140 resultados para Cyclin-dependent Kinase-5


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CDK11(p58), a 58kDa protein of the PITSLRE kinase family, plays an important role in cell cycle progression, and is closely related to cell apoptosis. To gain further insight into the function of CDK11(p58), we screened a human fetal liver cDNA library for its interacting proteins using the yeast two-hybrid system. Here we report that histone acetyltransferase (HAT) HBO1, a MYST family protein, interacts with CDK11(p58) in vitro and in vivo. CDK11(p58) and HBO1 colocalize in the cell nucleus. Recombinant CDK11(p58) enhances the HAT activity of HBO1 significantly in vitro. Meanwhile, overexpression of CDK11(p58) in mammalian cells leads to the enhanced HAT activity of HBO1 towards free histones. Thus, we conclude that CDK11(p58) is a new interacting protein and a novel regulator of HBO1. Both of the proteins may be involved in the regulation of eukaryotic transcription.


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The Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor, imatinib mesylate, is the front line treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), but the emergence of imatinib resistance has led to the search for alternative drug treatments and the examination of combination therapies to overcome imatinib resistance. The pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds are a recently developed novel series of microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) that depolymerise tubulin. Recent data demonstrating enhanced MTA-induced tumour cell apoptosis upon combination with the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)-1 inhibitor flavopiridol prompted us to examine whether this compound could similarly enhance the effect of the PBOX compounds. We thus characterised the apoptotic and cell cycle events associated with combination therapy of the PBOX compounds and flavopiridol and results showed a sequence dependent, synergistic enhancement of apoptosis in CML cells including those expressing the imatinib-resistant T315I mutant. Flavopiridol reduced the number of polyploid cells formed in response to PBOX treatment but only to a small extent, suggesting that inhibition of endoreplication was unlikely to play a major role in the mechanism by which flavopiridol synergistically enhanced PBOX-induced apoptosis. The addition of flavopiridol following PBOX-6 treatment did however result in an accelerated exit from the G2/M transition accompanied by an enhanced downregulation and deactivation of the CDK1/cyclin B1 complex and an enhanced degradation of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) survivin. In conclusion, results from this study highlight the potential of these novel series of PBOX compounds, alone or in sequential combination with flavopiridol, as an effective therapy against CML.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS) is responsible for the de novo synthesis of thymidylate, which is required for DNA synthesis and repair and which is an important target for fluoropyrimidines such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and antifolates such as Tomudex (TDX), ZD9331, and multitargeted antifolate (MTA). To study the importance of TS expression in determining resistance to these agents, we have developed an MDA435 breast cancer-derived cell line with tetracycline-regulated expression of TS termed MTS-5. We have demonstrated that inducible expression of TS increased the IC(50) dose of the TS-targeted therapeutic agents 5-FU, TDX, and ZD9331 by 2-, 9- and 24-fold respectively. An IC(50) dose for MTA was unobtainable when TS was overexpressed in these cells, which indicated that MTA toxicity is highly sensitive to increased TS expression levels. The growth inhibitory effects of the chemotherapeutic agents CPT-11, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and Taxol were unaffected by TS up-regulation. Cell cycle analyses revealed that IC(50) doses of 5-FU, TDX and MTA caused an S-phase arrest in cells that did not overexpress TS, and this arrest was overcome when TS was up-regulated. Furthermore, the S-phase arrest was accompanied by 2- to 4-fold increased expression of the cell cycle regulatory genes cyclin E, cyclin A, and cyclin dependent kinase 2 (cdk2). These results indicate that acute increases in TS expression levels play a key role in determining cellular sensitivity to TS-directed chemotherapeutic drugs by modulating the degree of S-phase arrest caused by these agents. Moreover, CPT-11, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and Taxol remain highly cytotoxic in cells that overexpress TS.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is essential for the maintenance of the male reproductive systems and is critical for the carcinogenesis of human prostate cancers (PCas). D-type cyclins are closely related to the repression of AR function. It has been well documented that cyclin D1 inhibits AR function through multiple mechanisms, but the mechanism of how cyclin D3 exerts its repressive role in the AR signaling pathway remains to be identified. In the present investigation, we demonstrate that cyclin D3 and the 58-kDa isoform of cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11p58) repressed AR transcriptional activity as measured by reporter assays of transformed cells and prostate-specific antigen expression in PCa cells. AR, cyclin D3, and CDK11p58 formed a ternary complex in cells and were colocalized in the luminal epithelial layer of the prostate. AR activity is controlled by phosphorylation at specific sites. We found that AR was phosphorylated at Ser-308 by cyclin D3/CDK11p58 in vitro and in vivo, leading to the repressed activity of AR transcriptional activation unit 1 (TAU1). Furthermore, androgen-dependent proliferation of PCa cells was inhibited by cyclin D3/CDK11p58 through AR repression. These data suggest that cyclin D3/CDK11p58 signaling is involved in the negative regulation of AR function.


