4 resultados para Natural interactions

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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Commercial capture fisheries produce huge quantities of offal, as well as undersized and unwanted catch in the form of discards. Declines in global catches and legislation to ban discarding will significantly reduce discards, but this subsidy supports a large scavenger community. Understanding the potential impact of declining discards for scavengers should feature in an eco-system based approach to fisheries management, but requires greater knowledge of scavenger/fishery interactions. Here we use bird-borne cameras, in tandem with GPS loggers, to provide a unique view of seabird/fishery interactions. 20,643 digital images (one min 21) from ten bird-borne cameras deployed on central place northern gannets Morus bassanus revealed that all birds photographed fishing vessels. These were large (>15 m) boats, with no small-scale vessels. Virtually all vessels were trawlers, and gannets were almost always accompanied by other scavenging birds. All individuals exhibited an Area-Restricted Search (ARS) during foraging, but only 42% of ARS were associated with fishing vessels, indicating much 'natural' foraging. The proportion of ARS behaviours associated with fishing boats were higher for males (81%) than females (30%), although the reasons for this are currently unclear. Our study illustrates that fisheries form a very important component of the prey-landscape for foraging gannets and that a discard ban, such as that proposed under reforms of the EU Common Fisheries Policy, may have a significant impact on gannet behaviour, particularly males. However, a continued reliance on 'natural' foraging suggests the ability to switch away from scavenging, but only if there is sufficient food to meet their needs in the absence of a discard subsidy.


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Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the interactions of nanoparticles (NPs) formed via simulated cloud processing of mineral dust with seawater under environmentally relevant conditions. The effect of sunlight and the presence of exopolymeric substances (EPS) were assessed on the: (1) colloidal stability of the nanoparticle aggregates (i.e. size distribution, zeta potential, polydispersity); (2) micromorphology and (3) Fe dissolution from particles. We have demonstrated that: (i) synthetic nano-ferrihydrite has distinct aggregation behaviour from NPs formed from mineral dusts in that the average hydrodynamic diameter remained unaltered upon dispersion in seawater (~1500 nm), whilst all dust derived NPs increased about three fold in aggregate size; (ii) relatively stable and monodisperse aggregates of NPs formed during simulated cloud processing of mineral dust become more polydisperse and unstable in contact with seawater; (iii) EPS forms stable aggregates with both the ferrihydrite and the dust derived NPs whose hydrodynamic diameter remains unchanged in seawater over 24h; (iv) dissolved Fe concentration from NPs, measured here as <3 kDa filter-fraction, is consistently >30% higher in seawater in the presence of EPS and the effect is even more pronounced in the absence of light; (v) micromorphology of nanoparticles from mineral dusts closely resemble that of synthetic ferrihydrite in MQ water, but in seawater with EPS they form less compact aggregates, highly variable in size, possibly due to EPS-mediated steric and electrostatic interactions. The larger scale implications on real systems of the EPS solubilising effect on Fe and other metals with the additional enhancement of colloidal stability of the resulting aggregates are discussed.


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The human-induced rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the industrial revolution has led to increasing oceanic carbon uptake and changes in seawater carbonate chemistry, resulting in lowering of surface water pH. In this study we investigated the effect of increasing CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) on concentrations of volatile biogenic dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), through monoculture studies and community pCO2 perturbation. DMS is a climatically important gas produced by many marine algae: it transfers sulfur into the atmosphere and is a major influence on biogeochemical climate regulation through breakdown to sulfate and formation of subsequent cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Overall, production of DMS and DMSP by the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi strain RCC1229 was unaffected by growth at 900 matm pCO2, but DMSP production normalised to cell volume was 12% lower at the higher pCO2 treatment. These cultures were compared with community DMS and DMSP production during an elevated pCO2 mesocosm experiment with the aim of studying E. huxleyi in the natural environment. Results contrasted with the culture experiments and showed reductions in community DMS and DMSP concentrations of up to 60 and 32% respectively at pCO2 up to 3000 matm, with changes attributed to poorer growth of DMSP-producing nanophytoplankton species, including E. huxleyi, and potentially increased microbial consumption of DMSand dissolvedDMSPat higher pCO2.DMSandDMSPproduction differences between culture and community likely arise from pH affecting the inter-species responses between microbial producers and consumers.