7 resultados para Dissociation

em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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The photochemistry of the polar regions of Earth, as well as the interstellar medium, is driven by the effect of ultraviolet radiation on ice surfaces and on the materials trapped within them. While the area of ice photochemistry is vast and much research has been completed, it has only recently been possible to study the dynamics of these processes on a microscopic level. One of the leading techniques for studying photoreaction dynamics is Velocity Map Imaging (VMI). This technique has been used extensively to study several types of reaction dynamics processes. Although the majority of these studies have utilized molecular beams as the main medium for reactants, new studies showed the versatility of the technique when applied to molecular dynamics of molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces. Herein the development of a velocity map imaging apparatus capable of studying the photochemistry of condensed phase materials is described. The apparatus is used to study of the photo-reactivity of NO2 condensed within argon matrices to illustrate its capabilities. A doped ice surface is formed by condensing Ar and NO2 gas onto a sapphire rod which is cooled using a helium compressor to 20 K. The matrix is irradiated using an Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm, and the resulting NO fragment is state-selectively ionized using an excimer-pumped dye laser. In all, we are able to detect transient photochemically generated species and can collect information on their quantum state and kinetic energy distribution. It is found that the REMPI spectra changes as different sections of the dissociating cloud are probed. The rotational and translational energy populations are found to be bimodal with a low temperature component roughly at the temperature of the matrix, and a second component with much higher temperature, the rotational temperature showing a possible population inversion, and the translational temperature of 100-200 K. The low temperature translational component is found to dominate at long delay times between dissociation and ionization, while at short time delays the high temperature component plays a larger role. The velocity map imaging technique allows for the detection of both the axial and radial components of the translational energy. The distribution of excess energy over the rotational, electronic and translational states of the NO photofragments provides evidence for collisional quenching of the fragments in the Ar-matrix prior to their desorption.


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Every aerobic organism expresses cytochrome c oxidase to catalyze reduction of molecular oxygen to water, and takes advantage of this energy releasing reaction to produce an electrochemical gradient used in cellular energy production. The protein SCO (Synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase) is a required assembly factor for the oxidase, conserved across many species. SCO is implicated in the assembly of one of two copper centres (ie., CuA) of cytochrome oxidase. The exact mechanism of SCO’s participation in CuA assembly is not known. SCO has been proposed to bind and deliver copper, or alternatively to act in reductive preparation of the CuA site within the oxidase. In this body of work, the strength and stability of Cu(II) binding to Bacillus subtilis SCO is explored via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by calorimetric methods. An equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.5x10-12 M was determined as an upper limit for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction, via differential scanning calorimetry. In the first reported case for a SCO homolog, dissociation kinetics of Cu(II) from BsSCO were characterized, and found to be dependent on both ionic strength and the presence of free Cu(II) in solution. Further differential scanning calorimetry experiments performed at high ionic strength support a two-step model of BsSCO and Cu(II) binding. The implications of this model for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction are presented in relation to the mechanism of interaction between SCO and the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase.


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Multiple lines of evidence suggest that elevated plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) concentrations are a significant risk factor for the development of a number of vascular diseases including coronary heart disease and stroke. Lp(a) consists of a low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-like moiety and an unique glycoprotein, apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), that is covalently attached to the apolipoproteinB-100 (apoB-100) component of LDL by a single disulfide bond. Many studies have suggested a role for Lp(a) in the process of endothelial dysfunction. Indeed, Lp(a) has been shown to increase both the expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells (EC), as well as monocyte and leukocyte chemotactic activity in these cells. We have previously demonstrated that Lp(a), through its apo(a) moiety, increases actomyosin-driven EC contraction which, as a consequence, increases EC permeability. In this thesis, we have demonstrated a role for the strong lysine-binding site in the kringle IV type 10 domain of apo(a) in increasing EC permeability, which occurs through a Rho/Rho kinase-dependent pathway. We have further validated these findings using mouse mesenteric arteries in a pressure myograph system. We also have dissected another major signaling pathway initiated by apo(a) that involves in a disruption of adherens junctions in EC. In this pathway, apo(a)/Lp(a) activates the PI3K/Akt/GSK3β-dependent pathway to facilitate nuclear translocation of beta-catenin. In the nucleus beta-catenin induced the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and the secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) from the EC. Finally, we have presented data to suggest a novel inflammatory role for apo(a) in which it induces the activation of nuclear factor-kappaB through promotion of the dissociation of IkappaB from the inactive cytoplasmic complex; this allows the nuclear translocation of NFkappaB with attendant effects on the transcription of pro-inflammatory genes. Taken together, our findings may facilitate the development of new drug targets for mitigating the harmful effects of Lp(a) on vascular EC which corresponds to an early step in the process of atherogenesis.


