163 resultados para G EXPRESSION


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Recent evidence suggests that the sympathetic nervous system may have a role in modulating neurogenic inflammation and bone remodelling. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a well-characterized neuropeptide transmitter in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. NPY is known to be present in human dental pulp; however, quantitative data on NPY levels in pulpal health and disease in an adult population remain to be determined. The aims of the current study were to assess, quantitatively, NPY levels by radioimmunoassay and confirm the distribution of NPY fibres by immunocytochemistry in carious and non-carious adult human pulp tissue. Our results suggest changes in the levels and distribution of NPY in human dental pulp during the caries process, with significantly higher levels of NPY in carious compared with non-carious adult human teeth. Within the carious samples studied, our finding, that NPY levels were significantly elevated in mild/moderate caries, concurs with the hypothesis that NPY could have a modulatory role in pulpal inflammation and in reparative dentine formation. © 2006 Eur J Oral Sci.


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of renal inflammation. This study investigated the mechanisms underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 gene expression in human mesangial cells after co-stimulation with thrombin and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). Whereas thrombin induced a moderate upregulation of preproET-1 mRNA, co-stimulation with TNFalpha resulted in a strong and protracted upregulation of this mRNA species. Thrombin+TNFalpha-induced upregulation of preproET-1 expression was found to require p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinases C, whereas activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase, or intracellular Ca(2+) release were not required. Actinomycin D chase experiments suggested that enhanced stability of preproET-1 mRNA did not account for the increase in transcript levels. PreproET-1 promoter analysis demonstrated that the 5'-flanking region of preproET-1 encompassed positive regulatory elements engaged by thrombin. Negative modulation of thrombin-induced activation exerted by the distal 5' portion of preproET-1 promoter (-4.4 kbp to 204 bp) was overcome by co-stimulation with TNFalpha, providing a possible mechanism underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 expression by these two agonists. In conclusion, human mesangial cell expression of preproET-1 may be increased potently in the presence of two common proinflammatory mediators, thereby providing a potential mechanism for ET-1 production in inflammatory renal disease.


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Vascular insufficiency and retinal ischaemia precede many proliferative retinopathies and stimulate secretion of vasoactive growth factors. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a major role and we therefore investigated the other members of the VEGF family: Placental growth factor (PlGF), VEGF-B, -C, and -D, and platelet derived growth factors (PDGF) A and B. Neonatal mice were exposed to hyperoxia for 5 days and then returned to room air (resulting in acute retinal ischaemia). RT-PCR demonstrated that all the members of the VEGF family are expressed in the retina and in situ hybridization (ISH) located their mRNAs primarily in ganglion cells. Similarly to VEGF itself, VEGF-C, PDGF-A, and PDGF-B were upregulated during retinal ischaemia (P < 0.05). Only PlGF gene expression increased during hyperoxia (P < 0.01). The expression pattern of these growth factors suggests a role in the normal retina and during vaso-obliterative and ischaemic phases.


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The immunolocalization and gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its cognate tyrosine kinase receptors, Flt-1 and KDR, has been studied in ocular melanomas and retinoblastomas using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Tumour-related alterations in VEGF/VEGF-receptor expression have also been examined in separate and uninvolved iris, retina and choroid of the same eyes. Although VEGF immunoreactivity in the normal retina was virtually absent, low-level VEGF expression was evident in the ganglion cell-bodies, Müller cells and in a distinct population of amacrine cells. VEGF gene expression was absent in the iris and choroid of normal eyes. In tumour-bearing eyes, high levels of VEGF protein and gene expression were observed within the vascularized regions of the tumours, while the adjacent retina and choroid showed increased VEGF levels when compared with normals. Flt-1 and KDR gene expression and immunolocalization occurred in VEGF-expressing ganglion, Müller and amacrine cells in normal eyes. Within the intra-ocular tumours, VEGF-receptor gene expression and protein was evident in the endothelial cells and also in cells close to the vessels, while in the adjacent retina, Flt-1 and KDR levels were elevated over normal, especially in the blood vessels. Flt-1 and KDR were both observed at elevated levels in the choroid and iris blood vessels. This study suggests that VEGF, Flt-1 and KDR are expressed by neural, glial and vascular elements within normal human retina. Intra-ocular tumours demonstrate a high level of VEGF and VEGF-receptor expression; within uninvolved, spatially separate retina, choroid and iris in the same eyes, expression is also elevated, especially within the vasculature. Retinal vascular endothelia may respond to high intra-ocular levels of VEGF by increasing expression of their VEGF receptors, a phenomenon which could have relevance to neoplasm-related ocular neovascularization.


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Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) are encoded by immediate early genes known to inhibit cytokine responses in a classical feedback loop. SOCS gene expression has been shown to be induced by many cytokines, growth factors, and innate immune stimuli, such as LPS. In this paper, we report that the chemoattractants, IL-8 and fMLP, up-regulate SOCS1 mRNA in human myeloid cells, primary human neutrophils, PBMCs, and dendritic cells. fMLP rapidly up-regulates SOCS1, whereas the induction of SOCS1 upon IL-8 treatment is delayed. IL-8 and fMLP did not signal via Jak/STATs in primary human macrophages, thus implicating the induction of SOCS by other intracellular pathways. As chemoattractant-induced SOCS1 expression in neutrophils may play an important role in regulating the subsequent response to growth promoting cytokines like G-CSF, we investigated the effect of chemoattractant-induced SOCS1 on cytokine signal transduction. We show that pretreatment of primary human neutrophils with fMLP or IL-8 blocks G-CSF-mediated STAT3 activation. This study provides evidence for cross-talk between chemoattractant and cytokine signal transduction pathways involving SOCS proteins, suggesting that these chemotactic factors may desensitize neutrophils to G-CSF via rapid induction of SOCS1 expression.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a critical target for chemotherapeutic agents such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and antifolates such as tomudex (TDX),multitargeted antifolate, and ZD9331. Using the MCF-7 breast cancer line, we have developed p53 wild-type (M7TS90) and null (M7TS90-E6) isogenic lines with inducible TS expression (approximately 6-fold induction compared with control after 48 h). In the M7TS90 line, inducible TS expression resulted in a moderate approximately 3-fold increase in 5-FU IC-50(72 h) dose and a dramatic &gt;20-fold increase in the IC-50(72 h) doses of TDX, multitargeted antifolate, and ZD9331. S-phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by the antifolates were abrogated by TS induction. In contrast, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by 5-FU was unaffected by TS expression levels. Inactivation of p53 significantly increased resistance to 5-FU and the antifolates with IC-50(72 h) doses for 5-FU and TDX of &gt;100 and &gt;10 microM, respectively, in the M7TS90-E6 cell line. Furthermore, p53 inactivation completely abrogated the cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by 5-FU. The antifolates induced S-phase arrest in the p53 null cell line; however, the induction of apoptosis by these agents was significantly reduced compared with p53 wild-type cells. Both inducible TS expression and the addition of exogenous thymidine (10 microM) blocked p53 and p21 induction by the antifolates but not by 5-FU in the M7TS90 cell line. Similarly, inducible TS expression and exogenous thymidine abrogated antifolate but not 5-FU-mediated up-regulation of Fas/CD95 in M7TS90 cells. Our results indicate that in M7TS90 cells, inducible TS expression modulates p53 and p53 target gene expression in response to TS-targeted antifolate therapies but not to 5-FU.