89 resultados para IGF-I and cell migration


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Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) signaling is strongly associated with cell growth and regulates the rate of synthesis of the rRNA precursor, the first and the key stage of ribosome biogenesis. In a screen for mediators of IGF-I signaling in cancer, we recently identified several ribosome-related proteins, including NEP1 (nucleolar essential protein 1) and WDR3 (WD repeat 3), whose homologues in yeast function in ribosome processing. The WDR3 gene and its locus on chromosome 1p12-13 have previously been linked with malignancy. Here we show that IGF-I induces expression of WDR3 in transformed cells. WDR3 depletion causes defects in ribosome biogenesis by affecting 18 S rRNA processing and also causes a transient down-regulation of precursor rRNA levels with moderate repression of RNA polymerase I activity. Suppression of WDR3 in cells expressing functional p53 reduced proliferation and arrested cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This was associated with activation of p53 and sequestration of MDM2 by ribosomal protein L11. Cells lacking functional p53 did not undergo cell cycle arrest upon suppression of WDR3. Overall, the data indicate that WDR3 has an essential function in 40 S ribosomal subunit synthesis and in ribosomal stress signaling to p53-mediated regulation of cell cycle progression in cancer cells.


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Chinese hamster V79 fibroblasts were irradiated in the gas explosion apparatus and the chemical repair rates of the oxygen-dependent free radical precursors of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and lethal lesions measured using filter elution (pH 9.6) and a clonogenic assay. Depletion of cellular GSH levels, from 4.16 fmol/cell to 0.05 fmol/cell, by treatment with buthionine sulphoximine (50 mumol dm-3; 18 h), led to sensitization as regards DNA dsb induction and cell killing. This was evident at all time settings but was particularly pronounced when the oxygen shot was given 1 ms after the irradiation pulse. A detailed analysis of the chemical repair kinetics showed that depletion of GSH led to a reduction in the first-order rate constant for dsb precursors from 385 s-1 to 144 s-1, and for lethal lesion precursors from 533 s-1 to 165 s-1. This is generally consistent with the role of GSH in the repair-fixation model of radiation damage at the critical DNA lesions. However, the reduction in chemical repair rate was not proportional to the severe thiol depletion (down to almost-equal-to 1% for GSH) and a residual repair capacity remained (almost-equal-to 30%). This was found not to be due to compartmentalization of residual GSH in the nucleus, as the repair rate for dsb precursors in isolated nuclei, washed virtually free of GSH, was identical to that found in GSH-depleted cells (144 s-1), also the OER remained substantially above unity. This suggests that other reducing agents may have a role to play in the chemical repair of oxygen-dependent damage. One possible candidate is the significant level of protein sulphydryls present in isolated nuclei.


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Connective tissue growth factor [CTGF]/CCN2 is a prototypic member of the CCN family of regulatory proteins. CTGF expression is up-regulated in a number of fibrotic diseases, including diabetic nephropathy, where it is believed to act as a downstream mediator of TGF-beta function; however, the exact mechanisms whereby CTGF mediates its effects remain unclear. Here, we describe the role of CTGF in cell migration and actin disassembly in human mesangial cells, a primary target in the development of renal glomerulosclerosis. The addition of CTGF to primary mesangial cells induced cell migration and cytoskeletal rearrangement but had no effect on cell proliferation. Cytoskeletal rearrangement was associated with a loss of focal adhesions, involving tyrosine dephosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, increased activity of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, with a concomitant decrease in RhoA and Rac1 activity. Conversely, Cdc42 activity was increased by CTGF. These functional responses were associated with the phosphorylation and translocation of protein kinase C-zeta to the leading edge of migrating cells. Inhibition of CTGF-induced protein kinase C-zeta activity with a myristolated PKC-zeta inhibitor prevented cell migration. Moreover, transient transfection of human mesangial cells with a PKC-zeta kinase inactive mutant (dominant negative) expression vector also led to a decrease in CTGF-induced migration compared with wild-type. Furthermore, CTGF stimulated phosphorylation and activation of GSK-3beta. These data highlight for the first time an integrated mechanism whereby CTGF regulates cell migration through facilitative actin cytoskeleton disassembly, which is mediated by dephosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin, loss of RhoA activity, activation of Cdc42, and phosphorylation of PKC-zeta and GSK-3beta. These changes indicate that the initial stages of CTGF mediated mesangial cell migration are similar to those involved in the process of cell polarization. These findings begin to shed mechanistic light on the renal diabetic milieu, where increased CTGF expression in the glomerulus contributes to cellular dysfunction.


