67 resultados para Reduction effect


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Carboxymethyllysine (CML) has been identified as a modified amino acid that accumulates with age in human lens proteins and collagen. CML may be formed by oxidation of fructoselysine (FL), the Amadori adduct formed on nonenzymatic glycosylation of lysine residues in protein, or by reaction of ascorbate with protein under autoxidizing conditions. We proposed that measurements of tissue and urinary CML may be useful as indices of oxidative stress or damage to proteins in vivo. To determine the extent to which oxidation of nonenzymatically glycosylated proteins contributes to urinary CML, we measured the urinary concentrations of FL and CML in diabetic (n = 26) and control (n = 28) patients. The urinary concentration of FL correlated strongly with HbA1 measurements and was significantly higher in diabetic compared with control samples (9.2 +/- 6.5 and 4.0 +/- 2.8 micrograms/mg creatinine, respectively; P less than 0.0001). There was also a strong correlation between the concentrations of CML and FL in both diabetic and control urine (r = 0.67, P less than 0.0001) but only a weakly significant increase in the CML concentration in diabetic compared with control urine (1.2 +/- 0.5 and 1.0 +/- 0.3 micrograms/mg creatinine, respectively; P = 0.05). The molar ratio of CML to FL was significantly lower in diabetic compared with control patients (0.25 +/- 0.12 and 0.43 +/- 0.16, respectively; P less than 0.0001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Research is progressing fast in the field of the hydrogen assisted hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) over Ag-based catalysts: this paper is a review of the work to date in this area. The addition of hydrogen to the HC-SCR reaction feed over Ag/Al2O3 results in a remarkable improvement in NO (x) conversion using a variety of different hydrocarbon feeds. There is some debate concerning the role that hydrogen has to play in the reaction mechanism and its effect on the form of Ag present during the reaction. Many of the studies use in situ UV-Vis spectroscopy to monitor the form of Ag in the catalyst and appear to indicate that the addition of hydrogen promotes the formation of small Ag clusters which are highly reactive for NO (x) conversion. However, some authors have expressed concern about the use of this technique for these materials and further work is required to address these issues before this technique can be used to give an accurate assessment of the state of Ag during the SCR reaction. A study using in situ EXAFS to probe the H-2 assisted octane-SCR reaction has shown that small Ag particles (containing on average 3 silver atoms) are formed during the SCR reaction but that the addition of H-2 to the feed does not result in any further change in the Ag particle size. This points to the direct involvement of H-2 in the reaction mechanism. Clearly the addition of hydrogen results in a large increase in the number and variety of adsorbed species on the surface of the catalyst during the reaction. Some authors have suggested that conversion of cyanide to isocyanate is the rate-determining step and that hydrogen promotes this conversion. Others have suggested that hydrogen reduces nitrates to more reactive nitrite species which can then activate the hydrocarbon; activation of the hydrocarbon to form acetates has been proposed as the key step. It is probable that all these promotional effects can take place and that it very much depends on the reaction temperature and feed conditions as to which one is most important.


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Ultrasound promotes the reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) by thiosulfate ions mediated by RuO2 . xH(2)O under diffusion-controlled conditions. There is a strong correlation between the measured first-order rate constant and the absorbance of the dispersion, which, in turn, is closely related to the specific surface area of the catalyst. The enhancement in rate with ultrasonic irradiation appears to be largely associated with the dispersive action of the ultrasound on the aggregated particles of RuO2 . xH(2)O. The rate of reaction increases with increasing %duty cycle and ultrasonic intensity. The measured overall activation energies for the reaction with and without ultrasound, i.e. 18 +/- 1 and 20 +/- 1 kJ mol(-1), respectively, are very similar to those expected for a diffusion-controlled reaction. The homogeneous reaction is not promoted by ultrasound.


