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Seasonal and inter-annual variations in phytoplankton community abundance in the Bay of Biscay are studied. Preliminarily processed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to yield normalized water-leaving radiance and the top-of-the-atmosphere solar radiance, Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) data are further supplied to our dedicated retrieval algorithms to infer the sought for parameters. By applying the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data, the surface reflection coefficient in the only band in the visible spectrum is derived and employed for analysis. Decadal bridged time series of variations of diatom-dominated phytoplankton and green dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum within the shelf zone and the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in the pelagic area of the Bay are documented and analysed in terms of impacts of some biogeochemical and geophysical forcing factors.


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The absorption spectra of phytoplankton in the visible domain hold implicit information on the phytoplankton community structure. Here we use this information to retrieve quantitative information on phytoplankton size structure by developing a novel method to compute the exponent of an assumed power-law for their particle-size spectrum. This quantity, in combination with total chlorophyll-a concentration, can be used to estimate the fractional concentration of chlorophyll in any arbitrarily-defined size class of phytoplankton. We further define and derive expressions for two distinct measures of cell size of mixed. populations, namely, the average spherical diameter of a bio-optically equivalent homogeneous population of cells of equal size, and the average equivalent spherical diameter of a population of cells that follow a power-law particle-size distribution. The method relies on measurements of two quantities of a phytoplankton sample: the concentration of chlorophyll-a, which is an operational index of phytoplankton biomass, and the total absorption coefficient of phytoplankton in the red peak of visible spectrum at 676 nm. A sensitivity analysis confirms that the relative errors in the estimates of the exponent of particle size spectra are reasonably low. The exponents of phytoplankton size spectra, estimated for a large set of in situ data from a variety of oceanic environments (similar to 2400 samples), are within a reasonable range; and the estimated fractions of chlorophyll in pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton are generally consistent with those obtained by an independent, indirect method based on diagnostic pigments determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. The estimates of cell size for in situ samples dominated by different phytoplankton types (diatoms, prymnesiophytes, Prochlorococcus, other cyanobacteria and green algae) yield nominal sizes consistent with the taxonomic classification. To estimate the same quantities from satellite-derived ocean-colour data, we combine our method with algorithms for obtaining inherent optical properties from remote sensing. The spatial distribution of the size-spectrum exponent and the chlorophyll fractions of pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton estimated from satellite remote sensing are in agreement with the current understanding of the biogeography of phytoplankton functional types in the global oceans. This study contributes to our understanding of the distribution and time evolution of phytoplankton size structure in the global oceans.


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This study is an integrated overview of pigment and microscopic analysis of phytoplankton communities throughout the Mozambican coast. Collected samples revealed notable patterns of phytoplankton occurrence and distribution, with community structure changing between regions and sample depth. Pigment data showed Delagoa Bight, Sofala Bank and Angoche as the most productive regions throughout the sampled area. In general, micro-sized phytoplankton, particularly diatoms, were important contributors to biomass both at surface and sub-surface maximum (SSM) samples, although were almost absent in the northern stations. In contrast, nano- and pico-sized phytoplankton revealed opposing patterns. Picophytoplankton were most abundant at surface, as opposed to nanophytoplankton, which were more abundant at the SSM. Microphytoplankton were associated with cooler southern water masses, while picophytoplankton were related to warmer northern water masses. Nanophytoplankton were found to increase their contribution to biomass with increasing SSM. Microscopy information on the genera and species level revealed the diatoms Chaetoceros spp., Proboscia alata, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Cylindrotheca closterium and Hemiaulus haukii as the most abundant taxa of the micro-sized phytoplankton. Discosphaera tubifera and Emiliania huxleyi were the most abundant coccolithophores, nano-sized phytoplankton.


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Regenerated production (including organic nitrogen) is shown here to be important in the Ria de Vigo (Galicia, NW Iberia) in supporting both harmful algal bloom communities during the downwelling season, but also (to a lesser extent) diatom communities during stratified periods of weak to moderate upwelling. The Galician Rias, situated in the Iberian upwelling system, are regularly affected by blooms of toxic dinoflagellates, which pose serious threats to the local mussel farming industry. These tend to occur towards the end of summer, during the transition from upwelling to downwelling favourable seasons, when cold bottom shelf waters in the rias are replaced by warm surface shelf waters. Nitrate, ammonium and urea uptake rates were measured in the Ria de Vigo during a downwelling event in September 2006 and during an upwelling event in June 2007. In September the ria was well mixed, with a downwelling front observed towards the middle of the ria and relatively high nutrient concentrations (1.0-2.6 mu mol L-1 nitrate; 1.0-5.6 mu mol L-1 ammonium; 0.1-0.8 mu mol L-1 phosphate; 2.0-9.0 mu mol L-1 silicic acid) were present throughout the water column. Ammonium represented more than 80% of the nitrogenous nutrients, and the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by dinoflagellates and small flagellates. In June the water column was stratified, with nutrient-rich, upwelled water below the thermocline and warm, nutrient-depleted water in the surface. At this time, nitrate represented more than 80% of the nitrogenous nutrients, and a mixed diatom assemblage was present. Primary phytoplankton production during both events was mainly sustained by regenerated nitrogen, with ammonium uptake rates of 0.035-0.063 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in September and 0.078-0.188 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in June. Although f-ratios were generally low (<0.2) in both June and September, a maximum of 0.61 was reached in June due to higher nitrate uptake (0.225 mu mol N L-1 h(-1)). Total nitrogen uptake was also higher during the upwelling event (0.153-0.366 in June and 0.053-0.096 mu mol N L-1 h(-1) in September). Nitrogen uptake kinetics demonstrated a strong preference for ammonium and urea over nitrate in June.


