31 resultados para Genetic Complementation Test


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Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus grows in one of two ways: either (i) predatorily [in a host-dependent (HD) manner], when it invades the periplasm of another Gram-negative bacterium, exporting into the prey co-ordinated waves of soluble enzymes using the prey cell contents for growth; or (ii) in a host-independent (HI) manner, when it grows (slowly) axenically in rich media. Periplasmic invasion potentially exposes B. bacteriovorus to extremes of pH and exposes the need to scavenge electron donors from prey electron transport components by synthesis of metalloenzymes. The twin-arginine transport system (Tat) in other bacteria transports folded metalloenzymes and the B. bacteriovorus genome encodes 21 potential Tat-transported substrates and Tat transporter proteins TatA1, TatA2 and TatBC. GFP tagging of the Tat signal peptide from Bd1802, a high-potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP), revealed it to be exported into the prey bacterium during predatory growth. Mutagenesis showed that the B. bacteriovorus tatA2 and tatC gene products are essential for both HI and HD growth, despite the fact that they partially complement (in SDS resistance assays) the corresponding mutations in Escherichia coli where neither TatA nor TatC are essential for life. The essentiality of B. bacteriovorus TatA2 was surprising given that the B. bacteriovorus genome encodes a second tatA homologue, tatA1. Transcription of tatA1 was found to be induced upon entry to the bdelloplast, and insertional inactivation of tatA1 showed that it significantly slowed the rates of both HI and HD growth. B. bacteriovorus is one of a few bacterial species that are reliant on a functional Tat system and where deletion of a single tatA1 gene causes a significant growth defect(s), despite the presence of its tatA2 homologue.


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Schistosomes ingest host erythrocytes, liberating large quantities of haem. Despite its toxicity, haem is an essential factor for numerous biological reactions, and may be an important iron source for these helminths. We used a fluorescence haem analogue, palladium mesoporphyrin, to investigate pathways of haem acquisition, and showed that palladium mesoporphyrin accumulates in the vitellaria (eggshell precursor glands) and ovary of female Schistosoma mansoni. Furthermore, incubation of adult females in 10-100 μm cyclosporin A (IC50 = 2.3 μm) inhibits the uptake of palladium mesoporphyrin to these tissues, with tenfold reductions in fluorescence intensity of the ovary. In vitro exposure to cyclosporin A resulted in significant perturbation of egg production, reducing egg output from 34 eggs per female to 5.7 eggs per female over the incubation period, and retardation of egg development. We characterized a S. mansoni homologue of the haem-responsive genes of Caenorhabditis elegans. The gene (Smhrg-1) encodes a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 17 kDa. SmHRG-1 was able to rescue growth in haem transport-deficient HEM1Δ yeast. Transcriptional suppression of Smhrg-1 in adult S. mansoni worms resulted in significant delay in egg maturation, with 47% of eggs from transcriptionally suppressed worms being identified as immature compared with only 27% of eggs laid by control worms treated with firefly luciferase. Our findings indicate the presence of transmembrane haem transporters in schistosomes, with a high abundance of these molecules being present in tissues involved in oogenesis.


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The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionellanucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms.


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PURPOSE: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) causes hereditary blindness in adults (prevalence, approximately 1 in 4000). Each of the more than 30 causative genes identified to date are responsible for only a small percentage of cases. Genetic diagnosis via traditional methods is problematic, and a single test with a higher probability of detecting the causative mutation would be very beneficial for the clinician. The goal of this study therefore was to develop a high-throughput screen capable of detecting both known mutations and novel mutations within all genes implicated in autosomal recessive or simplex RP. DESIGN: Evaluation of diagnostic technology. PARTICIPANTS AND CONTROLS: Participants were 56 simplex and autosomal recessive RP patients, with 360 population controls unscreened for ophthalmic disease. METHODS: A custom genechip capable of resequencing all exons containing known mutations in 19 disease-associated genes was developed (RP genechip). A second, commercially available arrayed primer extension (APEX) system was used to screen 501 individual previously reported variants. The ability of these high-throughput approaches to identify pathogenic variants was assessed in a cohort of simplex and autosomal recessive RP patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of mutations and potentially pathogenic variants identified. RESULTS: The RP genechip identified 44 sequence variants: 5 previously reported mutations; 22 known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs); 11 novel, potentially pathogenic variants; and 6 novel SNPs. There was strong concordance with the APEX array, but only the RP genechip detected novel variants. For example, identification of a novel mutation in CRB1 revealed a patient, who also had a single previously known CRB1 mutation, to be a compound heterozygote. In some individuals, potentially pathogenic variants were discovered in more than one gene, consistent with the existence of disease modifier effects resulting from mutations at a second locus. CONCLUSIONS: The RP genechip provides the significant advantage of detecting novel variants and could be expected to detect at least one pathogenic variant in more than 50% of patients. The APEX array provides a reliable method to detect known pathogenic variants in autosomal recessive RP and simplex RP patients and is commercially available. High-throughput genotyping for RP is evolving into a clinically useful genetic diagnostic tool.


