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Analysis of molecular interaction and conformational dynamics of biomolecules is of paramount importance in understanding of their vital functions in complex biological systems, disease detection, and new drug development. Plasmonic biosensors based upon surface plasmon resonance and localized surface plasmon resonance have become the predominant workhorse for detecting accumulated biomass caused by molecular binding events. However, unlike surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), the plasmonic biosensors indeed are not suitable tools to interrogate vibrational signatures of conformational transitions required for biomolecules to interact. Here, we show that plasmonic metamaterials can offer two transducing channels for parallel acquisition of optical transmission and sensitive SERS spectra at the biointerface, simultaneously probing the conformational states and binding affinity of biomolecules, e.g. G-quadruplexes, in different environments (Fig. 1). We further demonstrate the use of the metamaterials for fingerprinting and detection of arginine-glycine-glycine domain of nucleolin, a cancer biomarker which specifically binds to a G-quadruplex, with the picomolar sensitivity. The dual-mode nanosensor will significantly contribute to unraveling the complexes of the conformational dynamics of biomolecules as well as to improving specificity of biodetection assays.


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Analysis of binding recognition and conformation of biomolecules is of paramount important in understanding of their vital functions in complex biological systems. By enabling sub-wavelength light localization and strong local field enhancement, plasmonic biosensors have become dominant tools used for such analysis owing to their label-free and real-time attributes1,2. However, the plasmonic biosensors are not well-suited to provide information regarding conformation or chemical fingerprint of biomolecules. Here, we show that plasmonic metamaterials, consisting of periodic arrays of artificial split-ring resonators (SRRs)3, can enable capabilities of both sensing and fingerprinting of biomolecules. We demonstrate that by engineering geometry of individual SRRs, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) frequency of the metamaterials could be tuned to visible-near infrared regimes (Vis-NIR) such that they possess high local field enhancement for surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS). This will provide the basis for the development of a dual mode label-free conformational-resolving and quantitative detection platform. We present here the ability of each sensing mode to independently detect binding adsorption and to identify different conformational states of Guanine (G)-rich DNA monolayers in different environment milieu. Also shown is the use of the nanosensor for fingerprinting and detection of Arginine-Glycine-Glycine (RGG) peptide binding to the G-quadruplex aptamer. The dual-mode nanosensor will significantly contribute to unraveling the complexes of the conformational dynamics of biomolecules as well as to improving specificity of biodetection assays that the conventional, population-averaged plasmonic biosensors cannot achieve.


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To gain insight into IL5 receptor subunit recruitment mechanism, and in particular the experimentally elusive pathway for assembly of signaling subunit beta(c), we constructed a soluble beta(c) ectodomain (s(beta)(c)) and developed an optical biosensor assay to measure its binding kinetics. Functionally active s(beta)(c) was anchored via a C-terminal His tag to immobilized anti-His monoclonal antibodies on the sensor surface. Using this surface, we quantitated for the first time direct binding of s(beta)(c) to IL5R(alpha) complexed to either wild-type or single-chain IL5. Binding was much weaker if at all with either R(alpha) or IL5 alone. Kinetic evaluation revealed a moderate affinity (0.2-1 microM) and relatively fast off rate for the s(beta)(c) interaction with IL5:R(alpha) complexes. The data support a model in which beta(c) recruitment occurs with preformed IL5:R(alpha) complex. Dissociation kinetics analysis suggests that the IL5-alpha-beta(c) complex is relatively short-lived. Overall, this study solidifies a model of sequential recruitment of receptor subunits by IL5, provides a novel biosensor binding assay of beta(c) recruitment dynamics, and sets the stage for more advanced characterization of the roles of structural elements within R(alpha), beta(c), and cytokines of the IL5/IL3/GM-CSF family in receptor recruitment and activation.


