25 resultados para forest-steppe of north-western Black Sea Coast

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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This study aimed to determine the role of light on the succession of the phytoplankton community during the spring bloom in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. To this end, three successive Lagrangian experiments were carried out between March and April 2003. The three experiments correspond to distinct phases of the bloom development (pre-bloom, bloom peak and post-bloom, respectively) and therefore to different trophic conditions. Phytoplankton (sampled on a daily scale) was grouped in size-based classes (pico and nano+micro) each of them were characterised in terms of chemotaxonomic composition, primary production and photophysiological properties. The phytoplankton community evolved with time changing in both size-class dominance and specie/group dominance within each size class. The bloom peak was characterised by highly dynamic condition (i.e. vertical mixing) and by the dominance of both small (pico) and large (nano and micro) diatoms, as a result of their capacity to photoacclimate to changing light regimes (‘physiological plasticity’). Concluding, we suggest that the physiological adaptation to light is the main factor driving the succession of the phytoplankton community during the first phases of the bloom (until the onset of thermal stratification) in the western Mediterranean Sea.


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During recent decades anthropogenic activities have dramatically impacted the Black Sea ecosystem. High levels of riverine nutrient input during the 1970s and 1980s caused eutrophic conditions including intense algal blooms resulting in hypoxia and the subsequent collapse of benthic habitats on the northwestern shelf. Intense fishing pressure also depleted stocks of many apex predators, contributing to an increase in planktivorous fish that are now the focus of fishing efforts. Additionally, the Black Sea's ecosystem changed even further with the introduction of exotic species. Economic collapse of the surrounding socialist republics in the early 1990s resulted in decreased nutrient loading which has allowed the Black Sea ecosystem to start to recover, but under rapidly changing economic and political conditions, future recovery is uncertain. In this study we use a multidisciplinary approach to integrate information from socio-economic and ecological systems to model the effects of future development scenarios on the marine environment of the northwestern Black Sea shelf. The Driver–Pressure–State-Impact-Response framework was used to construct conceptual models, explicitly mapping impacts of socio-economic Drivers on the marine ecosystem. Bayesian belief networks (BBNs), a stochastic modelling technique, were used to quantify these causal relationships, operationalise models and assess the effects of alternative development paths on the Black Sea ecosystem. BBNs use probabilistic dependencies as a common metric, allowing the integration of quantitative and qualitative information. Under the Baseline Scenario, recovery of the Black Sea appears tenuous as the exploitation of environmental resources (agriculture, fishing and shipping) increases with continued economic development of post-Soviet countries. This results in the loss of wetlands through drainage and reclamation. Water transparency decreases as phytoplankton bloom and this deterioration in water quality leads to the degradation of coastal plant communities (Cystoseira, seagrass) and also Phyllophora habitat on the shelf. Decomposition of benthic plants results in hypoxia killing flora and fauna associated with these habitats. Ecological pressure from these factors along with constant levels of fishing activity results in target stocks remaining depleted. Of the four Alternative Scenarios, two show improvements on the Baseline ecosystem condition, with improved waste water treatment and reduced fishing pressure, while the other two show a worsening, due to increased natural resource exploitation leading to rapid reversal of any recent ecosystem recovery. From this we conclude that variations in economic policy have significant consequences for the health of the Black Sea, and ecosystem recovery is directly linked to social–economic choices.