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A split-EGFP bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay was used to visualise and locate three interacting pairs of proteins from the GAL genetic switch of the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both the Gal4p-Gal80p and Gal80p-Gal3p pairs were found to be located in the nucleus under inducing conditions. However, the Gal80p-Gal1p complex was located throughout the cell. These results support recent work establishing an initial interaction between Gal3p and Gal80p occurring in the nucleus. Labelling of all three protein pairs impaired the growth of the yeast strains and resulted in reduced galactokinase activity in cell extracts. The most likely cause of this impairment is decreased dissociation rates of the complexes, caused by the essentially irreversible reassembly of the EGFP fragments. This suggests that a fully functional GAL genetic switch requires dynamic interactions between the protein components. These results also highlight the need for caution in the interpretation of in vivo split-EGFP experiments.


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There is growing interest in the mating systems of sharks and their relatives (Class Chondrichthyes) because these ancient fishes occupy a key position in vertebrate phylogeny and are increasingly in need of conservation due to widespread overexploitation. Based on precious few genetic and field observational studies, current speculation is that polyandrous mating strategies and multiple paternity may be common in sharks as they are in most other vertebrates. Here, we test this hypothesis by examining the genetic mating system of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, using microsatellite DNA profiling of 22 litters (22 mothers, 188 embryos genotyped at four polymorphic loci) obtained from multiple locations along the west coast of Florida. Contrary to expectations based on the ability of female S. tiburo to store sperm, the social nature of this species and the 100% multiple paternity observed in two other coastal shark species, over 81% of sampled bonnethead females produced litters sired by a single male (i.e. genetic monogamy). When multiple paternity occurred in S. tiburo, there was an indication of increased incidence in larger mothers with bigger litters. Our data suggest that sharks may exhibit complex genetic mating systems with a high degree of interspecific variability, and as a result some species may be more susceptible to loss of genetic variation in the face of escalating fishing pressure. Based on these findings, we suggest that knowledge of elasmobranch mating systems should be an important component of conservation and management programmes for these heavily exploited species.


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A new search-space-updating technique for genetic algorithms is proposed for continuous optimisation problems. Other than gradually reducing the search space during the evolution process with a fixed reduction rate set ‘a priori’, the upper and the lower boundaries for each variable in the objective function are dynamically adjusted based on its distribution statistics. To test the effectiveness, the technique is applied to a number of benchmark optimisation problems in comparison with three other techniques, namely the genetic algorithms with parameter space size adjustment (GAPSSA) technique [A.B. Djurišic, Elite genetic algorithms with adaptive mutations for solving continuous optimization problems – application to modeling of the optical constants of solids, Optics Communications 151 (1998) 147–159], successive zooming genetic algorithm (SZGA) [Y. Kwon, S. Kwon, S. Jin, J. Kim, Convergence enhanced genetic algorithm with successive zooming method for solving continuous optimization problems, Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1715–1725] and a simple GA. The tests show that for well-posed problems, existing search space updating techniques perform well in terms of convergence speed and solution precision however, for some ill-posed problems these techniques are statistically inferior to a simple GA. All the tests show that the proposed new search space update technique is statistically superior to its counterparts.


