9 resultados para AS160 PHOSPHORYLATION

em QSpace: Queen's University - Canada


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Capacitation is essential for fertilization of ovulated oocytes. Capacitation is correlated with activation of a signal transduction pathway leading to protein tyrosine phosphorylation, an essential prerequisite for fertilization. Oviductin has been shown to bind to the acrosomal cap and the equatorial segment region of the sperm head. In light of findings reported in previous studies, we hypothesized that estrus stage-specific oviductin (EOV) enhances tyrosine phosphorylation. Immunofluorescent detection by light and confocal microscopy and immunogold labeling by electron microscopy and surface replica techniques were used to localize tyrosine phosphorylated proteins to the equatorial segment region and midpiece after incubation in medium in the presence or absence of EOV. In the presence of EOV, an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation in the equatorial segment region was observed as early as 5 minutes after incubation. On prolonging incubation in medium containing EOV immunostaining further increased, indicative of increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins as capacitation proceeds. Regardless of the presence or absence of EOV, phosphotyrosine expression was observed along the tail, specifically at the midpiece. However, this reactivity was enhanced in the presence of EOV. Western blot analysis of NP-40 extractable and non-extractable sperm proteins confirmed these observations. NP-40 extractable sperm proteins (25, 37, 44kDa) and non-extractable sperm proteins (70, 83, 90kDa) showed increased intensity when sperm were capacitated in the presence of EOV after 5-, 60-, 120- and 180-minutes of capacitation. Mass spectrophotometric analysis identified enolase, ATP-specific succinyl CoA, succinate CoA ligase, zona pellucida binding protein, heat shock protein 90, aconitase and hexokinase as proteins that undergo enhancement in tyrosine phosphorylation in the presence of EOV. The proteins identified are known to be involved in specific functions including cellular metabolism, molecular chaperoning and normal sperm development. In summary, the present investigation has provided new evidence showing that sperm capacitated in vitro in the presence of EOV display an enhanced expression of tyrosine phosphorylation compared to sperm incubated in capacitating medium alone. These results indicate that inclusion of oviductin in media used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may improve success rates of IVF by enhancing the signaling pathways involved in sperm capacitation.


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Cell size control and mitotic timing in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is coupled to the environment through several signal transduction pathways that include stress response, checkpoint and nutritional status impinging on Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase and Wee1 tyrosine kinase. These in turn regulate Cdc2 (Cdk1) activity and through a double feedback loop, further activates Cdc25 on 12 possible phosphorylation sites as well as inhibiting Wee1. Phosphomutants of the T89 Cdc2 phosphorylation site on Cdc25, one with a glutamate substitution (T89E) which is known to phosphomimetically activate proteins and an alanine substitution (T89A), which is known to block phosphorylation, exhibit a small steady-state cell size (semi-wee phenotype), a known hallmark for aberrant mitotic control. To determine whether the T89 phosphorylation site plays an integral role in mitotic timing, the phosphomutants were subjected to nitrogen shifts to analyze their transient response in the context of nutritional control. Results for both up and downshifts were replicated for the T89E phosphomutant, however, for the T89A phosphomutant, only a nutritional downshift has been completed so far. We found that the steady-state cell size of both phosphomutants was significantly smaller than the wild-type and in the context of nutritional control. Furthermore, the constitutively activated T89E phosphomutant exhibits residual mitotic entry, whereas the wild-type undergoes a complete mitotic suppression with mitotic recovery also occurring earlier than the wild-type. In response to downshifts, both phosphomutants exhibited an identical response to the wild-type. Further characterization of the other Cdc2 phosphorylation sites on Cdc25 are required before conclusions can be drawn, however T89 remains a strong candidate for being important in activating Cdc25.


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While protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) have been extensively characterized in eukaryotes, far less is known about their emerging counterparts in prokaryotes. Studies of close to 20 homologs of bacterial protein tyrosine (BY) kinases have inaugurated a blooming new field of research, all since just the end of the last decade. These kinases are key regulators in the polymerization and exportation of the virulence-determining polysaccharides which shield the bacterial from the non-specific defenses of the host. This research is aimed at furthering our understanding of the BY kinases through the use of X-ray crystallography and various in vitro and in vivo experiments. We reported the first crystal structure of a bacterial PTK, the C-terminal kinase domain of E. coli tyrosine kinase (Etk) at 2.5Å resolution. The fold of the Etk kinase domain differs markedly from that of eukaryotic PTKs. Based on the observed structure and supporting evidences, we proposed a unique activation mechanism for BY kinases in Gram-negative bacteria. The phosphorylation of tyrosine residue Y574 at the active site and the specific interaction of P-Y574 with a previously unidentified key arginine residue, R614, unblock the Etk active site and activate the kinase. Both in vitro kinase activity and in vivo antibiotics resistance studies utilizing structure-guided mutants further support the novel activation mechanism. In addition, the level of phosphorylation of their C-terminal Tyr cluster is known to regulate the translocation of extracellular polysaccharides. Our studies have significantly clarified our understanding of how the phosphorylation status on the C-terminal tyrosine cluster of BY kinases affects the oligomerization state of the protein, which is likely the machinery of polysaccharide export regulation. In summary, this research makes a substantial contribution to the rapidly progressing research of bacterial tyrosine kinases.


