58 resultados para Measurement results


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Objective To examine variations in self-reported smoking habit among a cohort of individuals with chronic coronary heart disease over a five year period. Design Cross-sectional cohort; interviews at baseline, 2 years and 5 years. Setting Primary care. Participants A cross-sectional sample of 688 patients previously diagnosed as having angina, identified from 18 general practices in the Greater Belfast Area; a cohort of 487 were followed for five years. Outcome measures Changes in self-reported smoking habits; breath carbon monoxide measurement. Results Initially 92 of the 487 participants (19%) reported smoking, 34 (27%) subsequently reported non-smoking. Of the 395 self-reported non-smokers at baseline, 21 (5%) subsequently reported smoking. The prevalence of self-reported smoking amongst the cohort was 19% and 15% at two and five years respectively. However, changes in reported smoking habits indicating periods of abstinence and resumption were reported by 55/487 (11%) participants. Of the 21 non-smokers who changed their report, 20 had smoked previously, five reported having stopped for less than one year but nine for more than five years. Of the initial sample twice as many smokers as non-smokers had died by 2 years (10% v 5%; p


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Some critical avionic systems require cooling air via vents on the side of the aircraft, thus creating leakage points for high-intensity electromagnetic radiation. This paper presents a novel application of high-intensity radiated field (HIRF) shielding using a rectangular waveguide array, while maintaining cooling airflow requirements. Signal attenuation versus frequency and depth of the array has been calculated using closed-form equations. The simulation and measurement results are in good agreement with the calculated values. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A comprehensive experimental study was performed to identify and discriminate mechanisms contributing to passive intermodulation (PIM) in microstrip transmission lines. The effects of strip length and width, and substrate materials on PIM performance of printed lines were investigated in the GSM900, DCS1800 and UMTS frequency bands. The major features of the experiment design, sample preparation and test setup are discussed in detail. The measurement results have demonstrated that the PIM level cumulatively grows on the longer microstrip lines and decreases on wider strips and, thus, indicated that the distributed resistive nonlinearity of the printed traces represents the dominant mechanism of intermodulation generation in the printed lines on PTFE-based substrates. © 2009 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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An experimental investigation of the effect of conductor-to-substrate interface on distributed passive intermodulation (PIM) generation in printed microstrip lines has been undertaken using the custom-designed microwave laminates with removed surface bonding layers and with the commercial adhesion promotion applied to the conductor underside. The study of long-term stability of PIM performance of the printed circuits is reported for the first time. The comprehensive measurement results, observations of the selfimprovement of the PIM performance and the effect of panel bending on PIM generation in printed boards with different finishing are presented. A consistent physical interpretation of the observed phenomena is proposed. The results of this study provide new important considerations for the design and characterisation of low-PIM printed circuits.


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Power back-off performances of a new variant power-combining Class-E amplifier under different amplitude-modulation schemes such as continuous wave (CW), envelope elimination and restoration (EER), envelope tracking (ET) and outphasing are for the first time investigated in this study. Finite DC-feed inductances rather than massive RF chokes as used in the classic single-ended Class-E power amplifier (PA) resulted from the approximate yet effective frequency-domain circuit analysis provide the wherewithal to increase modulation bandwidth up to 80% higher than the classic single-ended Class-E PA. This increased modulation bandwidth is required for the linearity improvement in the EER/ET transmitters. The modified output load network of the power-combining Class-E amplifier adopting three-harmonic terminations technique relaxes the design specifications for the additional filtering block typically required at the output stage of the transmitter chain. Qualitative agreements between simulation and measurement results for all four schemes were achieved where the ET technique was proven superior to the other schemes. When the PA is used within the ET scheme, an increase of average drain efficiency of as high as 40% with respect to the CW excitation was obtained for a multi-carrier input signal with 12 dB peak-to-average power ratio. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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It is demonstrated that the electromagnetic (EM) transmission through a subwavelength or non-resonant aperture in a conductive screen can be dramatically enhanced by loading it with folded metallic strips exhibiting resonant properties. When illuminated by an EM plane wave these loaded apertures enable very tight, subwavelength, collimation of the EM power in the near field zone. We propose planar and quasi-planar resonant insertion geometries that should allow, for the first time, two-dimensional dual-polarization subwavelength field confinement along with ability to focus both electric and magnetic fields. The proposed technique for resonance transmission enhancement and near field confinement forms a basis for a new class of microwave near field imaging probe with subwavelength resolution capable of operating over a wide range of imaging distances (0.05–$0.25lambda$). Measurement results demonstrate the possibility of high contrast (more than 3 dB in amplitude and 40 degrees in phase) near field subwavelength imaging of 2D and 3D resonant and non-resonant metallic and dielectric targets in free space and in moderately lossy layered media.


