175 resultados para Martensitic steel


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Microstructure, tensile properties and fractography have been examined in the oil-quenched samples of a low-alloy ultrahigh strength 4340 steel. Intergranular fracture was revealed to locate at the fracture origin. However, neither the quenched Charpy V-notched impact samples nor the tempered tensile samples showed such intergranular fracture behavior. The effects of loading rate and precipitation are discussed.


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Creep test at 600 °C under 130 MPa for the China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel was performed up to 7913 h in this study. According to the stress level, the crept specimen was divided into three regions in order to investigate the influence of stress on Laves-phase formation. In addition to the expected M23C6 carbide and MX carbonitride, the amount and the size of Laves phase in these three regions on the crept specimen were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Laves phase could be found in all the regions and the creep stress could promote the formation of Laves phase.


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Nitride-strengthened reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels are developed taking advantage of the high thermal stability of nitrides. In the current study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of a nitride-strengthened RAFM steel with improved composition were investigated. Fully martensitic microstructure with fine nitrides dispersion was achieved in the steel. In all, 1.4 pct Mn is sufficient to suppress delta ferrite and assure the steel of the full martensitic microstructure. Compared to Eurofer97, the steel showed similar strength at room temperature but higher strength at 873 K (600 °C). The steel exhibited very high impact toughness and a low ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of 243 K (–30 °C), which could be further reduced by purification.


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In the process of room-temperature low cycle fatigue, the China Low Activation Martensitic steel exhibits at the beginning cyclic hardening and then continuous cyclic softening. The grain size decreased and the martensitic lath transformed to cells/subgrains after the tests. The subgrains increase in size with increasing strain amplitude.


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The low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties and the fracture behavior of China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel have been studied over a range of total strain amplitudes from 0.2 to 2.0%. The specimens were cycled using tension-compression loading under total strain amplitude control. The CLAM steel displayed initial hardening followed by continuous softening to failure at room temperature in air. The relationship between strain and fatigue life was predicted using the parameters obtained from fatigue test. The factors effecting on low cycle fatigue of CLAM steel consisted of initial state of matrix dislocation arrangement, magnitude of cyclic stress, magnitude of total strain amplitude and microstructure. The potential mechanisms controlling the stress response, cyclic strain resistance and low cycle fatigue life have been evaluated.


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In order to assess the susceptibility of candidate structural materials to liquid metal embrittlement, this work investigated the tensile behaviors of ferritic-martensitic steel in static lead bismuth eutectic (LBE). The tensile tests were carried out in static lead bismuth eutectic under different temperatures and strain rates. Pronounced liquid metal embrittlement phenomenon is observed between 200 °C and 450 °C. Total elongation is reduced greatly due to the liquid metal embrittlement in LBE environment. The range of ductility trough is larger under slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) test.


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Nitride-strengthened, reduced activation, martensitic steel is anticipated to have higher creep strength because of the remarkable thermal stability of nitrides. Two nitride-strengthened, reduced activation martensitic steels with different carbon contents were prepared to investigate the microstructure and mechanical property changes with decreasing carbon content. It has been found that both steels had the microstructure of full martensite with fine nitrides dispersed homogeneously in the matrix and displayed extremely high strength but poor toughness. Compared with the steel with low carbon content (0.005 pct in wt pct), the steel with high carbon content (0.012 pct in wt pct) had not only the higher strength but also the higher impact toughness and grain coarsening temperature, which was related to the carbon content. On the one hand, carbon reduction led to Ta-rich inclusions; on the other hand, the grain grew larger when normalized at high temperature because of the absence of Ta carbonitrides, which would decrease impact toughness. The complicated Al2O3 inclusions in the two steels have been revealed to be responsible for the initiated cleavage fracture by acting as the critical cracks.


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Constitutive equations including an Arrhenius term have been applied to analyze the hot deformation behavior of a nitride-strengthened (NS) martensitic heat resistant steel in temperature range of 900–1200 °C and strain rate range of 0.001–10 /s. On the basis of analysis of the deformation data, the stress–strain curves up to the peak were divided into four regions, in sequence, representing four processes, namely hardening, dynamic recovery (DRV), dynamic strain induced transformation (DSIT), and dynamic recrystallization (DRX), according to the inflection points in ∂θ/∂σ∂θ/∂σ and ∂(∂θ/∂σ)/∂σ∂(∂θ/∂σ)/∂σ curves. Some of the inflection points have their own meanings. For examples, the minimum of ∂θ/∂σ∂θ/∂σ locates the start of DRV and the maximum of it indicates the start of DRX. The results also showed that the critical strain of DRX was sensitive to ln(Z) below 40, while the critical stress of DRX was sensitive to it above 40. The final microstructures under different deformation conditions were analyzed in terms of softening processes including DRV, DRX, metadynamic crystallization (MDRX) and DSIT.


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The nitride-strengthened martensitic heat resistant steel is precipitation strengthened only by nitrides. In the present work, the effect of nitride precipitation behavior on the impact toughness of an experimental steel was investigated. Nitrides could hardly be observed when the steel was tempered at 650°C. When the tempering temperature was increased to 700°C and 750°C, a large amount of nitrides were observed in the matrix. It was surprising to reveal that the impact energy of the half-size samples greatly increased from several Joules to nearly a hundred Joules. The ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) was also discovered to decrease from room temperature to −50°C when the tempering temperature was increased from 650°C to 750°C. The nitride precipitation with increasing tempering temperature was revealed to be responsible for the improved impact toughness.


