8 resultados para cardiorespiratory fitness

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The problems of relating the results of experiments in the laboratory to events in nature are twofold: to equate the response to a single variable (hydrocarbons) with the natural variability in the biological material in a multivariate environment, and to consider whether the response established experimentally has any relevance to the animal's chances of survival and reproduction (i.e. its fitness) in the natural population. Recent studies of the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on marine invertebrates are reviewed, with an emphasis on the physiological and cytochemical responses by bivalve molluscs. The dose-response relations that emerge suggest the intensity of the 'signal' that must be detected in nature if the chronic, sublethal effects of petroleum pollution are to be measured. The natural variability in these physiological and cytochemical processes are then reviewed and the main causes of variability in natural populations, both endogenous and exogenous, discussed. These results indicate the extent of the `noise' above which the signal from possible pollution effects must be detected. The results from recent field studies on the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, are discussed. The results are as complex as expected, but it proves possible to reduce the variance in the measured responses so that pollution effects, including those due to hydrocarbons, can be detected. The ecological consequences of the observed effects of petroleum hydrocarbons are then discussed in terms of reproductive effort and reproductive value. Considerable variation between populations exists here also and this can be used to help in the interpretation of the extent of the impact of the environment on the ecology of the population. The result is to place the findings of the laboratory experiments in an ecological context of natural variability and of the physiological costs of adaptation.


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Seger has argued that, if a law of diminishing returns of personal fitness with increasing consumption of a limiting resource applies, a greater increment to inclusive fitness3 may accrue to an individual by sharing the resource with its relatives than by excluding them. That is, from the point of view of an individual's inclusive fitness, there will exist an optimal relation between resource abundance, conversion efficiency (in terms of increment in personal fitness per resource unit consumed) and competitor abundance and relatedness to the subject. Here, this is rendered more concrete by deriving expressions for the optimum consumption rate for any one of a number of related individuals competing for a finite resource.


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Seasonal cycles in the rates of oxygen consumption, feeding, absorption efficiency and ammonia-nitrogen excretion in two populations of Mytilus edulis were measured in the field under ambient conditions and related to body size, the gametogenic cycle, the concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water and temperature. Relationships between the various physiological variables are also considered and protein and energy budgets estimated. Both the “scope for growth” and the “relative maintenance cost” were seasonally variable, demonstrating a minimum capacity for growth in the winter and a maximum capacity in the summer. In one population subjected to abnormally high temperatures in the winter the scope for growth was negative for four or five months between January and May. These population differences are discussed and the potential for using physiological integrations in intra-specific comparisons of fitness is identified.


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Chemoreception is a key activity by which many aquatic animals perceive their environment, and therefore abiotic disruptions to this process could have serious impacts on the survival and fitness of individuals, and on species interactions. Hermit crabs are subject to cyclical reductions in the pH of the water in the intertidal rock pools that they inhabit. Such reductions may be further exacerbated by ongoing ocean acidification and/or leakage of carbon dioxide from geological storage sites and coastal upwelling events. Here we test the chemo-sensory responses of the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (Linnaeus) to a food odour under reduced pH conditions (pHNBS = 6.80). Acidifying the odour had no effect on its attractiveness indicating no permanent degradation of the cue; however, the pH of the sea water did affect the crabs' responses. Hermit crabs kept and tested in reduced pH sea water had lower antennular flicking rates (the ‘sniffing’ response in decapods); were less successful in locating the odour source, and showed an overall decline in locomotory activity compared to those in untreated sea water. Analysis of their haemolymph revealed a greater concentration of chloride ions ([Cl−]) in the reduced pH treatment group, suggesting iono-regulatory disruption; however, there was no correlation between [Cl−] and locomotory activity, suggesting a specific effect on chemoreception. This study shows that the chemo-responsiveness of a crustacean may be influenced by both naturally occurring pH fluctuations and future anthropogenically-induced changes in ocean pH.


