7 resultados para silica ring

em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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Conventional absorption spectroscopy is not nearly sensitive enough for quantitative overtone measurements on submonolayer coatings. While cavity-enhanced absorption detection methods using microresonators have the potential to provide quantitative absorption cross sections of even weakly absorbing submonolayer films, this potential has not yet been fully realized. To determine the absorption cross section of a submonolayer film of ethylene diamine (EDA) on a silica microsphere resonator, we use phase-shift cavity ringdown spectroscopy simultaneously on near-IR radiation that is Rayleigh backscattered from the microsphere and transmitted through the coupling fiber taper. We then independently determine both the coupling coefficient and the optical loss within the resonator. Together with a coincident measurement of the wavelength frequency shift, an absolute overtone absorption cross section of adsorbed EDA, at submonolayer coverage, was obtained and was compared to the bulk value. The smallest quantifiable absorption cross section is σmin 2.7 × 10−12 cm2. This absorption cross section is comparable to the extinction coefficients of, e.g., single gold nanoparticles or aerosol particles. We therefore propose that the present method is also a viable route to absolute extinction measurements of single particles.


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An etched long-period grating was used as a refractive index sensor for vapours of four volatile organic compounds, i.e. m-xylene, cyclohexane, trichloroethylene and commercial gasoline. The sensitivity to the vapours was further increased by solid-phase microextraction into a coating made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)/polymethyl-octylsiloxane (PMOS) co-polymer. By further amplification of the optical loss in an optical cavity made of two identical fiber-Bragg gratings and interrogation by phase-shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy we could detect and distinguish xylene (detection limit: 134ppm) from trichloroethylene (3300ppm), cyclohexane (1850ppm) and gasoline (10,500ppm).


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Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is a spectroscopic method that uses a high quality optical cavity to amplify the optical loss due to the light absorption by a sample. In this presentation we highlight two applications of phase-shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy that are suited for absorption measurements in the condensed phase and make use of waveguide cavities. In the first application, a fiber loop is used as an optical cavity and the sample is introduced in a gap in the loop to allow absorption measurements of nanoliters of solution at the micromolar level. A second application involves silica microspheres as high finesse cavities. Information on the refractive index and absorption of a thin film of ethylene diamine on the surface of the microresonator is obtained simultaneously by the measurements of the wavelength shift of the cavity mode spectrum and the change in optical decay time, respectively.


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The optical loss of whispering gallery modes of resonantly excited microresonator spheres is determined by optical lifetime measurements. The phase-shift cavity ring-down technique is used to extract ring-down times and optical loss from the difference in amplitude modulation phase between the light entering the microresonator and light scattered from the microresonator. In addition, the phase lag of the light exiting the waveguide, which was used to couple light into the resonator, was measured. The intensity and phase measurements were fully described by a model that assumed interference of the cavity modes with the light propagating in the waveguide.


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An overview on high-resolution and fast interrogation of optical-fiber sensors relying on laser reflection spectroscopy is given. Fiber Bragg-gratings (FBGs) and FBG resonators built in fibers of different types are used for strain, temperature and acceleration measurements using heterodyne-detection and optical frequency-locking techniques. Silica fiber-ring cavities are used for chemical sensing based on evanescent-wave spectroscopy. Various arrangements for signal recovery and noise reduction, as an extension of most typical spectroscopic techniques, are illustrated and results on detection performances are presented.


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Ring-down absorption spectroscopy is an emerging ‘‘label-free’’ detection method for analytical microdevices, such as micrototal analysis systems (l-TAS). Developed from the related gas-phase cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy, fiber-optic-based ring-down techniques for liquid samples offer low detection limits, high sensitivity and fast response. ª 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Visible and near-infrared laser light pulses were coupled into two different types of optical fiber cavities. One cavity consisted of a short strand of fiber waveguide that contained two identical fiber Bragg gratings. Another cavity was made using a loop of optical fiber. In either cavity ∼ 40 ps laser pulses, which were generated using a custom-built gainswitched diode laser, circulated for a large number of round trips. The optical loss of either cavity was determined from the ring-down times. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy was performed on 200 pL volumes of liquid samples that were injected into the cavities using a 100 μm gap in the fiber loop. A detection limit of 20 ppm of methylene blue dye in aqueous solution, corresponding to a minimum absorptivity of εC < 6 cm−1, was realized.