83 resultados para 330-U1377A


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High resolution spectra of seven early B-type giant/supergiant stars in the SMC cluster NGC330 are analysed to obtain their chemical compositions relative to SMC field and Galactic B-type stars. It is found that all seven stars are nitrogen rich with an abundance approximately 1.3 dex higher than an SMC main- sequence field B-type star, AV304. They also display evidence for deficiencies in carbon, but other metals have abundances typical of the SMC. Given the number of B-type stars with low projected rotational velocities in NGC330 (all our targets have v sin i <50 km s(-1)), we suggest that it is unlikely that the stars in our sample are seen almost pole-on, but rather that they are intrinsically slow rotators. Furthermore, none of our objects displays any evidence of significant Balmer emission excluding the possibility that these are Be stars observed pole-on. Comparing these results with the predictions of stellar evolution models including the effects of rotationally induced mixing, we conclude that while the abundance patterns may indeed be reproduced by these models, serious discrepancies exist. Most importantly, models including the effects of initially large rotational velocities do not reproduce the observed range of effective temperatures of our sample, nor the currently observed rotational velocities. Binary models may be able to produce stars in the observed temperature range but again may be incapable of producing suitable analogues with low rotational velocities. We also discuss the clear need for stellar evolution calculations employing the correct chemical mix of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen for the SMC.


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We have undertaken a 330-360 GHz molecular line survey of the halo gas surrounding the hot core associated with G34.26+0.15. In contrast to our molecular line survey of the hot core itself, where 338 lines from at least 38 species were detected, only 18 lines from 9 species were detected in the halo. The lines are mainly single transitions of simple di atomic and triatomic molecules. Lower limits to their column densities have been evaluated by an LTE method. In the case of methanol, where four transitions were detected, the rotation temperature and column density have been evaluated by the rotation diagram technique. We have modified the previous depth-dependent chemical model developed in Paper II to calculate the column densities observed along a general line of sight drawn through the model cloud. The model is also extended to produce beam-averaged column densities for better comparison with those observed. We compare the model column densities with those observed and make recommendations for future depth-dependent chemical modelling of hot cores.


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We describe a detailed depth-and time-dependent model of the molecular cloud associated with the ultracompact H II region G 34.3+0.15. Previous work on observations of NH3 and CS indicates that the molecular cloud has three distinct physical components:- an ultracompact hot core, a compact hot core and an extended halo. We have used the physical parameters derived from these observations as input to our detailed chemical kinetic modelling. The results of the model calculations are discussed with reference to the different chemistries occuring in each component and are compared with abundances derived from our recent spectral line survey of G 34.3+0.15 (Paper I).


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A 330--360 GHz spectral survey of the hot molecular core associated with the 'cometary' ultracompact HII region G 34.3+/-0.15 observed with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has detected 338 spectral lines from at least 35 distinct chemical species plus 19 isotopomers. 70 lines remain unidentified. Chemical abundance and rotation temperature have been determined by rotation diagram analysis for 12 species, and lower limits to abundance found for 38 others.


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We present new observations of 470 stars using the Fibre Large Array Multi-Element Spectrograph ( FLAMES) instrument in fields centered on the clusters NGC330 and NGC346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), and NGC2004 and the N11 region in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). A further 14 stars were observed in the N11 and NGC330 fields using the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) for a separate programme. Spectral classifications and stellar radial velocities are given for each target, with careful attention to checks for binarity. In particular, we have investigated previously unexplored regions around the central LH9/LH10 complex of N11, finding similar to 25 new O-type stars from our spectroscopy. We have observed a relatively large number of Be-type stars that display permitted Fe II emission lines. These are primarily not in the cluster cores and appear to be associated with classical Be-type stars, rather than pre main-sequence objects. The presence of the Fe II emission, as compared to the equivalent width of Ha, is not obviously dependent on metallicity. We have also explored the relative fraction of Be- to normal B-type stars in the field-regions near to NGC330 and NGC2004, finding no strong evidence of a trend with metallicity when compared to Galactic results. A consequence of service observations is that we have reasonable time-sampling in three of our FLAMES fields. We find lower limits to the binary fraction of O- and early B-type stars of 23 to 36%. One of our targets (NGC346-013) is especially interesting with a massive, apparently hotter, less luminous secondary component.


