48 resultados para Direct effect


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In this work, a highly instrumented single screw extruder has been used to study the effect of polymer rheology on the thermal efficiency of the extrusion process. Three different molecular weight grades of high density polyethylene (HDPE) were extruded at a range of conditions. Three geometries of extruder screws were used at several set temperatures and screw rotation speeds. The extruder was equipped with real-time quantification of energy consumption; thermal dynamics of the process were examined using thermocouple grid sensors at the entrance to the die. Results showed that polymer rheology had a significant effect on process energy consumption and thermal homogeneity of the melt. Highest specific energy consumption and poorest homogeneity was observed for the highest viscosity grade of HDPE. Extruder screw geometry, set extrusion temperature and screw rotation speed were also found to have a direct effect on energy consumption and melt consistency. In particular, specific energy consumption was lower using a barrier flighted screw compared to single flighted screws at the same set conditions. These results highlight the complex nature of extrusion thermal dynamics and provide evidence that rheological properties of the polymer can significantly influence the thermal efficiency of the process.


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Parasites can structure biological communities directly through population regulation and indirectly by processes such as apparent competition. However, the role of parasites in the process of biological invasion is less well understood and mechanisms of parasite mediation of predation among hosts are unclear. Mutual predation between native and invading species is an important factor in determining the outcome of invasions in freshwater amphipod communities. Here, we show that parasites mediate mutual intraguild predation among native and invading species and may thereby facilitate the invasion process. We find that the native amphipod Gammarus duebeni celticus is host to a microsporidian parasite, Pleistophora sp. (new species), with a frequency of infection of 0-90%. However, the parasite does not infect three invading species, G. tigrinus, G. pulex and Crangonyx pseudogracilis. In field and laboratory manipulations, we show that the parasite exhibits cryptic virulence: the parasite does not affect host fitness in single-species populations, but virulence becomes apparent when the native and invading species interact. That is, infection has no direct effect on G. d. celticus survivorship, size or fecundity; however, in mixed-species experiments, parasitized natives show a reduced capacity to prey on the smaller invading species and are more likely to be preyed upon by the largest invading species. Thus, by altering dominance relationships and hierarchies of mutual predation, parasitism strongly influences, and has the potential to change, the outcome of biological invasions.


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The high-affinity 67-kd laminin receptor (67LR) is expressed by proliferating endothelial cells during retinal neovascularization. The role of 67LR has been further examined experimentally by administration of selective 67LR agonists and antagonists in a murine model of proliferative retinopathy. These synthetic 67LR ligands have been previously shown to stimulate or inhibit endothelial cell motility in vitro without any direct effect on proliferation. In the present study, a fluorescently labeled 67LR antagonist (EGF33–42) was injected intraperitoneally into mice and its distribution in the retina was assessed by confocal scanning laser microscopy. Within 2 hours this peptide was localized to the retinal vasculature, including preretinal neovascular complexes, and a significant amount had crossed the blood retinal barrier. For up to 24 hours postinjection, the peptide was still present in the retinal vascular walls and, to a lesser extent, in the neural retina. Non-labeled EGF33–42 significantly inhibited pre-retinal neovascularization in comparison to controls treated with phosphate-buffered saline or scrambled peptide (P <0.0001). The agonist peptide (Lamß1925–933) also significantly inhibited proliferative retinopathy; however, it caused a concomitant reduction in retinal ischemia in this model by promoting significant revascularization of the central retina (P <0.001). Thus, 67LR appears to be an important target receptor for the modulation of retinal neovascularization. Agonism of this receptor may be valuable in reducing the hypoxia-stimulated release of angiogenic growth factors which drives retinal angiogenesis.


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We demonstrate that SLPI can inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-kappaB activation in monocytes by preventing degradation of the key regulatory protein IkappaBalpha which is inefficiently degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway due to a direct effect of SLPI on the activity of this pathway. I designed this project and carried out all of the experiments.


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Introduction: This study investigates the effect of exposure to "The Troubles" (the period of civil unrest from 1968 onwards) in Northern Ireland on symptomatology in people with schizophrenia.

