em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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Despite attempts to identify the mechanisms by which obesity leads to the development of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), it remains unclear why some but not all adults with obesity develop T2D. Given the established associations between visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and liver fat with insulin resistance, we hypothesized that compared to age and obesity matched adults who were non-diabetic (NT2D), adults with T2D would have greater amounts of VAT and liver fat. The International Study of Prediction of Intra-Abdominal Adiposity and Its Relationship with Cardiometabolic Risk/Intra-Abdominal Adiposity (INSPIRE ME IAA) aims to study the associations between VAT and liver fat and risk of developing T2D and cardiovascular disease. Four thousand, five hundred and four participants were initially recruited; from this, 2383 White and Asian adults were selected for this ancillary analysis. The NT2D and T2D groups were matched for age, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). The T2D and NT2D groups were also compared to participants with either impaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT; IFG/IGT)). Abdominal adipose tissue was measured by computed tomography; liver fat was estimated using computed tomography-derived mean attenuation. Secondary analysis determined whether differences existed between NT2D and T2D groups in VAT and liver fat accumulation within selected BMI categories for Whites and Asians. We report across sex and race, T2D and IFG/IGT groups had elevated VAT and liver fat compared to the NT2D group (p<0.05). VAT was not different between IFG/IGT and T2D groups (p>0.05), however liver fat was greater in the T2D group compared to the IFG/IGT group in both Whites and Asians (p<0.05). Within each BMI category, the T2D group had elevated VAT and liver fat compared to the age and anthropometrically matched NT2D group in both Whites and Asians (p<0.05). With few exceptions, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue was not different in the T2D or IFG/IGT groups compared to the NT2D group independent of sex and race. Compared to age and obesity-matched adults who are NT2D, we observe that White and Asian adults with T2D, and those with IFG/IGT, present with greater levels of both VAT and liver fat.


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The heterotrimeric kinesin-II motor in Caenorhabditis elegans consists of KLP-20, KLP-11, and KAP-1 subunits and broadly functions in cellular transport for the development of biological structures including cilia and axons. The results of this paper support the ubiquitous and necessary role kinesin-II motors have in development, particularly the KLP-20 microtubule-associating subunit. Mutations in klp-20 result in a variable abnormal (vab) phenotype characterized by observable epidermal defects, although the role of this gene in development and the mechanism by which the vab phenotype is produced is largely unknown. The vab phenotype is highly penetrant in the first larval stage (L1) of C. elegans, which supports that klp-20 functions in early development. Ciliated amphid sensory neurons can be stained with a fluorescent dye, DiI, to simultaneously test cilia structure and function, as well as the morphology of the amphid sensory organ. Reduced dye uptake in klp-20 mutant L1s suggests that the microtubule-based cilia are under-developed as a result of defective kinesin-II function. Consistent observations of the PLM mechanosensory neuron using the zdIs5 reporter suggest that klp-20 has an essential role in neuron development, as mutations to klp-20 result in under-developed PLM axons. Qualitative observations suggest there may be an interaction between the development of the overlying epidermis and the underlying nervous system, as a more severe vab phenotype is observed simultaneously with reduced dye uptake, and hence amphid sensory cilia under-development. Furthermore, a more severe vab phenotype manifested as large bumps on the posterior epidermis appears to be spatially correlated with PLM defects. The results presented and discussed in this paper suggest that KLP-20 has a necessary role in neurodevelopment and epidermal morphogenesis in C. elegans during embryogenesis.