92 resultados para Clonal variants


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Nucleotide sequence analysis was carried out to study genes encoding the matrix (M) protein of measles virus (MV) from several regions of the brain of a case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. This analysis revealed the presence of MV with 'wild-type' sequences as well as variants which had undergone at least five biased hypermutation events (U to C and A to G in the positive strand sequences). Despite the presence of MV variants with genes encoding the intact matrix protein open reading frame, M protein could not be detected in any of the brain regions. The distribution of virus variants was studied by cDNA cloning and sequence analysis and by in situ hybridization. The hypermutated viruses appeared to expand clonally throughout the brain of patient B.


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Dynamic economic load dispatch (DELD) is one of the most important steps in power system operation. Various optimisation algorithms for solving the problem have been developed; however, due to the non-convex characteristics and large dimensionality of the problem, it is necessary to explore new methods to further improve the dispatch results and minimise the costs. This article proposes a hybrid differential evolution (DE) algorithm, namely clonal selection-based differential evolution (CSDE), to solve the problem. CSDE is an artificial intelligence technique that can be applied to complex optimisation problems which are for example nonlinear, large scale, non-convex and discontinuous. This hybrid algorithm combines the clonal selection algorithm (CSA) as the local search technique to update the best individual in the population, which enhances the diversity of the solutions and prevents premature convergence in DE. Furthermore, we investigate four mutation operations which are used in CSA as the hyper-mutation operations. Finally, an efficient solution repair method is designed for DELD to satisfy the complicated equality and inequality constraints of the power system to guarantee the feasibility of the solutions. Two benchmark power systems are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed CSDE/best/1 approach significantly outperforms nine other variants of CSDE and DE, as well as most other published methods, in terms of the quality of the solution and the convergence characteristics.


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A battery of allelic markers at highly polymorphic microsatellite loci was developed and employed to confirm genetically the clonal nature of sibships in nine-banded armadillos. This phenomenon of consistent polyembryony, otherwise nearly unknown among the vertebrates, then was capitalized upon to describe the micro-spatial distributions of numerous clonal sibships in a natural population of armadillos. Adult clonemates were significantly more dispersed than were juvenile sibs, suggesting limited opportunities for altruistic behavioral interactions among mature individuals. These results, and considerations of armadillo natural history, suggest that evolutionary explanations for polyembryony in this species may not reside in the kinds of ecological and kin selection theories relevant to some of the polyembryonic invertebrates. Rather, polyembryony in armadillos may be associated evolutionarily with other reproductive peculiarities of the species, including delayed uterine implantation of a single egg.


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Background: It is unclear why some patients develop a chronic nonproductive cough. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inactivates tussive peptides in the airways such as bradykinin and tachykinins. An insertion/deletion polymorphism in the ACE gene accounts for variation in ACE levels, and patients with the II genotype have lowest serum ACE levels compared with ID and DD genotypes. We hypothesized that the II genotype would be associated with increased risk of developing a chronic cough.

Materials and methods: We recruited 47 patients (33 women), referred for evaluation of cough (median cough duration, 24 months; range, 2 to 240 months). Cough patients were evaluated using a comprehensive diagnostic protocol, and cough reflex sensitivity was measured using a capsaicin inhalation challenge. ACE genotyping was performed on DNA samples from patients using the polymerase chain reaction followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. ACE genotypes in patients with chronic cough were compared with those in 199 healthy control subjects. Serum ACE levels were determined using a colorimetric assay.

Results: Genotype frequencies for the ACE gene were similar between patients and control subjects. There was no correlation between capsaicin sensitivity and ACE genotypes or serum ACE levels.

Conclusion: Susceptibility to develop chronic cough is not associated with ACE genotype.


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The G894T endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphism results in a Glu to Asp substitution at position 298. This position is located externally on the protein and as the regulation of eNOS is dependent on its subcellular localization and interaction with modulatory proteins, we aimed to address whether the substitution of Asp at 298 had any effect on these mechanisms. Initially, we developed a novel method to accurately determine molar quantities of each variant by expressing them as green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins and using recombinant adenoviruses to facilitate transient infection of human microvascular endothelial cells. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of eNOS298Asp revealed a 135-kDa proteolytic fragment which was not present with eNOS298Glu. This proteolysis was prevented by using LDS buffer confirming that this differential cleavage is an artefact of sample preparation and unlikely to occur intracellularly. Nitric oxide was measured following stimulation with calcium ionophore or oestrogen in the presence of varying sepiapterin concentrations. GFP fluorescence was used to quantify the amount of fusion protein and calculate intracellular specific activity. There was no significant difference in intracellular specific activity between Glu298 and Asp298 eNOS in response to calcium ionophore or oestrogen. Tetrahydrobiopterin supplementation increased eNOS activity of both variants in an identical manner. The presence of the GFP also facilitated the visualization of the variants by confocal microscopy and demonstrated that both localized to the plasma membrane and the Golgi. These findings demonstrate that the Asp substitution at 298 does not have a major effect in modulating eNOS activity in vivo.


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Genetic variation of the alpha-synuclein gene (SNCA) is known to cause familial parkinsonism, however the role of SNCA variants in sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) remains elusive. The present study identifies an association of common SNCA polymorphisms with disease susceptibility in a series of Irish PD patients. There is evidence for association with alternate regions, of protection and risk which may act independently/synergistically, within the promoter region (Rep1; OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.37-0.84) and the 3'UTR of the gene (rs356165; OR: 1.67, 95% CI: 1.08-2.58). Given previous reports of association a collaborative effort is required which may exploit global linkage disequilibrium patterns for SNCA and standardise polymorphic markers used in each population. It is now crucial to identify the susceptibility allele and elucidate its functionality which may generate a therapeutic target for PD.


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Background: The complement factor H (CFH) gene has been recently confirmed to play an essential role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There are conflicting reports of its role in coronary heart disease. This study was designed to investigate if, using a family-based approach, there was an association between genetic variants of the CFH gene and risk of early-onset coronary heart disease. Methods: We evaluated 6 SNPs and 5 common haplotypes in the CFH gene amongst 1494 individuals in 580 Irish families with at least one member prematurely affected with coronary heart disease. Genotypes were determined by multiplex SNaPshot technology. Results: Using the TDT/S-TDT test, we did not find an association between any of the individual SNPs or any of the 5 haplotypes and early-onset coronary heart disease. Conclusion: In this family-based study, we found no association between the CFH gene and early-onset coronary heart disease. © 2007 Meng et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Kipp F, Ziebuhr W, Becker K, Krimmer V, Höbeta N, Peters G, Von Eiff C. Institute of Medical Microbiology, Hospital and Clinics, University of Münster, Germany. A 45 year old man was admitted to hospital with a right sided facial paralysis and three month history of seizures. Computed tomography showed a left temporal mass including both intracerebral and extracerebral structures. Ten years earlier the patient had undergone a neurosurgical intervention in the same anatomical region to treat a subarachnoid haemorrhage. In tissue samples and pus obtained during neurosurgery, Staphylococcus aureus was detected by a 16S rRNA-directed in situ hybridisation technique. Following long term cultivation, small colony variants (SCV) of methicillin resistant S aureus were identified. The patient was treated successfully with a combination of vancomycin and rifampin followed by prolonged treatment with teicoplanin, with no sign of infection on follow up nine months after discharge. This is the first report in which S aureus SCV have been identified as causative organisms in a patient with brain abscess and in which in situ hybridisation has been used to detect S aureus in a clinical specimen containing SCV. Antimicrobial agents such as rifampin which have intracellular activity should be included in treatment of infections caused by S aureus SCV.