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Poly-L-lactide (PLLA) is one of the most significant members of a group of polymers regarded as bioresorbable. The degradation of PLLA proceeds through hydrolysis of the ester linkages in the polymer's backbone; however, the time for the complete resorption of orthopaedic devices manufactured from PLLA is known to be in excess of five years in a normal physiological environment. To evaluate the degradation of PLLA in an accelerated time period, PLLA pellets were processed by compression moulding into tensile test specimens, prior to being sterilized by ethylene oxide gas (EtO) and degraded in a phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) at both 50°C and 70°C. On retrieval, at predetermined time intervals, procedures were used to evaluate the material's molecular weight, crystallinity, mechanical strength, and thermal properties. The results from this study suggest that at both 50°C and 70°C, degradation proceeds by a very similar mechanism to that observed at 37°C in vitro and in vivo. The degradation models developed also confirmed the dependence of mass loss, melting temperature, and glass transition temperature (Tg) on the polymer's molecular weight throughout degradation. Although increased temperature appears to be a suitable method for accelerating the degradation of PLLA, relative to its physiological degradation rate, concerns still remain over the validity of testing above the polymer's Tg and the significance of autocatalysis at increased temperatures.


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The article presents cost modeling results from the application of the Genetic-Causal cost modeling principle. Industrial results from redesign are also presented to verify the opportunity for early concept cost optimization by using Genetic-Causal cost drivers to guide the conceptual design process for structural assemblies. The acquisition cost is considered through the modeling of the recurring unit cost and non-recurring design cost. The operational cost is modeled relative to acquisition cost and fuel burn for predominately metal or composites designs. The main contribution of this study is the application of the Genetic-Causal principle to the modeling of cost, helping to understand how conceptual design parameters impact on cost, and linking that to customer requirements and life cycle cost.


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5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is widely used in the treatment of cancer. Over the past 20 years, increased understanding of the mechanism of action of 5-FU has led to the development of strategies that increase its anticancer activity. Despite these advances, drug resistance remains a significant limitation to the clinical use of 5-FU. Emerging technologies, such as DNA microarray profiling, have the potential to identify novel genes that are involved in mediating resistance to 5-FU. Such target genes might prove to be therapeutically valuable as new targets for chemotherapy, or as predictive biomarkers of response to 5-FU-based chemotherapy.


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High- resolution UVES/ VLT spectra of B 12, an extreme pole- on Be star in the SMC cluster NGC 330, have been analysed using non-LTE model atmospheres to obtain its chemical composition relative to the SMC standard star AV304. We find a general underabundance of metals which can be understood in terms of an extra contribution to the stellar continuum due to emission from a disk which we estimate to be at the similar to 25% level. When this is corrected for, the nitrogen abundance for B12 shows no evidence of enhancement by rotational mixing as has been found in other non-Be B-type stars in NGC 330, and is inconsistent with evolutionary models which include the effects of rotational mixing. A second Be star, NGC330-B 17, is also shown to have no detectable nitrogen lines. Possible explanations for the lack of rotational mixing in these rapidly rotating stars are discussed, one promising solution being the possibility that magnetic fields might inhibit rotational mixing.


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The greatest relaxation time for an assembly of three- dimensional rigid rotators in an axially symmetric bistable potential is obtained exactly in terms of continued fractions as a sum of the zero frequency decay functions (averages of the Legendre polynomials) of the system. This is accomplished by studying the entire time evolution of the Green function (transition probability) by expanding the time dependent distribution as a Fourier series and proceeding to the zero frequency limit of the Laplace transform of that distribution. The procedure is entirely analogous to the calculation of the characteristic time of the probability evolution (the integral of the configuration space probability density function with respect to the position co-ordinate) for a particle undergoing translational diffusion in a potential; a concept originally used by Malakhov and Pankratov (Physica A 229 (1996) 109). This procedure allowed them to obtain exact solutions of the Kramers one-dimensional translational escape rate problem for piecewise parabolic potentials. The solution was accomplished by posing the problem in terms of the appropriate Sturm-Liouville equation which could be solved in terms of the parabolic cylinder functions. The method (as applied to rotational problems and posed in terms of recurrence relations for the decay functions, i.e., the Brinkman approach c.f. Blomberg, Physica A 86 (1977) 49, as opposed to the Sturm-Liouville one) demonstrates clearly that the greatest relaxation time unlike the integral relaxation time which is governed by a single decay function (albeit coupled to all the others in non-linear fashion via the underlying recurrence relation) is governed by a sum of decay functions. The method is easily generalized to multidimensional state spaces by matrix continued fraction methods allowing one to treat non-axially symmetric potentials, where the distribution function is governed by two state variables. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.