54 resultados para Eastern question (Balkan)

em Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA)


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The main purpose of this paper is to provide the core description of the modelling exercise within the Shelf Edge Advection Mortality And Recruitment (SEAMAR) programme. An individual-based model (IBM) was developed for the prediction of year-to-year survival of the early life-history stages of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the eastern North Atlantic. The IBM is one of two components of the model system. The first component is a circulation model to provide physical input data for the IBM. The circulation model is a geographical variant of the HAMburg Shelf Ocean Model (HAMSOM). The second component is the IBM, which is an i-space configuration model in which large numbers of individuals are followed as discrete entities to simulate the transport, growth and mortality of mackerel eggs, larvae and post-larvae. Larval and post-larval growth is modelled as a function of length, temperature and food distribution; mortality is modelled as a function of length and absolute growth rate. Each particle is considered as a super-individual representing 10 super(6) eggs at the outset of the simulation, and then declining according to the mortality function. Simulations were carried out for the years 1998-2000. Results showed concentrations of particles at Porcupine Bank and the adjacent Irish shelf, along the Celtic Sea shelf-edge, and in the southern Bay of Biscay. High survival was observed only at Porcupine and the adjacent shelf areas, and, more patchily, around the coastal margin of Biscay. The low survival along the shelf-edge of the Celtic Sea was due to the consistently low estimates of food availability in that area.


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Spawning temperature preferences for sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the eastern North Atlantic were determined from field data. These were compared with climatological temperature cycles (1986-2002) derived from satellite data by geographical region, to predict spawning seasons. Optimum spawning temperatures were determined as 14.0-15.0oC from the English Channel to Portugal and 16.0–18.0oC for all north-west African regions. Spawning seasons were closely related to the general latitudinal trend of the annual temperature cycle, with modification by upwelling in the western Iberian and north-west African regions. Some differences between temperature-based spawning season predictions and field observations were related to variations in seasonal plankton production. Correlations in the annual time-series of favourable spawning temperatures suggested relatively strong linkages between the southern areas from Portugal to Senegal. There was no consistent relationship between annual variations in duration of temperature-predicted spawning seasons and observed field abundance of eggs.


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The North Sea ecosystem has recently undergone dramatic changes, observed as altered biomass of individual species spanning a range of life forms from algae to birds, with evidence for an approximate doubling in the abundance of both phytoplankton and benthos as part of a regime shift after 1987. Remarkably, these changes, in part recorded in the Phytoplankton Colour Index of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey, are notable as episodic shifts occurring in 1988/89 and 1998 imposed on a gradual decadal trend. These biological events are shown to be a response to coincident changes in oceanic input and water temperature. Geostrophic transports have been calculated from a hydrographic section across the Rockall Trough, and a time series of seasurface temperature derived from satellite observations. The 2 pulses of oceanic incursion into the North Sea in circa 1988 and 1998 coincided with strong northward advection of anomalously warm water at the edge of the continental shelf.


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Structure and climate of the east North Atlantic are appraised within a framework of in situ measurement and altimeter remote sensing from 0 degree - 60 degree N. Long zonal expendable bathythermograph /conductivity-temperature-depth probe sections show repeating internal structure in the North Atlantic Ocean. Drogued buoys and subsurface floats give westward speeds for eddies and wavelike structure. Records from longterm current meter deployments give the periodicity of the repeating structure. Eddy and wave characteristics of period, size or wavelength, westward propagation speed, and mean currents are derived at 20 degree N, 26 degree N, 32.5 degree N, 36 degree N and 48 degree N from in situ measurements in the Atlantic Ocean. It is shown that ocean wave and eddy-like features measured in situ correlate with altimeter structure. Interior ocean wave crests or cold dome-like temperature structures are cyclonic and have negative surface altimeter anomalies; mesoscale internal wave troughs or warm structures are anticyclonic and have positive surface height anomalies. Along the Eastern Boundary, flows and temperature climate are examined in terms of sla and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index. Longterm changes in ocean climate and circulation are derived from sla data. It is shown that longterm changes from 1992 to 2002 in the North Atlantic Current and the Subtropical Gyre transport determined from sla data correlate with winter NAO Index such that maximum flow conditions occurred in 1995 and 2000. Minimum circulation conditions occurred between 1996-1998. Years of extreme negative winter NAO Index result in enhanced poleward flow along the Eastern Boundary and anomalous winter warming along the West European Continental Slope as was measured in 1990, 1996, 1998 and 2001.


