24 resultados para Railway Preservation Associations


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The lengths, wet and dry weights, nitrogen and carbon contents of fresh, frozen and formaldehyde-fixed specimens of Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) were determined. Samples were collected during May 1980 in the Celtic Sea. Individual Copepodite Stages 3, 4, 5, and Adult Male and Female Stage 6 were measured and analysed, and 36 linear regression equations derived for these variables together with mean values, standard deviations and 95% confidence limits. The range of nitrogen values in the fresh material, expressed as a percentage of dry weight, ranged from 8.08%±0.80 (Copepodite Stage 3) to 10.89%±0.27 (adult female); carbon values changed from 41.6%±3.05 (mean ±95% confidence limits) for Copepodite Stage 3 to 50.97%±2.63 in Copepodite Stage 5. The adult females had a high nitrogen and relatively low carbon content, while the converse was true for Stage 5 copepodites. There was a loss of dry weight from the frozen samples (57%) and the fixed samples (38%) compared with the mean of the fresh dry weight of all stages. The material lost from the copepods was rich in nitrogen, thus, artificially high percentage carbon values were determined from the frozen and fixed samples (52.0 to 60.3% and 44.7 to 58.5%, respectively).


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The distribution of dissolved, soluble and colloidal fractions of Al and Ti was assessed by ultrafiltration studies in the upper water column of the eastern tropical North Atlantic. The dissolved fractions of both metals were found to be dominated by the soluble phase smaller than 10 kDa. The colloidal associations were very low (0.2–3.4%) for Al and not detectable for Ti. These findings are in some contrast to previous estimations for Ti and to the predominant occurrence of both metals as hydrolyzed species in seawater. However, low tendencies to form inorganic colloids can be expected, as in seawater dissolved Al and dissolved Ti are present within their inorganic solubility levels. In addition, association with functional organic groups in the colloidal phase is unlikely for both metals. Vertical distributions of the dissolved fractions showed surface maxima with up to 43 nM of Al and 157 pM of Ti, reflecting their predominant supply from atmospheric sources to the open ocean. In the surface waters, excess dissolved Al over dissolved Ti was present compared to the crustal source, indicating higher solubility and thus elevated inputs of dissolved Al from atmospheric mineral particles. At most stations, subsurface minima of Al and Ti were observed and can be ascribed to scavenging processes and/or biological uptake. The dissolved Al concentrations decreased by 80–90% from the surface maximum to the subsurface minimum. Estimated residence times in the upper 100 m of the water column ranged between 1.6 and 4 years for dissolved Al and between 14 and 17 years for dissolved Ti. The short residence times are in some contrast to the low colloidal associations of Al and Ti and the assumed role of colloids as intermediates in scavenging processes. This suggests that either the removal of both metals occurs predominantly via direct transfer of the hydrolyzed species into the particulate fraction or that the colloidal phase is rapidly turned over in the upper water column.


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Preserved and archived organic material offers huge potential for the conduct of retrospective and long-term historical ecosystem reconstructions using stable isotope analyses, but because of isotopic exchange with preservatives the obtained values require validation. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey is the most extensive long-term monitoring program for plankton communities worldwide and has utilised ships of opportunity to collect samples since 1931. To keep the samples intact for subsequent analysis, they are collected and preserved in formalin; however, previous studies have found that this may alter stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in zooplankton. A maximum ~0.9‰ increase of δ15N and a time dependent maximum ~1.0‰ decrease of δ13C were observed when the copepod, Calanus helgolandicus, was experimentally exposed to two formalin preservatives for 12 months. Applying specific correction factors to δ15N and δ13C values for similarly preserved Calanoid species collected by the CPR Survey within 12 months of analysis may be appropriate to enable their use in stable isotope studies. The isotope values of samples stored frozen did not differ significantly from those of controls. Although the impact of formalin preservation was relatively small in this and other studies of marine zooplankton, changes in isotope signatures are not consistent across taxa, especially for δ15N, indicating that species-specific studies may be required. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.