38 resultados para Oils and fats, Edible Deterioration Testing


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fish oils with or without copper on disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Fish oil supplementation has a beneficial effect on murine models of SLE, while exogenous copper can decrease the formation of lupus erythematosus cells in rats with a hydralazine-induced collagen disease. METHODS: A double blind, double placebo controlled factorial trial was performed on 52 patients with SLE. Patients were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Physiological doses of omega-3 fish oils and copper readily obtainable by dietary means were used. One group received 3 g MaxEPA and 3 mg copper, another 3 g MaxEPA and placebo copper, another 3 mg copper and placebo fish oil, and the fourth group received both placebo capsules. Serial measurements of disease activity using the revised Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM-R) and peripheral blood samples for routine hematological, biochemical, and immunological indices were taken at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: There was a significant decline in SLAM-R score from 6.12 to 4.69 (p <0.05) in those subjects taking fish oil compared to placebo. No significant effect on SLAM-R was observed in subjects taking copper. Laboratory variables were unaffected by either intervention. CONCLUSION: In the management of SLE, dietary supplementation with fish oil may be beneficial in modifying symptomatic disease activity.


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Attenuation processes controlling virus fate and transport in the vadose zone of karstified systems can strongly influence groundwater quality. This research compares the breakthrough of two bacteriophage tracers (H40/1 and T7), with contrasting properties, at subsurface monitoring points following application onto an overlying composite sequence of thin organic soil and weathered limestone (epikarst). Short pulse multi-tracer test results revealed that T7 (Source concentration, Co=1.8x106pfu/mL) and H40/1(Co=5.9x106pfu/mL) could reach sampling points 10m below ground less than 30 minutes after tracer application. Contrasting deposition rates, determined from simulated tracer responses, reflected the potential of the ground to differentially attenuate viruses. Prolonged application of both T7 (Co=2.3x104pfu/mL) and H40/1 (Co=1.3x105pfu/mL) over a five hour period during a subsequent test, in which ionic strength levels observed at monitoring points rose consistently, corresponded to a rapid rise in T7 levels, followed by a gradual decline before the end of tracer injection; this reflected reaction-limited deposition in the system. T7’s response contrasted with that of H40/1, whose concentration remained constant over a three hour period before declining dramatically prior to the end of tracer injection. Subsequent application of lower ionic strength tracer-free flush water generated a rapid rise in H40/1 levels and a more gradual release of T7. Results highlight the benefits of employing prolonged injection multi-tracer tests for identifying processes not apparent from conventional short pulse tests. Study findings demonstrate that despite rapid transport rates, the epikarst is capable of physicochemical filtration of viruses and their remobilization, depending on virus type and hydrochemical conditions.


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For interpreting past changes on a regional or global scale, the timings of proxy-inferred events are usually aligned with data from other locations. However, too often chronological uncertainties are ignored in proxy diagrams and multisite comparisons, making it possible for researchers to fall into the trap of sucking separate events into one illusionary event (or vice versa). Here we largely solve this "suck in and smear syndrome" for radiocarbon (14C) dated sequences. In a Bayesian framework, millions of plausible age-models are constructed to quantify the chronological uncertainties within and between proxy archives. We test the technique on replicated high-resolution 14C-dated peat cores deposited during the "Little Ice Age" (c. AD 1400-1900), a period characterized by abrupt climate changes and severe 14C calibration problems. Owing to internal variability in proxy data and uncertainties in age-models, these (and possibly many more) archives are not consistent in recording decadal climate change. Through explicit statistical tests of palaeoenvironmental hypotheses, we can move forward to systematic interpretations of proxy data. However, chronological uncertainties of non-annually resolved palaeoclimate records are too large for answering decadal timescale questions.


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The antibacterial activities of 18 naturally occurring compounds (including essential oils and some of their isolated constituents, apple and green tea polyphenols, and other plant extracts) against three strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (a bovine isolate [NCTC 8578], a raw-milk isolate [806R], and a human isolate [ATCC 43015]) were evaluated using a macrobroth susceptibility testing method. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was grown in 4 ml Middlebrook 7H9 broth containing 10% oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase, 0.05% Tween 80 (or 0.2% glycerol), and 2 µg/ml mycobactin J supplemented with five concentrations of each test compound. The changes in the optical densities of the cultures at 600 nm as a measure of CFU were recorded at intervals over an incubation period of 42 days at 37°C. Six of the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The most effective compound was trans-cinnamaldehyde, with a MIC of 25.9 µg/ml, followed by cinnamon oil (26.2 µg/ml), oregano oil (68.2 µg/ml), carvacrol (72.2 µg/ml), 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (74 µg/ml), and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde (90.4 µg/ml). With the exception of carvacrol, a phenolic compound, three of the four most active compounds are aldehydes, suggesting that the structure of the phenolic group or the aldehyde group may be important to the antibacterial activity. No difference in compound activity was observed between the three M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains studied. Possible mechanisms of the antimicrobial effects are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: In vitro release testing of vaginal formulations is usually performed in a one-compartment model (OCM) where the release medium, usually comprising pH-adjusted water, an aqueous surfactant solution or a solvent-water solution, provides sink conditions throughout the release experiment. Although this model is useful in evaluating the effect of formulation parameters upon release, it rarely reflects in vivo conditions. Here we report use of a two-compartment diffusion cell model (TCM, comprising a small volume donor, a large volume receptor, and separated by a model epithelial membrane) to more closely mimic in vivo vaginal release and tissue absorption following administration of a UC781 vaginal ring.

