131 resultados para Copepod parasites


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A new species of the planktonic copepod Tortanus (Atortus) (Calanoida: Tortanidae), T. (A.) magnonyx is described from Seychelles, Mauritius and Madagascar. This is the sixth species of the Indian Ocean recticauda species group, of the Indo-West Pacific recticauda species complex, that has been described from the western Indian Ocean. The inshore areas where these copepods are found have been poorly surveyed, so the number of species found implies a high diversity.


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A new species of the copepod genus Tortanus (Atortus) (Copepoda: Calanoida), T. (A.) insularis, is described from the coastal region of Rodrigues Island, Mauritius, an isolated island in the south-western Indian Ocean. This new species can be assigned to an Indian element, the recticauda species group, in the Indo-West Pacific recticauda species complex. It exhibits the closest relationship to T. (A.) recticauda recorded from the southern Red Sea and Arabian Gulf, rather than the more closely distributed T. (A.) capensis, recorded from off South Africa.


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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the whole plankton community was investigated in the central and coastal Irish Sea. Generally, more than 60% of the plankton did not perform significant DVM. A correlation analysis of the weighted mean depths of different organisms and their potential predators suggested relationships between two groups, Oithona spp., copepod nauplii and fish larvae, and between Pseudocalanus elongatus, Calanus spp. and chaetognaths. The organisms showing significant DVM were chaetognaths (Sagitta spp.), Calanus spp. and P. elongatus. Calanus spp. showed clear ontogenic variations in DVM, and along with P. elongatus demonstrated great flexibility both in the amplitude and direction of migration. P. elongatus did not migrate in the coastal area and Calanus spp. showed a clear reverse migration. The direction of migration appeared to be related to the vertical position of the chaetognaths in the water column during the day.


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The performance of four common estimators of diversity are investigated using calanoid copepod data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey. The region of the North Atlantic and the North Sea was divided into squares of 400 nautical miles for each 2-month period. For each 144 possible cases, Pielou's pooled quadrat method was performed with the aims of determining asymptotic diversity and investigating the CPR sample-size dependence of diversity estimators. It is shown that the performance of diversity indices may greatly vary in space and time (at a seasonal scale). This dependence is more pronounced in higher diverse environments and when the sample size is small. Despite results showing that all estimators underestimate the `actual' diversity, comparison of sites remained reliable from a few pooled CPR samples. Using more than one CPR sample, the Gini coefficient appears to be a better diversity estimator than any other indices and spatial or temporal comparisons are highly satisfactory. In situations where comparative studies are needed but only one CPR sample is available, taxonomic richness was the preferred method of estimating diversity. Recommendations are proposed to maximise the efficiency of diversity estimations with the CPR data.


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We review current knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of the calanoid copepod Calanus helgolandicus in European waters, as well as provide a collaborative synthesis of data from 18 laboratories and 26 sampling stations in areas distributed from the northern North Sea to the Aegean and Levantine Seas. This network of zooplankton time-series stations has enabled us to collect and synthesise seasonal and multi-annual data on abundance, body size, fecundity, hatching success and vertical distribution of C. helgolandicus. An aim was to enable comparison with its congener Calanus finmarchicus, which has been studied intensively as a key component of European and north east Atlantic marine ecosystems. C. finmarchicus is known to over-winter at depth, whereas the life-cycle of C. helgolandicus is less well understood. Overwintering populations of C. helgolandicus have been observed off the Atlantic coast between 400 and 800 m, while in the Mediterranean there is evidence of significant deep-water populations at depths as great as 4200 m. The biogeographical distribution of C. helgolandicus in European coastal waters covers a wide range of habitats, from open ocean to coastal environments, and its contribution to mesozooplankton biomass ranges from 6% to 93%. Highest abundances were recorded in the Adriatic and off the west coast of Spain. C. helgolandicus is generally found in 9-20 C water, with maximum abundances from 13-17 C. In contrast, C. finmarchicus is found in cooler water between 0 and 15 C, with peak abundances from 0 to 9 C. As water has warmed in the North Atlantic over recent decades, the range of C. helgolandicus and its abundance on the fringes of its expanding range have increased. This review will facilitate development of population models of C. helgolandicus. This will not only help answer remaining questions but will improve our ability to forecast future changes, in response to a warming climate, in the abundance and distribution of this important species.


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A modelling scheme is described which uses satellite retrieved sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a to derive monthly zooplankton biomass estimates in the eastern North Atlantic; this forms part of a bio-physical model of inter-annual variations in the growth and survival of larvae and post-larvae of mackerel (Scomber scombrus). The temperature and chlorophyll data are incorporated first to model copepod (Calanus) egg production rates. Egg production is then converted to available food using distribution data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, observed population biomass per unit daily egg production and the proportion of the larval mackerel diet comprising Calanus. Results are validated in comparison with field observations of zooplankton biomass. The principal benefit of the modelling scheme is the ability to use the combination of broad scale coverage and fine scale temporal and spatial variability of satellite data as driving forces in the model; weaknesses are the simplicity of the egg production model and the broad-scale generalizations assumed in the raising factors to convert egg production to biomass.