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Understanding the mechanisms that maintain biodiversity is a fundamental problem in ecology. Competition is thought to reduce diversity, but hundreds of microbial aquatic primary producers species coexist and compete for a few essential resources (e.g., nutrients and light). Here, we show that resource competition is a plausible mechanism for explaining clumpy distribution on individual species volume (a proxy for the niche) of estuarine phytoplankton communities ranging from North America to South America and Europe, supporting the Emergent Neutrality hypothesis. Furthermore, such a clumpy distribution was also observed throughout the Holocene in diatoms from a sediment core. A Lotka-Volterra competition model predicted position in the niche axis and functional affiliation of dominant species within and among clumps. Results support the coexistence of functionally equivalent species in ecosystems and indicate that resource competition may be a key process to shape the size structure of estuarine phytoplankton, which in turn drives ecosystem functioning.


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Inter-annual variability in the timing of phytoplankton spring bloom and phytoplankton community structure in the central North Atlantic Ocean was quantified using ocean color data and continuous plankton recorder (CPR) data. This variability was related to the North Atlantic Oscillation using correlation analysis and multivariate auto-regression models. The initiation of the spring bloom derived from CPR phytoplankton color index data is similar to that derived from satellite chlorophyll, and exhibits a nominal correlation with the sea surface temperature (SST) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The extrapolated spring bloom timing suggested later initiation of blooms in the mid-1980s and earlier initiation of blooms in the 1990s. The climatological phytoplankton community structure in the central North Atlantic is dominated by diatoms, except for a shift in community composition favoring dinoflagellates in August. The ratio of diatoms to total phytoplankton abundance and the ratio of dinoflagellates to total phytoplankton abundance are both closely correlated with the NAO and SST. The extended time series of phytoplankton community structure between 1985 and 2009, deduced from the time series of SST and NAO over the same interval, showed a decadal shift away from diatoms towards dinoflagellates. The linkages between the NAO, and changes in stratification and phytoplankton processes occur over a larger scale than previously observed.


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This study aimed to determine the role of light on the succession of the phytoplankton community during the spring bloom in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. To this end, three successive Lagrangian experiments were carried out between March and April 2003. The three experiments correspond to distinct phases of the bloom development (pre-bloom, bloom peak and post-bloom, respectively) and therefore to different trophic conditions. Phytoplankton (sampled on a daily scale) was grouped in size-based classes (pico and nano+micro) each of them were characterised in terms of chemotaxonomic composition, primary production and photophysiological properties. The phytoplankton community evolved with time changing in both size-class dominance and specie/group dominance within each size class. The bloom peak was characterised by highly dynamic condition (i.e. vertical mixing) and by the dominance of both small (pico) and large (nano and micro) diatoms, as a result of their capacity to photoacclimate to changing light regimes (‘physiological plasticity’). Concluding, we suggest that the physiological adaptation to light is the main factor driving the succession of the phytoplankton community during the first phases of the bloom (until the onset of thermal stratification) in the western Mediterranean Sea.