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This article is based upon a secondary analysis of the Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales 1998 and examines the effects of social class and ethnicity on gender differences in GCSE attainment for those who left school in 1997 (n = 14,662). The article shows that both social class and ethnicity exert a far greater influence on the GCSE performance of boys and girls than gender. Moreover, the article also shows that an interaction effect is present between social class and gender and also between ethnicity and gender in relation to their impact upon GCSE attainment. More specifically, the findings suggest that a strong correlation exists such that the lower the overall levels of educational attainment for any group (whether that group is defined in terms of social class or ethnicity), the higher the gender differences that exist between those within that group.


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The authors are concerned with the development of computer systems that are capable of using information from faces and voices to recognise people's emotions in real-life situations. The paper addresses the nature of the challenges that lie ahead, and provides an assessment of the progress that has been made in the areas of signal processing and analysis techniques (with regard to speech and face), and the psychological and linguistic analyses of emotion. Ongoing developmental work by the authors in each of these areas is described.


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The multi-million-electron-volt proton beams accelerated during high-intensity laser-solid interactions have been used as a particle probe to investigate the electric charging of microscopic targets laser-irradiated at intensity similar to10(19) W cm(2). The charge-up, detected via the proton deflection with high temporal and spatial resolution, is due to the escape of energetic electrons generated during the interaction. The analysis of the data is supported by three- dimensional tracing of the proton trajectories. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Damping torque analysis is a well-developed technique for understanding and studying power system oscillations. This paper presents the applications of damping torque analysis for DC bus implemented damping control in power transmission networks in two examples. The first example is the investigation of damping effect of shunt VSC (Voltage Source Converter) based FACTS voltage control, i.e., STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) voltage control. It is shown in the paper that STATCOM voltage control mainly contributes synchronous torque and hence has little effect on the damping of power system oscillations. The second example is the damping control implemented by a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installed in a power system. Damping torque analysis reveals that when BESS damping control is realized by regulating exchange of active and reactive power between the BESS and power system respectively, BESS damping control exhibits different properties. It is concluded by damping torque analysis that BESS damping control implemented by regulating active power is better with less interaction with BESS voltage control and more robust to variations of power system operating conditions. In the paper, all analytical conclusions obtained are demonstrated by simulation results of example power systems.


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Cyclin D3 is found to play a crucial role not only in progression through the G1 phase as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK 4) and CDK 6, but also in many other aspects such as cell cycle, cell differentiation, transcriptional regulation and apoptosis. In this work, we screened a human fetal liver cDNA library using human cyclin D3 as bait and identified human eukaryotic initiation factor 3 p28 protein (eIF3k) as a partner of cyclin D3. The association of cyclin D3 with eIF3k was further confirmed by in vitro binding assay, in vivo coimmunoprecipitation, and confocal microscopic analysis. We found that cyclin D3 specifically interacted with eIF3k through its C-terminal domain. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that eIF3k distributed both in nucleus and cytoplasm and colocalized with cyclin D3. In addition, the cellular translation activity in HeLa cells was upregulated by cyclin D3 overexpression and the mRNA levels are constant. These data provide a new clue to our understanding of the cellular function of cyclin D3.


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Variations in the interleukin 4 receptor A (IL4RA) gene have been reported to be associated with atopy, asthma, and allergy, which may occur less frequently in subjects with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Since atopy shows a humoral immune reactivity pattern, and T1D results from a cellular (T lymphocyte) response, we hypothesised that alleles predisposing to atopy could be protective for T1D and transmitted less often than the expected 50% from heterozygous parents to offspring with T1D. We genotyped seven exonic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the -3223 C>T SNP in the putative promoter region of IL4RA in up to 3475 T1D families, including 1244 Finnish T1D families. Only the -3223 C>T SNP showed evidence of negative association (P=0.014). There was some evidence for an interaction between -3233 C>T and the T1D locus IDDM2 in the insulin gene region (P=0.001 in the combined and P=0.02 in the Finnish data set). We, therefore, cannot rule out a genetic effect of IL4RA in T1D, but it is not a major one.


