107 resultados para CD4 antigen


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The regulation of CD4 T cell numbers during an immune response should take account of the amount of antigen (Ag), the initial frequency of Ag-specific T cells, the mix of naive versus experienced cells, and (ideally) the diversity of the repertoire. Here we describe a novel mechanism of T cell regulation that potentially deals with all of these parameters. We found that CD4 T cells establish a negative feedback loop by capturing their cognate MHC/peptide complexes from Ag-presenting cells and presenting them to Ag-experienced CD4 T cells, thereby inhibiting their recruitment into the response while allowing recruitment of naive T cells. The inhibition is Ag specific, begins at day 2 (long before Ag disappearance), and cannot be overcome by providing new Ag-loaded dendritic cells. In this way CD4 T cell proliferation is regulated in a functional relationship to the amount of Ag, while allowing naive T cells to generate repertoire variety.


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Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague, a rapidly fatal infectious disease that has not been eradicated worldwide. The capsular Caf1 protein of Y. pestis is a protective antigen under development as a recombinant vaccine. However, little is known about the specificity of human T cell responses for Caf1. We characterized CD4 T cell epitopes of Caf1 in 'humanized'-HLA-DR1 transgenic mice lacking endogenous MHC class II molecules. Mice were immunized with Caf1 or each of a complete set of overlapping synthetic peptides, and CD4 T cell immunity was measured with respect to proliferative and IFNgamma T cell responses and recognition by a panel of T cell hybridomas, as well as direct determination of binding affinities of Caf1 peptides to purified HLA-DR molecules. Although a number of DR1-restricted epitopes were identified following Caf1 immunization, the response was biased towards a single immunodominant epitope near the C-terminus of Caf1. In addition, potential promiscuous epitopes, including the immunodominant epitope, were identified by their ability to bind multiple common HLA alleles, with implications for the generation of multivalent vaccines against plague for use in humans.


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Skin-draining LN contain several phenotypically distinguishable DC populations, which may be immature or mature. Mature DC are generally considered to have lost the capacity to acquire and present newly encountered Ag. Using antibody-opsonized liposomes as Ag carriers, we show that mature DC purified from skin explants are able to efficiently capture liposomes, process Ag encapsulated within them and activate Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. Explant DC from mice with Langerhans cells (LC) expressing the primate diphtheria toxin receptor that were exposed to diphtheria toxin in vivo presented Ag as well as explant DC from wild-type mice, indicating that LC are not required and dermal DC are probably responsible for this presentation. We further show that all DC subtypes from LN that capture opsonized Ag are capable of cross-presenting it to CD8(+) T cells. Induction of additional maturation in vivo by LPS or treatment with double-stranded RNA did not alter the Ag presentation capacity of the skin or LN DC subtypes. These results suggest that mature DC present in skin-draining LN may play an important role in the induction of primary and/or secondary immune responses against Ag delivered to the LN that they take up by receptor-mediated endocytosis.


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Despite compromised T cell antigen receptor (TCR) signaling, mice in which tyrosine 136 of the adaptor linker for activation of T cells (LAT) was constitutively mutated (Lat(Y136F) mice) accumulate CD4(+) T cells that trigger autoimmunity and inflammation. Here we show that equipping postthymic CD4(+) T cells with LATY136F molecules or rendering them deficient in LAT molecules triggers a lymphoproliferative disorder dependent on prior TCR engagement. Therefore, such disorders required neither faulty thymic T cell maturation nor LATY136F molecules. Unexpectedly, in CD4(+) T cells recently deprived of LAT, the proximal triggering module of the TCR induced a spectrum of protein tyrosine phosphorylation that largely overlapped the one observed in the presence of LAT. The fact that such LAT-independent signals result in lymphoproliferative disorders with excessive cytokine production demonstrates that LAT constitutes a key negative regulator of the triggering module and of the LAT-independent branches of the TCR signaling cassette.