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Pipefish (Syngnathidae) have occurred with unprecedented frequency in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples to the west of the British Isles from 2003 to 2005. Identification by mtDNA sequencing established that they were snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreus. The geographical range of the records were from the outer continental shelf of the Celtic Sea and north-west of Ireland to the mid-Atlantic Ridge between 40° and 57°N, with the greatest abundance near the shelf edge and adjacent oceanic waters south of Ireland and west of Brittany. There were records in every month from February to November but most were in late spring and summer. A proposed mechanism for the increase in abundance of the species is that recent climate change has had beneficial impacts on the reproduction of adults and the survival of larvae and juveniles.


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Centropages chierchiae and Temora stylifera occurred rarely in the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey in the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea, and English Channel before 1988. By 2000 they were found frequently and in abundance. The seasonal cycles of abundance of these species differ, C. chierchiae occurring mainly in the summer while T. stylifera was found most frequently in late autumn or winter towards the northern limits of its distribution. The increase in abundance of both species is related to temperature. However, in the years when it was found in the samples, the frequency of occurrence of C. chierchiae was correlated positively with the strength of the shelf edge current and negatively with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) while the reverse was true for T. stylifera.


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A pinnotherid zoea taken in a plankton sample from the Selvagens Islands during the TFMCBM/SELVAGENS’2000 Cruise, organized by the Natural Sciences Museum of Tenerife (Canary Islands), differs from previously described zoeas of the family. The specimen has dorsal and lateral spines but no rostrum, a combination of characters not previously described from pinnotherid zoeas. The lateral spines originate behind the upper part of the eye, unlike all previously described Pinnotheridae zoeas where these spines, when present, originate near the ventrolateral margin of the carapace. The specimen is attributed to Afropinnotheres monodi, the only pinnotherid species known from the area with undescribed larvae.


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An overview of the main oceanographic features of the eastern North Atlantic boundary, with emphasis toward the upper layers, is presented. The principal features discussed are: water mass boundaries; forcing by wind, density and tides; topographic features and effects; fronts; upwelling and downwelling; poleward flows; coastal currents; eddies. The occurrence and spatial and seasonal variability of these features is described in five regional sections: Celtic Sea and western English Channel; Bay of Biscay; western Iberia; Gulf of Cadiz; northwest Africa. This paper is intended to provide a base of physical oceanographic knowledge in support of research in fisheries, biological and chemical oceanography, and marine biology.


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The distribution of the warm-water barnacle, Balanus perforatus, was surveyed along the south coast of England and the north-east coast of France between 1993 and 2001, repeating work carried out between the 1940s and 1960s. The species has recovered from catastrophic mortality during the severe winter of 1962–1963 and was found over 120 km (UK) and 190 km (France) east of previous records on both sides of the Channel. The presence of the species in the eastern Channel refutes suggestions in the 1950s that larvae, and hence adults, would not be found east of the Isle of Wight because of reproductive sterility close to the limits of distribution. Brooding of specimens translocated to Bembridge, Isle of Wight, commenced in May, earlier than previously observed in British waters, and continued until September. The stage of embryo development at Bembridge in mid-August was comparable to that of the large population at Lyme Regis, Dorset 100 km further west. However the size of brood per standard body weight was greater at Lyme Regis. Factors influencing the rate of colonization and further geographic range extension of the species as a possible result of climate change, are discussed.