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Vascular smooth muscle cell migration is a significant contributor to many aspects of heart disease, and specifically atherosclerosis. Tissue damage in the arteries can result in the formation of a fatty streak. Smooth muscle cells (SMC) can then migrate to this site to form a fibrous cap, stabilizing the fatty plaque. Since cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, this function of SMC is an essential area of study. The formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles were studied in this project as indicators that cell migration is occurring. The roles of the proteins p53, Rac, caldesmon and PTEN were investigated with regards to these actin-based structures. The tumour suppressor p53 is often reported to cause apoptosis, senescence or cell cycle arrest when stress is placed on a cell, but has recently been shown to regulate cell migration as well. It was determined in this project that p53 could inhibit the formation of both lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. It was also shown that this could occur directly through an inhibition of the GTPase Rac. Previous studies have shown that p53 can upregulate caldesmon, a protein which is known to bind to and stabilize actin filaments while inhibiting Arp2/3-mediated branching. It was confirmed that p53 could upregulate caldesmon, and that caldesmon could inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles. The phosphorylation of caldesmon by p21-associated kinase (PAK) or extracellular signal-related kinase (Erk) was shown to effectively reverse the ability of caldesmon to inhibit these structures. The role of phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) was also studied with regards to this signalling pathway. PTEN was shown to inhibit lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles through its lipid phosphatase activity. It was concluded that p53 can inhibit the formation of lamellipodia and circular dorsal ruffles in vascular SMC, and that this occurs through Rac, caldesmon and PTEN.


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Elevated plasma concentrations of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) are a risk factor for a variety of atherosclerotic disorders including coronary heart disease. In the current study, the investigators report that incubation of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with high concentrations of apolipoprotein(a)(apo(a)/Lp(a)) induces apoptosis and endothelial dysfunction in a dose dependent manner. Apo(a), the component of Lp(a) mediates these effects by inducing externalization of Annexin V, DNA condensation and fragmentation which are the hallmarks of death by apoptosis. The pathway of apo(a)-induced apoptosis is associated with overexpression of Bax, caspase-9, p53 phosphorylation, decreased in Bcl-2 expression and activation of caspase-3. Taken together, the data suggest that elevated concentration of apo(a) induces apoptosis in endothelial cells probably by activating the intrinsic pathway. The data also showed that apo(a) induces increased expression of the growth arrest protein (Gas1), which has been known to induce apoptosis and growth arrest in vitro. In addition the data showed that elevated apo(a)/Lp(a) attenuates endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS) activity and endothelin-1 (ET-1) in a dose and time-dependent manner, particularly with small apo(a) isoforms. In summary, the authors proposed a new signaling pathway by which apo(a)/Lp(a) induce apoptosis and this finding could help explain how apo(a)/Lp(a) mediate atherosclerosis related diseases.


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Interluekin-23 (IL-23) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine critical to the regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. The main role for this cytokine is in the proliferation and differentiation of the IL-17 producing CD4 T helper cell, Th17. Virus infection deregulates IL-23 expression and function, but little is known about the mechanism behind this phenomena. Here, I demonstrate a reduction of Toll like receptor (TLR) ligand-induced IL-23 expression in lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-infected bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs), indicating that a function of these cells is disrupted during virus infection. I propose a mechanism of TLR ligand-induced IL-23 expression inhibition upon LCMV infection via the deactivation of p38, AP-1, and NF-κB. Further analysis revealed a direct relationship between LCMV infection with the IL-10 and SOCS3 expression. To understand IL-23 function, I characterized IL-23-induced JAK/STAT signalling pathway and IL-23 receptor expression on human CD4 T cells. My results demonstrate that IL-23 induces activation of p-JAK2, p-Tyk2, p-STAT1, p-STAT3, and p-STAT4 in CD4 T cells. For the first time I show that IL-23 alone induces the expression of its own receptor components, IL-12Rβ1 and IL-23Rα, in CD4 T cells. Blocking JAK2, STAT1, and STAT3 activation with specific inhibitors detrimentally effected expression of IL-23 receptor demonstrating that activation of JAK/STAT signalling is important for IL-23 receptor expression. I also addressed the effect of viral infection on IL-23 function and receptor expression in CD4 T cells using cells isolated from HIV positive individuals. These studies were based on earlier reports that the expression of IL-23 and the IL-23 receptor are impaired during HIV infection. I demonstrate that the phosphorylation of JAK2, STAT1, and STAT3 induced by IL-23, as well as IL-23 receptor expression are deregulated in CD4 T cells isolated from HIV positive individuals. This study has furthered the understanding of how the expression and function of IL-23 is regulated during viral infections.


