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em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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Climate change is occurring most rapidly in the Arctic where warming has been twice as fast as the rest of the globe over the last few decades. Arctic soils contain a vast store of carbon and warmer arctic soils may mediate current atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming trends. Warmer soils could increase nutrient availability to plants, leading to increased primary production and sequestration of CO2. Presumably because of these effects of warming on shrub ecosystems, shrubs have been expanding across the arctic over the last 50 years, Arctic shrub expansion may track or cause changes in nutrient cycling and availability that favour growth of larger, denser shrubs. This study aimed at measuring gross and net nitrogen cycling rates, major soil nitrogen and carbon pool sizes, and elucidating controls on nutrient cycling and availability between a mesic birch (Betula nana) hummock tundra ecosystem and an ecosystem of dense, tall, birch (B. nana) shrubs. Nitrogen cycling and availability was enhanced at the tall shrub ecosystem compared to the birch hummock ecosystem. Net nitrogen immobilization by microbes was approximately threefold greater at the tall shrub ecosystem. This was in part because of larger microbial biomass nitrogen and carbon (interpreted as a larger microbial community) at the tall shrub ecosystem. Nitrogen inputs via litter were significantly larger at the tall shrub ecosystem and were hypothesized to be the major contributor to the higher dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen pools in the soil at the tall shrub ecosystem. The results from this study suggest a positive feedback mechanism between litter nitrogen inputs and the enhancement of nitrogen cycling and availability as a driver of shrub expansion across the Arctic.


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Small proline-rich protein-2 (SPRR2) functions as a determinant of flexibility and permeability in the mature cornified envelope of the skin. SPRR2 is strongly upregulated by the commensal flora and may mediate signaling to differentiated epithelia of the small intestine and colon. Yet, SPRR2 function in the GI tract is largely unexplored. Using the Caco-2 model of intestinal epithelial differentiation along the crypt-villus axis, we hypothesized that SPRR2 would be preferentially expressed in post-confluent differentiated Caco-2 cells and examined SPRR2 regulation by the protein kinase A pathway (PKA) and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Differentiation-dependent SPRR2 expression was examined in cytoskeletal-, membrane-, and nuclear-enriched fractions by immunoblotting and confocal immunofluorescence. We studied the effect of SCFAs, known inducers of differentiation, on SPRR2 expression in pre-confluent undifferentiated Caco-2 cells and explored potential mechanisms involved in this induction using MAP kinase inhibitors. SPRR2 expression was also compared between HIEC crypt cells and 16 to 20 week primary fetal villus cells as well as in different segments in mouse small intestine and colon. We determined if SPRR2 is increased by gram negative bacteria such as S. typhimurium. SPRR2 expression increased in a differentiation-dependent manner in Caco-2 cells and was present in human fetal epithelial villus cells but absent in HIEC crypt cells. Differentiation-induced SPRR2 was down-regulated by 8-Br-cAMP as well as by forskolin/IBMX co-treatment. SPRR2 was predominantly cytoplasmic and did not accumulate in Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeletal fractions. SPRR2 was present in the membrane- and nuclear-enriched fractions and demonstrated co-localization with F-actin at the apical actin ring. No induction was seen with the specific HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A, while SCFAs and the HDAC inhibitor SBHA all induced SPRR2. SCFA responses were inhibited by MAP kinase inhibitors SB203580 and U0126, thus suggesting that the SCFA effect may be mediated by orphan G-protein receptors GPR41 and GPR43. S. typhimurium induced SPRR2 in undifferentiated cells. We conclude that SPRR2 protein expression is associated with differentiated epithelia and is regulated by PKA signaling and by by-products of the bowel flora. This is the first report to establish an in vitro model to study the physiology and regulation of SPRR2.


