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em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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This study is an integrated overview of pigment and microscopic analysis of phytoplankton communities throughout the Mozambican coast. Collected samples revealed notable patterns of phytoplankton occurrence and distribution, with community structure changing between regions and sample depth. Pigment data showed Delagoa Bight, Sofala Bank and Angoche as the most productive regions throughout the sampled area. In general, micro-sized phytoplankton, particularly diatoms, were important contributors to biomass both at surface and sub-surface maximum (SSM) samples, although were almost absent in the northern stations. In contrast, nano- and pico-sized phytoplankton revealed opposing patterns. Picophytoplankton were most abundant at surface, as opposed to nanophytoplankton, which were more abundant at the SSM. Microphytoplankton were associated with cooler southern water masses, while picophytoplankton were related to warmer northern water masses. Nanophytoplankton were found to increase their contribution to biomass with increasing SSM. Microscopy information on the genera and species level revealed the diatoms Chaetoceros spp., Proboscia alata, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Cylindrotheca closterium and Hemiaulus haukii as the most abundant taxa of the micro-sized phytoplankton. Discosphaera tubifera and Emiliania huxleyi were the most abundant coccolithophores, nano-sized phytoplankton.


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The mean intensity of the NE Atlantic upwelling system at its northern limit (Galicia, NW Spain) decreased during the last 40 years. At the same time, warming of surface waters was detected. Plankton biomass and composition are expected to reflect such changes when integrated over large time and space scales. In this study, biomass, abundance and species composition of phyto- and zooplankton were analysed to search for significant patterns of annual change and relations with upwelling intensity. Regionally integrated, mostly offshore, data were obtained from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (since 1958) whereas coastal data from Vigo and A Coruña came from the Radiales program (since 1987). No significant trends were found in phytoplankton biomass at either regional or local scales. However, there was a significant decrease in diatom abundance at regional scales and also of large species at local scales. Zooplankton abundance (mainly copepods) significantly decreased offshore but increased near the coast. Biomass of zooplankton also increased near the coast, with the fastest rates in the south. Warm-water species, like Temora stylifera, were increasingly abundant at both regional and local scales. Significant correlations between upwelling intensity and plankton suggest that climatic effects were delayed for several years. Our results indicate that the effects of large scale climatic trends on plankton communities are being effectively modulated within the pelagic ecosystem in this upwelling region.


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Most satellite models of production have been designed and calibrated for use in the open ocean. Coastal waters are optically more complex, and the use of chlorophyll a (chl a) as a first-order predictor of primary production may lead to substantial errors due to significant quantities of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and total suspended material (TSM) within the first optical depth. We demonstrate the use of phytoplankton absorption as a proxy to estimate primary production in the coastal waters of the North Sea and Western English Channel for both total, micro- and nano+pico-phytoplankton production. The method is implemented to extrapolate the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton and production at the sea surface to depth to give integrated fields of total and micro- and nano+pico-phytoplankton primary production using the peak in absorption coefficient at red wavelengths. The model is accurate to 8% in the Western English Channel and 22% in this region and the North Sea. By comparison, the accuracy of similar chl a based production models was >250%. The applicability of the method to autonomous optical sensors and remotely sensed aircraft data in both coastal and estuarine environments is discussed.