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Cyclin D3 is found to play a crucial role not only in progression through the G1 phase as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK 4) and CDK 6, but also in many other aspects such as cell cycle, cell differentiation, transcriptional regulation and apoptosis. In this work, we screened a human fetal liver cDNA library using human cyclin D3 as bait and identified human eukaryotic initiation factor 3 p28 protein (eIF3k) as a partner of cyclin D3. The association of cyclin D3 with eIF3k was further confirmed by in vitro binding assay, in vivo coimmunoprecipitation, and confocal microscopic analysis. We found that cyclin D3 specifically interacted with eIF3k through its C-terminal domain. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that eIF3k distributed both in nucleus and cytoplasm and colocalized with cyclin D3. In addition, the cellular translation activity in HeLa cells was upregulated by cyclin D3 overexpression and the mRNA levels are constant. These data provide a new clue to our understanding of the cellular function of cyclin D3.


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The aim of our study was to assess the importance of the CXC chemokine and interleukin (IL)-8 in promoting the transition of prostate cancer (CaP) to the androgen-independent state. Stimulation of the androgen-dependent cell lines, LNCaP and 22Rv1, with exogenous recombinant human interleukin-8 (rh-IL-8) increased androgen receptor (AR) gene expression at the messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein level, assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting, respectively. Using an androgen response element-luciferase construct, we demonstrated that rh-IL-8 treatment also resulted in increased AR transcriptional activity in both these cell lines, and a subsequent upregulation of prostate-specific antigen and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 mRNA transcript levels in LNCaP cells. Blockade of CXC chemokine receptor-2 signaling using a small molecule antagonist (AZ10397767) attenuated the IL-8-induced increases in AR expression and transcriptional activity. Furthermore, in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays, coadministration of AZ10397767 reduced the viability of LNCaP and 22Rv1 cells exposed to bicalutamide. Our data show that IL-8 signaling increases AR expression and promotes ligand-independent activation of this receptor in two androgen-dependent cell lines, describing two mechanisms by which this chemokine may assist in promoting the transition of CaP to the androgen-independent state. In addition, our data show that IL-8-promoted regulation of the AR attenuates the effectiveness of the AR antagonist bicalutamide in reducing CaP cell viability.


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A screen of microRNA (miRNA) expression following differentiation in human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) identified changes in several miRNAs, including miR-24 and miR-205. We investigated how expression of Human Papilloma Virus Type-16 (HPV16) onco-proteins E6 and E7 affected expression of miR-24 and miR-205 during proliferation and differentiation of HFKs. We show that the induction of both miR-24 and miR-205 observed during differentiation of HFKs is lost in HFKs expressing E6 and E7. We demonstrate that the effect on miR-205 is due to E7 activity, as miR-205 expression is dependent on pRb expression. Finally, we provide evidence that miR-24 effects in the cell may be due to targeting of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27. In summary, these results indicate that expression of both miR-24 and miR-205 are impacted by E6 and/or E7 expression, which may be one mechanism by which HPV onco-proteins can disrupt the balance between proliferation and differentiation in keratinocytes.


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Annually, ovarian cancer (OC) affects 240,000 women worldwide and is the most lethal gynecological malignancy. High-grade serous OC (HGSOC) is the most common and aggressive OC subtype, characterized by widespread genome changes and chromosomal instability and is consequently poorly responsive to chemotherapy treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of the microRNA miR-433 in the cellular response of OC cells to paclitaxel treatment. We show that stable miR-433 expression in A2780 OC cells results in the induction of cellular senescence demonstrated by morphological changes, downregulation of phosphorylated retinoblastoma (p-Rb), and an increase in β-galactosidase activity. Furthermore, in silico analysis identified four possible miR-433 target genes associated with cellular senescence: cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6), MAPK14, E2F3, and CDKN2A. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that downregulation of p-Rb is attributable to a miR-433-dependent downregulation of CDK6, establishing it as a novel miR-433 associated gene. Interestingly, we show that high miR-433 expressing cells release miR-433 into the growth media via exosomes which in turn can induce a senescence bystander effect. Furthermore, in relation to a chemotherapeutic response, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis revealed that only PEO1 and PEO4 OC cells with the highest miR-433 expression survive paclitaxel treatment. Our data highlight how the aberrant expression of miR-433 can adversely affect intracellular signaling to mediate chemoresistance in OC cells by driving cellular senescence.


