88 resultados para Guideline Adherence


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Cough can persist despite exhaustive diagnostic and therapeutic effort and has been termed 'idiopathic' or 'unexplained' but perhaps 'difficult to treat' cough is a more appropriate description. In this article the reasons for poor treatment response are discussed. These include a lack of physician fidelity to management guidelines, patient non-adherence and the lack of effective medicines. A number of randomized controlled trials have been undertaken including low dose opiate therapy, the use of a speech pathology intervention, oral antibiotics and antidepressants. The success or otherwise of such interventions will be discussed. A number of approaches to deal with the problem of 'difficult to treat cough' will be considered.


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BACKGROUND: Asthma management guidelines advocate a stepwise approach to asthma therapy, including the addition of a long-acting bronchodilator to inhaled steroid therapy at step 3. This is almost exclusively prescribed as inhaled combination therapy.

AIMS: To examine whether asthma prescribing practice for inhaled combination therapy (inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist (ICS/LABA)) in primary care in Northern Ireland is in line with national asthma management guidelines.

METHODS: Using data from the Northern Ireland Enhanced Prescribing Database, we examined initiation of ICS/LABA in subjects aged 5-35 years in 2010.

RESULTS: A total of 2,640 subjects (67%) had no inhaled corticosteroid monotherapy (ICS) in the study year or six months of the preceding year (lead-in period) and, extending this to a 12-month lead-in period, 52% had no prior ICS. 41% of first prescriptions for ICS/LABA were dispensed in January to March. Prior to ICS/LABA prescription, in the previous six months only 17% had a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) dispensed, 5% received oral steroids, and 17% received an antibiotic.

CONCLUSIONS: ICS/LABA therapy was initiated in the majority of young subjects with asthma without prior inhaled steroid therapy. Most prescriptions were initiated in the January to March period. However, the prescribing of ICS/LABA did not appear to be driven by asthma symptoms (17% received SABA in the previous 6 months) or severe asthma exacerbation (only 5% received oral steroids). Significant reductions in ICS/LABA, with associated cost savings, would occur if the asthma prescribing guidelines were followed in primary care.


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Protocols of systematic reviews and meta-analyses allow for planning and documentation of review methods, act as a guard against arbitrary decision making during review conduct, enable readers to assess for the presence of selective reporting against completed reviews, and, when made publicly available, reduce duplication of efforts and potentially prompt collaboration. Evidence documenting the existence of selective reporting and excessive duplication of reviews on the same or similar topics is accumulating and many calls have been made in support of the documentation and public availability of review protocols. Several efforts have emerged in recent years to rectify these problems, including development of an international register for prospective reviews (PROSPERO) and launch of the first open access journal dedicated to the exclusive publication of systematic review products, including protocols (BioMed Central's Systematic Reviews). Furthering these efforts and building on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines, an international group of experts has created a guideline to improve the transparency, accuracy, completeness, and frequency of documented systematic review and meta-analysis protocols--PRISMA-P (for protocols) 2015. The PRISMA-P checklist contains 17 items considered to be essential and minimum components of a systematic review or meta-analysis protocol.This PRISMA-P 2015 Explanation and Elaboration paper provides readers with a full understanding of and evidence about the necessity of each item as well as a model example from an existing published protocol. This paper should be read together with the PRISMA-P 2015 statement. Systematic review authors and assessors are strongly encouraged to make use of PRISMA-P when drafting and appraising review protocols.


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Molecular testing is becoming an important part of the diagnosis of any patient with cancer. The challenge to laboratories is to meet this need, using reliable methods and processes to ensure that patients receive a timely and accurate report on which their treatment will be based. The aim of this paper is to provide minimum requirements for the management of molecular pathology laboratories. This general guidance should be augmented by the specific guidance available for different tumour types and tests. Preanalytical considerations are important, and careful consideration of the way in which specimens are obtained and reach the laboratory is necessary. Sample receipt and handling follow standard operating procedures, but some alterations may be necessary if molecular testing is to be performed, for instance to control tissue fixation. DNA and RNA extraction can be standardised and should be checked for quality and quantity of output on a regular basis. The choice of analytical method(s) depends on clinical requirements, desired turnaround time, and expertise available. Internal quality control, regular internal audit of the whole testing process, laboratory accreditation, and continual participation in external quality assessment schemes are prerequisites for delivery of a reliable service. A molecular pathology report should accurately convey the information the clinician needs to treat the patient with sufficient information to allow for correct interpretation of the result. Molecular pathology is developing rapidly, and further detailed evidence-based recommendations are required for many of the topics covered here.


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BACKGROUND: Successful management of chronic cough has varied in the primary research studies in the reported literature. One of the potential reasons relates to a lack of intervention fidelity to the core elements of the diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions that were meant to be used by the investigators.

METHODS: We conducted a systematic review to summarize the evidence supporting intervention fidelity as an important methodologic consideration in assessing the effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines used for the diagnosis and management of chronic cough. We developed and used a tool to assess for five areas of intervention fidelity. Medline (PubMed), Scopus, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched from January 1998 to May 2014. Guideline recommendations and suggestions for those conducting research using guidelines or protocols to diagnose and manage chronic cough in the adult were developed and voted upon using CHEST Organization methodology.

