5 resultados para Islam, representations, Other, Folha de S. Paulo and Estado de S. Paulo

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey was conceived from the outset as a programme of applied research designed to assist the fishing industry. Its survival and continuing vigour after 70 years is a testament to its utility, which has been achieved in spite of great changes in our understanding of the marine environment and in our concerns over how to manage it. The CPR has been superseded in several respects by other technologies, such as acoustics and remote sensing, but it continues to provide unrivalled seasonal and geographic information about a wide range of zooplankton and phytoplankton taxa. The value of this coverage increases with time and provides the basis for placing recent observations into the context of long-term, large-scale variability and thus suggesting what the causes are likely to be. Information from the CPR is used extensively in judging environmental impacts and producing quality status reports (QSR); it has shown the distributions of fish stocks, which had not previously been exploited; it has pointed to the extent of ungrazed phytoplankton production in the North Atlantic, which was a vital element in establishing the importance of carbon sequestration by phytoplankton. The CPR continues to be the principal source of large-scale, long-term information about the plankton ecosystem of the North Atlantic. It has recently provided extensive information about the biodiversity of the plankton and about the distribution of introduced species. It serves as a valuable example for the design of future monitoring of the marine environment and it has been essential to the design and implementation of most North Atlantic plankton research.


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The structure, X-ray diffraction and amino acid compositions of the opercular filament cuticle, calcareous opercular plate and habitation tube of the polychaete serpulid, Pomatoceros lamarckii quatrefages, are reported. The opercular filament cuticle is made up of protein and chitin. The chitin is probably in the crystallographic α form. The structure and amino acid composition of the organic components of the opercular filament cuticle and calcareous opercular plate have similarities but are distinctly different from those of the calcareous habitation tube. The opercular plate and habitation tube are composed of different polymorphs of calcium carbonate, aragonite and calcite respectively. Comparisons are made with other chitin-protein systems, structural and calcified proteins.


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The effect of different salinity levels on colonial growth and gonozooid frequency of the hydroid Campanularia flexuosa Hincks has been studied. It is shown that the usual cumulative presentation of growth data tends to obscure evidence of acclimation and other features of importance to an interpretation of adaptations of the growth process to salinity changes. A method of analysis is described that not only demonstrates acclimation, but apparently shows how growth is controlled after disturbance by changes in salinity. One other response to reduced salinity and other unfavourable changes in water chemistry is an increase in gonozooid frequency due to the diversion of resources from the formation of new hydranths.


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Measurements of population growth, generation time, fecundity and respiration in laboratory culture have been made, in relation to temperature and salinity, for the nematode Diplolaimelloides bruciei Hopper, a species normally associated with decayed material of the marsh grass Spartina. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) is high: it is related to temperature between 5° and 25°C by a sigmoid function which is steepest between 10° and 15°C, and is maximum at 26‰ salinity. Generation time is related to temperature by a power function and is shortest at 26‰ salinity. The effect of temperature on generation time is consistent with other data for marine nematodes, and the steep slope of r against temperature is largely due to the marked effect of temperature on fecundity. A sex ratio of 2:1 in favour of males is maintained regardless of culture conditions or population density. Respiration increases exponentially with temperature between 5° and 25°C, with a very high Q10 (3.94), but is not affected by salinity. At 30°C respiration is no higher than at 25°C. A high and relatively stable production efficiency (P/A) is maintained between 10 and 30°C with a maximum of 87% at 15°C; there is a stable reproductive effort (Pr/A) of about 10%. At 5°C both these ratios are zero. Data for the harpacticoid copepod Tachidius discipes, derived from the literature, show that this too has a high and stable production efficiency, which may be a characteristic of meiofaunal species in general, but in this species efficiency is relatively high at 5°C. Many features of the energy balance in D. bruciei can be related to an opportunistic mode of life.


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Coccolithoviruses are giant dsDNA viruses that infect Emiliania huxleyi, the most ubiquitous marine microalga. Here, we present the genome of the latest coccolithovirus strain to be sequenced, EhV-99B1, and compare it with two other coccolithovirus genomes (EhV-86 and EhV-163). EhV-99B1 shares a pairwise nucleotide identity of 98% with EhV-163 (the two strains were isolated from the same Norwegian fjord but in different years), and just 96.5% with EhV-86 (isolated in the same spring as EhV-99B1 but in the English Channel). We confirmed and extended the list of relevant genomic differences between these EhVs from the Norwegian fjord and EhVs from the English Channel, namely the removal/insertions of: a phosphate permease, an endonuclease, a transposase, and two specific tRNAs. As a whole, this study provided new clues and insights into the diversity and mechanisms driving the evolution of these large oceanic viruses, in particular those processes involving selfish genetic elements.