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On the basis of histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells, an octadecapeptide was isolated from the skin extract of the Northern Leopard frog (Rana pipiens), This peptide was purified to homogeneity using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and found to have the following primary structure by Edman degradation and pyridylethylation: LVRGCWTKSYPPKPCFVR, in which Cys(5) and Cys(15) are disulfide bridged. The peptide was named peptide leucine-arginine (pLR), reflecting the N- and C-terminal residues. Molecular modeling predicted that pLR possessed a rigid tertiary loop structure with flexible end regions, pLR was synthesized and elicited rapid, noncytolytic histamine release that had a a-fold greater potency when compared with one of the most active histamine-liberating peptides, namely melittin, pLR was able to permeabilize negatively charged unilamellar lipid vesicles but not neutral vesicles, a finding that was consistent with its nonhemolytic action, pLR inhibited the early development of granulocyte macrophage colonies from bone marrow stem cells but did not induce apoptosis of the end stage granulocytes, i,e. mature neutrophils, pLR therefore displays biological activity with both granulopoietic progenitor cells and mast cells and thus represents a novel bioactive peptide from frog skin.


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HSP70 chaperones mediate protein folding by ATP-dependent interaction with short linear peptide segments that are exposed on unfolded proteins. The mode of action of the Escherichia coli homolog DnaK is representative of all HSP70 chaperones, including the endoplasmic reticulum variant BiP/GRP78. DnaK has been shown to be effective in assisting refolding of a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, including the -helical homodimeric secretory cytokine interferon- (IFN-). We screened solid-phase peptide libraries from human and mouse IFN- to identify DnaK-binding sites. Conserved DnaK-binding sites were identified in the N-terminal half of helix B and in the C-terminal half of helix C, both of which are located at the IFN- dimer interface. Soluble peptides derived from helices B and C bound DnaK with high affinity in competition assays. No DnaK-binding sites were found in the loops connecting the -helices. The helix C DnaK-binding site appears to be conserved in most members of the superfamily of interleukin (IL)-10-related cytokines that comprises, apart from IL-10 and IFN-, a series of recently discovered small secretory proteins, including IL-19, IL-20, IL-22/IL-TIF, IL-24/MDA-7 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene), IL-26/AK155, and a number of viral IL-10 homologs. These cytokines belong to a relatively small group of homodimeric proteins with highly interdigitated interfaces that exhibit the strongly hydrophobic character of the interior core of a single-chain folded domain. We propose that binding of DnaK to helix C in the superfamily of IL-10-related cytokines may constitute the hallmark of a novel conserved regulatory mechanism in which HSP70-like chaperones assist in the formation of a hydrophobic dimeric "folding" interface.


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In human neutrophils, beta2 integrin engagement mediated a decrease in GTP-bound Rac1 and Rac2. Pretreatment of neutrophils with LY294002 or PP1 (inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and Src kinases, respectively) partly reversed the beta2 integrin-induced down-regulation of Rac activities. In contrast, beta2 integrins induced stimulation of Cdc42 that was independent of Src family members. The PI 3-kinase dependency of beta2 integrin-mediated decrease in GTP-bound Rac could be explained by an enhanced Rac-GAP activity, since this activity was blocked by LY204002, whereas PP1 only had a minor effect. The fact that only Rac1 but not Rac2 (the dominating Rac) redistributed to the detergent-insoluble fraction and that it was independent of GTP loading excludes the possibility that down-regulation of Rac activities was due to depletion of GTP-bound Rac from the detergent-soluble fraction. The beta2 integrin-triggered relocalization of Rac1 to the cytoskeleton was enabled by a PI 3-kinase-induced dissociation of Rac1 from LyGDI. The dissociations of Rac1 and Rac2 from LyGDI also explained the PI 3-kinase-dependent translocations of Rac GTPases to the plasma membrane. However, these accumulations of Rac in the membrane, as well as that of p47phox and p67phox, were also regulated by Src tyrosine kinases. Inasmuch as Rac GTPases are part of the NADPH oxidase and the respiratory burst is elicited in neutrophils adherent by beta2 integrins, our results indicate that activation of the NADPH oxidase does not depend on the levels of Rac-GTP but instead requires a beta2 integrin-induced targeting of the Rac GTPases as well as p47phox and p67phox to the plasma membrane.