RESULTS: A total of 23 studies (17 uncontrolled prospective observational, two randomized controlled, and four retrospective observational) met our inclusion criteria. These articles included 3,636 patients. Data could not be pooled for meta-analysis because of heterogeneity. Findings related to the five areas of intervention fidelity included three areas primarily related to the provider and two primarily related to the patients. In the area of study design, 11 of 23 studies appeared to be underpinned by a single guideline/protocol; for training of providers, two of 23 studies reported training, and zero of 23 reported the use of an intervention manual; and for the area of delivery of treatment, when assessing the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, three of 23 studies appeared consistent with the most recent guideline/protocol referenced by the authors. For receipt of treatment, zero of 23 studies mentioned measuring concordance of patient-interventionist understanding of the treatment recommended, and zero of 23 mentioned measuring enactment of treatment, with three of 23 measuring side effects and two of 23 measuring adherence. The overall average intervention fidelity score for all 23 studies was poor (20.74 out of 48).

CONCLUSIONS: Only low-quality evidence supports that intervention fidelity strategies were used when conducting primary research in diagnosing and managing chronic cough in adults. This supports the contention that some of the variability in the reporting of patients with unexplained or unresolved chronic cough may be due to lack of intervention fidelity. By following the recommendations and suggestions in this article, researchers will likely be better able to incorporate strategies to address intervention fidelity, thereby strengthening the validity and generalizability of their results that provide the basis for the development of trustworthy guidelines.


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The reported incidence of colonization of oropharyngeal medical devices with Candida spp. has increased in recent years, although few studies that have systematically examined the adherence of yeast cells to such biomaterials, the primary step in the process of colonization. This study, therefore, examined the effects of oropharyngeal atmospheric conditions (5% v/v carbon dioxide) and the presence of a salivary conditioning film on both the surface properties and adherence of Candida albicans, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis to PVC and silicone. Furthermore, the effects of the salivary conditioning film on the surface properties of these biomaterials are reported. Growth of the three Candida spp. in an atmosphere containing 5% v/v CO2 significantly increased their cell surface hydrophobicity and reduced the zeta potential of C. albicans and C. krusei yet increased the zeta potential of C. tropicalis (p < 0.05). Furthermore, growth in 5% v/v CO2 decreased the adherence of C. tropicalis and C. albicans to both PVC and silicone, however, increased adherence of C. krusei (p < 0.05). Pre-treatment of the microorganisms with pooled human saliva significantly decreased their cell surface hydrophobicity and increased their adherence to either biomaterial in comparison to yeast cells that had been pre-treated with PBS (p < 0.05). Saliva treatment of the microorganisms had no consistent effect on microbial zeta potential. Interestingly, adherence of the three, saliva-treated Candida spp. to saliva-treated silicone and PVC was significantly lower than whenever the microorganisms and biomaterials had been treated with PBS (p < 0.05). Treatment of silicone and PVC with saliva significantly altered the surface properties, notably reducing both the advancing and receding contact angles and, additionally, the microrugosity. These effects may contribute to the decreased adherence of saliva-treated microorganisms to these biomaterials. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the effects of physiological conditions within the oral cavity on the adherence of selected Candida spp. to biomaterials employed as oropharyngeal medical devices. In particular, this study has ominously shown that these materials act as substrates for yeast colonization, highlighting the need for advancements in biomaterial design. Furthermore, it is important that physiological conditions should be employed whenever biocompatibility of oropharyngeal biomaterials is under investigation. © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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In this study, the resistance of biodegradable biomaterials, composed of blends of poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) and the polymeric antimicrobial complex, polyvinylpyrrolidone–iodine (PVP-I) to the adherence of a clinical isolate of Escherichia coli is described. Blends of PCL composed of a range of high (50,000 g mol1) to low (5000 g mol1) molecular weight ratios of polymer and either
devoid of or containing PVP-I (1% w/w) were prepared by solvent evaporation. Following incubation (4 h), there was no relationship between m. wt. ratio of PCL in ?lms devoid of PVP-I and adherence ofE. coli. Conversely, microbial adherence to PCL containing PVP-I decreased as the ratio of high:low m. wt. polymer was decreased and was approximately 1000 fold lower than that to comparator ?lms devoid of PVP-I. Following periods of immersion of PVP-I containing PCL ?lms under sink conditions in phosphate buffered saline, subsequent adherence of E. coli was substantially reduced for 2 days (40:60 m. wt. ratio) and 6 days (100:0 m. wt. ratio). Concurrent exposure of PCL and E. coli to sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) of PVP-I signi?cantly reduced microbial adherence to the biomaterial; however, the molecular weight ratio of PCL did not affect this outcome. Pretreatment of PCL with similar sub-MIC of PVP-I prior to inclusion within the microbial adherence assay signi?cantly decreased the subsequent adherence of E. coli. Greatest reduction in adherence was observed following treatment of PCL (40:60 m. wt. ratio) with 0.0156% w/w PVP-I. In conclusion, this study has illustrated the utility of PVP-I as a suitable therapeutic agent for incorporation within PCL as a novel biomaterial. Due to the combined antimicrobial and biodegradable properties, these biomaterials offer a promising strategy for the reduction in medical device related infection. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.