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Background: The complement factor H (CFH) gene has been recently confirmed to play an essential role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There are conflicting reports of its role in coronary heart disease. This study was designed to investigate if, using a family-based approach, there was an association between genetic variants of the CFH gene and risk of early-onset coronary heart disease. Methods: We evaluated 6 SNPs and 5 common haplotypes in the CFH gene amongst 1494 individuals in 580 Irish families with at least one member prematurely affected with coronary heart disease. Genotypes were determined by multiplex SNaPshot technology. Results: Using the TDT/S-TDT test, we did not find an association between any of the individual SNPs or any of the 5 haplotypes and early-onset coronary heart disease. Conclusion: In this family-based study, we found no association between the CFH gene and early-onset coronary heart disease. © 2007 Meng et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Knowledge of the levels of genetic diversity maintained in natural populations can play a central role in conservation programmes, particularly in threatened habitats or species. Fluctuations in population size can lead to loss of variation and, consequently, increase the risk of extinction. We have examined whether such a genetic bottleneck has occurred in populations of two species in the seagrass genus Zostera, which are believed to have been affected by an outbreak of wasting disease at the start of the last century. A test for heterozygote excess at five nuclear microsatellite loci did not suggest the occurrence of a genetic bottleneck, but analysis of seven chloroplast microsatellite loci and sequence data from two regions did suggest a bottleneck in the chloroplast genome. Extremely low levels of between-population diversity suggest that all subpopulations can be treated as a single management unit for each species. Comparable levels of nuclear genetic diversity were found in the three populations of the primarily sexual Zostera marina var. angustifolia studied but a wider range of within-population diversity was found in Zostera noltii, which displays both. sexual and vegetative reproductive strategies. This may be due to an increase in sexual recruitment due to localised fresh water inflow into the study site near to the most diverse population. Such populations should be prioritised as source material for any replanting or remediation due to natural or anthropogenic loss of Zostera beds in the area.


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Ensis siliqua is regarded as an increasingly valuable fishery resource with potential for commercial aquaculture in many European countries. The genetic variation of this razor clam was analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in six populations from Spain, Portugal and Ireland. Out of the 40 primers tested, five were chosen to assess genetic variation. A total of 61 RAPD loci were developed ranging in size from 400 to 2000 bp. The percentages of polymorphic loci, the allele effective number and the genetic diversity were comparable among populations, and demonstrated a high level of genetic variability. The values of Nei's genetic distance were small among the Spanish and Portuguese populations (0.051-0.065), and high between these and the Irish populations. Cluster and principal coordinate analyses supported these findings. A mantel test performed between geographic and genetic distance matrices showed a significant correlation (r=0.84, P


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Aims/hypothesis: Diabetic nephropathy, characterised by persistent proteinuria, hypertension and progressive kidney failure, affects a subset of susceptible individuals with diabetes. It is also a leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Non-synonymous (ns) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported to contribute to genetic susceptibility in both monogenic disorders and common complex diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate whether nsSNPs are involved in susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy using a case-control design.

Methods: White type 1 diabetic patients with (cases) and without (controls) nephropathy from eight centres in the UK and Ireland were genotyped for a selected subset of nsSNPs using Illumina's GoldenGate BeadArray assay. A ? 2 test for trend, stratified by centre, was used to assess differences in genotype distribution between cases and controls. Genomic control was used to adjust for possible inflation of test statistics, and the False Discovery Rate method was used to account for multiple testing.

Results: We assessed 1,111 nsSNPs for association with diabetic nephropathy in 1,711 individuals with type 1 diabetes (894 cases, 817 controls). A number of SNPs demonstrated a significant difference in genotype distribution between groups before but not after correction for multiple testing. Furthermore, neither subgroup analysis (diabetic nephropathy with ESRD or diabetic nephropathy without ESRD) nor stratification by duration of diabetes revealed any significant differences between groups.

Conclusions/interpretation: The nsSNPs investigated in this study do not appear to contribute significantly to the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes.


