4 resultados para adaptive study

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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Satellite altimetry has revolutionized our understanding of ocean dynamics thanks to frequent sampling and global coverage. Nevertheless, coastal data have been flagged as unreliable due to land and calm water interference in the altimeter and radiometer footprint and uncertainty in the modelling of high-frequency tidal and atmospheric forcing. Our study addresses the first issue, i.e. altimeter footprint contamination, via retracking, presenting ALES, the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker. ALES is potentially applicable to all the pulse-limited altimetry missions and its aim is to retrack both open ocean and coastal data with the same accuracy using just one algorithm. ALES selects part of each returned echo and models it with a classic ”open ocean” Brown functional form, by means of least square estimation whose convergence is found through the Nelder-Mead nonlinear optimization technique. By avoiding echoes from bright targets along the trailing edge, it is capable of retrieving more coastal waveforms than the standard processing. By adapting the width of the estimation window according to the significant wave height, it aims at maintaining the accuracy of the standard processing in both the open ocean and the coastal strip. This innovative retracker is validated against tide gauges in the Adriatic Sea and in the Greater Agulhas System for three different missions: Envisat, Jason-1 and Jason-2. Considerations of noise and biases provide a further verification of the strategy. The results show that ALES is able to provide more reliable 20-Hz data for all three missions in areas where even 1-Hz averages are flagged as unreliable in standard products. Application of the ALES retracker led to roughly a half of the analysed tracks showing a marked improvement in correlation with the tide gauge records, with the rms difference being reduced by a factor of 1.5 for Jason-1 and Jason-2 and over 4 for Envisat in the Adriatic Sea (at the closest point to the tide gauge).


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Lipids are key constituents of marine phytoplankton, and some fatty acids (key constituents of lipids) are essential dietary components for secondary producers. However, in natural marine ecosystems the interactions of factors affecting seasonal phytoplankton lipid composition are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the roles of seasonal succession in phytoplankton community composition and nutrient concentrations, on the lipid composition of the phytoplankton community. Fatty acid and polar lipid composition in seston was measured in surface waters at the time series station L4, an inshore station in the Western English Channel, from January to December 2013. Redundancy analyses (RDA) were used to identify factors (abiotic and biotic) that explained the seasonal variability in phytoplankton lipids. RDA demonstrated that nutrients (namely nitrogen) explained the majority of variation in phytoplankton lipid composition, as well as a smaller explanatory contribution from changes in phytoplankton community composition. The physiological adaptations of the phytoplankton community to nutrient deplete conditions during the summer season when the water column was stratified, was further supported by changes in the polar lipid to phytoplankton biomass ratios (also modelled with RDA) and increases in the lipid to chlorophyll a ratios, which are both indicative of nutrient stress. However, the association of key fatty acid markers with phytoplankton groups e.g. 22:6 n-3 and dinoflagellate biomass (predominant in summer), meant there were no clear seasonal differences in the overall degree of fatty acid saturation, as might have been expected from typical nutrient stress on phytoplankton. Based on the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as markers of ‘food quality’ for grazers, our results suggest that in this environment high food quality is maintained throughout summer, due to seasonal succession towards flagellated phytoplankton species able to maintain PUFA synthesis under surface layer nutrient depletion.


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A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.


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A regional cross-calibration between the first Delay Doppler altimetry dataset from Cryosat-2 and a retracked Envisat dataset is here presented, in order to test the benefits of the Delay-Doppler processing and to expand the Envisat time series in the coastal ocean. The Indonesian Seas are chosen for the calibration, since the availability of altimetry data in this region is particularly beneficial due to the lack of in-situ measurements and its importance for global ocean circulation. The Envisat data in the region are retracked with the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform (ALES) Retracker, which has been previously validated and applied successfully to coastal sea level research. The study demonstrates that CryoSat-2 is able to decrease the 1-Hz noise of sea level estimations by 0.3 cm within 50 km of the coast, when compared to the ALES-reprocessed Envisat dataset. It also shows that Envisat can be confidently used for detailed oceanographic research after the orbit change of October 2010. Cross-calibration at the crossover points indicates that in the region of study a sea state bias correction equal to 5% of the significant wave height is an acceptable approximation for Delay-Doppler altimetry. The analysis of the joint sea level time series reveals the geographic extent of the semiannual signal caused by Kelvin waves during the monsoon transitions, the larger amplitudes of the annual signal due to the Java Coastal Current and the impact of the strong La Nina event of 2010 on rising sea level trends.