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Metastasis accounts largely for the high mortality rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. In this study, we performed comparative proteome analysis of primary CRC cell lines HCT-116 and its metastatic derivative E1 using 2-D DIGE. We identified 74 differentially expressed proteins, many of which function in transcription, translation, angiogenesis signal transduction, or cytoskeletal remodeling pathways, which are indispensable cellular processes involved in the metastatic cascade. Among these proteins, stathmin-1 (STMN1) was found to be highly up-regulated in E1 as compared to HCT-116 and was thus selected for further functional studies. Our results showed that perturbations in STMN1 levels resulted in significant changes in cell migration, invasion, adhesion, and colony formation. We further showed that the differential expression of STMN1 correlated with the cells' metastatic potential in other paradigms of CRC models. Using immunohistochemistry, we also showed that STMN1 was highly expressed in colorectal primary tumors and metastatic tissues as compared to the adjacent normal colorectal tissues. Furthermore, we also showed via tissue microarray analyses of 324 CRC tissues and Kaplan-Meier survival plot that CRC patients with higher expression of STMN1 have poorer prognosis.


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Sirolimus-eluting stent therapy has achieved considerable success in overcoming coronary artery restenosis. However, there remain a large number of patients presenting with restenosis after the treatment, and the source of its persistence remains unclarified. Although recent evidence supports the contribution of vascular stem/progenitor cells in restenosis formation, their functional and molecular responses to sirolimus are largely unknown.


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BACKGROUND: The ovarian surface epithelium responds to cytokines and hormonal cues to initiate proliferation and migration following ovulation. Although insulin and IGF are potent proliferative factors for the ovarian surface epithelium and IGF is required for follicle development, increased insulin and IGF activity are correlated with at least two gynecologic conditions: polycystic ovary syndrome and epithelial ovarian cancer. Although insulin and IGF are often components of in vitro culture media, little is known about the effects that these growth factors may have on the ovarian surface epithelium morphology or how signaling in the ovarian surface may affect follicular health and development.

METHODS: Ovaries from CD1 mice were cultured in alginate hydrogels in the presence or absence of 5 μg/ml insulin or IGF-I, as well as small molecule inhibitors of IR/IGF1R, PI 3-kinase signaling, or MAPK signaling. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of cytokeratin 8 to mark the ovarian surface epithelium, Müllerian inhibiting substance to mark secondary follicles, and BrdU incorporation to assess proliferation. Changes in gene expression in the ovarian surface epithelium in response to insulin or IGF-I were analyzed by transcription array. Extracellular matrix organization was evaluated by expression and localization of collagen IV.

RESULTS: Culture of ovarian organoids with insulin or IGF-I resulted in formation of hyperplastic OSE approximately 4-6 cell layers thick with a high rate of proliferation, as well as decreased MIS expression in secondary follicles. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway restored MIS expression reduced by insulin but only partially restored normal OSE growth and morphology. Inhibition of the PI 3-kinase pathway restored MIS expression reduced by IGF-I and restored OSE growth to a single cell layer. Insulin and IGF-I altered organization of collagen IV, which was restored by inhibition of PI 3-kinase signaling.