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Aims/hypothesis: SMAD proteins are involved in multiple signalling pathways and are key modulators of gene expression. We hypothesised that genetic variation in selected SMAD genes contributes to susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy. Methods: We selected 13 haplotype tag (ht) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 67 variants identified by resequencing the SMAD2 and SMAD3 genes. For SMAD1, SMAD4 and SMAD5 genes, genotype data were downloaded for 217 SNPs from Phase II of the International HapMap project. Of these, 85 SNPs met our inclusion criteria, resulting in the selection of 13 tag SNPs for further investigation. A case-control approach was employed, using 267 nephropathic patients and 442 controls with type 1 diabetes from Ireland. Two further populations (totalling 1,407 patients, 2,238 controls) were genotyped to validate initial findings. Genotyping was conducted using iPLEX, TaqMan and gel electrophoresis.
Results: The distribution of genotypes was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Analysis by the ? 2 test of genotype and allele frequencies in patients versus controls in the Irish population (n?=?709) revealed evidence for the association of one allele at 5% level of significance (rs10515478, p uncorrected?=?0.006; p corrected?=?0.04). This finding represents a relatively small difference in allele frequency of 6.4% in the patient group compared with 10.7% in the control group; this difference was not supported in subsequent investigations using DNA from European individuals with similar phenotypic characteristics.
Conclusions/interpretation: We selected an appropriate subset of variants for the investigation of common genetic risk factors and assessed SMAD1 to SMAD5 genes for association with diabetic nephropathy. We conclude that common polymorphisms in these genes do not strongly influence genetic susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy in white individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus.


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The paper explores the potential of applicability of Genetic programming approach (GP), adopted in this investigation, to model the combined effects of five independent variables to predict the mini-slump, the plate cohesion meter, the induced bleeding test, the J-fiber penetration value, and the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days of self-compacting slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON). The variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosage rates of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity modifying agent (VMA), and water-to-binder ratio (W/B). Twenty eight mixtures were made with 10-50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02-0.06% VMA by mass of cement, 0.6-1.2% SP and 50-150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42-0.48 W/B. The proposed genetic models of the self-compacting SIFCON offer useful modelling approach regarding the mix optimisation in predicting the fluidity, the cohesion, the bleeding, the penetration, and the compressive strength.


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We examined the genetic structure of natural populations of the European wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus at the microgeographic ( 30 km) scales. Ecological and behavioural studies indicate that this species exhibits considerable dispersal relative to its home-range size. Thus, there is potential for high gene flow over larger geographic areas. As levels of population genetic structure are related to gene flow, we hypothesized that population genetic structuring at the microgeographic level should be negligible, increasing only with geographic distance. To test this, four sites were sampled within a microgeographic scale with two additional samples at the macrogeographic level. Individuals (n=415) were screened and analysed for seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Contrary to our hypothesis, significant levels of population structuring were detected at both scales. Comparing genetic differentiation with geographic distance suggests increasing genetic isolation with distance. However, this distance effect was non-significant being confounded by surprisingly high levels of differentiation among microgeographic samples. We attribute this pattern of genetic differentiation to the effect of habitat fragmentation, splitting large populations into components with small effective population sizes resulting in enhanced genetic drift. Our results indicate that it is incorrect to assume genetic homogeneity among populations even where there is no evidence of physical barriers and dispersal can occur freely. In the case of A. sylvaticus, it is not clear whether dispersal does not occur across habitat barriers or behavioural dispersal occurs without consequent gene flow.


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Eusociality is widely considered a major evolutionary transition. The socially polymorphic sweat bee Halictus rubicundus, solitary in cooler regions of its holarctic range and eusocial in warmer parts, is an excellent model organism to address this transition, and specifically the question of whether sociality is associated with a strong barrier to gene flow between phenotypically divergent populations. Mitochondrial DNA (COI) from specimens collected across the British Isles, where both solitary and social phenotypes are represented, displayed limited variation, but placed all specimens in the same European lineage; haplotype network analysis failed to differentiate solitary and social lineages. Microsatellite genetic variability was high and enabled us to quantify genetic differentiation among populations and social phenotypes across Great Britain and Ireland. Results from conceptually different analyses consistently showed greater genetic differentiation between geographically distant populations, independently of their social phenotype, suggesting that the two social forms are not reproductively isolated. A landscape genetic approach revealed significant isolation by distance (Mantel test r = 0.622, p