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The blood flukes Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum inflict immense suffering as agents of human schistosomiasis. Previous investigations have found the nervous systems of these worms contain abundant immunoreactivity to antisera targeting invertebrate neuropeptide Fs (NPFs) as well as structurally similar neuropeptides of the mammalian neuropeptide Y (NPY) family. Here, cDNAs encoding NPF in these worms were identified, and the mature neuropeptides from the two species differed by only a single amino acid. Both neuropeptides feature the characteristics common among NPFs; they are 36 amino acids long with a carboxyl-terminal Gly-Arg-X-Arg-Phe-amide and Tyr residues at positions 10 and 17 from the carboxyl terminus. Synthetic S. mansoni NPF potently inhibits the forskolin-stimulated accumulation of cAMP in worm homogenates, with significant effects at 10(-11) M. This is the first demonstration of an endogenous inhibition of cAMP by an NPF, and because this is the predominant pathway associated with vertebrate NPY family peptides, it demonstrates a conservation of downstream signaling pathways used by NPFs and NPY peptides.


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Phosphonopyruvate hydrolase, a novel bacterial carbon-phosphorus bond cleavage enzyme, was purified to homogeneity by a series of chromatographic steps from cell extracts of a newly isolated environmental strain of Variovorax sp. Pal2. The enzyme was inducible in the presence of phosphonoalanine or phosphonopyruvate; unusually, its expression was independent of the phosphate status of the cell. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 63 kDa with a subunit mass of 31.2 kDa. Activity of purified phosphonopyruvate hydrolase was Co2+-dependent and showed a pH optimum of 6.7–7.0. The enzyme had a Km of 0.53 mM for its sole substrate, phosphonopyruvate, and was inhibited by the analogues phosphonoformic acid, 3-phosphonopropionic acid, and hydroxymethylphosphonic acid. The nucleotide sequence of the phosphonopyruvate hydrolase structural gene indicated that it is a member of the phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase/isocitrate lyase superfamily with 41% identity at the amino acid level to the carbon-to-phosphorus bond-forming enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase from Tetrahymena pyriformis. Thus its apparently ancient evolutionary origins differ from those of each of the two carbon-phosphorus hydrolases that have been reported previously; phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase is a member of the haloacetate dehalogenase family, whereas phosphonoacetate hydrolase belongs to the alkaline phosphatase superfamily of zinc-dependent hydrolases. Phosphonopyruvate hydrolase is likely to be of considerable significance in global phosphorus cycling, because phosphonopyruvate is known to be a key intermediate in the formation of all naturally occurring compounds that contain the carbon-phosphorus bond.


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BRCA1 is a well described breast cancer susceptibility gene thought to be involved primarily in DNA repair. However, mutation within the BRCA1 transcriptional domain is also implicated in neoplastic transformation of mammary epithelium, but responsible mechanisms are unclear. Here we show in a rat mammary model system that wild type (WT) BRCA1 specifically represses the expression of osteopontin (OPN), a multifunctional estrogen-responsive gene implicated in oncogenic transformation, particularly that of the breast. WT.BRCA1 selectively binds OPN-activating transcription factors estrogen receptor alpha, AP-1, and PEA3, inhibits OPN promoter transactivation, and suppresses OPN mRNA and protein both from an endogenous gene and a relevant model inducible gene. WT.BRCA1 also inhibits OPN-mediated neoplastic transformation characterized by morphology change, anchorage-independent growth, adhesion to fibronectin, and invasion through Matrigel. A mutant BRCA1 allele (Mut.BRCA1) associated with familial breast cancer lacks OPN suppressor effects, binds to WT.BRCA1, and impedes WT.BRCA1 suppression of OPN. Stable transfection of rat breast tumor cell lines with Mut.BRCA1 dramatically up-regulates OPN protein and induces anchorage independent growth. In human primary breast cancer, BRCA1 mutation is significantly associated with OPN overexpression. Taken together, these data suggest that BRCA1 mutation may confer increased tissue-specific cancer risk, in part by disruption of BRCA1 suppression of OPN gene transcription.


