47 resultados para Accelerating Moment Release (amr) Model


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The use of biological tissues in the in vitro assessments of dissolving (?) microneedle (MN) array mechanical strength and subsequent drug release profiles presents some fundamental difficulties, in part due to inherent variability of the biological tissues employed. As a result, these biological materials are not appropriate for routine used in industrial formulation development or quality control (QC) tests. In the present work a facile system using Parafilm M® (PF) to test drug permeation performance using dissolving MN arrays is proposed. Dissolving MN arrays containing 196 needles (600 μm needle height) were inserted into a single layer of PF and a hermetic “pouch” was created including the array inside. The resulting system was placed in a dissolution bath and the release of model molecules was evaluated. Different MN formulations were tested using this novel setup, releasing between 40 and 180 µg of their cargos after 6 hours. The proposed system is a more realistic approach for MN testing than the typical performance test described in the literature for conventional transdermal patches. Additionally, the use of PF membrane was tested either in the hermetic “pouch” and using Franz Cell methodology yielding comparable release curves. Microscopy was used in order to ascertain the insertion of the different MN arrays in the PF layer. The proposed system appears to be a good alternative to the use of Franz cells in order to compare different MN formulations. Given the increasing industrial interest in MN technology, the proposed system has potential as a standardised drug/active agent release test for quality control purposes.


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Abstract There is considerable interest in developing medical devices that provide controlled delivery of biologically active agents, for example, to reduce the incidence of device-related infection. Silicone elastomers are one of the commonest biomaterials used in medical device production. However, they have a relatively high coefficient of friction and the resulting lack of lubricity can cause pain and tissue damage on device insertion and removal. Novel silicone cross-linking agents have recently been reported that produce inherently ‘self-lubricating’ silicone elastomers with very low coefficients of friction. In this study, the model antibacterial drug metronidazole has been incorporated into these self-lubricating silicone elastomers to produce a novel bioactive biomaterial. The in vitro release characteristics of the bioactive component were evaluated as a function of cross-linker composition and drug loading. Although conventional matrix-type release kinetics were observed for metronidazole from the silicone systems, it was also observed that increasing the concentration of the cross-linking agent responsible for the lubricious character (tetra(oleyloxy)silane) relative to that of the standard non-lubricious cross-linking agent (tetrapropoxysilane) produced an increase in the metronidazole flux rate by up to 65% for a specified drug loading. The results highlight the potential for developing lubricious silicone medical devices with enhanced drug release characteristics.


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BACKGROUND: In vitro release testing of vaginal formulations is usually performed in a one-compartment model (OCM) where the release medium, usually comprising pH-adjusted water, an aqueous surfactant solution or a solvent-water solution, provides sink conditions throughout the release experiment. Although this model is useful in evaluating the effect of formulation parameters upon release, it rarely reflects in vivo conditions. Here we report use of a two-compartment diffusion cell model (TCM, comprising a small volume donor, a large volume receptor, and separated by a model epithelial membrane) to more closely mimic in vivo vaginal release and tissue absorption following administration of a UC781 vaginal ring.

METHODS: Macaque-sized matrix silicone elastomer vaginal rings containing 100mg UC781 were prepared by injection molding, and in vitro release testing performed using both OCM (20mL simulated vaginal fluid, SVF) and TCM (5mL SVF in donor cell and variable quantities of Tween 80; silicone elastomer membrane; 100mL 3:2 ethanol/water in receptor cell). In the TCM, drug levels were measured by HPLC in both donor and receptor cells, representing fluid and tissue levels respectively. Rings containing 100mg UC781 and 10% w/w Tween 80 were also manufactured and tested.

RESULTS: The amount of UC781 released from rings was significantly influenced by the choice of release model. Greatest release (56mg/14 days) was measured in the ethanol/water OCM, compared with no measurable release into SVF only. Increasing the concentration of Tween 80 in the SVF medium (1, 3 and 5% w/w) led to increased UC781 release (11, 16 and 18mg, respectively), demonstrating that vaginal fluid solubility of UC781 may be rate-determining in vivo. In the TCM, UC781 accumulates in the receptor cell medium over time, despite not being measured in the donor medium containing the ring device. Incorporation of Tween 80 directly into the ring provided enhanced release in both donor and receptor cells.

CONCLUSIONS: Release of UC781 was influenced by the choice of release medium and the inclusion of Tween 80 in the ring. Although use of SVF-only in the OCM indicated no measurable UC781 release from rings, data from the TCM confirms that UC781 is not only released but is also capable of penetrating across the model epithelial membrane. The TCM may therefore provide a more representative in vitro release model for mimicking in vivo absorption.


