428 resultados para Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)


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Jellyfish are highly topical within studies of pelagic food-webs and there is a growing realisation that their role is more complex than once thought. Efforts being made to include jellyfish within fisheries and ecosystem models are an important step forward, but our present understanding of their underlying trophic ecology can lead to their oversimplification in these models. Gelatinous zooplankton represent a polyphyletic assemblage spanning >2,000 species that inhabit coastal seas to the deep-ocean and employ a wide variety of foraging strategies. Despite this diversity, many contemporary modelling approaches include jellyfish as a single functional group feeding at one or two trophic levels at most. Recent reviews have drawn attention to this issue and highlighted the need for improved communication between biologists and theoreticians if this problem is to be overcome. We used stable isotopes to investigate the trophic ecology of three co-occurring scyphozoan jellyfish species (Aurelia aurita, Cyanea lamarckii and C. capillata) within a temperate, coastal food-web in the NE Atlantic. Using information on individual size, time of year and ;delta C-13 and delta N-15 stable isotope values, we examined: (1) whether all jellyfish could be considered as a single functional group, or showed distinct inter-specific differences in trophic ecology; (2) Were size-based shifts in trophic position, found previously in A. aurita, a common trait across species?; (3) When considered collectively, did the trophic position of three sympatric species remain constant over time? Differences in delta N-15 (trophic position) were evident between all three species, with size-based and temporal shifts in delta N-15 apparent in A. aurita and C. capillata. The isotopic niche width for all species combined increased throughout the season, reflecting temporal shifts in trophic position and seasonal succession in these gelatinous species. Taken together, these findings support previous assertions that jellyfish require more robust inclusion in marine fisheries or ecosystem models.


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Two 17-mer oligodeoxynucleotide-5'-linked-(6,7-diphenylpterin) conjugates, 2 and 3, were prepared as photosensitisers for targeting photooxidative damage to a 34-mer DNA oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) fragment 1 representing the chimeric bcr-abl gene that is implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). The base sequence in the 17-mer was 3'G G T A G T T A T T C C T T C T T5'. In the first of these ODN conjugates (2) the pterin was attached at its N3 atom, via a -(CH2)3OPO(OH)- linker, to the 5'-OH group of the ODN. Conjugate 2 was prepared from 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxypropyl)-6,7-diphenyl-4(3H)-pteridinone 10, using phosphoramidite methodology. Starting material 10 was prepared from 5-amino-7-methylthiofurazano[3,4-d]pyrimidine 4 via an unusual highly resonance stabilised cation 8, incorporating the rare 2H,6H-pyrimido[6,1-b][1,3]oxazine ring system. In the characterisation of 10 two pteridine phosphazenes, 15 and 29, were obtained, as well as new products containing two uncommon tricyclic ring systems, namely pyrimido[2,1-b]pteridine (20 and 24) and pyrimido[1,2-c]pteridine (27). In the second ODN conjugate the linker was -(CH2)5CONH(CH2)6OPO(OH)- and was attached to the 2-amino group of the pterin. In the preparation of 3, the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester 37 of 2-(5-carboxypentylamino)-6,7-diphenyl-4(3H)-pteridinone was condensed with the hexylamino-modified 17-mer. Excitation of 36 with near UV light in the presence of the single-stranded target 34-mer, 5'T G A C C A T C A A T A A G14 G A A G18 A A G21 C C C T T C A G C G G C C3' 1 caused oxidative damage at guanine bases, leading to alkali-labile sites which were monitored by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cleavage was observed at all guanine sites with a marked preference for cleavage at G14. In contrast, excitation of ODN-pteridine conjugate 2 in the presence of 1 caused oxidation of the latter predominantly at G18, with a smaller extent of cleavage at G15 and G14 (in the double-stranded portion) and G21. These results contrast with our previous observation of specific cleavage at G21 with ruthenium polypyridyl sensitisers, and suggest that a different mechanism, probably one involving Type 1 photochemical electron transfer, is operative. Much lower yields were found with the ODN-pteridine conjugate 3, perhaps as a consequence of the longer linker between the ODN and the pteridine in this case.


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Lasioglossum malachurum, a bee species common across much of Europe, is obligately eusocial across its range but exhibits clear geographic variation in demography and social behaviour. This variation suggests that social interactions between queens and workers, opportunities for worker oviposition, and patterns of relatedness among nest mates may vary considerably, both within and among regions. In this study, we used three microsatellite loci with 12–18 alleles each to examine the sociogenetic structure of colonies from a population at Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias in southern Greece. These analyses reveal that the majority of colonies exhibit classical eusocial colony structure in which a single queen mated to a single male monopolizes oviposition. Nevertheless, we also detect low rates of multiqueen nest founding, occasional caste switching by worker-destined females, and worker oviposition of both gyne and male-producing eggs in the final brood. Previous evidence that the majority of workers show some ovarian development and a minority (17%) have at least one large oocyte contrasts with the observation that only 2–3% of gynes and males (the so-called reproductive brood) are produced by workers. An evaluation of the parameters of Hamilton's Rule suggests that queens benefit greatly from the help provided by workers but that workers achieve greater fitness by provisioning and laying their own eggs rather than by tending to the queen's eggs. This conflict of interest between the queen and her workers suggests that the discrepancy between potential and achieved worker oviposition is due to queen interference. Comparison of relatedness and maternity patterns in the Agios Nikolaos Monemvasias population with those from a northern population near Tübingen, Germany, points to a north–south cline of increasingly effective queen control of worker behaviour.


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The sweat bees (Family Halictidae) are a socially diverse taxon in which eusociality has arisen independently numerous times. The obligate, primitively eusocial Lasioglossum malachurum, distributed widely throughout Europe, has been considered the zenith of sociality within halictids. A single queen heads a colony of smaller daughter workers which, by mid-summer, produce new sexuals (males and gynes), of which only the mated gynes overwinter to found new colonies the following spring. We excavated successfully 18 nests during the worker- and gyne-producing phases of the colony cycle and analysed each nest's queen and either all workers or all gynes using highly variable microsatellite loci developed specifically for this species. Three important points arise from our analyses. First, queens are facultatively polyandrous (queen effective mating frequency: range 1–3, harmonic mean 1.13). Second, queens may head colonies containing unrelated individuals (n = 6 of 18 nests), most probably a consequence of colony usurpation during the early phase of the colony cycle before worker emergence. Third, nonqueen's workers may, but the queen's own workers do not, lay fertilized eggs in the presence of the queen that successfully develop into gynes, in agreement with so-called 'concession' models of reproductive skew


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Members of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family are involved in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases. SOCS-3 is predominantly expressed in T-helper type 2 (TH2) cells, but its role in TH2-related allergic diseases remains to be investigated. In this study we provide a strong correlation between SOCS-3 expression and the pathology of asthma and atopic dermatitis, as well as serum IgE levels in allergic human patients. SOCS-3 transgenic mice showed increased TH2 responses and multiple pathological features characteristic of asthma in an airway hypersensitivity model system. In contrast, dominant-negative mutant SOCS-3 transgenic mice, as well as mice with a heterozygous deletion of Socs3, had decreased TH2 development. These data indicate that SOCS-3 has an important role in regulating the onset and maintenance of TH2-mediated allergic immune disease, and suggest that SOCS-3 may be a new therapeutic target for the development of antiallergic drugs.