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A sub-chronic administration of phencyclidine to the rat brings about enduring pathophysiological and cognitive changes that resemble some features of schizophrenia. The present study aimed to determine whether the behavioural consequence of this phencyclidine regime extends to a long-term disruption of social interaction that might provide a parallel with some negative symptoms of the disease. Rats were treated with phencyclidine (2mg/kg bi-daily for 1 week) or vehicle followed by a drug-free period. Social interaction was assessed 24h, 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks post-treatment. A long-lasting disturbance of social behaviour was observed in the phencyclidine group, namely more contact and non-contact interaction with an unfamiliar target rat at all time points. Six weeks post-phencyclidine, analysis of brains showed a reduction in expression of parvalbumin immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus with significant reductions localised to the CA1 and dentate gyrus regions. These results show that sub-chronic phencyclidine produces long-lasting disruptions in social interaction that, however, do not model the social withdrawal seen in patients with schizophrenia. These disturbances of social behaviour may be associated with concurrent pathophysiological brain changes.


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Several studies have assessed changes in frequency of -174 interleukin (IL)-6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with age. If IL-6 tracks with disability and age-related diseases, then there should be reduction, in the oldest old, of the frequency of homozgyous GG subjects, who produce higher IL-6 levels. However, discordant results have been obtained. To explore the relationship between this polymorphism and longevity, we analyzed individual data on long-living subjects and controls from eight case-control studies conducted in Europeans, using meta-analysis. There was no significant difference in the IL-6 genotype between the oldest old and controls (Odds Ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% C.I.: 0.77-1.20; p=0.71), but there was significant between-study heterogeneity (I(2)=55.5%). In a subgroup analyses when male centenarians from the three Italian studies were included, the frequency of the IL-6 -174 GG genotype was significantly lower than the other genotypes (OR=0.49; 95% C.I.: 0.31-0.80; p=0.004), with no evidence of heterogeneity (I(2)=0%). Our data supports a negative association between the GG genotype of IL-6 SNP and longevity in Italian centenarians, with males who carry the genotype being two times less likely to reach extreme old age compared with subjects carrying CC or CG genotypes. These findings were not replicated in other European groups suggesting a possible interaction between genetics, sex and environment in reaching longevity.


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The interactions of ions in the solid state for a series of representative 1,3-dialkylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate salts (either ionic liquids or closely related) have been examined by crystallographic analysis, combined with the theoretical estimation of crystal-packing densities and lattice-interaction energies. Efficient close-packing of the ions in the crystalline states is observed, but there was no compelling evidence for specific directional hydrogen-bonding to the hexafluorophosphate anions or the formation of interstitial voids. The close-packing efficiency is supported by the theoretical calculation of ion volumes, crystal lattice energies, and packing densities, which correlated well with experimental data. The crystal density of the salts can be predicted accurately from the summation of free ion volumes and lattice energies calculated. Of even more importance for future work, on these and related salts, the solid-state density of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate salts can be predicted with reasonable accuracy purely on the basis of on ab initio free ion volumes, and this allows prediction of lattice energies without necessarily requiring the crystal structures.


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Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) has been suggested as a plausible candidate gene for human longevity due to its modulation of cardiovascular disease risk, by preventing oxidation of atherogenic low-density lipoprotein. The role of the PON1 192 Q/R polymorphism has been analyzed for association with survival at old age in several populations, albeit with controversial results. To reconcile the conflicting evidence, we performed a large association study with two samples of 2357 Germans and 1025 French, respectively. We combined our results with those from seven previous studies in the largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis on PON1 192 Q/R and longevity to-date, to include a total of 9580 individuals. No significant association of PON1 192 Q/R with longevity was observed, for either R allele or carriership. This finding relied on very large sample sizes, is supported by different analysis methods and is therefore considered very robust. Moreover, we have investigated a potential interaction of PON1 192 Q/R with APOE epsilon4 using data from four populations. Whereas a significant result was found in the German sample, this could not be confirmed in the other examined groups. Our large-scale meta-analysis provided no evidence that the PON1 192 Q/R polymorphism is associated with longevity, but this does not exclude the possibility of population-specific effects due to the influence of, and interaction between, different genetic and/or environmental factors (e.g. diet).