29 resultados para Student records


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Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.


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Rates of population increase in early spring and the sizes of overwintering stocks were calculated for the planktonic copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus and Acartia clausi for a set of areas covering the open waters of the north-east Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea for the period 1948 to 1979. For both species, the rates of population increase were higher in the open ocean than in the North Sea and appear to be related to temperature. The overwintering stocks in the North Sea were larger than those in the open ocean and are probably related to phytoplanton concentration. P. elongatus shows higher overwintering stocks and lower rates of population increase than A. clausi, resulting in different levels of persistence in the stocks of the two species. It is suggested that this difference in persistence is responsible for differences between the two species with respect to geographical distribution in summer and different patterns of year-to-year fluctuations in abundance.


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Year-to-year fluctuations in the abundance of phytoplankton in the North-East Atlantic and the North Sea for the period 1958 to 1980 are described. Based on similarities between their annual fluctuations in abundance, the taxa may be divided into two groups, one of 12 species of diatoms and 1 species of Ceratium, the other of 5 species of Ceratium. The annual fluctuations in abundance of the Ceratium group is negatively correlated with a component of sea surface temperature (representing changes in the open ocean) and with the frequency of cyclonic weather over the United Kingdom. The Diatom group shows very similar annual fluctuations to those of most of the zooplankton species. Both groups show a high ·proportion of long wavelength variability in the form of a more less linear downward trend in abundance over the whole period. There is evidence to suggest that the high proportion of long wavelength variability shown by the zooplankton is influenced by inherent persistence in stocks from year-to year. The phytoplankton show little or no persistence. The close relationship between zooplankton and phytoplankton may, therefore, involve feed-back through nutrient recycling so influencing the annual levels of abundance of phytoplankton.


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Time-series of annual means of abundance of zooplankton of the north-east Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, for the period 1948 to 1977, show considerable associations between successive years. The seasonal dynamics of the stocks appear to be consistent with at least a proportion of this being due to inherent persistence from year-to-year. Experiments with a simple model suggest that the observed properties of the time-series cannot be reproduced as a response to simple random forcing. The extent of trends and long wavelength variations can be simulated by introducing fairly extensive persistence into the perturbations, but this underestimates the extent of shorter wavelength variability in the observed time-series. The effect of persistence is to increase the proportion of trend and long wavelength variability in time-series of annual means, but stocks can respond to short wavelength perturbations provided these have a clearly defined frequency.


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Observations of Earth from space have been made for over 40 years and have contributed to advances in many aspects of climate science. However, attempts to exploit this wealth of data are often hampered by a lack of homogeneity and continuity and by insufficient understanding of the products and their uncertainties. There is, therefore, a need to reassess and reprocess satellite datasets to maximize their usefulness for climate science. The European Space Agency has responded to this need by establishing the Climate Change Initiative (CCI). The CCI will create new climate data records for (currently) 13 essential climate variables (ECVs) and make these open and easily accessible to all. Each ECV project works closely with users to produce time series from the available satellite observations relevant to users' needs. A climate modeling users' group provides a climate system perspective and a forum to bring the data and modeling communities together. This paper presents the CCI program. It outlines its benefit and presents approaches and challenges for each ECV project, covering clouds, aerosols, ozone, greenhouse gases, sea surface temperature, ocean color, sea level, sea ice, land cover, fire, glaciers, soil moisture, and ice sheets. It also discusses how the CCI approach may contribute to defining and shaping future developments in Earth observation for climate science.


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Decapoda taken in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples from the Pacific in 1997 and 2000-2003 have been identified and measured. Some previously un-described larval stages were referred to species and characteristics of these are described. Distributions and seasonal occurrence of decapod taxa in the samples are described and discussed with particular emphasis on the dendrobranchiate shrimp Sergestes similis and the brachyurans Cancer spp. And Chionoecetes spp. There is a prolonged larval season at low levels of abundance off the Californian coast but in the more northern waters there is a shorter productive period but numbers of larvae per sample are high, particularly in June. Larvae of Chionoecetes and other Oregoninae were found only from May to July.


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The Bulletins in this volume, except the last, deal entirely with the results of this expanded survey of 1938 and 1939. They show for the first time, month by month, the main changes in the plankton over practically the whole of the North Sea for a year and eight months. They form an important basis for comparison with the results of the post-war survey, revived on an even more extensive scale and to be described in later volumes.


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The present contribution reports on the capture of two adult male specimens of the Asian/Japanese shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (de Haan, 1835) from Glamorgan, south Wales and Kent, southern England. These represent the first records of this species from mainland Great Britain.