64 resultados para Biofilm Formation


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Bacterial infection primarily with Staphylococcus spp. and Propionibacterium acnes remains a significant complication following total hip replacement. In this in vitro study, we investigated the efficacy of gentamicin loading of bone cement and pre- and postoperative administration of cefuroxime in the prevention of biofilm formation by clinical isolates. High and low initial inocula, representative of the number of bacteria that may be present at the operative site as a result of overt infection and skin contamination, respectively, were used. When a high initial inoculum was used, gentamicin loading of the cement did not prevent biofilm formation by the 10 Staphylococcus spp. and the 10 P. acnes isolates tested. Similarly, the use of cefuroxime in the fluid phase with gentamicin-loaded cement did not prevent biofilm formation by four Staphylococcus spp. and four P. acnes isolates tested. However, when a low bacterial inoculum was used, a combination of both gentamicin-loaded cement and cefuroxime prevented biofilm formation by these eight isolates. Our results indicate that this antibiotic combination may protect against infection after intra-operative challenge with bacteria present in low numbers as a result of contamination from the skin but would not protect against bacteria present in high numbers as a result of overt infection of an existing implant.


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Cho SH, Naber K, Hacker J, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Biofilm production in Staphylococcus epidermidis is an important virulence factor that is mediated by the expression of the icaADBC operon. In this study 41 S. epidermidis isolates obtained from catheter-related urinary tract infections were analyzed for the presence of the icaADBC operon and biofilm formation. Eighteen of 41 isolates (44%) were shown to carry ica-specific DNA, but only 11 isolates (27%) produced biofilms spontaneously under normal growth conditions. Upon induction by external stress or antibiotics, biofilm formation could be stimulated in five of seven ica-positive, biofilm-negative isolates, indicating that the icaADBC expression was down-regulated in these strains. Genetic analyses of the ica gene clusters of the remaining two ica-positive, biofilm-negative strains revealed a spontaneous ICAC::IS256 insertion in one strain. Insertion of the element caused a target site duplication of seven base pairs and a biofilm-negative phenotype. After repeated passages the insertion mutant was able to revert to a biofilm-forming phenotype which was due to the precise excision of IS256 from the icaC gene. The data show that icaC::IS256 integrations occur during S. epidermidis polymer-related infections and the results highlight the biological relevance of the IS256-mediated phase variation of biofilm production in S. epidermidis during an infection.


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Bacterial infection remains a significant problem following total joint replacement. Efforts to prevent recurrent implant infection, including the use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement for implant fixation at the time of revision surgery, are not always successful. In this in vitro study, we investigated whether the addition of chitosan to gentamicin-loaded Palacos® R bone cement increased antibiotic release and prevented bacterial adherence and biofilm formation by Staphylococcus spp. clinical isolates. Furthermore, mechanical tests were performed as a function of time post-polymerisation in pseudo-physiological conditions. The addition of chitosan to gentamicin-loaded Palacos® R bone cement significantly decreased gentamicin release and did not increase the efficacy of the bone cement at preventing bacterial colonisation and biofilm formation. Moreover, the mechanical performance of cement containing chitosan was significantly reduced after 28 days of saline degradation with the compressive and bending strengths not in compliance with the minimum requirements as stipulated by the ISO standard for PMMA bone cement. Therefore, incorporating chitosan into gentamicin-loaded Palacos® R bone cement for use in revision surgery has no clinical antimicrobial benefit and the detrimental effect on mechanical properties could adversely affect the longevity of the prosthetic joint.


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Background: Infection remains a severe complication following a total hip replacement. If infection is suspected when revision surgery is being performed, additional gentamicin is often added to the cement on an ad hoc basis in an attempt to reduce the risk of recurrent infection.

Methods and results: In this in vitro study, we determined the effect of incorporating additional gentamicin on the mechanical properties of cement. We also determined the degree of gentamicin release from cement, and also the extent to which biofilms of clinical Staphylococcus spp. isolates form on cement in vitro. When gentamicin was added to unloaded cement (1–4 g), there was a significant reduction in the mechanical performance of the loaded cements compared to unloaded cement. A significant increase in gentamicin release from the cement over 72 h was apparent, with the amount of gentamicin released increasing significantly with each additional 1 g of gentamicin added. When overt infection was modeled, the incorporation of additional gentamicin did result in an initial reduction in bacterial colonization, but this beneficial effect was no longer apparent by 72 h, with the clinical strains forming biofilms on the cements despite the release of high levels of gentamicin.

Interpretation: Our findings indicate that the addition of large amounts of gentamicin to cement is unlikely to eradicate bacteria present as a result of an overt infection of an existing implant, and could result in failure of the prosthetic joint because of a reduction in mechanical performance of the bone cement.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), a group of Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens that cause severe lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and display extreme intrinsic resistance to antibiotics including antimicrobial peptides. B. cenocepacia BCAL2157 encodes a protein homologous to SuhB, an inositol-1-monophosphatase from Escherichia coli, which was suggested to participate in posttranscriptional control of gene expression. In this work we show that a deletion of the suhB-like gene in B. cenocepacia (?suhBBc) was associated with pleiotropic phenotypes. The ?suhBBc mutant had a growth defect manifested by an almost 2-fold increase in the generation time relative to the parental strain. The mutant also had a general defect in protein secretion, motility and biofilm formation. Further analysis of the Type-2 and the Type-6 secretion systems activities revealed that these secretion systems were inactive in the ?suhBBc mutant. In addition, the mutant exhibited increased susceptibility to polymyxin B but not to aminoglycosides like gentamicin and kanamycin. Together, our results demonstrate that suhBBc deletion compromises general protein secretion including the activity of T2SS and T6SS, and affects polymyxin B resistance, motility, and biofilm formation. The pleiotropic effects observed upon suhBBc deletion demonstrate that suhBBc plays a critical role in the physiology of B. cenocepacia.