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Silicone elastomer systems have previously been shown to offer potential for the sustained release of protein therapeutics. However, the general requirement for the incorporation of large amounts of release enhancing solid excipients to achieve therapeutically effective release rates from these otherwise hydrophobic polymer systems can detrimentally affect the viscosity of the precure silicone elastomer mixture and its curing characteristics. The increase in viscosity necessitates the use of higher operating pressures in manufacture, resulting in higher shear stresses that are often detrimental to the structural integrity of the incorporated protein. The addition of liquid silicones increases the initial tan delta value and the tan delta values in the early stages of curing by increasing the liquid character (G '') of the silicone elastomer system and reducing its elastic character (G'), thereby reducing the shear stress placed on the formulation during manufacture and minimizing the potential for protein degradation. However, SEM analysis has demonstrated that if the liquid character of the silicone elastomer is too high, the formulation will be unable to fill the mold during manufacture. This study demonstrates that incorporation of liquid hydroxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes into addition-cure silicone elastomer-covered rod formulations can both effectively lower the viscosity of the precured silicone elastomer and enhance the release rate of the model therapeutic protein bovine serum albumin. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011


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The in vitro release characteristics of eight low-molecular-weight drugs (clindamycin, 17beta-estradiol, 17beta-estradiol-3-acetate, 17beta-estradiol diacetate, metronidazole, norethisterone, norethisterone acetate and oxybutynin) from silicone matrixtype intravaginal rings of various drug loadings have been evaluated under sink conditions. Through modelling of the release data using the Higuchi equation, and determination of the silicone solubility of the drugs, the apparent silicone elastomer diffusion coefficients of the drugs have been calculated. Furthermore, in an attempt to develop a quantitative model for predicting release rates of new drug substances from these vaginal ring devices, it has been observed that linear relationships exist between the log of the silicone solubility of the drug (mg ml(-1)) and the reciprocal of its melting point (K-1) (y = 3.558x - 9.620, R = 0.77), and also between the log of the diffusion coefficient (cm(2) s(-1)) and the molecular weight of the drug molecule (g mol(-1)) (y = - 0.0068x - 4.0738, R = 0.95). Given that the silicone solubility and silicone diffusion coefficient are the major parameters influencing the permeation of drugs through silicone elastomers, it is now possible to predict through use of the appropriate mathematical equations both matrix-type and reservoir-type intravaginal ring release rates simply from a knowledge of drug melting temperature and molecular weight. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: This study examined the biological effects of the GIP receptor antagonist, (Pro3)GIP and the GLP-1 receptor antagonist, exendin(9-39)amide.

METHODS: Cyclic AMP production was assessed in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts transfected with human GIP or GLP-1 receptors, respectively. In vitro insulin release studies were assessed in BRIN-BD11 cells while in vivo insulinotropic and glycaemic responses were measured in obese diabetic ( ob/ ob) mice.

RESULTS: In GIP receptor-transfected fibroblasts, (Pro(3))GIP or exendin(9-39)amide inhibited GIP-stimulated cyclic AMP production with maximal inhibition of 70.0+/-3.5% and 73.5+/-3.2% at 10(-6) mol/l, respectively. In GLP-1 receptor-transfected fibroblasts, exendin(9-39)amide inhibited GLP-1-stimulated cyclic AMP production with maximal inhibition of 60+/-0.7% at 10(-6) mol/l, whereas (Pro(3))GIP had no effect. (Pro(3))GIP specifically inhibited GIP-stimulated insulin release (86%; p<0.001) from clonal BRIN-BD11 cells, but had no effect on GLP-1-stimulated insulin release. In contrast, exendin(9-39)amide inhibited both GIP and GLP-1-stimulated insulin release (57% and 44%, respectively; p<0.001). Administration of (Pro(3))GIP, exendin(9-39)amide or a combination of both peptides (25 nmol/kg body weight, i.p.) to fasted (ob/ob) mice decreased the plasma insulin responses by 42%, 54% and 49%, respectively (p<0.01 to p<0.001). The hyperinsulinaemia of non-fasted (ob/ob) mice was decreased by 19%, 27% and 18% (p<0.05 to p<0.01) by injection of (Pro3)GIP, exendin(9-39)amide or combined peptides but accompanying changes of plasma glucose were small.

CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: These data show that (Pro(3))GIP is a specific GIP receptor antagonist. Furthermore, feeding studies in one commonly used animal model of obesity and diabetes, (ob/ob) mice, suggest that GIP is the major physiological component of the enteroinsular axis, contributing approximately 80% to incretin-induced insulin release.