Method: Eighty-two participants were assessed on a number of psychiatric rating scales and on measures of trauma, including an instrument designed to assess exposure to "Troubles"-related trauma.

Results: People with schizophrenia and a history of exposure to "The Troubles" had significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, dissociative symptoms and number of admissions compared to those patients with no such exposure.

Discussion: "Troubles"-related trauma has a direct effect on the presentation of schizophrenia in Northern Ireland. Specific therapeutic intervention may be required in order to help patients come to terms with their experiences. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is now widely acknowledged that progression from persistent offending to desistance from crime is the outcome of a complex interaction between subjective/ agency factors and social/environmental factors. A methodological challenge for desistance researchers is to unravel the differential impacts of these internal and external factors and the sequence in which they come into play. Towards this, the present investigation draws on a prospective study of 130 male property offenders, interviewed in the 1990s (the Oxford Recidivism Study), and followed up 10 years later. The analysis supports a `subjective—social model' in which subjective states measured before release have a direct effect on recidivism as well as indirect effects through their impact on social circumstances experienced after release from prison.


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Sildenafil (Viagra) has been developed as a drug to help male impotence. It has a direct effect on the vasculature of the corpus cavernosum. A case of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) following the illicit use of Viagra is reported. A discussion of drug-induced ICH is included.


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Directives - Improper implementation - Direct effect - Consumer protection


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Unlike several other farm animal species, the broiler chicken remains unprotected by species-specific legislation. The densities at which broilers should be kept is a highly contentious issue-some studies have demonstrated increased welfare problems at higher densities, whilst a few others have, contrary to expectations, suggested that broilers may actually find crowds of other birds attractive. A tracking method was developed and used to provide an insight into the social preferences of commercial broiler chickens in situ-inside commercial, closed-system broiler houses. The aim was to simultaneously assess the relative impact of global measures of density, such as target and actual stocking densities and local measures of the social environment on the behaviour and route taken to feed by focal birds. Birds were tracked inside 20 commercial broiler houses across the UK. Results from this study show that stocking density per se seems to have little direct effect on the individual behaviours of focal broiler chickens. However, there may still be an indirect effect of stocking density on broiler behaviour, mediated through the local social environment. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the molecular etiology and heterogeneity of disease has a direct effect on cancer therapeutics. To identify novel molecular changes associated with breast cancer progression, we conducted phosphoproteomics of the MCF10AT model comprising isogenic, ErbB2- and ErbB3-positive, xenograft-derived cell lines that mimic different stages of breast cancer. Using in vitro animal model and clinical breast samples, our study revealed a marked reduction of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression with breast cancer progression. Such diminution of EGFR expression was associated with increased resistance to Gefitinib/Iressa in vitro. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that loss of EGFR gene copy number was one of the key mechanisms behind the low/null expression of EGFR in clinical breast tumors. Statistical analysis on the immunohistochemistry data of EGFR expression from 93 matched normal and breast tumor samples showed that (a) diminished EGFR expression could. be detected as early as in the preneoplastic lesion (ductal carcinoma in situ) and this culminated in invasive carcinomas; (b) EGFR expression levels could distinguish between normal tissue versus carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma with high statistical significance (P


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The focus of this study was to disentangle the effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and stability. This project examined the effects of anthropogenic increased nutrient loads on the diversity of coastal ecosystems and the effects of loss of species on ecosystem functioning. Specifically, the direct effect of sewage outfalls on benthic communities was assessed using a fully replicated survey that incorporated spatial and temporal variation. In addition, two field experiments examined the effects of loss of species at multiple trophic levels, and tested for potential interactive effects with enhanced nutrient concentration conditions on benthic assemblage structure and ecosystem functioning. This research addressed priority issues outlined in the Biodiversity Knowledge Programme for Ireland (2006) and also aimed to deliver information relevant to European Union (EU) directives (the Water Framework Directive [WFD], the Habitats Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive).


