38 resultados para H-2 PRODUCTION

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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Production rates and production/biomass ratios have been estimated for a large number of macrobenthic species (Hargrave, 1977; Robertson, 1979). The usefulness of such estimates is limited by a lack of information on their temporal and spatial stability; we are aware of only one study (Sarvala, 1980) in which production has been estimated for more than one year. The present study investigates the stability of the production (P), biomass (B) and P/B values of two polychaete species, Nephtys hombergi Savigny and Ampharete acutifrons (Grube), over a 5-year period.


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Results from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey for 1966 and 1967 are used to describe seasonal changes in abundance, size and aspects of the population structure of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and T. raschi (M. Sars) at a depth of 10 m in the North Sea and in American coastal waters from the Grand Banks to the Gulf of Maine. Production and dry weight were estimated from these data. Two year-groups were usually present in the breeding population, the proportion surviving into a second year being higher in American waters than in the North Sea. Annual production for each species was within the range 0.69 to 4.66 mg m-3 and the ratio between production and biomass (P:B) was between 1.3 and 4.2; values outside these ranges were obtained only for American coastal waters in 1967, when the frequency of sampling was low.


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Samples taken in the northern North Sea with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder (UOR) and the Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) during the Fladen Ground Experiment in 1976 (FLEX 76) are used to describe the vertical distribution and population dynamics of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and to provide estimates of the production and carbon budget of the population from 19th March to 3 June 1976. Spawning occurred in late April and early May, in near synchronisation with the start of the spring bloom of phytoplankton. Eggs, nauplii and calyptopes reached maximum abundance in succession, and furciliae were numerous when sampling ceased in early June. Adults increased in length from a mean of 12.1 mm in mid-March to 17.5 mm in early June and the estimated production was 2.40 mg m-3 over the 74 d period. Total carbon ingested by the population of T. inermis was estimated to be 10 mg C m-2 d-1 in the upper 100m which was only 1.5% of the daily primary production of 0.68 gC m-2 measured over the FLEX period 26 March to 4 June 1976. The grazing by T. inermis on the phytoplankton population was assumed to have little effect on the control and depletion of the spring phytoplankton bloom during FLEX 77.


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The uptake of 14C glucose by natural microbial populations has been studied in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, U.K.; the turbidity (suspended solids) in the estuary varied between < 5 mg · 1−1 at the seaward extremity to >800 mg · 1−1 in the estuary proper. The heterotrophic potential, Vm, was found to correlate with turbidity and particulate organic carbon but there was no correlation between microbial biomass, as assessed by plate counts, and turbidity or Vm; measurement of Vm ranged from 0.9 × 10−4 to 288 × 10−4μgC·1−1·h−1 and turnover time from <2 to >100 h. In 17 out of 42 experiments, the uptake of 14C glucose did not conform to Michaelis kinetics and in five of these experiments the data suggested that there may be a threshold of glucose concentration below which there is no uptake.


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Seasonal changes in the abundance, size and occurrence of furciliae of Euphausia krohni (Brandt), Nematoscelis megalops (G. O. Sars) and Thysanoessa gregaria G. O. Sars are described from samples taken at 10 m depth with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) over a period of 2 yr (January 1966 to December 1967) in the North Atlantic Ocean. E. krohni and T. gregaria were found to breed through most of the year but N. megalops bred only in spring and summer. Annual mean biomass was calculated directly from the data and production was estimated from published P:B ratios. The seasonal occurrences of E. brevis Hansen, E. hemigibba Hansen, E. mutica Hansen, E. tenera Hansen, Stylocheiron longicorne G. O. Sars, S. maximum Hansen, Thysanopoda acutifrons Holt and Tattershall and T. aequalis Hansen in the samples are described.


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Seasonal changes in abundance, size and aspects of the population structure of Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) are described from samples taken with the “Continuous Plankton Recorder” at 10 m depth over a 2 yr period (1966 and 1967) in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. M. norvegica lived for a maximum of just over 2 yr, and adults of both year-classes spawned during a limited breeding season in the spring or summer. N. couchi spawned over a prolonged breeding season, giving rise to a complex of cohorts with overlapping size ranges. It was concluded that 3 or 4 cohorts were spawned in each year and that the maximum life span was probably greater than 1 yr, although maturity may be attained in less than a year. Estimated annual production at 10 m depth for M. norvegica ranged from 0.80 to 18.74 mg m-3yr-1 and for N. couchi from 0.67 to 8.23 mg m-3yr-1. P:B ratios ranged from 1.3:1 to 6.3:1 for M. norvegica and 4.0:1 to 5.5:1 for N. couchi.


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1. The energy contributions of aerobic metabolism, phosphoarginine, ATP and octopine in the adductor muscles of P. magellanicus were examined during swimming and recovery. 2. A linear relationship was observed between the size of the phosphoarginine pool and the number of valve snaps. A linear increase in arginine occurred during the same period. 3. 3. Octopine was formed during the first few hours of recovery, particularly in the phasic muscle. 4. The restoration of the phosphoarginine pool appeared to be by aerobic metabolism. 5. It is concluded that the role of octopine formation is to supply energy when the tissues are anoxic and to operate at such a rate as to maintain the basal rate of energy production.


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The primary production in the Bristol Channel, U.K., was studied from 1973 to 1977: in this estuary, the euphotic zone extends from less than 0.5 m to greater than 10m and there is a large riverine input of inorganic nutrients. The standing stock of phytoplankton chlorophyll a was measured in 1973 and 1974 and was similar throughout the Bristol Channel but the rate of primary production was much greater where the water was less turbid. The estimated primary production was 6.8g C m−2 for the most turbid region and 164.9g C m−2 for the Outer Bristol Channel. A larger proportion of the annual primary production occurred in the spring in the Outer Channel than in the most turbid regions. Phaeocystis developed into blooms in some, but not all, years and exhibited a different light saturation curve to other phytoplankton populations. Serial incubations of short duration gave higher fixation rates than day-long incubations and it is argued that photoinhibition is probably insignificant in a mixed water column. Excretion rates of dissolved organic carbon by phytoplankton were always low.