4 resultados para vertical analysis

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the whole plankton community was investigated in the central and coastal Irish Sea. Generally, more than 60% of the plankton did not perform significant DVM. A correlation analysis of the weighted mean depths of different organisms and their potential predators suggested relationships between two groups, Oithona spp., copepod nauplii and fish larvae, and between Pseudocalanus elongatus, Calanus spp. and chaetognaths. The organisms showing significant DVM were chaetognaths (Sagitta spp.), Calanus spp. and P. elongatus. Calanus spp. showed clear ontogenic variations in DVM, and along with P. elongatus demonstrated great flexibility both in the amplitude and direction of migration. P. elongatus did not migrate in the coastal area and Calanus spp. showed a clear reverse migration. The direction of migration appeared to be related to the vertical position of the chaetognaths in the water column during the day.


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Calanus helgolandicus over-winters in the shallow waters (100 m) of the Celtic Sea as copepodite stages V and VI; the minimum temperature in winter is approximately 8.0°C. This over-wintering is not a true hibernation or dormacy, accompanied by a reduced metabolic state with a discontinuation of feeding and development, but more of a lowered activity, involving reduced feeding and development, with predation on available microzooplankton and detritus. Analysis of specimens from the winter population showed that copepodite stages V and VI were actively feeding and still producing and possibly liberating eggs. The absence of late nauplii and young copepodites in the water column until late March indicated that there must be a high mortality of these winter cohorts. The copepodites of the first generation appeared in April–May, the younger stages, copepodites I to III, being distributed deeper in the water column below the euphotic zone and thermocline. This distribution would contribute to amuch slower rate of development. By August the ontogenetic vertical distributions observed in the copepodites were reversed, the younger stages occuring in the warmer surface layers within the euphotic zone. Diurnal migrations were observed in the later copepodites only, the younger stages I to III either remaining deep in spring or shallow in summer. The causal mechanisms which alter the behaviour of the young copepodites remain unexplained. The development of the population of Calanus helgolandicus in 1978, reaching its peak of abundance in August, was typical for the shelf seas around U.K. as observed from Continuous Plankton Recorder data, 1958 to 1977.


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A sampling and analytical system has been developed for shipboard measurements of high-resolution vertical profiles of the marine trace gas dimethylsulfide (DMS). The system consists of a tube attached to a CTD with a peristaltic pump on deck that delivers seawater to a membrane equilibrator and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer (Eq-APCIMS). This allows profiling DMS concentrations to a depth of 50 m, with a depth resolution of 1.3-2 m and a detection limit of nearly 0.1 nmol L-1. The seawater is also plumbed to allow parallel operation of additional continuous instruments, and simultaneous collection of discrete samples for complementary analyses. A valve alternates delivery of seawater from the vertical profiler and the ship�s underway intake, thereby providing high-resolution measurements in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Tests conducted on various cruises in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans show good agreement between the Eq-APCIMS measurements and purge and trap gas chromatography with flame photometric detection (GC-FPD) and demonstrate that the delivery of seawater from the underway pump did not significantly affect endogenous DMS concentrations. Combination of the continuous flow DMS analysis with high-frequency hydrographic, optical, biological and meteorological measurements will greatly improve the spatial/temporal resolution of seagoing measurements and improve our understanding of DMS cycling.


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The distribution of cirripede cyprids in relation to associated oceanographic conditions was obtained from a grid survey and intensive vertical sampling at a fixed station located 21 km off the northwest Portuguese coast in May 2002. Analysis of cyprid length composition allowed separation of 3 species groups. Chthamalus montagui, Pollicipes pollicipes and Balanus perforatus were largely restricted to the neuston layer and showed only low-amplitude vertical migration. Most C. stellatus cyprids only appeared in the upper 20 m at night, a migration which did not appear to be affected by physical conditions in the water column, but some differences in the vertical migration pattern between days were probably related to varying light penetration. C. montagui is the most abundant adult species found along the Portuguese coast, but C. stellatus cyprids, at densities of up to 8.7 ind. m–3, were the most common sampled in all depth strata at the fixed station. Cyprid horizontal distribution was mainly restricted to an offshore band along the inner shelf, where highest densities were 11 to 15 ind. m–3. This distribution pattern was considered to result from upwelling-favourable wind conditions, creating fronts along the shelf in which the cyprids become concentrated. Cyprid vertical migration, in association with current vertical shear and onshore movement of fronts during upwelling-relaxation periods, may be the mechanisms returning cyprids to the coast to settle. The regularity of these events in the region falls within the period of cyprid viability.