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We previously reported the identification of a novel family of immunomodulatory proteins, termed helminth defense molecules (HDMs), that are secreted by medically important trematode parasites. Since HDMs share biochemical, structural, and functional characteristics with mammalian cathelicidin-like host defense peptides (HDPs), we proposed that HDMs modulate the immune response via molecular mimicry of host molecules. In the present study, we report the mechanism by which HDMs influence the function of macrophages. We show that the HDM secreted by Fasciola hepatica (FhHDM-1) binds to macrophage plasma membrane lipid rafts via selective interaction with phospholipids and/or cholesterol before being internalized by endocytosis. Following internalization, FhHDM-1 is rapidly processed by lysosomal cathepsin L to release a short C-terminal peptide (containing a conserved amphipathic helix that is a key to HDM function), which then prevents the acidification of the endolysosomal compartments by inhibiting vacuolar ATPase activity. The resulting endolysosomal alkalization impedes macrophage antigen processing and prevents the transport of peptides to the cell surface in conjunction with MHC class II for presentation to CD4(+) T cells. Thus, we have elucidated a novel mechanism by which helminth pathogens alter innate immune cell function to assist their survival in the host.-Robinson, M. W., Alvarado, R., To, J., Hutchinson, A. T., Dowdell, S. N., Lund, M., Turnbull, L., Whitchurch, C. B., O'Brien, B. A., Dalton, J. P., Donnelly, S. A helminth cathelicidin-like protein suppresses antigen processing and presentation in macrophages via inhibition of lysosomal vATPase.


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Aging is associated with changes in lymphocyte subsets and unexplained HLA-DR upregulation on T-lymphocytes. We further investigated this activation, by measuring early (CD69), middle (CD25), and late (HLA-DR) T-lymphocyte activation markers on CD3+ lymphocytes, across subjects (20-100 years) together with serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R). HLA-DR was present as a CD3+ HLA-DR+ subset that constituted 8% of total lymphocytes, increased twofold with age and included CD4+, CD8+, and CD45RA+ phenotypes. HLA-DR was also expressed on a CD8+ CD57+ subset. The CD3+ CD25+ subset constituted 13% of lymphocytes, fell with age but was weakly associated with the CD3+ HLA-DR+ subset especially in older subjects. A small 3-5% CD3+ CD69+ subsets showed no age effect. Serum sIL-2R, TNF-alpha, but not IFN-gamma, were associated with CD3+ HLA-DR+ lymphocytes, TNF-alpha with CD8+ CD57+ count and sIL-2R and IFN-gamma with the CD3+ CD25+/CD3+ CD4+ ratio. The study confirms age-related upregulation of HLA-DR on CD3+ lymphocytes, shows some evidence for associated upregulation of CD25 on CD3+ cells in older subjects, and links serum TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and sIL2-R to T-lymphocyte activation.


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Purpose: To evaluate the immune cell subsets in conjunctival mucosa-associated-lymphoid-tissue (C-MALT) following challenge with antigen. Methods: Ten adult female Lewis rats were studied. Five rats received one drop (5 µL) of retinal S-antigen (500 µg/mL in phosphate buffered saline, PBS) instilled into the lower fornix twice daily for 10 consecutive days. Five rats received PBS only and served as controls for the experiment. Two days after the last instillation the animals were sacrificed and the orbital contents prepared for immunohistological staining. A panel of monoclonal antibodies was used: CD5, CD4, CD8, CD25, and CD45RA. The number of positive cells were counted in sections of epibulbar, forniceal, and tarsal conjunctiva. Results: There was a significant increase in the number of CD8 T lymphocytes in the conjunctiva of animals receiving retinal S-antigen when compared to control animals. Conclusion: Conjunctival instillation of retinal S-antigen causes an immune response in the C-MALT with a significant increase in the CD8 T lymphocyte subset in this tissue. This response may be involved in the induction of tolerance to the encountered antigen.


