (and positrons), acceleration saturates when the radiative losses produced by the scattering cannot be compensated by the energy gained on crossing the shock. We show that this sets an upper limit on both the electron Lorentz factor gamma <10(6) (n/1 cm(-3))(-1/6)(-1/6) and on the energy of the photons radiated during the scattering process h omega(max) <40Max(a, 1)(n/1 cm(-3))(1/6)(-1/6) eV, where n is the number density of the plasma and (gamma) over bar is the thermal Lorentz factor of the downstream plasma, provided a <a(crit) similar to 10(6). This rules out "jitter" radiation on self-excited fluctuations with a <I as a source of gamma rays, although high-energy photons might still be produced when the jitter photons are upscattered in an analog of the synchrotron self-Compton process. In fluctuations with a > 1, radiation is generated by the standard synchrotron mechanism, and the maximum photon energy rises linearly with a, until saturating at 70 MeV, when a = a(crit).