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Two nitride-strengthened reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels with different Mn contents were investigated. The experimental steels were designed based on the chemical composition of Eurofer 97 steel but the C content was reduced to an extremely low level. Microstructure observation and hardness tests showed that the steel with low Mn content (0.47 wt.%) could not obtain a full martensitic microstructure due to the inevitable δ-ferrite independent of cooling rate after soaking. This steel showed similar room temperature strength and higher strength at 600 °C, but lower impact toughness, compared with Eurofer 97 steel. Fractography of the Charpy impact specimen revealed that the low room temperature toughness should be related to the Ta-rich inclusions initiating the cleavage fracture. The larger amount of V-rich nitrides and more dissolved Cr in the matrix could be responsible for the strength being similar to Eurofer 97 steel. In the second steel developed from the first steel by increasing the Mn content from 0.47 wt.% to 3.73 wt.%, a microstructure of full martensite could be obtained.


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The microstructure evolution of a 10Cr ferritic/martensitic heat-resistant steel during creep at 600°C was investigated in this work. Creep tests demonstrated that the 10Cr steel had higher creep strength than conventional ASME-P92 steel at 600°C. The microstructure after creep was studied by transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis. It was revealed that the martensitic laths were coarsened with time and eventually developed into subgrains after 8354 h. Laves phase was observed to grow and cluster along the prior austenite grain boundaries during creep and caused the fluctuation of solution and precipitation strengthening effects, which was responsible for the two slope changes on the creep rupture strength vs rupture time curve. It was also revealed that the microstructure evolution could be accelerated by stress, which resulted in the lower hardness in the deformed part of the creep specimen, compared with the aging part.


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A constitutive equation was established to describe the deformation behavior of a nitride-strengthened (NS) steel through isothermal compression simulation test. All the parameters in the constitutive equation including the constant and the activation energy were precisely calculated for the NS steel. The result also showed that from the stress-strain curves, there existed two different linear relationships between critical stress and critical strain in the NS steel due to the augmentation of auxiliary softening effect of the dynamic strain-induced transformation. In the calculation of processing maps, with the change of Zener-Hollomon value, three domains of different levels of workability were found, namely excellent workability region with equiaxed-grain microstructure, good workability region with “stripe” microstructure, and the poor workability region with martensitic-ferritic blend microstructure. With the increase of strain, the poor workability region first expanded, then shrank to barely existing, but appeared again at the strain of 0.6.


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China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel is considered to be the main candidate material for the first wall components of future fusion reactors in China. In this paper, the low cycle fatigue (LCF) behavior of CLAM steel is studied under fully reversed tension–compression loading at 823 K in air. Total strain amplitude was controlled from 0.14% to 1.8% with a constant strain rate of 2.4×10−3 s−1. The corresponding plastic strain amplitude ranged from 0.023% to 1.613%. The CLAM steel displayed continuous softening to failure at 823 K. The relationship between strain, stress and fatigue life was obtained using the parameters obtained from fatigue tests. The LCF properties of CLAM steel at 823 K followed Coffin–Manson relationship. Furthermore, irregular serration was observed on the stress–strain hysteresis loops of CLAM steel tested with the total strain amplitude of 0.45–1.8%, which was attributed to the dynamic strain aging (DSA) effect. During continuous cyclic deformation, the microstructure and precipitate distribution of CLAM steel changed gradually. Many tempered martensitic laths were decomposed into subgrains, and the size and number of M23C6 carbide and MX carbonitride precipitates decreased with the increase of total strain amplitude. The response cyclic stress promoted the recovery of martensitic lath, while the thermal activation mainly played an important role on the growth of precipitates in CLAM steel at 823 K. In order to have a better understanding of high-temperature LCF behavior, the potential mechanisms controlling stress–strain response, DSA phenomenon and microstructure changes have also been evaluated.


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Laves phase has been widely accepted to cause the impact brittleness of 9–12Cr martensitic heat-resistant steels after long time aging at elevated temperatures. However, in the present research, the impact toughness of the already brittle P92 steel aged at 600 °C for 2035 h could be restored to the original level by reheating at 700 °C for 1 h, with Laves phase barely changed. This interesting result strongly indicated that the presence of Laves phase might not be the real reason for the impact brittleness.


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The China Low Activation Martensitic (CLAM) steel has been developed as a candidate structural material for future fusion reactors. It is essential to investigate the evolution of microstructure and changes of mechanical properties of CLAM steel during thermal exposure. In this study, the long-term thermal aging of the CLAM steel has been carried out in air at 600 °C and 650 °C for 1100 h, 3000 h and 5000 h. The microstructural evolution with aging time was studied, including characteristics of the growth of M23C6 carbides and the formation of Laves-phase precipitates as well as the evolved subgrains. The microstructural evolution leads to the changes of mechanical properties of the CLAM steel. The Ductile–Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) increases significantly during the thermal aging, which is related to the formation of Laves-phase in the steel matrix. The possible mechanism of stabilizing microstructure during the thermal exposure has been analyzed based on the interaction between M23C6 carbides and subgrain boundaries.