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Bacillus anthracis secretes exotoxins which act through several mechanisms including those that can subvert adaptive immunity with respect both to antigen presenting cell and T cell function. The combination of Protective Antigen (PA) and Lethal Factor (LF) forming Lethal Toxin (LT), acts within host cells to down-regulate the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade. Until recently the MAPK kinases were the only known substrate for LT; over the past few years it has become evident that LT also cleaves Nlrp1, leading to inflammasome activation and macrophage death. The predicted downstream consequences of subverting these important cellular pathways are impaired antigen presentation and adaptive immunity. In contrast to this, recent work has indicated that robust memory T cell responses to B. anthracis antigens can be identified following natural anthrax infection. We discuss how LT affects the adaptive immune response and specifically the identification of B. anthracis epitopes that are both immunogenic and protective with the potential for inclusion in protein sub-unit based vaccines.


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Bacillus anthracis produces a binary toxin composed of protective antigen (PA) and one of two subunits, lethal factor (LF) or edema factor (EF). Most studies have concentrated on induction of toxin-specific antibodies as the correlate of protective immunity, in contrast to which understanding of cellular immunity to these toxins and its impact on infection is limited. We characterized CD4+ T cell immunity to LF in a panel of humanized HLA-DR and DQ transgenic mice and in naturally exposed patients. As the variation in antigen presentation governed by HLA polymorphism has a major impact on protective immunity to specific epitopes, we examined relative binding affinities of LF peptides to purified HLA class II molecules, identifying those regions likely to be of broad applicability to human immune studies through their ability to bind multiple alleles. Transgenics differing only in their expression of human HLA class II alleles showed a marked hierarchy of immunity to LF. Immunogenicity in HLA transgenics was primarily restricted to epitopes from domains II and IV of LF and promiscuous, dominant epitopes, common to all HLA types, were identified in domain II. The relevance of this model was further demonstrated by the fact that a number of the immunodominant epitopes identified in mice were recognized by T cells from humans previously infected with cutaneous anthrax and from vaccinated individuals. The ability of the identified epitopes to confer protective immunity was demonstrated by lethal anthrax challenge of HLA transgenic mice immunized with a peptide subunit vaccine comprising the immunodominant epitopes that we identified.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) of the skin play an important role in skin-mediated immunity capable of promoting potent immune responses. We availed of polymeric dissolving microneedle (MN) arrays laden with nano-encapsulated antigen to specifically target skin DC networks. This modality of immunization represents an economic, efficient and potent means of antigen delivery directly to skin DCs, which are inefficiently targeted by more conventional immunization routes. Following MN immunization, Langerhans cells (LCs) constituted the major skin DC subset capable of cross-priming antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells ex-vivo. While all DC subsets were equally efficient in priming CD4(+) T cells, LCs were largely responsible for orchestrating the differentiation of CD4(+) IFN-γ and IL-17 producing effectors. Importantly, depletion of LCs prior to immunization had a profound effect on CD8(+) CTL responses in vivo, and vaccinated animals displayed reduced protective anti-tumour and viral immunity. Interestingly, this cross-priming bias was lost following MN immunization with soluble antigen, suggesting that processing and cross-presentation of nano-particulate antigen is favoured by LCs. Therefore, these studies highlight the importance of LCs in skin immunization strategies and that targeting of nano-particulate immunogens through dissolvable polymeric MNs potentially provides a promising technological platform for improved vaccination strategies.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 22 September 2014. doi:10.1038/jid.2014.415.


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Whilst there have been a number of insights into the subsets of CD4+ T cells induced by pathogenicBacillus anthracis infections in animal models, how these findings relate to responses generated in naturally infected and vaccinated humans has yet to be fully established. We describe the cytokine profile produced in response to T cell stimulation with a previously defined immunodominant antigen of anthrax, lethal factor (LF), domain IV, in cohorts of individuals with a history of cutaneous anthrax, compared with vaccinees receiving the U.K. licenced Anthrax Vaccine Precipitated (AVP) vaccine.


We found that immunity following natural cutaneous infection was significantly different from that seen after vaccination. AVP vaccination was found to result in a polarized IFNγ CD4+ T cell response, while the individuals exposed to B. anthracis by natural infection mounted a broader cytokine response encompassing IFNγ, IL-5, −9, −10, −13, −17, and −22.


Vaccines seeking to incorporate the robust, long-lasting, CD4 T cell immune responses observed in naturally acquired cutaneous anthrax cases may need to elicit a similarly broad spectrum cellular immune response.