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This paper provides an overview of research on modelling of the structure–property interactions of polymer nanocomposites in manufacturing processes (stretch blow moulding and thermoforming) involving large-strain biaxial stretching of relatively thin sheets, aimed at developing computer modelling tools to help producers of materials, product designers and manufacturers exploit these materials to the full, much more quickly than could be done by experimental methods alone. The exemplar systems studied are polypropylene and polyester terephalate, with nanoclays. These were compounded and extruded into 2mm thick sheet which was then biaxially stretched at 155°C for the PP and 90 to 100°C for the PET. Mechanical properties were determined for the unstretched and stretched materials, together with TEM and XRD studies of structure. Multi-scale modelling, using representative volume elements is used to model the properties of these products.


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The inclusion of a synthetic fluoromica clay in PET affects its processability via biaxial stretching and stretching temperature (95 °C and 102 °C) and strain rate (1 s-1 and 2 s-1) influence the structuring and properties of the stretched material. The inclusion of clay has little effect on the temperature operating window for the PET–clay but it has a major effect on deformation behaviour which will necessitate the use of much higher forming forces during processing. The strain hardening behaviour of both the filled and unfilled materials is well correlated with tensile strength and tensile modulus. Increasing the stretching temperature to reduce stretching forces has a detrimental effect on clay exfoliation, mechanical and O2 barrier properties. Increasing strain rate has a lesser effect on the strain hardening behaviour of the PET–clay compared with the pure PET and this is attributed to possible adiabatic heating in the PET–clay sample at the higher strain rate. The Halpin–Tsai model is shown to accurately predict the modulus enhancement of the PET–clay materials when a modified particle modulus rather than nominal clay modulus is used.


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In the research of the microstructural influence on dynamic compression, an assumption that the α and the β phases in titanium alloys were linearly strengthened was proposed, and a two-dimensional model using ANSYS (ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA) focusing on the role of microgeometrical structure was developed. By comparing the stress and strain distributions of different microstructures, the roles of cracks and phase boundaries in titanium compression were studied.


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Deep-seated progressive failures of cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays have been observed in the field and are well documented, especially for London Clays (Potts, Kovacevic, & Vaughan, 1997; Smethurst, Powrie, & Clarke, 2006; Take, 2003), however, the process of softening and the development of a rupture surface in other clays, including the clay fraction of glacial tills, is still to be established. Recent decades have witnessed extreme weather conditions in Northern Ireland with dry summers and wet winters. The dynamics of this pore pressure variation can trigger strength reduction and progressive plastic straining, both of which will lead to slope failure. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of pore pressure variations on the deformation and long-term stability of large cuttings in glacial tills in Northern Ireland. This paper outlines the overall research program and presents initial laboratory findings (Carse, 2013).


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This paper highlights for the first time a full comprehension of the deformation procedure during the injection stretch blow moulding (ISBM) process of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) containers, namely thin-walled rigid bottles. The processes required to form PET bottles are complicated and extensive; any development in understanding the nature of material deformation can potentially improve the bottle optimisation process. Removing the bottle mould and performing free-stretch-blow (FSB) experiments revealed insight into the bottle forming characteristics at various preform temperatures and blowing rates. Process outputs cavity pressure and stretch-rod force were recorded using at instrumented stretch-rod and preform surface strain mapping was determined using a combination of a unique patterning procedure and high speed stereoscopic digital image correlation. The unprecedented experimental analysis reveals that the deformation behaviour varies considerably with contrasting process input parameters. Investigation into the effect on deformation mode, strain rate and final bottle shape provide a basis for full understanding of the process optimisation and therefore how the process inputs may aid development of the preferred optimised container.


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The largest biological fractionations of stable carbon isotopes observed in nature occur during production of methane by methanogenic archaea. These fractionations result in substantial (as much as 70) shifts in 13C relative to the initial substrate. We now report that a stable carbon isotopic fractionation of comparable magnitude (up to 70) occurs during oxidation of methyl halides by methylotrophic bacteria. We have demonstrated biological fractionation with whole cells of three methylotrophs (strain IMB-1, strain CC495, and strain MB2) and, to a lesser extent, with the purified cobalamin-dependent methyltransferase enzyme obtained from strain CC495. Thus, the genetic similarities recently reported between methylotrophs, and methanogens with respect to their pathways for C1-unit metabolism are also reflected in the carbon isotopic fractionations achieved by these organisms. We found that only part of the observed fractionation of carbon isotopes could be accounted for by the activity of the corrinoid methyltransferase enzyme, suggesting fractionation by enzymes further along the degradation pathway. These observations are of potential biogeochemical significance in the application of stable carbon isotope ratios to constrain the tropospheric budgets for the ozone-depleting halocarbons, methyl bromide and methyl chloride.


