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em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The effect of different salinity levels on colonial growth and gonozooid frequency of the hydroid Campanularia flexuosa Hincks has been studied. It is shown that the usual cumulative presentation of growth data tends to obscure evidence of acclimation and other features of importance to an interpretation of adaptations of the growth process to salinity changes. A method of analysis is described that not only demonstrates acclimation, but apparently shows how growth is controlled after disturbance by changes in salinity. One other response to reduced salinity and other unfavourable changes in water chemistry is an increase in gonozooid frequency due to the diversion of resources from the formation of new hydranths.


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Evidence for climate-correlated low frequency variability of various components of marine ecosystems has accumulated rapidly over the past 2 decades. There has also been a growing recognition that society needs to learn how the fluctuations of these various components are linked, and to predict the likely amplitude and steepness of future changes. Demographic characteristics of marine zooplankton make them especially suitable for examining variability of marine ecosystems at interannual to decadal time scales. Their life cycle duration is short enough that there is little carryover of population membership from year to year, but long enough that variability can be tracked with monthly-to-seasonal sampling. Because zooplankton are rarely fished, comparative analysis of changes in their abundance can greatly enhance our ability to evaluate the importance of and interaction between physical environment, food web, and fishery harvest as causal mechanisms driving ecosystem level changes. A number of valuable within-region analyses of zooplankton time series have been published in the past decade, covering a variety of modes of variability including changes in total biomass, changes in size structure and species composition, changes in spatial distribution, and changes in seasonal timing. But because most zooplankton time series are relatively short compared to the time scales of interest, the statistical power of local analyses is often low, and between-region and between-variable comparisons are also needed. In this paper, we review the results of recent within- and between-region analyses, and suggest some priorities for future work.


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Executive Summary The programme of work was commissioned in September 1998 to supply information to underpin the UK’s commitments to protection and conservation of the ecosystems and biodiversity of the marine environment under the 1992 OSPAR Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic. The programme also provided support for the implementation of the Biodiversity Convention and the EU Habitats Directive. The MarLIN programme initiated a new approach to assessing sensitivity and recoverability characteristics of seabed species and biotopes based on structures (such as the seabed biotopes classification) and criteria (such as for assessing rarity and defining ‘sensitivity’) developed since 1997. It also developed tools to disseminate the information on the Internet. The species researched were those that were listed in conventions and directives, included in Biodiversity Action Plans, or were nationally rare or scarce. In addition, species were researched if they maintained community composition or structure and/or provided a distinctive habitat or were special to or especially abundant in a particular situation or biotope At its conclusion in August 2001, the work carried out under the contract with DETR/DEFRA had: · Developed protocols, criteria and structures for identifying ‘sensitivity’ and ‘recoverability’, which were tested by a programme management group. · Developed a database to hold research data on biology and sensitivity of species and biotopes. · Defined the link between human activities and the environmental factors likely to be affected by those activities. · Developed a user-friendly Web site to access information from the database, on the sensitivity and recoverability characteristics of over 100 species and basic information on over 200 species. Additionally, the project team have: · Brought together and facilitated discussion between current developers and users of electronic resources for environmental management, protection and education in the conference ‘Using Marine Biological Information in the Electronic Age’ (19-21 July 1999). · Contributed to the development of Ecological Quality Objectives for the North Sea (Scheveningen, 11- 3 September 1999 and subsequent papers). · Provided detailed information on species as a supplement to the National Biodiversity Network Gateway demonstration www.searchnbn.net. · Developed a peer-reviewed approach to electronic publication of updateable information. · Promoted the contract results and the MarLIN approach to the support of marine environmental management and protection at European research fora and, through the web site, internationally. The information available through the Web site is now being used by consultants and Government agencies. The DEFRA contract has been of critical importance in establishing the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) programme and has encouraged support from other organisations. Other related work in the MarLIN programme is on-going, especially to identify sensitivity of biotopes to support management of SACs (contract from English Nature in collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage), to access data sources (in collaboration with the National Biodiversity Network) and to establish volunteer recording schemes for marine life. The results of the programme are best viewed on the Web site (www.marlin.ac.uk). Three reports have been produced during the project. A final report detailing the work undertaken, a brochure ‘Identifying the sensitivity of seabed ecosystems’ and a CD-ROM describing the programme and demonstrating the Web site have been delivered as final products in addition to the Web site.