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The Black Sea ecosystem experienced severe eutrophication-related degradation during the 1970s and 1980s. However, in recent years the Black Sea has shown some signs of recovery which are often attributed to a reduction in nutrient loading. Here, SeaWiFS chlorophyll a (chl a), a proxy for phytoplankton biomass, is used to investigate spatio-temporal patterns in Black Sea phytoplankton dynamics and to explore the potential role of climate in the Black Sea's recovery. Maps of chl a anomalies, calculated relative to the 8 year mean, emphasize spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass in the Black Sea, particularly between the riverine-influenced Northwest Shelf and the open Black Sea. Evolution of phytoplankton biomass has shown significant spatial variability of persistence of optimal bloom conditions between three major regions of the Black Sea. With the exception of 2001, chl a has generally decreased during our 8 year time-series. However, the winter of 2000–2001 was anomalously warm with low wind stress, resulting in reduced vertical mixing of the water column and retention of nutrients in the photic zone. These conditions were associated with anomalously high levels of chl a throughout much of the open Black Sea during the following spring and summer. The unusual climatic conditions occurring in 2001 may have triggered a shift in the Black Sea's chl a regime. The long-term significance of this recent shift is still uncertain but illustrates a non-linear response to climate forcing that makes future ecosystem changes in the pelagic Black Sea ecosystem difficult to predict.


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Socio-economic development in Europe has exerted increasing pressure on the marine environment. Eutrophication, caused by nutrient enrichment, is evident in regions of all European seas. Its severity varies but has, in places, adversely impacted socio-economic activities. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of recently adopted policies to reduce anthropogenic nutrient inputs to European seas. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets were constructed for three different periods (prior to severe eutrophication, during severe eutrophication and contemporary) to capture changes in the relative importance of different nutrient sources in four European seas suffering from eutrophication (Baltic Proper, coastal North Sea, Northern Adriatic and North-Western Black Sea Shelf). Policy success is evident for point sources, notably for P in the Baltic and North Seas, but reduction of diffuse sources has been more problematic.


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The effects of ocean acidification on nitrogen (N2) fixation rates and on the community composition of N2-fixing microbes (diazotrophs) were examined in coastal waters of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Nine experimental mesocosm enclosures of ∼50 m3 each were deployed for 20 days during June-July 2012 in the Bay of Calvi, Corsica, France. Three control mesocosms were maintained under ambient conditions of carbonate chemistry. The remainder were manipulated with CO2 saturated seawater to attain target amendments of pCO2 of 550, 650, 750, 850, 1000 and 1250 μatm. Rates of N2 fixation were elevated up to 10 times relative to control rates (2.00 ± 1.21 nmol L-1d-1) when pCO2 concentrations were >1000 μatm and pHT (total scale) < 7.74. Diazotrophic phylotypes commonly found in oligotrophic marine waters, including the Mediterranean, were not present at the onset of the experiment and therefore, the diazotroph community composition was characterised by amplifying partial nifH genes from the mesocosms. The diazotroph community was comprised primarily of cluster III nifH sequences (which include possible anaerobes), and proteobacterial (α and γ) sequences, in addition to small numbers of filamentous (or pseudo-filamentous) cyanobacterial phylotypes. The implication from this study is that there is some potential for elevated N2 fixation rates in the coastal western Mediterranean before the end of this century as a result of increasing ocean acidification. Observations made of variability in the diazotroph community composition could not be correlated with changes in carbon chemistry, which highlights the complexity of the relationship between ocean acidification and these keystone organisms.