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Aim Recent studies have suggested that global diatom distributions are not limited by dispersal, in the case of both extant species and fossil species, but rather that environmental filtering explains their spatial patterns. Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity provides a framework in which to test these alternatives. Our aim is to test whether the structure of marine phytoplankton (diatoms, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores) assemblages across the Atlantic agrees with neutral theory predictions. We asked: (1) whether intersite variance in phytoplankton diversity is explained predominantly by dispersal limitation or by environmental conditions; and (2) whether species abundance distributions are consistent with those expected by the neutral model. Location Meridional transect of the Atlantic (50 degrees N50 degrees S). Methods We estimated the relative contributions of environmental factors and geographic distance to phytoplankton composition using similarity matrices, Mantel tests and variation partitioning of the species composition based upon canonical ordination methods. We compared the species abundance distribution of phytoplankton with the neutral model using Etienne's maximum-likelihood inference method. Results Phytoplankton communities are slightly more determined by niche segregation (24%), than by dispersal limitation and ecological drift (17%). In 60% of communities, the assumption of neutrality in species' abundance distributions could not be rejected. In tropical zones, where oceanic gyres enclose large stable water masses, most communities showed low species immigration rates; in contrast, we infer that communities in temperate areas, out of oligotrophic gyres, have higher rates of species immigration. Conclusions Phytoplankton community structure is consistent with partial niche assembly and partial dispersal and drift assembly (neutral processes). The role of dispersal limitation is almost as important as habitat filtering, a fact that has been largely overlooked in previous studies. Furthermore, the polewards increase in immigration rates of species that we have discovered is probably caused by water mixing conditions and productivity.


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Various methods have been proposed to estimate the size structure of phytoplankton in situ , each exhibiting limitations and advantages. Two common approaches are size-fractionated filtration (SFF) and analysis of pigments derived from High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and yet these two techniques have rarely been compared. In this paper, size-fractionated chlorophylls for pico- (View the MathML source<2μm), nano- (View the MathML source2–20μm) and micro-phytoplankton (View the MathML source>20μm) were estimated independently from concurrent measurements of HPLC and SFF data collected along Atlantic Meridional Transect cruises. Three methods for estimating size-fractionated chlorophyll from HPLC data were tested. Size-fractionated chlorophylls estimated from HPLC and SFF data were significantly correlated, with HPLC data explaining between 40 and 88% of the variability in the SFF data. However, there were significant biases between the two methods, with HPLC methods overestimating nanoplankton chlorophyll and underestimating picoplankton chlorophyll when compared with SFF. Uncertainty in both HPLC and SFF data makes it difficult to ascertain which is more reliable. Our results highlight the importance of using multiple methods when determining the size-structure of phytoplankton in situ, to reduce uncertainty and facilitate interpretation of data.


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Past years have seen the development of different approaches to detect phytoplankton groups from space. One of these methods, the PHYSAT one, is empirically based on reflectance anomalies. Despite observations in good agreement with in situ measurements, the underlying theoretical explanation of the method is still missing and needed by the ocean color community as it prevents improvements of the methods and characterization of uncertainties on the inversed products. In this study, radiative transfer simulations are used in addition to in situ measurements to understand the organization of the signals used in PHYSAT. Sensitivity analyses are performed to assess the impact of the variability of the following three parameters on the reflectance anomalies: specific phytoplankton absorption, colored dissolved organic matter absorption, and particles backscattering. While the later parameter explains the largest part of the anomalies variability, results show that each group is generally associated with a specific bio-optical environment which should be considered to improve methods of phytoplankton groups detection.


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Satellite remote sensing of ocean colour is the only method currently available for synoptically measuring wide-area properties of ocean ecosystems, such as phytoplankton chlorophyll biomass. Recently, a variety of bio-optical and ecological methods have been established that use satellite data to identify and differentiate between either phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) or phytoplankton size classes (PSCs). In this study, several of these techniques were evaluated against in situ observations to determine their ability to detect dominant phytoplankton size classes (micro-, nano- and picoplankton). The techniques are applied to a 10-year ocean-colour data series from the SeaWiFS satellite sensor and compared with in situ data (6504 samples) from a variety of locations in the global ocean. Results show that spectral-response, ecological and abundance-based approaches can all perform with similar accuracy. Detection of microplankton and picoplankton were generally better than detection of nanoplankton. Abundance-based approaches were shown to provide better spatial retrieval of PSCs. Individual model performance varied according to PSC, input satellite data sources and in situ validation data types. Uncertainty in the comparison procedure and data sources was considered. Improved availability of in situ observations would aid ongoing research in this field.


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Phytoplankton phenology and community structure in the western North Pacific were investigated for 2001–2009, based on satellite ocean colour data and the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. We estimated the timing of the spring bloom based on the cumulative sum satellite chlorophyll adata, and found that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)-related interannual SST anomaly in spring significantly affected phytoplankton phenology. The bloom occurred either later or earlier in years of positive or negative PDO (indicating cold and warm conditions, respectively). Phytoplankton composition in the early summer varied depending on the magnitude of seasonal SST increases, rather than the SST value itself. Interannual variations in diatom abundance and the relative abundance of non-diatoms were positively correlated with SST increases for March–April and May–July, respectively, suggesting that mixed layer environmental factors, such as light availability and nutrient stoichiometry, determine shifts in phytoplankton community structure. Our study emphasised the importance of the interannual variation in climate-induced warm–cool cycles as one of the key mechanisms linking climatic forcing and lower trophic level ecosystems.


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