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BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene implicated in transcriptional regulation. We have generated cell lines with inducible expression of BRCA1 as a tool to identify downstream targets that may be important mediators of BRCA1 function. Oligonucleotide array-based expression profiling identified 11 previously described interferon regulated genes that were up-regulated following inducible expression of BRCA1. Northern blot analysis revealed that a subset of the identified targets including IRF-7, MxA, and ISG-54 were synergistically up-regulated by BRCA1 in the presence of interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) but not interferons alpha or beta. Importantly, IFN-gamma-mediated induction of IRF-7 and MxA was attenuated in the BRCA1 mutant cell line HCC1937, an effect that was rescued following reconstitution of exogenous wild type BRCA1 in these cells. Furthermore, reconstituted BRCA1 sensitized HCC1937 cells to IFN-gamma-induced apoptotic cell death. This study identifies BRCA1 as a component of the IFN-gamma-regulated signaling pathway and suggests that BRCA1 may play a role in the regulation of IFN-gamma-mediated apoptosis.


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A critical role for the conserved -integrin cytoplasmic motif, KVGFFKR, is recognized in the regulation of activation of the platelet integrin IIb3. To understand the molecular mechanisms of this regulation, we sought to determine the nature of the protein interactions with this cytoplasmic motif. We used a tagged synthetic peptide, biotin-KVGFFKR, to probe a high density protein expression array (37,200 recombinant human proteins) for high affinity interactions. A number of potential integrin-binding proteins were identified. One such protein, a chloride channel regulatory protein, ICln, was characterized further because its affinity for the integrin peptide was highest as was its expression in platelets. We verified the presence of ICln in human platelets by PCR, Western blots, immunohistochemistry, and its co-association with IIb3 by surface plasmon resonance. The affinity of this interaction was 82.2 ± 24.4 nM in a cell free assay. ICln co-immunoprecipitates with IIb3 in platelet lysates demonstrating that this interaction is physiologically relevant. Furthermore, immobilized KVGFFKR peptides, but not control KAAAAAR peptides, specifically extract ICln from platelet lysates. Acyclovir (100 µM to 5 mM), a pharmacological inhibitor of the ICln chloride channel, specifically inhibits integrin activation (PAC-1 expression) and platelet aggregation without affecting CD62 P expression confirming a specific role for ICln in integrin activation. In parallel, a cell-permeable peptide corresponding to the potential integrin-recognition domain on ICln (AKFEEE, 10–100 µM) also inhibits platelet function. Thus, we have identified, verified, and characterized a novel functional interaction between the platelet integrin and ICln, in the platelet membrane.


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Previous studies have identified the DUB family of cytokine-regulated murine deubiquitinating enzymes, which play a role in the control of cell proliferation and survival. Through data base analyses and cloning, we have identified a human cDNA (DUB-3) that shows significant homology to the known murine DUB family members. Northern blotting has shown expression of this gene in a number of tissues including brain, liver, and muscle, with two transcripts being apparent (1.6 and 1.7 kb). In addition, expression was observed in cell lines including those derived from a number of hematopoietic tumors such as the Burkitt's lymphoma cell line RAJI. We have also demonstrated that DUB-3, which was shown to be an active deubiquitinating enzyme, is induced in response to interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 stimulation. Finally, we have demonstrated that constitutive expression of DUB-3 blocks proliferation and can initiate apoptosis in both IL-3-dependent Ba/F3 cells and NIH3T3 fibroblasts. These findings suggest that human DUB-3, like the murine DUB family members, is transiently induced in response to cytokines and can, when constitutively expressed, block growth factor-dependent proliferation.


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TRPM8 represents an ion channel activated by cold temperatures and cooling agents, such as menthol, that underlies the cold-induced excitation of sensory neurons. Interestingly, the only human tissue outside the peripheral nervous system, in which the expression of TRPM8 transcripts has been detected at high levels, is the prostate, a tissue not exposed to any essential temperature variations. Here we show that the TRPM8 cloned from human prostate and heterologously expressed in HEK-293 cells is regulated by the Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2) (iPLA(2)) signaling pathway with its end products, lysophospholipids (LPLs), acting as its endogenous ligands. LPLs induce prominent prolongation of TRPM8 channel openings that are hardly detectable with other stimuli (e.g. cold, menthol, and depolarization) and that account for more than 90% of the total channel open time. Down-regulation of iPLA(2) resulted in a strong inhibition of TRPM8-mediated functional responses and abolished channel activation. The action of LPLs on TRPM8 channels involved either changes in the local lipid bilayer tension or interaction with the critical determinant(s) in the transmembrane channel core. Based on this, we propose a novel concept of TRPM8 regulation with the involvement of iPLA(2) stimulation. This mechanism employs chemical rather than physical (temperature change) signaling and thus may be the main regulator of TRPM8 activation in organs not exposed to any essential temperature variations, as in the prostate gland.