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Elevated plasma concentrations of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) are associated with increased risk of atherothrombotic disease. Lp(a) is a unique lipoprotein consisting of a low density lipoprotein-like moiety covalently linked to apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), a homologue of the fibrinolytic proenzyme plasminogen. Apo(a) is extremely heterogeneous in size with small isoforms being independently associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that Lp(a)/apo(a) can inhibit tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)-mediated plasminogen activation on fibrin surfaces, although the mechanism of inhibition by apo(a) remains controversial. Essential to fibrin clot lysis are a number of plasmin-dependent positive feedback reactions that enhance the efficiency of plasminogen activation, including the plasmin-mediated conversion of Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen. Additionally, abnormal fibrin clot structures have been associated with both an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and elevated Lp(a) levels. Similarly, oxidized phospholipids have been implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease, and are not only preferentially carried by Lp(a) in the plasma but have also been shown to covalently-modify both apo(a) and plasminogen. In this thesis, we built upon the understanding of the role of apo(a) in plasminogen activation on the fibrin/degraded fibrin surface by determining that: (i) apo(a) inhibits plasmin-mediated Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen conversion and identifying the critical domains in apo(a) responsible for this effect, (ii) apo(a) isoform size does not affect either the inhibition of tPA-mediated plasminogen activation or the inhibition of plasmin-mediated Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen conversion, (iii) apo(a) modifies fibrin clot structure to form more dense clots with thinner fibers and reduced permeability, modifications that enhance the ability of apo(a) to inhibit tPA-mediated plasminogen activation and (iv) the phosphorus content of apo(a) affects its ability to inhibit tPA-mediated plasminogen activation and the phosphorus content of plasminogen affects its ability to be activated by tPA. By understanding these individual reactions, each of which has the potential to affect the broader fibrin clot lysis process, we have expanded our understanding of the overall effect of Lp(a)/apo(a) in the inhibition of plasminogen activation on the fibrin/degraded fibrin surface and thus broadened our understanding of how Lp(a)/apo(a) may mediate the inhibition of thrombolysis in vivo.


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Kinesins are molecular motors that transport intracellular cargos along microtubules (MTs) and influence the organization and dynamics of the MT cytoskeleton. Their force-generating functions arise from conformational changes in their motor domain as ATP is bound and hydrolyzed, and products are released. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Kar3 kinesin forms heterodimers with one of two non-catalytic kinesin-like proteins, Cik1 and Vik1, which lack the ability to bind ATP, and yet they retain the capacity to bind MTs. Cik1 and Vik1 also influence and respond to the MT-binding and nucleotide states of Kar3, and differentially regulate the functions of Kar3 during yeast mating and mitosis. The mechanism by which Kar3/Cik1 and Kar3/Vik1 dimers operate remains unknown, but has important implications for understanding mechanical coordination between subunits of motor complexes that traverse cytoskeletal tracks. In this study, we show that the opportunistic human fungal pathogen Candida albicans (Ca) harbors a single version of this unique form of heterodimeric kinesin and we present the first in vitro characterization of this motor. Like its budding yeast counterpart, the Vik1-like subunit binds directly to MTs and strengthens the MT-binding affinity of the heterodimer. However, in contrast to ScKar3/Cik1 and ScKar3/Vik1, CaKar3/Vik1 exhibits weaker overall MT-binding affinity and lower ATPase activity. Preliminary investigations using a multiple motor motility assay indicate CaKar3/Vik1 may not be motile. Using a maltose binding protein tagging system, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of the CaKar3 motor domain and observed notable differences in its nucleotide-binding pocket relative to ScKar3 that appear to represent a previously unobserved state of the active site. Together, these studies broaden our knowledge of novel kinesin motor assemblies and shed new light on structurally dynamic regions of Kar3/Vik1-like motor complexes that help mediate mechanical coordination of its subunits.


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RET is a receptor tyrosine kinase that mediates key signaling events, and promotes cell survival, development, and migration. Activation of RET requires a ligand from the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family and a co-receptor from the GDNF family receptor α (GFRα). Alternative splicing of RET leads to two major isoforms, RET9 and RET51, that contain distinct C-terminal amino acids. Differences in their cytoplasmic tails confer differential binding to adaptor proteins, and in this study, the membrane cytoskeletal-linker protein ezrin was shown in an interaction with RET51, but not RET9, in a ligand- and kinase-dependent manner. Results indicated that Y1096 on RET51 is the ezrin recruitment site, and the adaptor protein Grb2 may mediate this interaction. These results suggest that ezrin may play a role in the downstream signaling and recycling pathways of RET51. Thus, the identified novel interaction may provide insight in the longer term into how ezrin and RET51 contribute together to functional processes such as cell migration and invasion.