4 resultados para Grading and marking (Students)

em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.


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Background: Academic integrity (AI) has been defined as the commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility with courage in all academic endeavours. The senior years of nursing studies provide an intersection for students to transition to professional roles through student clinical practice. It is essential to understand what predicts senior nursing students’ intention to behave with AI so that efforts can be directed to initiatives focused on strengthening their commitment to behaving with AI. Research Questions: To what extent do students differ on Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) variables? What predicts intention to behave with academic integrity among senior nursing students in clinical practice across three different Canadian Schools of Nursing? Method: The TPB framework, an elicitation (n=30) and two pilot studies (n=59, n=29) resulted in the development of a 38 question (41-item) self-report survey (Miron Academic Integrity Nursing Survey—MAINS: α>0.70) that was administered to Year 3 and 4 students (N=339). Three predictor variables (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control) were measured with students’ intention to behave with AI in clinical. Age, sex, year of study, program stream, students’ understanding of AI policies, and locations where students accessed AI information were also measured. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that background, site, and TPB variables explained 32.6% of the variance in intention to behave with academic integrity. The TPB variables explained 26.8% of the variance in intention after controlling for background and site variables. In the final model, only the TPB predictor variables were statistically significant with Attitude having the highest beta value (beta=0.35, p<0.001), followed by Subjective Norm (beta=0.21, p<0.001) and Perceived Behavioural Control (beta=0.12, p<0.02). Conclusion: Student attitude is the strongest predictor to intention to behave with AI in clinical practice and efforts to positively influence students’ attitudes need to be a focus for schools, curricula, and clinical educators. Opportunities for future research should include replicating the current study with students enrolled in other professional programs and intervention studies that examine the effectiveness of specific endeavours to promote AI in practice.


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Thermal and fatigue cracking are the two of the major pavement distress phenomena that contribute significantly towards increased premature pavement failures in Ontario. This in turn puts a massive burden on the provincial budgets as the government spends huge sums of money on the repair and rehabilitation of roads every year. Governments therefore need to rethink and re-evaluate their current measures in order to prevent it in future. The main objectives of this study include: the investigation of fatigue distress of 11 contract samples at 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC and the use of crack-tip-opening-displacement (CTOD) requirements at temperatures other than 15oC; investigation of thermal and fatigue distress of the comparative analysis of 8 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recovered and straight asphalt samples through double-edge-notched-tension test (DENT) and extended bending beam rheometry (EBBR); chemical testing of all samples though X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR); Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) higher and intermediate temperature grading; and the case study of a local Kingston road. Majority of 11 contract samples showed satisfactory performance at all temperatures except one sample. Study of CTOD at various temperatures found a strong correlation between the two variables. All recovered samples showed poor performance in terms of their ability to resist thermal and fatigue distress relative to their corresponding straight asphalt as evident in DENT test and EBBR results. XRF and FTIR testing of all samples showed the addition of waste engine oil (WEO) to be the root cause of pavement failures. DSR high temperature grading showed superior performance of recovered binders relative to straight asphalt. The local Kingston road showed extensive signs of damage due to thermal and fatigue distress as evident from DENT test, EBBR results and pictures taken in the field. In the light of these facts, the use of waste engine oil and recycled asphalt in pavements should be avoided as these have been shown to cause premature failure in pavements. The DENT test existing CTOD requirements should be implemented at other temperatures in order to prevent the occurrences of premature pavement failures in future.


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This study examines how one secondary school teacher’s use of purposeful oral mathematics language impacted her students’ language use and overall communication in written solutions while working with word problems in a grade nine academic mathematics class. Mathematics is often described as a distinct language. As with all languages, students must develop a sense for oral language before developing social practices such as listening, respecting others ideas, and writing. Effective writing is often seen by students that have strong oral language skills. Classroom observations, teacher and student interviews, and collected student work served as evidence to demonstrate the nature of both the teacher’s and the students’ use of oral mathematical language in the classroom, as well as the effect the discourse and language use had on students’ individual written solutions while working on word problems. Inductive coding for themes revealed that the teacher’s purposeful use of oral mathematical language had a positive impact on students’ written solutions. The teacher’s development of a mathematical discourse community created a space for the students to explore mathematical language and concepts that facilitated a deeper level of conceptual understanding of the learned material. The teacher’s oral language appeared to transfer into students written work albeit not with the same complexity of use of the teacher’s oral expression of the mathematical register. Students that learn mathematical language and concepts better appear to have a growth mindset, feel they have ownership over their learning, use reorganizational strategies, and help develop a discourse community.