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PHD finger protein 20 (PHF20) is a transcription factor, which was originally identified in glioma patients. PHF20 appears to be a novel antigen in glioma, and has also termed glioma-expressed antigen 2. PHF20 is thought to contribute to the development of cancers, including glioblastoma, lung cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer. However, little is known about the function of PHF20 in various cancers. Here we report that PHF20 contains two consensus sites for protein kinase B (PKB) phosphorylation (RxRxxS/T). PKB can directly phosphorylate PHF20 on Ser291 in vitro and in vivo. It has been shown that PKB participates in the tumor suppressor p53 regulated gene expression program and has a direct effect on p21 regulation after DNA damage. UV-induced DNA damage results in accumulation of p53 and PKB activation. Interestingly, PKB-mediated PHF20 phosphorylation led to an inhibition of p53 induction following UV treatment, leading to the reduction of p21 transcriptional activity. Using anti PHF20 and anti pPKB (S473) antibodies, these events were mapped in various human cancer tissues. Taken together, these data suggest that PHF20 is a novel substrate for PKB and its phosphorylation by PKB plays an important role in tumorigenesis via regulating of p53 mediated signaling. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Food webs are the complex networks of trophic interactions that stoke the metabolic fires of life. To understand what structures these interactions in natural communities, ecologists have developed simple models to capture their main architectural features. However, apparently realistic food webs can be generated by models invoking either predator-prey body-size hierarchies or evolutionary constraints as structuring mechanisms. As a result, this approach has not conclusively revealed which factors are the most important. Here we cut to the heart of this debate by directly comparing the influence of phylogeny and body size on food web architecture. Using data from 13 food webs compiled by direct observation, we confirm the importance of both factors. Nevertheless, phylogeny dominates in most networks. Moreover, path analysis reveals that the size-independent direct effect of phylogeny on trophic structure typically outweighs the indirect effect that could be captured by considering body size alone. Furthermore, the phylogenetic signal is asymmetric: closely related species overlap in their set of consumers far more than in their set of resources. This is at odds with several food web models, which take only the view-point of consumers when assigning interactions. The echo of evolutionary history clearly resonates through current food webs, with implications for our theoretical models and conservation priorities.


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Two studies investigated the role of personality factors in the amelioration of outgroup attitudes via intergroup contact. In study 1, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship, whereas openness to experience and agreeableness had a direct effect on outgroup attitude. In study 2, we included intergroup anxiety as a mediator explaining these relationships, and we ruled out ingroup friendship as a potential confound. We found that the relationships between openness to experience and agreeableness on the one hand and outgroup attitude on the other were mediated by reduced intergroup anxiety. In addition, the effect of extraversion on outgroup attitude operated via an increase in cross-group friendship that was in turn associated with lower levels of intergroup anxiety. Across both studies, the friendship–attitude relationship was stronger among those low in agreeableness and extraversion. We discuss the importance of integrating personality and situational approaches to prejudice reduction in optimizing the impact of contact-based interventions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The question of whether and to what extent sovereignty has been transferred to the European Union (EU) from its Member States remains a central debate within the EU and is interlinked with issues such as Kompetenz-Kompetenz, direct effect and primacy. Central to any claim to sovereignty is the principle of primacy, which requires that Member States uphold EU law over national law where there is a conflict. However, limitations to primacy can traditionally be found in national jurisprudence and the Maastricht Treaty introduced a possible EU limitation with the requirement that the EU respect national identities of Member States. The Lisbon Treaty provided only minimal further support to the principle of primacy whilst simultaneously developing the provision on national identities, now found within Article 4(2) TEU. There are indications from the literature, national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice of the EU that the provision is gathering strength as a legal tool and is likely to have a wider scope than the text might indicate. In its new role, Article 4(2) TEU bolsters the Member States’ claim to sovereignty and the possibility to uphold aspects crucial to them in conflict with EU law and the principle of primacy. Consequently, it is central to the relationship between the constitutional courts of the Member States and the CJEU, and where the final elements of control remain in ‘hard cases’. However, it does so as part of EU law, thereby facilitating the evasion of direct fundamental conflicts and reflecting the concept of constitutional pluralism.