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opical administration of excess exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) leads to selective accumulation of the potent photosensitiser protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in neoplastic cells, which can then be destroyed by irradiation with visible light. Due to its hydrophilicity, ALA penetrates deep lesions, such as nodular basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) poorly. As a result, more lipophilic esters of ALA have been employed to improve tissue penetration. In this study, the in vitro release of ALA and M-ALA from proprietary creams and novel patch-based systems across normal stratum corneum and a model membrane designed to mimic the abnormal stratum corneum overlying neoplastic skin lesions were investigated. Receiver compartment drug concentrations were compared with the concentrations of each drug producing high levels of PpIX production and subsequent light-induced kill in a model neoplastic cell line (LOX). LOX cells were found to be quite resistant to ALA- and M-ALA-induced phototoxicity. However, drug concentrations achieved in receiver compartments were comparable to those required to induce high levels of cell death upon irradiation in cell lines reported in the literature. Patches released significantly less drug across normal stratum corneum and significantly more across the model membrane. This is of major significance since the selectivity of PDT for neoplastic lesions will be further enhanced by the delivery system. ALA/M-ALA will only be delivered in significant amounts to the abnormal tissue. PpIX will only then accumulate in the neoplastic cells and the normal surrounding tissue will be unharmed upon irradiation.


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Chitosan nanoparticles fabricated via different preparation protocols have been in recent years widely studied as carriers for therapeutic proteins and genes with varying degree of effectiveness and drawbacks. This work seeks to further explore the polyionic coacervation fabrication process, and associated processing conditions under which protein encapsulation and subsequent release can be systematically and predictably manipulated so as to obtain desired effectiveness. BSA was used as a model protein which was encapsulated by either incorporation or incubation method, using the polyanion tripolyphosphate (TPP) as the coacervation crosslink agent to form chitosan-BSA-TPP nanoparticles. The BSA-loaded chitosan-TPP nanoparticles were characterized for particle size, morphology, zeta potential, BSA encapsulation efficiency, and subsequent release kinetics, which were found predominantly dependent on the factors of chitosan molecular weight, chitosan concentration, BSA loading concentration, and chitosan/TPP mass ratio. The BSA loaded nanoparticles prepared under varying conditions were in the size range of 200-580 nm, and exhibit a high positive zeta potential. Detailed sequential time frame TEM imaging of morphological change of the BSA loaded particles showed a swelling and particle degradation process. Initial burst released due to surface protein desorption and diffusion from sublayers did not relate directly to change of particle size and shape, which was eminently apparent only after 6 h. It is also notable that later stage particle degradation and disintegration did not yield a substantial follow-on release, as the remaining protein molecules, with adaptable 3-D conformation, could be tightly bound and entangled with the cationic chitosan chains. In general, this study demonstrated that the polyionic coacervation process for fabricating protein loaded chitosan nanoparticles offers simple preparation conditions and a clear processing window for manipulation of physiochemical properties of the nanoparticles (e.g., size and surface charge), which can be conditioned to exert control over protein encapsulation efficiency and subsequent release profile. The weakness of the chitosan nanoparticle system lies typically with difficulties in controlling initial burst effect in releasing large quantities of protein molecules. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies have shown that in vitro adenosine enhances histamine release from activated human lung mast cells obtained by enzymic dispersion of lung parenchyma. However, adenosine alone has no effect on histamine release from these cells. Given the evidence for direct activation of mast cells after endobronchial challenge with adenosine and previous studies indicating that mast cells obtained at bronchoalveolar lavage are a better model for asthma studies than those obtained by enzymic dispersion of lung tissue, the histamine-releasing effect of adenosine was examined on lavage mast cells. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained from patients attending hospital for routine bronchoscopy (n = 54). Lavage cells were challenged with adenosine or adenosine receptor agonists (20 min, 37 degrees C) and histamine release determined using an automated fluorometric assay. Endogenous adenosine levels were also measured in lavage fluid (n = 9) via an HPLC method. Adenosine alone caused histamine release from ravage mast cells in 37 of 54 patients with a maximal histamine release of 20.56 +/- 2.52% (range 5.2-61 %). The adenosine receptor agonists (R)-N-6-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamido-adenosine and CGS21680 also induced histamine release from lavage mast cells. Preincubation of lavage mast cells with the adenosine receptor antagonist xanthine amine congener caused significant inhibition of the response to adenosine (P = 0.007). There was an inverse correlation between endogenous adenosine levels in the lavage fluid and the maximal response to in vitro adenosine challenge of the lavage cells. The findings of the present study indicate a means by which adenosine challenge of the airways can induce bronchoconstriction and support a role for adenosine in the pathophysiology of asthma. The results also suggest that cells obtained from bronchoalveolar ravage fluid may provide the ideal model for the testing of novel, adenosine receptor, targeted therapies for asthma.