METHODS: Macaque-sized matrix silicone elastomer vaginal rings containing 100mg UC781 were prepared by injection molding, and in vitro release testing performed using both OCM (20mL simulated vaginal fluid, SVF) and TCM (5mL SVF in donor cell and variable quantities of Tween 80; silicone elastomer membrane; 100mL 3:2 ethanol/water in receptor cell). In the TCM, drug levels were measured by HPLC in both donor and receptor cells, representing fluid and tissue levels respectively. Rings containing 100mg UC781 and 10% w/w Tween 80 were also manufactured and tested.

RESULTS: The amount of UC781 released from rings was significantly influenced by the choice of release model. Greatest release (56mg/14 days) was measured in the ethanol/water OCM, compared with no measurable release into SVF only. Increasing the concentration of Tween 80 in the SVF medium (1, 3 and 5% w/w) led to increased UC781 release (11, 16 and 18mg, respectively), demonstrating that vaginal fluid solubility of UC781 may be rate-determining in vivo. In the TCM, UC781 accumulates in the receptor cell medium over time, despite not being measured in the donor medium containing the ring device. Incorporation of Tween 80 directly into the ring provided enhanced release in both donor and receptor cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Release of UC781 was influenced by the choice of release medium and the inclusion of Tween 80 in the ring. Although use of SVF-only in the OCM indicated no measurable UC781 release from rings, data from the TCM confirms that UC781 is not only released but is also capable of penetrating across the model epithelial membrane. The TCM may therefore provide a more representative in vitro release model for mimicking in vivo absorption.


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This paper could be consider seminal in the Civil Engineering field as it describes the first application of these sensors to a complex durability and management issue. For this reason it is potentially controversial as it requires Civil Engineers to re-evaluate the nature and scale of durability testing.


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After demonstrating the lack of effectiveness of standard antibiotics against the acquired antibiotic resistance of Bacillus cereus (NCTC 10989), Escherichia coli (NCTC 1186), and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 12715), we showed that the following natural substances were antibacterial against these resistant pathogens: cinnamon oil, oregano oil, thyme oil, carvacrol, (S)-perillaldehyde, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (beta-resorcylic acid), and 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine (dopamine). Exposure of the three pathogens to a dilution series of the test compounds showed that oregano oil was the most active substance. The oils and pure compounds exhibited exceptional activity against B. cereus vegetative cells, with oregano oil being active at nanogram, per milliliter levels. In contrast, activities against B. cereus spores were very low. Activities of the test compounds were in the following approximate order: oregano oil > thyme oil approximate to carvacrol > cinnamon oil > perillaldehyde > dopamine > beta-resorcylic acid. The order of susceptibilities of the pathogens to inactivation was as follows: B. cereus (vegetative) much greater than S. aureus approximate to E. coli much greater than B. cereus (spores). Some of the test substances may be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria in foods and feeds.


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Lux-marked bacterial biosensors and a commercial toxicity testing bacterial strain (Microtox) were exposed to 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) and the light output response measured. Increasing DCP concentrations caused a decrease in light output in all three biosensors with an order of sensitivity (in terms of luminescence decrease over the DCP concentration range) of Pseudomonas fluorescens <Escherichia coli <Microtox. Adsorption of DCP to E. coli was measured using uniformly ring labelled [14C]DCP and found to be very rapid. The effect of pH on toxicity and adsorption was also investigated. Low pH values increased the amount of DCP adsorbed to the cell and increased the toxicity of DCP.


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Herein we present a study on the physical/chemical properties of a new Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) based on N-methylacetamide (MAc) and lithium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide (LiTFSI). Due to its interesting properties, such as wide liquid-phase range from -60°C to 280°C, low vapor pressure, and high ionic conductivity up to 28.4mScm at 150°C and at x=1/4, this solution can be practically used as electrolyte for electrochemical storage systems such as electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) and/or lithium ion batteries (LiBs). Firstly, relationships between its transport properties (conductivity and viscosity) as a function of composition and temperature were discussed through Arrhenius' Law and Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) equations, as well as by using the Walden classification. From this investigation, it appears that this complex electrolyte possesses a number of excellent transport properties, like a superionic character for example. Based on which, we then evaluated its electrochemical performances as electrolyte for EDLCs and LiBs applications by using activated carbon (AC) and lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO) electrodes, respectively. These results demonstrate that this electrolyte has a good compatibility with both electrodes (AC and LiFePO) in each testing cell driven also by excellent electrochemical properties in specific capacitance, rate and cycling performances, indicating that the LiTFSI/MAc DES can be a promising electrolyte for EDLCs and LiBs applications especially for those requiring high safety and stability. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Geologic and environmental factors acting over varying spatial scales can control
trace element distribution and mobility in soils. In turn, the mobility of an element in soil will affect its oral bioaccessibility. Geostatistics, kriging and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to explore factors and spatial ranges of influence over a suite of 8 element oxides, soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, and the trace elements nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). Bioaccessibility testing was carried out previously using the Unified BARGE Method on a sub-set of 91 soil samples from the Northern Ireland Tellus1 soil archive. Initial spatial mapping of total Ni, V and Zn concentrations shows their distributions are correlated spatially with local geologic formations, and prior correlation analyses showed that statistically significant controls were exerted over trace element bioaccessibility by the 8 oxides, SOC and pH. PCA applied to the geochemistry parameters of the bioaccessibility sample set yielded three principal components accounting for 77% of cumulative variance in the data
set. Geostatistical analysis of oxide, trace element, SOC and pH distributions using 6862 sample locations also identified distinct spatial ranges of influence for these variables, concluded to arise from geologic forming processes, weathering processes, and localised soil chemistry factors. Kriging was used to conduct a spatial PCA of Ni, V and Zn distributions which identified two factors comprising the majority of distribution variance. This was spatially accounted for firstly by basalt rock types, with the second component associated with sandstone and limestone in the region. The results suggest trace element bioaccessibility and distribution is controlled by chemical and geologic processes which occur over variable spatial ranges of influence.