CONCLUSIONS: While insulin and IGF are often required for propagation of primary cells, these cytokines may act as potent mitogens to disrupt cell growth, resulting in formation of hyperplastic OSE and decreased follicular integrity as measured by MIS expression and collagen deposition. This may be due partly to altered collagen IV deposition and organization in the ovary in response to insulin and IGF signaling mediated by PI 3-kinase.


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Introduction. Endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) hold great cytotherapeutic potential for ischaemic disease. Emerging evidence supports a key role for NADPH oxidases in underlying angiogenic processes of these and other endothelial cells. Aims. To study the influence of Nox NADPH oxidases on the pro-angiogenic function of ECFCs. Methods. Human ECFCs isolated from umbilical cord blood were treated with pro-oxidant PMA and assessed in vitro, both under basal conditions and after siRNA knockdown of Nox4, a key endothelial NADPH oxidase isoform, alongside primary mature human aortic endothelial cells (HAoECs) for comparison, using an established scratch-wound assay as the functional end-point. Results. PMA (500nM for 8h) increased cell migration (control 18.6±2.8, PMA 32.7±6.6% wound closure; n=6, P<0.05) in a superoxide-dependent manner, as indicated by attenuation of this effect in the presence of PEG-SOD. Although HAoEC migration in response to PMA also tended to increase, this did not reach statistical significance. Notably, cell migration at 16h was reduced by Nox4 knockdown in ECFCs (control siRNA 53.4±3.5, Nox4 siRNA 35.1±4.9% closure; n=3, P<0.05), but not in HAoECs, whilst the pro-migratory effect of PMA in ECFCs was potentiated after Nox4 knockdown (control siRNA 53.4±3.5, +PMA 61.5±3.2% closure; n=3, P=NS; Nox4 siRNA 35.1±4.9, +PMA 53.0±4.9% closure; n=3, P<0.05). Conclusion. ECFC migration is enhanced by low concentrations of superoxide, to a greater extent compared to mature endothelial cells, and appears to be at least partly dependent upon NADPH oxidase, including a specific role for Nox4. Although, the precise contribution of endothelial Nox NADPH oxidases isoforms remains to be determined, it is clear that these findings may have significant implications for potential ECFC-based therapies for ischaemic disease, which is associated with an oxidative microenvironment.


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The exact functions of BRCA1 have not been fully described but it now seems apparent that it has roles in DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and most recently in ubiquitylation. These functions of BRCA1 are most likely interdependent but this review will focus on the role of BRCA1 in relation to transcriptional regulation and in particular how this impacts upon cell cycle control. We will (i) describe the structure of BRCA1 and how it may contribute to its transcription function; (ii) describe the interaction of BRCA1 with the core transcriptional machinery (RNA polII); (iii) describe how BRCA1 may regulate transcription at an epigenetic level through chromatin modification; (iv) discuss the role of BRCA1 in modulating transcription through its association with sequence-specific transcription factors. Finally, we will discuss the possible effects of BRCA1 transcriptional regulation on downstream targets with known roles in cell cycle control.


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Gene gun immunization, i.e., bombardment of skin with DNA-coated particles, is an efficient method for the administration of DNA vaccines. Direct transfection of APC or cross-presentation of exogenous Ag acquired from transfected nonimmune cells enables MHC-I-restricted activation of CD8(+) T cells. Additionally, MHC-II-restricted presentation of exogenous Ag activates CD4(+) Th cells. Being the principal APC in the epidermis, Langerhans cells (LC) seem ideal candidates to accomplish these functions. However, the dependence on LC of gene gun-induced immune reactions has not yet been demonstrated directly. This was primarily hampered by difficulties to discriminate the contributions of LC from those of other dermal dendritic cells. To address this problem, we have used Langerin-diphtheria toxin receptor knockin mice that allow for selective inducible ablation of LC. LC deficiency, even over the entire duration of experiments, did not affect any of the gene gun-induced immune functions examined, including proliferation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, IFN-gamma secretion by spleen cells, Ab production, CTL activity, and development of protective antitumor immunity.