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Polymer nanocomposites offer the potential of enhanced properties such as increased modulus and barrier properties to the end user. Much work has been carried out on the effects of extrusion conditions on melt processed nanocomposites but very little research has been conducted on the use of polymer nanocomposites in semi-solid forming processes such as thermoforming and injection blow molding. These processes are used to make much of today’s packaging, and any improvements in performance such as possible lightweighting due to increased modulus would bring signi?cant bene?ts both economically and environmentally. The work described here looks at the biaxial deformation of polypropylene–clay nanocomposites under industrial forming conditions in order to determine if the presence of clay affects processability, structure and mechanical properties of the stretched material. Melt compounded polypropylene/clay composites in sheet form were biaxially stretched at a variety of processing conditions to examine the effect of high temperature, high strain and high strain rate processing on sheet structure
and properties.

A biaxial test rig was used to carry out the testing which imposed conditions on the sheet that are representative of those applied in injection blow molding and thermoforming. Results show that the presence of clay increases the yield stress relative to the un?lled material at typical processing temperatures and that the sensitivity of the yield stress to temperature is greater for the ?lled material. The stretching process is found to have a signi?cant effect on the delamination and alignment of clay particles (as observed by TEM) and on yield stress and elongation at break of the stretched sheet.


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Unsaturated soils constitute a large proportion of the foundation materials supporting infrastructure throughout the world and they are subject to various loading conditions. This paper describes the development of a simple system for testing unsaturated soils under repeated loading. The equipment was comprised of a modified triaxial cell with hydraulic loading system, hall-effect transducers for on-sample strain measurements, and thermocouple psychrometer for suction measurements. A number of undrained monotonic and repeated loading triaxial tests were performed on compacted samples of kaolin clay in order to attest the newly developed system. The results yielded some useful information on the resilient modulus and permanent deformation of a soil when subjected to repeated loading. There is some difference between the failure deviator stress of samples subjected to repeated and monotonic loading, though repeated loading continued to result in a significant permanent deformation. This paper is aimed at demonstrating the key features of the equipment using preliminary data generated as part of the on-going research.


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Comparison of the complete genome sequence of Bacteroides fragilis 638R, originally isolated in the USA, was made with two previously sequenced strains isolated in the UK (NCTC 9343) and Japan (YCH46). The presence of 10 loci containing genes associated with polysaccharide (PS) biosynthesis, each including a putative Wzx flippase and Wzy polymerase, was confirmed in all three strains, despite a lack of cross-reactivity between NCTC 9343 and 638R surface PS-specific antibodies by immunolabelling and microscopy. Genomic comparisons revealed an exceptional level of PS biosynthesis locus diversity. Of the 10 divergent PS-associated loci apparent in each strain, none is similar between NCTC 9343 and 638R. YCH46 shares one locus with NCTC 9343, confirmed by mAb labelling, and a second different locus with 638R, making a total of 28 divergent PS biosynthesis loci amongst the three strains. The lack of expression of the phase-variable large capsule (LC) in strain 638R, observed in NCTC 9343, is likely to be due to a point mutation that generates a stop codon within a putative initiating glycosyltransferase, necessary for the expression of the LC in NCTC 9343. Other major sequence differences were observed to arise from different numbers and variety of inserted extra-chromosomal elements, in particular prophages. Extensive horizontal gene transfer has occurred within these strains, despite the presence of a significant number of divergent DNA restriction and modification systems that act to prevent acquisition of foreign DNA. The level of amongst-strain diversity in PS biosynthesis loci is unprecedented.


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Deformation localisation is the main reason for material failure in cold forging of titanium alloys and is thus closely related to the production yield of cold forging. In the study of the influence of process parameters on dynamic compression, considering material constitutive behaviour, physical parameters and process parameters, a numerical dynamic compression model for titanium alloys has been constructed. By adjusting the process parameters, the severity of strain localisation and stress state in the localised zone can be controlled thus enhancing the compression performance of titanium alloys.


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This article is concerned with understanding the behavior of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the injection stretch blow molding (ISBM) process where it is typically biaxially stretched to form bottles for the packaging industry. A comprehensive experimental study was undertaken, analyzing the behavior of three different grades of PET under constant width (CW), simultaneous (EB), and sequential (SQ) equal biaxial deformation. Experiments were carried out at temperature and strain rate ranges of 80–110C and 1 /s to 32 /s, respectively, to different stretch ratios. Results show that the biaxial deformation behavior of PET exhibits a strong dependency on forming temperature, strain rate, stretch ratio,deformation mode, and molecular weight. The tests were also monitored via a high speed thermal image camera which showed an increase in temperature between 5C and 15C observed depending on the stretch conditions.