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A study was carried out in June/July 1996 in the River Po outflow in the northern Adriatic to investigate spawning of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and survival of larvae in relation to food availability and wind mixing. Hydrographic- and bongo net sampling was carried out on 2 grid surveys; one after a period of low winds and settled weather, and the other after an intervening period of strong winds, which resulted in a decrease in water column stratification. The spawning areas of anchovy and the larval distributions were associated with the river outflow plume (most clearly on the second survey grid, after the period of higher winds). Potential food particles for anchovy larvae, primarily copepod nauplii and copepodite stages, were also concentrated in the area influenced by the river outflow. Although there was a nearly 50% reduction in the mean water column abundance of potential food particles between the 2 survey grids, mostly due to a decline in abundance outside the immediate river plume area, there was no significant change in mortality of anchovy larvae between the 2 grids; the exponential decline in numbers of eggs and larvae to 10 mm in length being equivalent to overall mortality rates of 43.2%/d on the first survey and 44.7%/d on the second. The resilience of larval survival under potentially less favourable feeding conditions, following the period of wind mixing, was ascribed, in part, to the maintenance of local water column stratification by the superficial low salinity input from the River Po. This stratification in the immediate outflow area was associated with the presence of concentrated layers of potential food particles (typically >50 particles/L and 1.5 to 2.8 times the mean water column abundance) in the upper 10 m of the water column, coincident with peak numbers of anchovy larvae. However, since there was no evidence for lower larval survival in areas, less influenced by the immediate river outflow plume, a simple direct relationship between enhanced water column stability, improved feeding conditions and larval survival was not supported.


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Recently, large-scale changes in the biogeography of calanoid copepod crustaceans have been detected in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Strong biogeographical shifts in all copepod assemblages were found with a northward extension of more than ° in latitude of warm-water species associated with a decrease in the number of colder-water species. These changes were attributed to regional increase in sea surface temperature. Here, we have extended these studies to examine long-term changes in phytoplankton, zooplankton and salmon in relation to hydro-meteorological forcing in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. We found highly significant relationships between (1) long-term changes in all three trophic levels, (2) sea surface temperature in the northeastern Atlantic, (3) Northern Hemisphere temperature and (4) the North Atlantic Oscillation. The similarities detected between plankton, salmon, temperature and hydro-climatic parameters are also seen in their cyclical variability and in a stepwise shift that started after a pronounced increase in Northern Hemisphere Temperature anomalies at the end of the 1970s. All biological variables show a pronounced change which started after circa 1982 for euphausiids (decline), 1984 for the total abundance of small copepods (increase), 1986 for phytoplankton biomass (increase) and Calanus finmarchicus (decrease) and 1988 for salmon (decrease). This cascade of biological events led to an exceptional period, which is identified after 1986 to present and followed another shift in large-scale hydro-climatic variables and sea surface temperature. This regional temperature increase therefore appears to be an important parameter that is at present governing the dynamic equilibrium of northeast Atlantic pelagic ecosystems with possible consequences for biogeochemical processes and fisheries.


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Trends in basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) fishery catches off Achill Island, west Ireland between 1949 and 1975 were examined in relation to zooplankton (total copepod) abundance in four adjacent sea areas over a 27-year period. The numbers of basking sharks caught and copepod abundance showed downward trends and were positively correlated (r-value range, 0.44–0.74). A possible explanation for the downward trend in shark catches was that progressively fewer basking sharks occurred there between 1956 and 1975 because fewer copepods, their food resource, occurred near the surface off west Ireland over the same period. We suggest that the decline in basking sharks may have been due to a distributional shift of sharks to more productive areas, rather than a highly philopatric, localized stock that was over-exploited.


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Using data from the CPR survey seven case studies are described that document different spatial and temporal responses in the plankton to hydroclimatic events. Long-term trends in the plankton of the eastern Atlantic and the North Sea over the last five decades are examined. Two of the examples revisit correlations that have been described between copepod abundance in the eastern Atlantic and North Sea and indices of atmospheric variability, the North Atlantic Oscillation index and the Gulf Stream North Wall index. Evidence for an increase in levels of Phytoplankton Colour (a visual index of chlorophyll) on the eastern and western sides of the Atlantic is presented. Changes in three trophic levels and in the hydrodynamics and chemistry of the North Sea circa 1988 are outlined as a regime shift. Two of the case studies emphasise the importance of variability in oceanic advection into shelf seas and the role of western and eastern margin currents at the shelf edge. The plankton appear to be integrating hydrometeorological signals and reflecting basin scale changes in circulation of surface, intermediate and deep waters in part associated with the NAO. The extent to which climatic variability may be contributing to the observed changes in the plankton is discussed with a forecast of potential future ecosystem effects in a climate change scenario.


