em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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Genetic analysis of Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples is enabling greater taxonomic resolution and the study of plankton population structure. Here, we present some results from the genetic analysis of CPR samples collected in the North Sea and north-eastern Atlantic that reveal the impacts of climate on benthic-pelagic coupling and the food web. We show that pronounced changes in the North Sea meroplankton are related to an increased abundance and spatial distribution of the larvae of the benthic echinoderm, Echinocardium cordatum. Key stages of reproduction in E. cordatum, gametogenesis and spawning, are influenced by winter and spring sea temperature (January-May). A stepwise increase in sea temperature after 1987, which has created warmer conditions earlier in the year, together with increased summer phytoplankton, may benefit the reproduction and survival of this benthic species. Competition between the larvae of E. cordatum and other holozooplanlcton taxa may now be altering the trophodynamics of the summer pelagic ecosystem. In the north-eastern Atlantic the genetic analysis of fish larvae sampled by the CPR has revealed an unprecedented increase in the abundance of juvenile snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreiis since 2002. We argue that increased sea surface temperatures in winter and spring when the eggs of E. aqueoreus, which are brooded by the male, are developing and the young larvae are growing in the plankton are a likely cause. The increased abundance of this species in Atlantic and adjacent European seas already appears to be influencing the marine food web.


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We present a macrogeographic study of spatial heterogeneity in an important subarctic Pacific copepod and describe the first genetic analysis of population structure using Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples. Samples of Neocalanus cristatus were collected at a constant depth of similar to 7 m from two CPR tow-routes, (i) an east-west similar to 6500-km transect from Vancouver Island, Canada to Hokkaido Island, Japan, and (ii) a north-south transect of similar to 2250 km from Anchorage, Alaska to Tacoma, Washington. Analysis of these samples revealed three features of the biology of N. cristatus. First, N. cristatus undergoes small-scale diel vertical migration that is larger among stages CV- adult (3-6 times more abundant at 7 m at night), than stages CI-CIV (only 2-4 times higher at night). Secondly, while there were no regions where N. cristatus did not appear, each transect sampled a few large-scale macrogeographic patches. Thirdly, an analysis of molecular variation, using a partial sequence of the N. cristatus cytochrome oxidase I gene, revealed that 7.3% (P < 0.0001) of the total genetic variation among N. cristatus sampled from macrogeographic patches by the CPR could be explained by spatial heterogeneity. We suggest that spatial heterogeneity at macrogeographic scales may be important in plankton evolution.


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This paper describes the random amplification of polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) in Lasaea rubra (Erycinidae: Bivalvia). Present evidence suggests that L. rubra is an asexual species; however, the exact mode of clonal reproduction in this species is still a matter of debate. In this preliminary study, four of the primers used generated polymorphic RAPDs. One primer was able to distinguish between individuals from the same or different crevice population. This same primer also resolved a single band difference between otherwise identical RAPD patterns of a parent and its offspring. No familial differences have been detected in several previous studies using allozyme electrophoresis. This paper suggests that many polymorphic markers could be obtained with this species using the RAPD technique. Population genetic analysis of L. rubra has long been hampered by a dearth of polymorphic markers due to its small size. These findings suggest that this technique has the potential to further the study of population genetics in this asexual species.