10 resultados para mineral solubility

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The distribution of dissolved, soluble and colloidal fractions of Al and Ti was assessed by ultrafiltration studies in the upper water column of the eastern tropical North Atlantic. The dissolved fractions of both metals were found to be dominated by the soluble phase smaller than 10 kDa. The colloidal associations were very low (0.2–3.4%) for Al and not detectable for Ti. These findings are in some contrast to previous estimations for Ti and to the predominant occurrence of both metals as hydrolyzed species in seawater. However, low tendencies to form inorganic colloids can be expected, as in seawater dissolved Al and dissolved Ti are present within their inorganic solubility levels. In addition, association with functional organic groups in the colloidal phase is unlikely for both metals. Vertical distributions of the dissolved fractions showed surface maxima with up to 43 nM of Al and 157 pM of Ti, reflecting their predominant supply from atmospheric sources to the open ocean. In the surface waters, excess dissolved Al over dissolved Ti was present compared to the crustal source, indicating higher solubility and thus elevated inputs of dissolved Al from atmospheric mineral particles. At most stations, subsurface minima of Al and Ti were observed and can be ascribed to scavenging processes and/or biological uptake. The dissolved Al concentrations decreased by 80–90% from the surface maximum to the subsurface minimum. Estimated residence times in the upper 100 m of the water column ranged between 1.6 and 4 years for dissolved Al and between 14 and 17 years for dissolved Ti. The short residence times are in some contrast to the low colloidal associations of Al and Ti and the assumed role of colloids as intermediates in scavenging processes. This suggests that either the removal of both metals occurs predominantly via direct transfer of the hydrolyzed species into the particulate fraction or that the colloidal phase is rapidly turned over in the upper water column.


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Atmospheric inputs of mineral dust supply iron and other trace metals to the remote ocean and can influence the marine carbon cycle due to iron's role as a potentially limiting micronutrient. Dust generation, transport, and deposition are highly heterogeneous, and there are very few remote marine locations where dust concentrations and chemistry (e.g., iron solubility) are routinely monitored. Here we use aerosol and rainwater samples collected during 10 large-scale research cruises to estimate the atmospheric input of iron, aluminum, and manganese to four broad regions of the Atlantic Ocean over two 3 month periods for the years 2001–2005. We estimate total inputs of these metals to our study regions to be 4.2, 17, and 0.27 Gmol in April–June and 4.9, 14, and 0.19 Gmol in September–November, respectively. Inputs were highest in regions of high rainfall (the intertropical convergence zone and South Atlantic storm track), and rainfall contributed higher proportions of total input to wetter regions. By combining input estimates for total and soluble metals for these time periods, we calculated overall percentage solubilities for each metal that account for the contributions from both wet and dry depositions and the relative contributions from different aerosol types. Calculated solubilities were in the range 2.4%–9.1% for iron, 6.1%–15% for aluminum, and 54%–73% for manganese. We discuss sources of uncertainty in our estimates and compare our results to some recent estimates of atmospheric iron input to the Atlantic.


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Laboratory simulation of cloud processing of three model dust types with distinct Fe-content (Moroccan dust, Libyan dust and Etna ash) and reference goethite and ferrihydrite were conducted in order to gain a better understanding of natural nanomaterial inputs and their environmental fate and bioavailability. The resulting nanoparticles (NPs) were characterised for Fe dissolution kinetics, aggregation/size distribution, micromorphology and colloidal stability of particle suspensions using a multi-method approach. We demonstrated that the: (i) acid-leachable Fe concentration was highest in volcanic ash (1 m Mg(-1) dust) and was followed by Libyan and Moroccan dust with an order of magnitude lower levels; (ii) acid leached Fe concentration in the<20 nm fraction was similar in samples processed in the dark with those under artificial sunlight, but average hydrodynamic diameter of NPs after cloud-processing (pH~6) was larger in the former; iii) NPs formed at pH~6 were smaller and less poly-disperse than those at low pH, whilst unaltered zeta potentials indicated colloidal instability; iv) relative Fe percentage in the finer particles derived from cloud processing does not reflect Fe content of unprocessed dusts (e.g. volcanic ash>Libyan dust). The common occurrence of Fe-rich "natural nanoparticles" in atmospheric dust derived materials may indicate their more ubiquitous presence in the marine environment than previously thought.


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Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the interactions of nanoparticles (NPs) formed via simulated cloud processing of mineral dust with seawater under environmentally relevant conditions. The effect of sunlight and the presence of exopolymeric substances (EPS) were assessed on the: (1) colloidal stability of the nanoparticle aggregates (i.e. size distribution, zeta potential, polydispersity); (2) micromorphology and (3) Fe dissolution from particles. We have demonstrated that: (i) synthetic nano-ferrihydrite has distinct aggregation behaviour from NPs formed from mineral dusts in that the average hydrodynamic diameter remained unaltered upon dispersion in seawater (~1500 nm), whilst all dust derived NPs increased about three fold in aggregate size; (ii) relatively stable and monodisperse aggregates of NPs formed during simulated cloud processing of mineral dust become more polydisperse and unstable in contact with seawater; (iii) EPS forms stable aggregates with both the ferrihydrite and the dust derived NPs whose hydrodynamic diameter remains unchanged in seawater over 24h; (iv) dissolved Fe concentration from NPs, measured here as <3 kDa filter-fraction, is consistently >30% higher in seawater in the presence of EPS and the effect is even more pronounced in the absence of light; (v) micromorphology of nanoparticles from mineral dusts closely resemble that of synthetic ferrihydrite in MQ water, but in seawater with EPS they form less compact aggregates, highly variable in size, possibly due to EPS-mediated steric and electrostatic interactions. The larger scale implications on real systems of the EPS solubilising effect on Fe and other metals with the additional enhancement of colloidal stability of the resulting aggregates are discussed.