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Nitride-strengthened, reduced activation, martensitic steel is anticipated to have higher creep strength because of the remarkable thermal stability of nitrides. Two nitride-strengthened, reduced activation martensitic steels with different carbon contents were prepared to investigate the microstructure and mechanical property changes with decreasing carbon content. It has been found that both steels had the microstructure of full martensite with fine nitrides dispersed homogeneously in the matrix and displayed extremely high strength but poor toughness. Compared with the steel with low carbon content (0.005 pct in wt pct), the steel with high carbon content (0.012 pct in wt pct) had not only the higher strength but also the higher impact toughness and grain coarsening temperature, which was related to the carbon content. On the one hand, carbon reduction led to Ta-rich inclusions; on the other hand, the grain grew larger when normalized at high temperature because of the absence of Ta carbonitrides, which would decrease impact toughness. The complicated Al2O3 inclusions in the two steels have been revealed to be responsible for the initiated cleavage fracture by acting as the critical cracks.


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The H-2-assisted hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction (HC-SCR) of NO, was investigated using fast transient kinetic analysis coupled with isotopically labelled (NO)-N-15. This allowed monitoring of the evolution of products and reactants during switches of H-2 in and out of the SCR reaction mix. The results obtained with a time resolution of less than 1 s showed that the effect on the reaction of the removal or addition of H-2 was essentially instantaneous. This is consistent with the view that H-2 has a direct chemical effect on the reaction mechanism rather than a secondary one through the formation of "active" Ag clusters. The effect of H-2 partial pressure was investigated at 245 degrees C, it was found that increasing partial pressure of H-2 resulted in increasing conversion of NO and octane. It was also found that the addition of H-2 at 245 degrees C had different effects on the product distribution depending on its partial pressure. The change of the nitrogen balance over time during switches in and out of hydrogen showed that significant quantities of N-containing species were stored when hydrogen was introduced to the system. The positive nitrogen balance on removal of H-2 from the gas phase showed that these stored species continued to react after removal of hydrogen to form N-2. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In situ EXAFS has been used to examine the hydrogen effect on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx over silver/alumina catalysts. For all SCR conditions used, with or without co-reductant (H-2 or CO), the catalyst structure remained the same. Significant changes in the catalyst were only found under reducing conditions. The enhanced activity found in the presence of hydrogen is thought to be due to a chemical effect and not the result of a change in the structure of the active site.


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The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of Pt/C catalysts was investigated in electrolytes of 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 containing varying concentrations of methanol in a half-cell. It was found that the ORR activity was improved notably in an electrolyte of 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 containing 0.1 mol/L CH3OH as compared with that in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4, 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 containing 0.5 mol/L CH3OH, or 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 containing 1.0 mol/L CH3OH electrolytes. The same tendency for improved ORR activity was also apparent after commercial Nafion (R) NRE-212 membrane was hot-pressed onto the catalyst layers. The linear sweep voltammetry results indicate that the ORR activities of the Pt/C catalyst were almost identical in the 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 + 0.1 mol/L CH3OH solution before and after coated with the Nafion (R) membrane. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy results demonstrated that the resistance of the Nafion (R) membrane is smaller in the electrolyte of 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 + 0.1 mol/L CH3OH than in other electrolytes with oxygen gas feed. This exceptional property of the Nafion (R) membrane is worth investigating and can be applied in fuel cell stacks to improve the system performance. (c) 2013, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article reveals the effect of plasma pre-treatment on antimony tin oxide (ATO) nanoparticles. The effect is to allow Pt@Pd to be deposited homogeneously on the ATO surface with high dispersion and narrow particle size distribution. The Pt@Pd core–shell catalyst was prepared using the polyol method and shows a dramatic improvement towards ORR activity and durability.


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The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx in the presence of different reducing agents over Ag/Al2O3 prepared by wet impregnation was investigated by probing catalyst activity and using NMR relaxation time analysis to probe the strength of surface interaction of the various reducing agent species and water. The results reveal that the strength of surface interaction of the reducing agent relative to water, the latter present in engine exhausts as a fuel combustion product and, in addition, produced during the SCR reaction, plays an important role in determining catalyst performance. Reducing agents with weak strength of interaction with the catalyst surface, such as hydrocarbons, show poorer catalytic performance than reducing agents with a higher strength of interaction, such as alcohols. This is attributed to the greater ability of oxygenated species to compete with water in terms of surface interaction with the catalyst surface, hence reducing the inhibiting effect of water molecules blocking catalyst sites. The results support the observations of earlier work in that the light off-temperature and maximum NOx conversion and temperature at which that occurs are sensitive to the reducing agent present during reaction, and the proposal that improved catalyst performance is caused by increased adsorption strength of the reducing agent, relative to water, at the catalyst surface. Importantly, the NMR relaxation time analysis approach to characterising the strength of adsorption more readily describes the trends in catalytic behaviour than does a straightforward consideration of the polarity (i.e., relative permittivity) of the reducing agents studied here. In summary, this paper describes a simple approach to characterising the interaction energy of water and reducing agent so as to aid the selection of reducing agent and catalyst to be used in SCR conversions.


