24 resultados para Cycle of the water


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Individuals of Mytilus edulis L., collected from the Erme estuary (S.W. England) in 1978, were exposed to low concentrations (7 to 68 μg l-1) of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of North Sea crude oil. The pattern of accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the body tissues was affected by the presence of algal food cells, the period of exposure, the hydrocarbon concentration in seawater, the type of body tissue and the nature of the hydrocarbon. Many physiological responses (e.g. rates of oxygen consumption, feeding, excretion, and scope for growth), cellular responses (e.g. lysosomal latency and digestive cell size) and biochemical responses (e.g. specific activities of several enzymes) were significantly altered by short-term (4 wk) and/or long-term (5 mo) exposure to WAF. Stress indices such as scope for growth and lysosomal latency were negatively correlated with tissue aromatic hydrocarbons.


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Results from plankton sampling in the northern North Sea with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) and the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder (UOR) during the Fladen Ground Experiment in 1976 (FLEX 76) are summarised. The first evidence of the spring outbreak of phytoplankton was on 19 April, the day after the first signs of vertical stability of the water column were observed. This was followed by spawning of the euphausiid Thysanoessa inermis and rapid increase in the numbers of Calanus finmarchicus. C. finmarchicus was the most abundant species over the FLEX period (19 March to 3 June) and, together with T. inermis, accounted for over 80% of the dry weight of the zooplankton standing stock. By early June the standing crop of phytoplankton had been depleted and nutrients levels were reduced to very low concentrations in the upper 50 m.


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The aim of this research was to make the first depth profiles of the microbial assimilation of methanol carbon and its oxidation to carbon dioxide and use as an energy source from the microlayer to 1000 m. Some of the highest reported methanol oxidation rate constants of 0.5–0.6 d−1 were occasionally found in the microlayer and immediately underlying waters (10 cm depth), albeit these samples also showed the greatest heterogeneity compared to other depths down to 1000 m. Methanol uptake into the particulate phase was exceptionally low in microlayer samples, suggesting that any methanol utilised by microbes in this environment is for energy generation. The sea surface microlayer and 10 cm depth also showed a higher proportion of bacteria with a low DNA content, and bacterial leucine uptake rates in surface microlayer samples were either less than or the same as those in the underlying 10 cm layer. The average methanol oxidation and particulate rates were however statistically the same throughout the depths sampled, although the latter were highly variable in the near-surface 0.25–2 m compared to deeper depths. The statistically significant relationship demonstrated between uptake of methanol into particles and bacterial leucine incorporation suggests that many heterotrophic bacteria could be using methanol carbon for cellular growth. On average, methanol bacterial growth efficiency (BGEm) in the top 25 m of the water column is 6% and decreases with depth. Although, for microlayer and 10 cm-depth samples, BGEm is less than the near-surface 25–217 cm, possibly reflecting increased environmental UV stress resulting in increased maintenance costs, i.e. energy required for survival. We conclude that microbial methanol uptake rates, i.e. loss from seawater, are highly variable, particularly close to the seawater surface, which could significantly impact upon seawater concentrations and hence the air–sea flux.


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The distribution of dissolved, soluble and colloidal fractions of Al and Ti was assessed by ultrafiltration studies in the upper water column of the eastern tropical North Atlantic. The dissolved fractions of both metals were found to be dominated by the soluble phase smaller than 10 kDa. The colloidal associations were very low (0.2–3.4%) for Al and not detectable for Ti. These findings are in some contrast to previous estimations for Ti and to the predominant occurrence of both metals as hydrolyzed species in seawater. However, low tendencies to form inorganic colloids can be expected, as in seawater dissolved Al and dissolved Ti are present within their inorganic solubility levels. In addition, association with functional organic groups in the colloidal phase is unlikely for both metals. Vertical distributions of the dissolved fractions showed surface maxima with up to 43 nM of Al and 157 pM of Ti, reflecting their predominant supply from atmospheric sources to the open ocean. In the surface waters, excess dissolved Al over dissolved Ti was present compared to the crustal source, indicating higher solubility and thus elevated inputs of dissolved Al from atmospheric mineral particles. At most stations, subsurface minima of Al and Ti were observed and can be ascribed to scavenging processes and/or biological uptake. The dissolved Al concentrations decreased by 80–90% from the surface maximum to the subsurface minimum. Estimated residence times in the upper 100 m of the water column ranged between 1.6 and 4 years for dissolved Al and between 14 and 17 years for dissolved Ti. The short residence times are in some contrast to the low colloidal associations of Al and Ti and the assumed role of colloids as intermediates in scavenging processes. This suggests that either the removal of both metals occurs predominantly via direct transfer of the hydrolyzed species into the particulate fraction or that the colloidal phase is rapidly turned over in the upper water column.