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Five to ten percent of individuals with melanoma have another affected family member, suggesting familial predisposition. Germ-line mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p16 have been reported in a subset of melanoma pedigrees, but their prevalence is unknown in more common cases of familial melanoma that do not involve large families with multiple affected members. We screened for germ-line mutations in p16 and in two other candidate melanoma genes, p19ARF and CDK4, in 33 consecutive patients treated for melanoma; these patients had at least one affected first or second degree relative (28 independent families). Five independent, definitive p16 mutations were detected (18%, 95% confidence interval: 6%, 37%), including one nonsense, one disease-associated missense, and three small deletions. No mutations were detected in CDK4. Disease-associated mutations in p19ARF, whose transcript is derived in part from an alternative codon reading frame of p16, were only detected in patients who also had mutations inactivating p16. We conclude that germ-line p16 mutations are present in a significant fraction of individuals who have melanoma and a positive family history.


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Prostate cancer development and progression are associated with alterations in expression and function of elements of cytokine networks, some of which can activate multiple signaling pathways. Protein inhibitor of activated signal transducers and activators of transcription (PIAS)1, a regulator of cytokine signaling, may be implicated in the modulation of cellular events during carcinogenesis. This study was designed to investigate the functional significance of PIAS1 in models of human prostate cancer. We demonstrate for the first time that PIAS1 protein expression is significantly higher in malignant areas of clinical prostate cancer specimens than in normal tissues, thus suggesting a growth-promoting role for PIAS1. Expression of PIAS1 was observed in the majority of tested prostate cancer cell lines. In addition, we investigated the mechanism by which PIAS1 might promote prostate cancer and found that down-regulation of PIAS1 leads to decreased proliferation and colony formation ability of prostate cancer cell lines. This decrease correlates with cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase, which is mediated by increased expression of p21(CIP1/WAF1). Furthermore, PIAS1 overexpression positively influences cell cycle progression and thereby stimulates proliferation, which can be mechanistically explained by a decrease in the levels of cellular p21. Taken together, our data reveal an important new role for PIAS1 in the regulation of cell proliferation in prostate cancer.


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Deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and PPi. Although dUTP is a normal intermediate in DNA synthesis, its accumulation and misincorporation into DNA is lethal. Importantly, uracil misincorporation is a mechanism of cytotoxicity induced by fluoropyrimidine chemotherapeutic agents including 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and elevated expression of dUTPase is negatively correlated with clinical response to 5-FU-therapy. In this study we performed the first functional characterization of the dUTPase promoter and demonstrate a role for E2F-1 and Sp1 in driving dUTPase expression. We establish a direct role for both mutant and wild-type forms of p53 in modulating dUTPase promoter activity. Treatment of HCT116 p53(+/+) cells with the DNA-damaging agent oxaliplatin induced a p53-dependent transcriptional downregulation of dUTPase not observed in the isogenic null cell line. Oxaliplatin treatment induced enrichment of p53 at the dUTPase promoter with a concomitant reduction in Sp1. The suppression of dUTPase by oxaliplatin promoted increased levels of dUTP that was enhanced by subsequent addition of fluoropyrimidines. The novel observation that oxaliplatin downregulates dUTPase expression may provide a mechanistic basis contributing to the synergy observed between 5-FU and oxaliplatin in the clinic. Furthermore, these studies provide the first evidence of a direct transcriptional link between the essential enzyme dUTPase and the tumor suppressor p53.


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Purpose: Deletions of chromosome 1 have been described in 7% to 40% of cases of myeloma with inconsistent clinical consequences. CDKN2C at 1p32.3 has been identified in myeloma cell lines as the potential target of the deletion. We tested the clinical impact of 1p deletion and used high-resolution techniques to define the role of CDKN2C in primary patient material.Experimental Design: We analyzed 515 cases of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM), and newly diagnosed multiple myeloma using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for deletions of CDKN2C. In 78 myeloma cases, we carried out Affymetrix single nucleotide polymorphism mapping and U133 Plus 2.0 expression arrays. In addition, we did mutation, methylation, and Western blotting analysis.Results: By FISH we identified deletion of 1p32.3 (CDKN2C) in 3 of 66 MGUS (4.5%), 4 of 39 SMM (10.3%), and 55 of 369 multiple myeloma cases (15%). We examined the impact of copy number change at CDKN2C on overall survival (OS), and found that the cases with either hemizygous or homozygous deletion of CDKN2C had a worse OS compared with cases that were intact at this region (22 months versus 38 months; P = 0.003). Using gene mapping we identified three homozygous deletions at 1p32.3, containing CDKN2C, all of which lacked expression of CDKN2C. Cases with homozygous deletions of CDKN2C were the most proliferative myelomas, defined by an expression-based proliferation index, consistent with its biological function as a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor.Conclusions: Our results suggest that deletions of CDKN2C are important in the progression and clinical outcome of myeloma.