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Mesozooplankton biomass and abundance were evaluated in epipelagic waters at 59 stations covering the Italian sector of the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean) in December 1990. This region is characterised by a cyclonic circulation which encloses a central divergence zone and is associated with a main thermohaline front offshore the western Ligurian coast. At the end of autumn, mesozooplankton biomass (range: 0.80–4.24 mg DW m−3) and the abundance (range: 83.8–932 ind. m−3) were lower in the divergence zone. On the contrary, in the Ligurian frontal zone at the periphery of the divergence and on the eastern continental shelf the greatest values of biomass and abundance were recorded. Copepods and appendicularians dominated the mesozooplankton community, the main taxa being the copepods Clausocalanus spp. (46% of total zooplankton) and Oithona spp. (15%) and the appendicularian Fritillaria spp. (12%). Three hydrological sub-regions, i.e. the divergence, the eastern continental shelf and the periphery of the divergence, were characterised by different zooplankton communities and characteristic species. Environmental differences between the three zones were mainly related to changes in bottom topography, sea surface temperatures and quantity of particulate organic matter. Vertical mesozooplankton abundance and taxa distribution from the surface to 1,900 m depth were also examined in one station. The results showed that the bulk of the community was concentrated in the upper 200 m, small copepods being dominant particularly in the upper 50 m. The copepod community was more diversified in sub-superficial waters, with a maximum observed in the 200–400 m layer. The distributions of main zooplankton taxa described in epipelagic waters in the eastern Ligurian Sea in autumn were compared with their distribution at surface in the north-western Mediterranean obtained by sampling performed with the Continuous Plankton Recorder in 1997–1999. The analysis of the zooplankton community in CPR samples confirms the dominance of small copepods (Paracalanus spp., Clausocalanus spp., Oithona spp.) and appendicularians in the north-western Mediterranean in late autumn-winter and shows that their distribution is mainly related to the main mesoscale hydrographic features characterising this basin.


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The increase in atmospheric CO2 is a dual threat to the marine environment: from one side it drives climate change, leading to modifications in water temperature, circulation patterns and stratification intensity; on the other side it causes a decrease in marine pH (ocean acidification, or OA) due to the increase in dissolved CO2. Assessing the combined impact of climate change and OA on marine ecosystems is a challenging task. The response of the ecosystem to a single driver can be highly variable and remains still uncertain; additionally the interaction between these can be either synergistic or antagonistic. In this work we use the coupled oceanographic–ecosystem model POLCOMS-ERSEM driven by climate forcing to study the interaction between climate change and OA. We focus in particular on carbonate chemistry, primary and secondary production. The model has been run in three different configurations in order to assess separately the impacts of climate change on net primary production and of OA on the carbonate chemistry, which have been strongly supported by scientific literature, from the impact of biological feedbacks of OA on the ecosystem, whose uncertainty still has to be well constrained. The global mean of the projected decrease of pH at the end of the century is about 0.27 pH units, but the model shows significant interaction among the drivers and high variability in the temporal and spatial response. As a result of this high variability, critical tipping point can be locally and/or temporally reached: e.g. undersaturation with respect to aragonite is projected to occur in the deeper part of the central North Sea during summer. Impacts of climate change and of OA on primary and secondary production may have similar magnitude, compensating in some area and exacerbating in others.


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Spatial patterns in pelagic biodiversity are the result of factors acting from a global to a local scale. The global patterns have been studied intensively using taxa such as foraminifera and euphausiids. However, these studies do not allow direct comparisons of neritic and oceanic regions or examination of relationships between local and regional patterns of pelagic diversity. Here we present a map of the diversity of calanoid copepods, a key planktonic group, summarising 40 yr of continuous monthly investigations in the North Atlantic and North Sea. The high number of samples (168 162) allowed mesoscale patterns in diversity to be detected for the first time at an ocean-basin level. Our results demonstrate pronounced local spatial variability in planktonic diversity and refine previous global studies at a lower resolution. They form a baseline at which long-term changes in planktonic diversity can be better assessed and ecosystem management plans implemented.


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Individuals of Mytilus edulis L., collected from the Erme estuary (S.W. England) in 1978, were exposed to low concentrations (7 to 68 μg l-1) of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of North Sea crude oil. The pattern of accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the body tissues was affected by the presence of algal food cells, the period of exposure, the hydrocarbon concentration in seawater, the type of body tissue and the nature of the hydrocarbon. Many physiological responses (e.g. rates of oxygen consumption, feeding, excretion, and scope for growth), cellular responses (e.g. lysosomal latency and digestive cell size) and biochemical responses (e.g. specific activities of several enzymes) were significantly altered by short-term (4 wk) and/or long-term (5 mo) exposure to WAF. Stress indices such as scope for growth and lysosomal latency were negatively correlated with tissue aromatic hydrocarbons.