28 resultados para EDIcat5-DSR


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The composition and distribution of phytoplankton assemblages around the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula were studied during two summer cruises (February/March 2008 and 2009). Water samples were collected for HPLC/CHEMTAX pigment and microscopic analysis. A great spatial variability in chlorophyll a (Chl a) was observed in the study area: highest levels in the vicinity of the James Ross Island (exceeding 7 mg m−3 in 2009), intermediate values (0.5 to 2 mg m−3) in the Bransfield Strait, and low concentrations in the Weddell Sea and Drake Passage (below 0.5 mg m−3). Phytoplankton assemblages were generally dominated by diatoms, especially at coastal stations with high Chl a concentration, where diatom contribution was above 90% of total Chl a. Nanoflagellates, such as cryptophytes and/or Phaeocystis antarctica, replaced diatoms in open-ocean areas (e.g., Weddell Sea). Many species of peridinin-lacking autotrophic dinoflagellates (e.g., Gymnodinium spp.) were also important to total Chl a biomass at well-stratified stations of Bransfield Strait. Generally, water column structure was the most important environmental factor determining phytoplankton communities’ biomass and distribution. The HPLC pigment data also allowed the assessment of different physiological responses of phytoplankton to ambient light variation. The present study provides new insights about the dynamics of phytoplankton in an undersampled region of the Southern Ocean highly susceptible to global climate change.


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Various methods have been proposed to estimate the size structure of phytoplankton in situ , each exhibiting limitations and advantages. Two common approaches are size-fractionated filtration (SFF) and analysis of pigments derived from High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and yet these two techniques have rarely been compared. In this paper, size-fractionated chlorophylls for pico- (View the MathML source<2μm), nano- (View the MathML source2–20μm) and micro-phytoplankton (View the MathML source>20μm) were estimated independently from concurrent measurements of HPLC and SFF data collected along Atlantic Meridional Transect cruises. Three methods for estimating size-fractionated chlorophyll from HPLC data were tested. Size-fractionated chlorophylls estimated from HPLC and SFF data were significantly correlated, with HPLC data explaining between 40 and 88% of the variability in the SFF data. However, there were significant biases between the two methods, with HPLC methods overestimating nanoplankton chlorophyll and underestimating picoplankton chlorophyll when compared with SFF. Uncertainty in both HPLC and SFF data makes it difficult to ascertain which is more reliable. Our results highlight the importance of using multiple methods when determining the size-structure of phytoplankton in situ, to reduce uncertainty and facilitate interpretation of data.


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The Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese Margin (NE Atlantic) was sampled during spring-summer for three consecutive years (2005–2007), permitting the first inter-annual study of the meiofaunal communities at the Iberian Margin at two abyssal depths (~3500 m and ~4400 m). Using new and already published data, the meiofauna standing stocks (abundance and biomass) and nematode structural and functional diversity were investigated in relation to the sediment biogeochemistry (e.g. organic carbon, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, phaeopigments) and grain size. A conspicuous increase in sand content from 2005 to 2006 and decrease of phytodetritus at both sites, suggested the occurrence of one or more physical disturbance events. Nematode standing stocks and trophic diversity decreased after these events, seemingly followed by a recovery/recolonisation period in 2007, which was strongly correlated with an increase in the quantity and bioavailability of phytodetrital organic matter supplied. Changes in meiofauna assemblages, however, also differed between stations, likely because of the contrasting hydrodynamic and food supply conditions. Higher meiofauna and nematode abundances, biomass and trophic complexity were found at the shallowest canyon station, where the quantity, quality and bioavailability of food material were higher than at the deeper site. The present results suggest that even though inter-annual variations in the sedimentary environment can regulate the meiofauna in the abyssal Nazaré Canyon, heterogeneity between sampling locations in the canyon were more pronounced.


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The measurement of phytoplankton carbon (Cphyto) in the field has been a long-sought but elusive goal in oceanography. Proxy measurements of Cphyto have been employed in the past, but are subject to many confounding influences that undermine their accuracy. Here we report the first directly measured Cphyto values from the open ocean. The Cphyto samples were collected from a diversity of environments, ranging from Pacific and Atlantic oligotrophic gyres to equatorial upwelling systems to temperate spring conditions. When compared to earlier proxies, direct measurements of Cphyto exhibit the strongest relationship with particulate backscattering coefficients (bbp) (R2=0.69). Chlorophyll concentration and total particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration accounted for ~20% less variability in Cphyto than bbp. Ratios of Cphyto to Chl a span an order of magnitude moving across and within distinct ecosystems. Similarly, Cphyto:POC ratios were variable with the lowest values coming from productive temperate waters and the highest from oligotrophic gyres. A strong relationship between Cphyto and bbp is particularly significant because bbp is a property retrievable from satellite ocean color measurements. Our results, therefore, are highly encouraging for the global monitoring of phytoplankton biomass from space. The continued application of our Cphyto measurement approach will enable validation of satellite retrievals and contribute to an improved understanding of environmental controls on phytoplankton biomass and physiology.


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Surface pigment data from a transect along the eastern boundary of the Atlantic Ocean was analysed using CHEMTAX to yield more detailed information on the composition of phytoplankton communities. Total chlorophyll a concentrations varied from 0.03 mg m(-3) in a northern oligotrophic region to 30.3 mg m(-3) in the Benguela ecosystem. Diatoms dominated the Benguela, while both diatoms and haptophytes were the major groups in the Canary ecosystem and the temperate NE Atlantic. Prochlorococcus was the most prominent group in the southern oligotrophic region (15.5 degrees S-15 degrees N) although haptophytes were also a significant component of the population. In contrast, haptophytes dominated the northern oligotrophic region (21 degrees-40 degrees N). Photo-pigment indices indicated that chlorophyll b was mainly associated with prasinophytes and chlorophyll c with diatoms. Elevated photosynthetic carotenoids were due to increased proportions of haptophytes, but also linked with diatoms and dinoflagellates. Photoprotective carotenoids were more prominently associated with Prochlorococcus and to a lesser extent to Synechococcus.


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Surface pigment data from a transect along the eastern boundary of the Atlantic Ocean was analysed using CHEMTAX to yield more detailed information on the composition of phytoplankton communities. Total chlorophyll a concentrations varied from 0.03 mg m(-3) in a northern oligotrophic region to 30.3 mg m(-3) in the Benguela ecosystem. Diatoms dominated the Benguela, while both diatoms and haptophytes were the major groups in the Canary ecosystem and the temperate NE Atlantic. Prochlorococcus was the most prominent group in the southern oligotrophic region (15.5 degrees S-15 degrees N) although haptophytes were also a significant component of the population. In contrast, haptophytes dominated the northern oligotrophic region (21 degrees-40 degrees N). Photo-pigment indices indicated that chlorophyll b was mainly associated with prasinophytes and chlorophyll c with diatoms. Elevated photosynthetic carotenoids were due to increased proportions of haptophytes, but also linked with diatoms and dinoflagellates. Photoprotective carotenoids were more prominently associated with Prochlorococcus and to a lesser extent to Synechococcus.