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Mechanistic models such as those based on dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory are emergent ecomechanics tools to investigate the extent of fitness in organisms through changes in life history traits as explained by bioenergetic principles. The rapid growth in interest around this approach originates from the mechanistic characteristics of DEB, which are based on a number of rules dictating the use of mass and energy flow through organisms. One apparent bottleneck in DEB applications comes from the estimations of DEB parameters which are based on mathematical and statistical methods (covariation method). The parameterisation process begins with the knowledge of some functional traits of a target organism (e. g. embryo, sexual maturity and ultimate body size, feeding and assimilation rates, maintenance costs), identified from the literature or laboratory experiments. However, considering the prominent role of the mechanistic approach in ecology, the reduction of possible uncertainties is an important objective. We propose a revaluation of the laboratory procedures commonly used in ecological studies to estimate DEB parameters in marine bivalves. Our experimental organism was Brachidontes pharaonis. We supported our proposal with a validation exercise which compared life history traits as obtained by DEBs (implemented with parameters obtained using classical laboratory methods) with the actual set of species traits obtained in the field. Correspondence between the 2 approaches was very high (>95%) with respect to estimating both size and fitness. Our results demonstrate a good agreement between field data and model output for the effect of temperature and food density on age-size curve, maximum body size and total gamete production per life span. The mechanistic approach is a promising method of providing accurate predictions in a world that is under in creasing anthropogenic pressure.


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Many planktonic copepods use diffusible pheromone or hydromechanical signals to remotely detect the presence of potential mates. To determine whether these mating signals also play a role in species recognition and mate choice, we observed and video recorded (3D) mate-finding and pursuit behaviors in heterospecific and conspecific mating crosses in a pair of congeneric, partially sympatric species (Temora stylifera and T. longicornis) in the laboratory. The species appear to have asymmetrical pre-mating isolation, with T. longicornis males readily pursuing T. stylifera females to mate contact and capture, but with little mate-finding activity observed in the reverse cross. Males of T. longicornis pursuing heterospecific females executed a number of behaviors known to facilitate successful pheromone trail following and mate capture in conspecific mating, including accelerated swimming in a ‘signal-scanning’ mode to recover a lost pheromone trail, reversal of the tracking direction in cases when the male initiated tracking in the incorrect direction, and accelerated swimming speeds when in the presence of a pheromone signal but prior to locating the trail. Detailed analyses of mate-tracking behavior in T. longicornis male × T. stylifera female crosses gave no indication that males were aware they were pursuing heterospecific females prior to mate contact, indicating that diffusible pheromone and hydromechanical signals are not used, either singly or in combination, for species recognition in this mating pair. Heterospecific mating attempts among sympatric, congeneric copepods may commonly proceed to mate capture, and incur fitness costs to either or both mating partners.


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Research to date has suggested that both individual marine species and ecological processes are expected to exhibit diverse responses to the environmental effects of climate change. Evolutionary responses can occur on rapid (ecological) timescales, and yet studies typically do not consider the role that adaptive evolution will play in modulating biological responses to climate change. Investigations into such responses have typically been focused at particular biological levels (e.g., cellular, population, community), often lacking interactions among levels. Since all levels of biological organisation are sensitive to global climate change, there is a need to elucidate how different processes and hierarchical interactions will influence species fitness. Therefore, predicting the responses of communities and populations to global change will require multidisciplinary efforts across multiple levels of hierarchy, from the genetic and cellular to communities and ecosystems. Eventually, this may allow us to establish the role that acclimatisation and adaptation will play in determining marine community structures in future scenarios.


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We introduce a trait-based description of diatom functional diversity to an existing plankton functional type (PFT) model, implemented for the eutrophied coastal ecosystem in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. The trait-based description represents a continuum of diatom species, each characterized by a distinct cell volume, and includes size dependence of four diatom traits: the maximum growth rate, the half-saturation constants for nutrient uptake, the photosynthetic efficiency, and the relative affinity of copepods for diatoms. Through competition under seasonally varying forcing, the fitness of each diatom varies throughout time, and the outcome of competition results in a changing community structure. The predicted seasonal change in mean cell volume of the community is supported by field observations: smaller diatoms, which are more competitive in terms of resource acquisition, prevail during the first spring bloom, whereas the summer bloom is dominated by larger species which better resist grazing. The size-based model is used to determine the ecological niche of diatoms in the area and identifies a range of viable sizes that matches observations. The general trade-off between small, competitive diatoms and large, grazing-resistant species is a convenient framework to study patterns in diatom functional diversity. PFT models and trait-based approaches constitute promising complementary tools to study community structure in marine ecosystems.