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Impulse control, an executive process that restrains inappropriate actions, is impaired in numerous psychiatric conditions. This thesis reports three experiments that utilized a novel animal model of impulse control, the response inhibition (RI) task, to examine the substrates that underlie learning this task. In the first experiment, rats were trained to withhold responding on the RI task, and then euthanized for electrophysiological testing. Training in the RI task increased the AMPA/NMDA ratio at the synapses of pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic, but not infralimbic, region of the medial prefrontal cortex. This enhancement paralleled performance as subjects underwent acquisition and extinction of the inhibitory response. AMPA/NMDA was elevated only in neurons that project to the ventral striatum. Thus, this experiment identified a synaptic correlate of impulse control. In the second experiment, a separate group of rats were trained in the RI task prior to electrophysiological testing. Training in the RI task produced a decrease in membrane excitability in prelimbic, but not infralimbic, neurons as measured by maximal spiking evoked in response to increasing current injection. Importantly, this decrease was strongly correlated with successful inhibition in the task. Fortuitously, subjects trained in an operant control condition showed elevated infralimbic, but not prelimbic, excitability, which was produced by learning an anticipatory signal that predicted imminent reward availability. These experiments revealed two cellular correlates of performance, corresponding to learning two different associations under distinct task conditions. In the final experiment, rats were trained on the RI task under three conditions: Short (4-s), long (60-s), or unpredictable (1-s to 60-s) premature phases. These conditions produced distinct errors on the RI task. Interestingly, amphetamine increased premature responding in the short and long conditions, but decreased premature responding in the unpredictable condition. This dissociation may arise from interactions between amphetamine and underlying cognitive processes, such as attention, timing, and conditioned avoidance. In summary, this thesis showed that learning to inhibit a response produces distinct synaptic, cellular, and pharmacological changes. It is hoped that these advances will provide a starting point for future therapeutic interventions of disorders of impulse control.


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The semiconductor alloy indium gallium nitride (InxGa1-xN) offers substantial potential in the development of high-efficiency multi-junction photovoltaic devices due to its wide range of direct band gaps, strong absorption and other optoelectronic properties. This work uses a variety of characterization techniques to examine the properties of InxGa1-xN thin films deposited in a range of compositions by a novel plasma-enhanced evaporation deposition system. Due to the high vapour pressure and low dissociation temperature of indium, the indium incorporation and, ultimately, control of the InxGa1-xN composition was found to be influenced to a greater degree by deposition temperature than variations in the In:Ga source rates in the investigated region of deposition condition space. Under specific deposition conditions, crystalline films were grown in an advantageous nano-columnar microstructure with deposition temperature influencing column size and density. The InxGa1-xN films were determined to have very strong absorption coefficients with band gaps indirectly related to indium content. However, the films also suffer from compositional inhomogeneity and In-related defect complexes with strong phonon coupling that dominates the emission mechanism. This, in addition to the presence of metal impurities, harms the alloy’s electronic properties as no significant photoresponse was observed. This research has demonstrated the material properties that make the InxGa1-xN alloy attractive for multi-junction solar cells and the benefits/drawbacks of the plasma-enhanced evaporation deposition system. Future work is needed to overcome significant challenges relating to crystalline quality, compositional homogeneity and the optoelectronic properties of In-rich InxGa1-xN films in order to develop high-performance photovoltaic devices.