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The effect of water depth on the performance of a small surging wave energy converter (WEC) is investigated analytically, numerically and experimentally. It is shown that although the average annual incident wave power is significantly reduced by water depth, a large proportion of this reduction is due to the dissipation of highly energetic, but largely unexploitable seas. It is also shown that the power capture is related more closely to incident wave force than incident wave power. Experimental results demonstrate that both the surge wave force and power capture of a flap-type WEC increase in shallow water.


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Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the most prevalent bone diseases worldwide with bone fracture the major clinical consequence. The effect of OP on fracture repair is disputed and although it might be expected for fracture repair to be delayed in osteoporotic individuals, a definitive answer to this question still eludes us. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of osteoporosis in a rodent fracture model. OP was induced in 3-month-old rats (n = 53) by ovariectomy (OVX) followed by an externally fixated, mid-diaphyseal femoral osteotomy at 6 months (OVX group). A further 40 animals underwent a fracture at 6 months (control group). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postfracture with outcome measures of histology, biomechanical strength testing, pQCT, relative BMD, and motion detection. OVX animals had significantly lower BMD, slower fracture repair (histologically), reduced stiffness in the fractured femora (8 weeks) and strength in the contralateral femora (6 and 8 weeks), increased body weight, and decreased motion. This study has demonstrated that OVX is associated with decrease in BMD (particularly in trabecular bone) and a reduction in the mechanical properties of intact bone and healing fractures. The histological, biomechanical, and radiological measures of union suggest that OVX delayed fracture healing. (C) 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals.


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Background: Infection remains a severe complication following a total hip replacement. If infection is suspected when revision surgery is being performed, additional gentamicin is often added to the cement on an ad hoc basis in an attempt to reduce the risk of recurrent infection.

Methods and results: In this in vitro study, we determined the effect of incorporating additional gentamicin on the mechanical properties of cement. We also determined the degree of gentamicin release from cement, and also the extent to which biofilms of clinical Staphylococcus spp. isolates form on cement in vitro. When gentamicin was added to unloaded cement (1–4 g), there was a significant reduction in the mechanical performance of the loaded cements compared to unloaded cement. A significant increase in gentamicin release from the cement over 72 h was apparent, with the amount of gentamicin released increasing significantly with each additional 1 g of gentamicin added. When overt infection was modeled, the incorporation of additional gentamicin did result in an initial reduction in bacterial colonization, but this beneficial effect was no longer apparent by 72 h, with the clinical strains forming biofilms on the cements despite the release of high levels of gentamicin.

Interpretation: Our findings indicate that the addition of large amounts of gentamicin to cement is unlikely to eradicate bacteria present as a result of an overt infection of an existing implant, and could result in failure of the prosthetic joint because of a reduction in mechanical performance of the bone cement.


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Indoor wireless network based client localisation requires the use of a radio map to relate received signal strength to specific locations. However, signal strength measurements are time consuming, expensive and usually require unrestricted access to all parts of the building concerned. An obvious option for circumventing this difficulty is to estimate the radio map using a propagation model. This paper compares the effect of measured and simulated radio maps on the accuracy of two different methods of wireless network based localisation. The results presented indicate that, although the propagation model used underestimated the signal strength by up to 15 dB at certain locations, there was not a signigicant reduction in localisation performance. In general, the difference in performance between the simulated and measured radio maps was around a 30 % increase in rms error


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The impedance and radiation pattern parameters of a lambda/2 quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA) with turn angles in the range 0 degrees to 235 degrees are analyzed. It is shown that by selecting the helix turn angle to satisfy the minimum bandwidth and beamwidth requirements, an improved electrical performance and a reduction in the physical size of the antenna is obtained. This is demonstrated by comparing the performance of a conventional half turn QHA with structures having a smaller pitch length. The computed results are validated by experimental data at L-band.