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has sampled regularly in the Northwest Atlantic since the early 1960s. Over the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in the abundance of a number of arctic boreal plankton species, notably Calanus hyperboreus (Kroyer), Calanus glacialis (Jaschnov), and Ceratium arcticum, and a southerly shift of the copepod C. hyperboreus in the CPR survey. In 1998, C. hyperboreus was recorded at its farthest position south in the survey, 39 degrees N, off the Georges Bank shelf edge. Other studies have reported similar parallel biological responses on three trophic levels. During the late 1990s, production of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) has been at a high, a direct response to the phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The increase in abundance of these species, up to four standard deviations from the long-term mean, is linked to variability in the hydrography of the area and the driving climatic processes of the North Atlantic.


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The mesozooplankton taken in continuous plankton recorder samples from the Central North Sea has changed from being numerically dominated by holoplanktonic calanoid copepod species from 1958 to the late 1970s to a situation where pluteus larvae of echinoid and ophiuroid echinoderms have been more abundant than any single holoplanktonic species in the 1980s and early 1990s. The abundance of the echinoderm larvae as a proportion of the zooplankton taken in the samples has followed a continuous increasing trend over the Dogger Bank, but off the eastern coast of northern England and southern Scotland the increase did not become obvious until the 1980s. This trend is consistent with reported increases in abundance of the macrobenthos. It is proposed that changes in the benthos have influenced the composition of the plankton.


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The digestion of natural, mainly crustacean zooplankton, by different age groups of turbot Scophthalmus maximus larvae was evaluated by comparisons of visual appearance, dry weight and carbon and nitrogen content of fresh food organisms with material recovered from faeces. Visually, the degree of digestion of food particles ranged from no discernible change of lamellibranch larvae, copepod eggs, intact copepod faecal pellets and some phytoplankton species, to varying degrees of removal of body constituents in copepods, cladocerans and decapod zoea. For crustaceans, the proportion of body constituents removed was related to the size and construction of their apparently indigestible exoskeleton. Uppon defaecation larger organisms showed the greatest percentage loss in dry weight and carbon. A high percentage of nitrogen was extracted from all organisms.


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Measurements of population growth, generation time, fecundity and respiration in laboratory culture have been made, in relation to temperature and salinity, for the nematode Diplolaimelloides bruciei Hopper, a species normally associated with decayed material of the marsh grass Spartina. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) is high: it is related to temperature between 5° and 25°C by a sigmoid function which is steepest between 10° and 15°C, and is maximum at 26‰ salinity. Generation time is related to temperature by a power function and is shortest at 26‰ salinity. The effect of temperature on generation time is consistent with other data for marine nematodes, and the steep slope of r against temperature is largely due to the marked effect of temperature on fecundity. A sex ratio of 2:1 in favour of males is maintained regardless of culture conditions or population density. Respiration increases exponentially with temperature between 5° and 25°C, with a very high Q10 (3.94), but is not affected by salinity. At 30°C respiration is no higher than at 25°C. A high and relatively stable production efficiency (P/A) is maintained between 10 and 30°C with a maximum of 87% at 15°C; there is a stable reproductive effort (Pr/A) of about 10%. At 5°C both these ratios are zero. Data for the harpacticoid copepod Tachidius discipes, derived from the literature, show that this too has a high and stable production efficiency, which may be a characteristic of meiofaunal species in general, but in this species efficiency is relatively high at 5°C. Many features of the energy balance in D. bruciei can be related to an opportunistic mode of life.


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Samples taken in the northern North Sea with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder (UOR), the Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) and by our colleagues from other participating Institutes during the Fladen Ground Experiment (FLEX 76) were used to describe the vertical distribution and population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus (Gunnerus) and to provide estimates of the production and carbon budget of the population from 19 March to 3 June, 1976. Total production of the 19 March to 3 June, 1976. Total production of the nauplii and copepodite stages (including adults), during the exponential growth phase in May, was estimated to be in the range of 0.49 to 0.91 g C m-2 d-1 or 29.0 to 55 g dry wt m-2 (14.5 to 27.8 g C m-2) for the three successive 10 d periods in May. Two gross growth efficiencies (K 1) (20 and 34%), together with the lower value of C. finmarchicus production, were used to calculate the gross ingestion levels of algae as 2.45 and 1.44 g C m-2 d-1 (73.5 and 43.2 g C m-2 over the May period). These ingestion levels, together with the algae ingested by other zooplankton species, are greater than the estimated total phytoplankton production of 45.9 g C m-2 over the FLEX period. A number of factors are discussed which could explain the discrepancies between the production estimates. One suggestion is that the vertical distribution of the development stages of this herbivorous copepod and their diel and ontogenetic migration patterns enable it to efficiently exploit its food source. Data from the FLEX experiment indicated that the depletion of nutrients limited the size of the spring bloom, but that it was the grazing pressure exerted by C. finmarchicus which was responsible for the control and depletion of the phytoplankton in the spring of 1976 in the northern North Sea.