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Cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11; also named PITSLRE) is part of the large family of p34(cdc2)-related kinases whose functions appear to be linked with cell cycle progression, tumorigenesis, and apoptotic signaling. The mechanism that CDK11(p58) induces apoptosis is not clear. Some evidences suggested beta1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 (beta1,4-GT 1) might participate in apoptosis induced by CDK11(p58). In this study, we demonstrated that ectopically expressed beta1,4-GT 1 increased CDK11(p58)-mediated apoptosis induced by cycloheximide (CHX). In contrast, RNAi-mediated knockdown of beta1,4-GT 1 effectively inhibited apoptosis induced by CHX in CDK11(p58)-overexpressing cells. For example, the cell morphological and nuclear changes were reduced; the loss of cell viability was prevented and the number of cells in sub-G1 phase was decreased. Knock down of beta1,4-GT 1 also inhibited the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and caspase-3 processing. Therefore, the cleavage of CDK11(p58) by caspase-3 was reduced. We proposed that beta1,4-GT 1 might contribute to the pro-apoptotic effect of CDK11(p58). This may represent a new mechanism of beta1,4-GT 1 in CHX-induced apoptosis of CDK11(p58)-overexpressing cells.


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Ubiquitination is a reversible posttranslational modification that is essential for cell cycle control, and it is becoming increasingly clear that the removal of ubiquitin from proteins by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB) is equally important. In this study, we have identified high levels of the DUB USP17 in several tumor-derived cell lines and primary lung, colon, esophagus, and cervix tumor biopsies. We also report that USP17 is tightly regulated during the cell cycle in all the cells examined, being abundantly evident in G1 and absent in S phase. Moreover, regulated USP17 expression was necessary for cell cycle progression because its depletion significantly impaired G1-S transition and blocked cell proliferation. Previously, we have shown that USP17 regulates the intracellular translocation and activation of the GTPase Ras by controlling Ras-converting enzyme 1 (RCE1) activation. RCE1 also regulates the processing of other proteins with a CAAX motif, including Rho family GTPases. We now show that USP17 depletion blocks Ras and RhoA localization and activation. Moreover, our results confirm that USP17-depleted cells have constitutively elevated levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21cip1 and p27kip1, known downstream targets of Ras and RhoA signaling. These observations clearly show that USP17 is tightly regulated during cell division and that its expression is necessary to coordinate cell cycle progression, and thus, it may be considered a promising novel cancer therapeutic target. Cancer Res; 70(8); 3329–39. ©2010 AACR.


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Endoplasmic reticulum protein 29 (ERp29) is a novel endoplasmic reticulum ( ER) secretion factor that facilitates the transport of secretory proteins in the early secretory pathway. Recently, it was found to be overexpressed in several cancers; however, little is known regarding its function in breast cancer progression. In this study, we show that the expression of ERp29 was reduced with tumor progression in clinical specimens of breast cancer, and that overexpression of ERp29 resulted in G(0)/G(1) arrest and inhibited cell proliferation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Importantly, overexpression of ERp29 in MDA-MB-231 cells led to a phenotypic change and mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) characterized by cytoskeletal reorganization with loss of stress fibers, reduction of fibronectin (FN), reactivation of epithelial cell marker E-cadherin and loss of mesenchymal cell marker vimentin. Knockdown of ERp29 by shRNA in MCF-7 cells reduced E-cadherin, but increased vimentin expression. Furthermore, ERp29 overexpression in MDA-MB-231 and SKBr3 cells decreased cell migration/invasion and reduced cell transformation, whereas silencing of ERp29 in MCF-7 cells enhanced cell aggressive behavior. Significantly, expression of ERp29 in MDA-MB-231 cells suppressed tumor formation in nude mice by repressing the cell proliferative index (Ki-67 positivity). Transcriptional profiling analysis showed that ERp29 acts as a central regulator by upregulating a group of genes with tumor suppressive function, for example, E-cadherin (CDH1), cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKN2B) and spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK), and by downregulating a group of genes that regulate cell proliferation (eg, FN, epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR) and plasminogen activator receptor ( uPAR)). It is noteworthy that ERp29 significantly attenuated the overall ERK cascade, whereas the ratio of p-ERK1 to p-ERK2 was highly increased. Taken together, our results showed that ERp29 is a novel regulator leading to cell growth arrest and cell transition from a proliferative to a quiescent state, and reprogramming molecular portraits to suppress the tumor growth of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Laboratory Investigation (2009) 89, 1229-1242; doi: 10.1038/labinvest.2009.87; published online 21 September 2009