16 resultados para Organic plant protection. Biological control


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During the last 50 years, agricultural intensification has caused many wild plant and animal species to go extinct regionally or nationally and has profoundly changed the functioning of agro-ecosystems. Agricultural intensification has many components, such as loss of landscape elements, enlarged farm and field sizes and larger inputs of fertilizer and pesticides. However, very little is known about the relative contribution of these variables to the large-scale negative effects on biodiversity. In this study, we disentangled the impacts of various components of agricultural intensification on species diversity of wild plants, carabids and ground-nesting farmland birds and on the biological control of aphids.


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A constrained non-linear, physical model-based, predictive control (NPMPC) strategy is developed for improved plant-wide control of a thermal power plant. The strategy makes use of successive linearisation and recursive state estimation using extended Kalman filtering to obtain a linear state-space model. The linear model and a quadratic programming routine are used to design a constrained long-range predictive controller One special feature is the careful selection of a specific set of plant model parameters for online estimation, to account for time-varying system characteristics resulting from major system disturbances and ageing. These parameters act as nonstationary stochastic states and help to provide sufficient degrees-of-freedom to obtain unbiased estimates of controlled outputs. A 14th order non-linear plant model, simulating the dominant characteristics of a 200 MW oil-fired pou er plant has been used to test the NPMPC algorithm. The control strategy gives impressive simulation results, during large system disturbances and extremely high rate of load changes, right across the operating range. These results compare favourably to those obtained with the state-space GPC method designed under similar conditions.


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Agricultural intensification can affect biodiversity and related ecosystem services such as biological control, but large-scale experimental evidence is missing. We examined aphid pest populations in cereal fields under experimentally reduced densities of (1) ground-dwelling predators (-G), (2) vegetation-dwelling predators and parasitoids (-V), (3) a combination of (1) and (2) (-G-V),compared with open-fields (control), in contrasting landscapes with low vs. high levels of agricultural intensification (AI), and in five European regions. Aphid populations were 28%, 97%, and 199% higher in -G, -V, and -G -V treatments, respectively, compared to the open fields, indicating synergistic effects of both natural-enemy groups. Enhanced parasitoid : host and predator : prey ratios were related to reduced aphid population density and population growth. The relative importance of parasitoids and vegetation-dwelling predators greatly differed among European regions, and agricultural intensification affected biological control and aphid density only in some regions. This shows a changing role of species group identity in diverse enemy communities and a need to consider region-specific landscape management.


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Novel egg-laying boards were found to be effective in the biological control of the freshwater fish louse Argulus foliaceus in a 12.9 ha rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fishery which had a high prevalence and intensity of infection of juvenile parasites in the early spring of 1999. Approximately 228 000d during an extensive 14 week period of egg laying which peaked in June 1999. In contrast, only 1566 clutches were harvested in 2000, when egg laying activity showed a bi-modal distribution, peaking in May and again in July and August. iaceus on rainbow trout in consecutive years was 2.9 : 1 and 2.1 : 1. Estimates of the size of the female A. foliaceus population based on egg-laying activity in 1999 exceeded that derived from measurements of prevalence and intensity of infection, whereas in 2000, this was more in balance. A minimum temperature of 10 degree C was identified for egg laying, which occurred continuously from May to October in a broadly synchronous manner.. Copyright 2002 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles


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Microbial interactions depend on a range of biotic and environmental variables, and are both dynamic and unpredictable. For some purposes, and under defined conditions, it is nevertheless imperative to evaluate the inhibitory efficacy of microbes, such as those with potential as biocontrol agents. We selected six, phylogenetically diverse microbes to determine their ability to inhibit the ascomycete Fusarium
coeruleum, a soil-dwelling pathogen of potato tubers that causes the storage disease dry rot. Interaction assays, where colony development was quantified (for both fungal pathogen and potential control agents), were therefore carried out on solid media. The key parameters that contributed to, and were indicative of, inhibitory efficacy were identified as: fungal growth-rates (i) prior to contact with the biocontrol
agent and (ii) if/once contact with the biocontrol agent was established (i.e. in the zone of mixed
culture), and (iii) the ultimate distance traveled by the fungal mycelium. It was clear that there was no correlation between zones of fungal inhibition and the overall reduction in the extent of fungal colony development. An inhibition coefficient was devised which incorporated the potential contributions of distal inhibition of fungal growth-rate; prevention of mycelium development in the vicinity of the biocontrol
agent; and ability to inhibit plant-pathogen growth-rate in the zone of mixed culture (in a ratio of 2:2:1). The values derived were 84.2 for Bacillus subtilis (QST 713), 74.0 for Bacillus sp. (JC12GB42), 30.7 for Pichia anomala (J121), 19.3 for Pantoea agglomerans (JC12GB34), 13.9 for Pantoea sp. (S09:T:12), and
21.9 (indicating a promotion of fungal growth) for bacterial strain (JC12GB54). This inhibition coefficient, with a theoretical maximum of 100, was consistent with the extent of F. coeruleum-colony development (i.e. area, in cm2) and assays of these biocontrol agents carried out previously against Fusarium
spp., and other fungi. These findings are discussed in relation to the dynamics and inherent complexity of natural ecosystems, and the need to adapt models for use under specific sets of conditions.


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Fungi play central roles in many biological processes, influencing soil fertility, decomposition, cycling of minerals, and organic matter, plant health, and nutrition. They produce a wide spectrum of molecules, which are exploited in a range of industrial processes to manufacture foods, food preservatives, flavoring agents, and other useful biological products. Fungi can also be used as biological control agents of microbial pathogens, nematodes or insect pests, and affect plant growth, stress tolerance, and nutrient acquisition. Successful exploitation of fungi requires better understanding of the mechanisms that fungi use to cope with stress as well as the way in which they mediate stress tolerance in other organisms. It is against this backdrop that a scientific meeting on fungal stress was held in São José dos Campos, Brazil, in October 2014. The meeting, hosted by Drauzio E. N. Rangel and Alene E. Alder-Rangel, and supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), brought together more than 30 young, mid-career, and highly accomplished scientists from ten different countries. Here we summarize the highlights of the meeting.


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The disjunct distributions of the Lusitanian flora, which are found only in south-west Ireland and northern Iberia, and are generally absent from intervening regions, have been of great interest to biogeographers. There has been much debate as to whether Irish populations represent relicts that survived the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; approximately 21 kya), or whether they recolonized from southern refugia subsequent to the retreat of the ice and, if so, whether this occurred directly (i.e. the result of long distance dispersal) or successively (i.e. in the manner of a ‘steeplechase’, with the English Channel and Irish Sea representing successive ‘water-jumps’ that have to be successfully crossed). In the present study, we used a combined palaeodistribution modelling and phylogeographical approach to determine the glacial history of the Irish spurge, Euphorbia hyberna, the sole member of the Lusitanian flora that is also considered to occur naturally in south-western England. Our findings suggest that the species persisted through the LGM in several southern refugia, and that northern populations are the result of successive recolonization of Britain and Ireland during the postglacial Littletonian warm stage, akin to the ‘steeplechase’ hypothesis.


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There is currently an urgent need to increase global food security, reverse the trends of increasing cancer rates, protect environmental health, and mitigate climate change. Toward these ends, it is imperative to improve soil health and crop productivity, reduce food spoilage, reduce pesticide usage by increasing the use of biological control, optimize bioremediation of polluted sites, and generate energy from sustainable sources such as biofuels. This review focuses on fungi that can help provide solutions to such problems. We discuss key aspects of fungal stress biology in the context of the papers published in this Special Issue of Current Genetics. This area of biology has relevance to pure and applied research on fungal (and indeed other) systems, including biological control of insect pests, roles of saprotrophic fungi in agriculture and forestry, mycotoxin contamination of the food-supply chain, optimization of microbial fermentations including those used for bioethanol production, plant pathology, the limits of life on Earth, and astrobiology.