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The laser-induced photodissociation of formaldehyde in the wavelength range 309<λ<330nm 309<λ<330nm has been investigated using H (Rydberg) atom photofragment translational spectroscopy. Photolysis wavelengths corresponding to specific rovibronic transitions in the A ˜ A 2 1 ←X ˜ A 1 1 ÃA21←X̃A11 2 1 0 4 3 0 201403 , 2 2 0 4 1 0 202401 , 2 2 0 4 3 0 202403 , 2 3 0 4 1 0 203401 , and 2 1 0 5 1 0 201501 bands of H 2 CO H2CO were studied. The total kinetic energy release spectra so derived can be used to determine partial rotational state population distributions of the HCO cofragment. HCO product state distributions have been derived following the population of various different N K a NKa levels in the A ˜ A 2 1 ÃA21 2 2 4 3 2243 and 2 3 4 1 2341 states. Two distinct spectral signatures are identified, suggesting competition between dissociation pathways involving the X ˜ A 1 1 X̃A11 and the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 potential energy surfaces. Most rovibrational states of H 2 CO(A ˜ A 2 1 ) H2CO(ÃA21) investigated in this work produceH+HCO(X ˜ A ′ 2 ) H+HCO(X̃A′2) photofragments with a broad kinetic energy distribution and significant population in high energy rotational states of HCO. Photodissociation via the A ˜ A 2 1 ÃA21 2 2 4 3 2243 1 1,1 11,1 (and 1 1,0 11,0 ) rovibronic states yields predominantly HCO fragments with low internal energy, a signature that these rovibronic levels are perturbed by the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 state. The results also suggest the need for further careful measurements of the H+HCO H+HCO quantum yield from H 2 CO H2CO photolysis at energies approaching, and above, the barrier to C–H bond fission on the a ˜ A 2 3 ãA23 potential energy surface.


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Molecular beam cooled HCl was state selected by two-photon excitation of the V (1) summation operator(0(+)) [v=9,11-13,15], E (1) summation operator(0(+)) [v=0], and g (3) summation operator(-)(0(+)) [v=0] states through either the Q(0) or Q(1) lines of the respective (1,3) summation operator(0(+))<--<--X (1) summation operator(0(+)) transition. Similarly, HBr was excited to the V (1) summation operator(0(+)) [v=m+3, m+5-m+8], E (1) summation operator(0(+)) [v=0], and H (1) summation operator(0(+)) [v=0] states through the Q(0) or Q(1) lines. Following absorption of a third photon, protons were formed by three different mechanisms and detected using velocity map imaging. (1) H(*)(n=2) was formed in coincidence with (2)P(i) halogen atoms and subsequently ionized. For HCl, photodissociation into H(*)(n=2)+Cl((2)P(12)) was dominant over the formation of Cl((2)P(32)) and was attributed to parallel excitation of the repulsive [(2) (2)Pi4llambda] superexcited (Omega=0) states. For HBr, the Br((2)P(32))Br((2)P(12)) ratio decreases with increasing excitation energy. This indicates that both the [(3) (2)Pi(12)5llambda] and the [B (2) summation operator5llambda] superexcited (Omega=0) states contribute to the formation of H(*)(n=2). (2) For selected intermediate states HCl was found to dissociate into the H(+)+Cl(-) ion pair with over 20% relative yield. A mechanism is proposed by which a bound [A (2) summation operatornlsigma] (1) summation operator(0(+)) superexcited state acts as a gateway state to dissociation into the ion pair. (3) For all intermediate states, protons were formed by dissociation of HX(+)[v(+)] following a parallel, DeltaOmega=0, excitation. The quantum yield for the dissociation process was obtained using previously reported photoionization efficiency data and was found to peak at v(+)=6-7 for HCl and v(+)=12 for HBr. This is consistent with excitation of the repulsive A(2) summation operator(12) and (2) (2)Pi states of HCl(+), and the (3) (2)Pi state of HBr(+). Rotational alignment of the Omega=0(+) intermediate states is evident from the angular distribution of the excited H(*)(n=2) photofragments. This effect has been observed previously and was used here to verify the reliability of the measured spatial anisotropy parameters.