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The Fes protein tyrosine kinase is abundantly expressed in phagocytic immune cells, including tumor associated macrophages. Fes knockout mice (fes-/-) display enhanced sensitivity to LPS, and this was shown to be associated with increased NF-κB signaling and TNFα production from fes-/- macrophages. Interestingly, tumor onset in the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV-Neu) transgenic mouse model of breast cancer is significantly delayed in fes-/- mice, and this was associated with increased frequency of CD11b+ myeloid and CD3+ T cells in the premalignant mammary glands. Recent studies have also implicated Fes in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in macrophages. Signal 3, the production of inflammatory cytokines and Type I interferons downstream of NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in antigen presenting cells, is considered an important component of T-cell activation, after engagement of T cell receptor by MHC presented antigen (Signal 1) and co-receptors by their ligands (Signal 2). Using a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model of immune activation, I show that LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages promote more robust activation of LCMV antigenspecific CD8+ T cells than wild type macrophages (fes+/+). Furthermore, LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages showed increased phosphorylation of NF-B and IRF-3. I also showed that Fes colocalizes with MHC-I in dynamic vesicular structures within macrophages. These observations are consistent with a model where Fes regulates Signal 3 in antigen presenting cells through roles in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-kB and IRF-3 signaling pathways. This suggests that Fes plays an immune checkpoint role at the level of Signal 3, and that Fes inhibition could promote tumor immunity through increased Signal 3 driven T cell activation.


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Abnormal maternal inflammation during pregnancy is linked to complications such as preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. There is growing evidence that insulin resistance is also associated with a heightened inflammatory state, and is linked to pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes. This study tested the hypothesis that abnormal inflammation during pregnancy is causally linked to elevations in blood glucose and insulin resistance. To induce a state of abnormal systemic inflammation, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was administered to pregnant rats on gestational days (GD) 13.5-16.5. Dams treated with LPS exhibited an abnormal immune response characterized by an elevation in white blood cells, which was linked to reduced fetal weight and increased glucose levels over pregnancy. Abnormal inflammation is characterized by increased levels of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF) and interleukin-6, which contribute to insulin resistance by inhibiting the insulin signalling pathway. TNF in particular induces a serine phosphorylation (pSer307) of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). In our model, insulin resistance was assessed by measuring the extent of pSer307 of IRS-1 and total IRS-1 expression in skeletal muscle, as well as changes in metabolic parameters and pancreas tissue morphology associated with insulin resistance. LPS-treated dams exhibited a significant reduction in IRS-1 expression, elevation in fasting glucose levels, and reduction in insulin sensitivity indices. There were also biologically relevant increases in fasting plasma insulin levels and insulin resistance indices, but not pSer307 of IRS-1 and pancreatic islet size. To determine whether inflammation plays a role in reducing insulin signalling and the other changes associated with LPS administration, etanercept, a TNF antagonist, was administered on GDs 13.5 and 15.5 prior to LPS injections. With the exception of IRS-1 expression, in rats treated with etanercept all of the measured parameters remained at the levels observed in saline controls, indicating a link between abnormal inflammation and insulin resistance. The results of this study support the practice of monitoring the inflammatory conditions of the mother prior to and during pregnancy, and support further investigation into the potential use of anti-inflammatory agents during pregnancy in women at risk of insulin resistance and gestational diabetes.


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In Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast), the transition from G2 phase of the cell cycle to mitosis is under strict regulation. The activation of Cdc2, a cyclin dependent serine/threonine protein kinase, is the critical control step in this process. The Cdc2/Cyclin-B (Cdc13) complex is regulated by Wee1 tyrosine kinase and Cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, which work antagonistically to control progression into mitosis. Hyperactivation of the Cdc2/Cdc13 complex by phosphorylation results in premature mitosis, and as a consequence leads to genome instability. This is referred to as mitotic catastrophe, a lethal phenotype associated with chromosomal segregation abnormalities including chromosome breakage. Six mitotic catastrophe loci were found, five of which have been characterized and identified as various activators and repressors of the core mitotic control. The locus for mcs3 remains unknown. I used tetrad analysis in this study to determine the linkage distance between three genes suspected of flanking the region in which mcs3 is located. Linkage distances obtained in this study confirm that the SPBC428.10 and met17, as well as SPBC428.10 and wpl1 are tightly linked, suggesting this is an area of low recombination. Further linkage analysis should be conducted to determine the precise location of mcs3-12.