18 resultados para Underwater pipelines.
Nursery areas for juvenile fishes are often important for determining recruitment in marine populations by providing habitats that can maximize growth and thereby minimize mortality. Pacific ocean perch (POP, Sebastes alutus) have an extended juvenile period where they inhabit rocky nursery habitats. We examined POP nursery areas to link growth potential to recruitment. Juvenile POP were captured from nursery areas in 2004 and 2008, and estimated growth rates ranged from −0.19 to 0.60 g day−1 based on differences in size between June and August. Predicted growth rates from a bioenergetics model ranged from 0.05 to 0.49 g day−1 and were not significantly different than observed. Substrate preferences and the distribution of their preferred habitats were utilized to predict the extent of juvenile POP nursery habitat in the Gulf of Alaska. Based on densities of fish observed on underwater video transects and the spatial extent of nursery areas, we predicted 278 and 290 million juvenile POP were produced in 2004 and 2008. Growth potential for juvenile POP was reconstructed using the bioenergetics model, spring zooplankton bloom timing and duration and bottom water temperature for 1982–2008. When a single outlying recruitment year in 1986 was removed, growth potential experienced by juvenile POP in nursery areas was significantly correlated to the recruitment time-series from the stock assessment, explaining ∼30% of the variability. This research highlights the potential to predict recruitment using habitat-based methods and provides a potential mechanism for explaining some of the POP recruitment variability observed for this population.
Both solar irradiance and primary production have been proposed as independent controls on seawater dimethyl sulphide (DMS) and dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations. However, irradiance also drives photosynthesis, and thus influences a complex set of inter-related processes that modulate marine DMS. We investigate the potential inter-relationships between the rate of primary production (carbon assimilation), water-attenuated irradiance and DMS/DMSP dynamics by applying correlation analysis to a high resolution, concurrently sampled in situ data set from a range of latitudes covering multiple biogeochemical provinces from 3 of the 4 Longhurst biogeochemical domains. The combination of primary production (PP) and underwater irradiance (Iz) within a multivariate regression model is able to explain 55% of the variance in DMS concentrations from all depths within the euphotic zone and 66% of the variance in surface DMS concentrations. Contrary to some previous studies we find a variable representing biological processes is necessary to better account for the variance in DMS. We find that the inclusion of Iz accounts for variance in DMS that is independent from the variance explained by PP. This suggests an important role for solar irradiance (beyond the influence of irradiance upon primary production) in mediating the relationship between the productivity of the ecosystem, DMS/DMSP production and ambient seawater DMS concentrations.
An autonomous underwater vehicle (Seaglider) has been used to estimate marine primary production (PP) using a combination of irradiance and fluorescence vertical profiles. This method provides estimates for depth-resolved and temporally evolving PP on fine spatial scales in the absence of ship-based calibrations. We describe techniques to correct for known issues associated with long autonomous deployments such as sensor calibration drift and fluorescence quenching. Comparisons were made between the Seaglider, stable isotope (13C), and satellite estimates of PP. The Seaglider-based PP estimates were comparable to both satellite estimates and stable isotope measurements.