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The allocation of a large amount of bandwidth by regulating bodies in the 70/80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, has opened up new potentials and challenges for providing affordable and reliable Gigabit per second wireless point-to-point links. This article first reviews the available bandwidth and licensing regulations in the E-band. Subsequently, different propagation models, e.g., the ITU-R and Cane models, are compared against measurement results and it is concluded that to meet specific availability requirements, E-band wireless systems may need to be designed with larger fade margins compared to microwave systems. A similar comparison is carried out between measurements and models for oscillator phase noise. It is confirmed that phase noise characteristics, that are neglected by the models used for narrowband systems, need to be taken into account for the wideband systems deployed in the E-band. Next, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transceiver design, termed continuous aperture phased (CAP)-MIMO, is presented. Simulations show that CAP-MIMO enables E-band systems to achieve fiber-optic like throughputs. Finally, it is argued that full-duplex relaying can be used to greatly enhance the coverage of E-band systems without sacrificing throughput, thus, facilitating their application in establishing the backhaul of heterogeneous networks.


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A novel approach to the modelling of passive intermodulation (PIM) generation in passive components with distributed weak nonlinearities is outlined. Based upon the formalism of X-parameters, it provides a unified framework for co-design of antenna beamforming networks, filters, combiners, phase shifters and other passive and active devices containing nonlinearities at RF front-end. The effects of discontinuities and complex circuit layouts can be efficiently evaluated with the aid of the equivalent networks of the canonical nonlinear elements. The main concepts are illustrated by examples of numerical simulations of PIM generation in the transmission lines and comparison with the measurement results.


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Statistical distributions have been extensively used in modeling fading effects in conventional and modern wireless communications. In the present work, we propose a novel κ − µ composite shadowed fading model, which is based on the valid assumption that the mean signal power follows the inverse gamma distribution instead of the lognormal or commonly used gamma distributions. This distribution has a simple relationship with the gamma distribution, but most importantly, its semi heavy-tailed characteristics constitute it suitable for applications relating to modeling of shadowed fading. Furthermore, the derived probability density function of the κ − µ / inverse gamma composite distribution admits a rather simple algebraic representation that renders it convenient to handle both analytically and numerically. The validity and utility of this fading model are demonstrated by means of modeling the fading effects encountered in body centric communications channels, which have been known to be susceptible to the shadowing effect. To this end, extensive comparisons are provided between theoretical and respective real-time measurement results. It is shown that these comparisons exhibit accurate fitting of the new model for various measurement set ups that correspond to realistic communication scenarios.


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The harsh environment presented by engines, particularly in the exhaust systems, often necessitates the use of robust and therefore low bandwidth temperature sensors. Consequently, high frequencies are attenuated in the output. One technique for addressing this problem involves measuring the gas temperature using two sensors with different time-constants and mathematically reconstructing the true gas temperature from the resulting signals. Such a technique has been applied in gas turbine, rocket motor and combustion research. A new reconstruction technique based on difference equations has been developed and its effectiveness proven theoretically. The algorithms have been successfully tested and proven on experimental data from a rig that produces cyclic temperature variations. These tests highlighted that the separation of the thermocouple junctions must be very small to ensure that both sensors are subjected to the same gas temperatures. Exhaust gas temperatures were recorded by an array of thermocouples during transient operation of a high performance two-stroke engine. The results show that the increase in bandwidth arising from the dual sensor technique allowed accurate measurement of exhaust gas temperature with relatively robust thermocouples. Finally, an array of very fine thermocouples (12.5 - 50 microns) was used to measure the in-cycle temperature variation in the exhaust.


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X-ray emission from a comet was observed for the first time in 1996. One of the mechanisms believed to be contributing to this surprisingly strong emission is the interaction of highly charged solar wind ions with cometary gases. Reported herein are total absolute charge-exchange and normalized line-emission (X-ray) cross sections for collisions of high-charge state (+3 to +10) C, N, O, and Ne ions with the cometary species H2O and CO2. It is found that in several cases the double charge-exchange cross sections can be large, and in the case of C3+ they are equal to those for single charge exchange. Present results are compared to cross section values used in recent comet models. The importance of applying accurate cross sections, including double charge exchange, to obtain absolute line-emission intensities is emphasized.


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Indoor wireless network based client localisation requires the use of a radio map to relate received signal strength to specific locations. However, signal strength measurements are time consuming, expensive and usually require unrestricted access to all parts of the building concerned. An obvious option for circumventing this difficulty is to estimate the radio map using a propagation model. This paper compares the effect of measured and simulated radio maps on the accuracy of two different methods of wireless network based localisation. The results presented indicate that, although the propagation model used underestimated the signal strength by up to 15 dB at certain locations, there was not a signigicant reduction in localisation performance. In general, the difference in performance between the simulated and measured radio maps was around a 30 % increase in rms error


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The use of laser-accelerated protons as a particle probe for the detection of electric fields in plasmas has led in recent years to a wealth of novel information regarding the ultrafast plasma dynamics following high intensity laser-matter interactions. The high spatial quality and short duration of these beams have been essential to this purpose. We will discuss some of the most recent results obtained with this diagnostic at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) and at LULI - Ecole Polytechnique (France), also applied to conditions of interest to conventional Inertial Confinement Fusion. In particular, the technique has been used to measure electric fields responsible for proton acceleration from solid targets irradiated with ps pulses, magnetic fields formed by ns pulse irradiation of solid targets, and electric fields associated with the ponderomotive channelling of ps laser pulses in under-dense plasmas.


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We have performed short-pulse x-ray scattering measurements on laser-driven shock-compressed plastic samples in the warm dense matter regime, providing instantaneous snapshots of the system evolution. Time-resolved and angularly resolved scattered spectra sensitive to the correlation effects in the plasma show the appearance of short-range order within a few interionic separations. Comparison with radiation-hydrodynamic simulations indicates that the shocked plastic is compressed with a temperature of a few electron volts. These results are important for the understanding of the thermodynamic behavior of strongly correlated matter for conditions relevant to both laboratory astrophysics and inertial confinement fusion research.


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Numerical simulations are used to study the electromagnetic scattering from phase agile microstrip reflectarray cells which exploit the voltage controlled dielectric anisotropy property of nematic state liquid crystals (LC). In the computer model two arrays of equal size elements constructed on a 15?m thick tuneable LC layer were designed to operate at centre frequencies of 102 GHz and 130 GHz. Micromachining processes based on the metallization of quartz/silicon wafers and an industry compatible LCD packaging technique were employed to fabricate the grounded periodic structures. The loss and phase of the reflected signals were measured using a quasi-optical test bench with the reflectarray cells inserted at the beam waist of the imaged Gaussian beam, thus eliminating some of the major problems associated with traditional free-space characterisation at these frequencies. By applying a low frequency AC bias voltage of 10 V, a 165o phase shift with a loss 4.5 dB-6.4 dB at 102 GHz and 130o phase shift with a loss variation between 4.3 dB – 7 dB at 130 GHz was obtained. The experimental results are shown to be in close agreement with the computer model.